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Debutante's Technical Script

Seq. # Time Event Key Character Blocking Lights Sounds Remarks Materials to prepare Notes
1 5:00 to 5:45 PM Registration/Arrival of Coordinators / Ushers Registration area lighted cd of favorite songs Coordinators to receive gifts, give Registration Table
45 mins Guests/Receiving of and Photobooth of debutante or place cards, inform them of their Seating Plan/Group
gifts/Cocktails some cocktail music seat number or ask ushers to take Names/Place cards
them to their seats. Coordinators Gift Registration
could also inform guests to stay in Pentel Pens/Ballpens
the receiving area for cocktails List of 18s / Photobooth
while waiting for the debutante's supplier / cocktails / pica pica foods /
grand entrance. They may also place cards
have their pictures taken at the
Photobooth located near the
entrance of the venue

2 5:46 to 6:15 PM Settling of guests on their Coordinators / Ushers Entrance area Entrance area Instrumental Coordinators will ask participants
30 mins seats lighted, background of the grand cotillion to form a line
reception area at the entrance for their
dim lights introduction and entrance.
(optional) As soon as the
program starts (the emcee
speaks) the photobooth will be
asked to stop operation.

3 6:15 to 6:20 PM 5 Introduction by the emcee Coordinators/emcee Centerstage lighted none Emcee to welcome all guests. Emcee: "Good Evening Ladies and
mins /Program Area Encourage guests to finish the Gentlemen. May we have your
program. Guests are settled on attention please. We are about to
their seats already. begin Jam's 18th Birthday Party
Celebration so please find your seats
or table numbers and make
yourselves comfortable and enjoy the
rest of the evening."

"A very good evening to each and

everyone and welcome Jam's Debut
Party. We would like to thank
everyone for gracing this very
momentous occasion because as
they say, you only get to be 18 once."
Seq. # Time Event Key Character Blocking Lights Sounds Remarks Materials to prepare Notes
4 6:21 to 6:35 PM Acknowledgement of the Parents of debutante and Parents and dim lights, Instrumental Emcee to introduce the Parents of Emcee: "We would like to
15 mins Parents and other VIPs VIP family's table and spotlight to the background the debutante and other VIP. acknowledge the presence of
VIP table parents/family ____________ (VIP if there is any).
and VIP Coordinators are starting to go Thank you very much for coming to
from table to table for the guest Jam's 18th birthday party."
"Of course, this party would not have
Coordinators are also lining up been possible without the parents of
participants of the cotillion near the debutante, so give it up for Mr.
the entrance. and Mrs. ___________. Let us give
them a big round of applause." OR

"We would like to acknowledge the

key persons who took a great part in
making this joyous affair possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great
pleasure that I introduce to you the
Parents of our lovely debutante, Mr.
______ and Mrs. _________. A big
round of applause please. Thank
you very much."

5 6:36 to 6:50 PM Introduction and entrance Grand cotillion Entrance area up well-lighted Instrumental Emcee introduces participants of List of names of grand cotillion Emcee: "And now, ladies and
15 mins of the grand cotillion participants to the stage background or the grand cotillion by pairs. participants / song for grand gentlemen without further adieu, let
upbeat songs entrance us now welcome the participants of
Coordinators give them confetti for the grand cotillion as they parade in
grand entrance of debutante later all their glory."
and asks them to position
themselves at the sides of the red

Coordinators are prepping the

debutante for her grand entrance.

Coordinator makes sure that the

sound engineer will be playing the
correct song for the grand

6 6:51 to 7:00 PM GRAND ENTRANCE OF DEBUTANTE and escort Entrance area up dim lights with GRAND Emcee introduces the debutante spotlight / bubble machine / fog Emcee: "Tonight calls for a grand
10 mins THE DEBUTANTE and her (optional) to the stage spotlight to ENTRANCE SONG and asks everyone to stand up machine / confetti machine / celebration and it is our distinct
escort (escort is optional) follow the and clap. poppers / fireworks / red carpet / pleasure to introduce to you for the
debutante very first time, the reason why we are
Debutante will sit in the all gathered here tonight, ladies and
debutante's chair after applause gentlemen. So without further ado,
thins, and guests will be signaled let us all rise and give a warm round
to sit down. of applause, would you please
welcome, our lovely debutante, Jam."

6 7:01 to 7:10 PM Welcome remarks and Parents Stage well-lighted Emcee to call on the parents to Emcee: "Such a spectacular grand
10 mins toast by the Parents make a speech or a welcome entrance by our lovely debutante, I
remark or give a toast in honor of would say. And now to give a
the debutante. speech and a toast in honor of our
beautiful debutante, we would like to
ask Mr. and Mrs. __________ on the
Seq. # Time Event Key Character Blocking Lights Sounds Remarks Materials to prepare Notes
7 7:11 to 7:20 PM AVP of debutante (pictures emcee projector area lighted then avp1 Emcee to introduce AVP (describe AVP Emcee: "Some of us have been
10 mins from infancy to present) dim what it is, etc). fortunate enough to see Jam grow
and blossom into a beautiful lady, but
Coordinators make sure that the for others, here is a sneak peak of
correct AVP will be played. her 18 years of existence in one very
short AVP. Dim the lights and let us
Coordinators will signal sound all enjoy this AVP that her sister has
engineer to play AVP after prepared for her."
introduction from emcee.

Meanwhile, coordinators are

asking the participants of the
grand cotillion to go to the side of
the stage.

8 7:21 to 7:35 PM Grand cotillion DEBUTANTE and her dance area well-lighted grand cotillion song Emcee to intro grand cotillion grand cotillion song Emcee: "For everyone's
15 mins escort and participants of dance and call on participants to entertainment, our debutante and her
the grand cotillion take their place in the dance area. friends have painstakingly prepared a
wonderful dance, a cotillion fit for a
princess. So without further ado, let
us welcome our debutante and her
cotillion court."
Seq. # Time Event Key Character Blocking Lights Sounds Remarks Materials to prepare Notes
9 7:36 to 7:40 PM Invocation/Prayer before Prayer Leader Stage well-lighted none Emcee to call on prayer leader. Emcee: "Thank you very much for
5 mins Meal that very lovely dance. We are
nearing the most awaited part of the
evening, dinner… but before we
partake of the sumptuous buffet that
____________ catering has provided
for us, may we now call on Mrs. ____
to say grace.

10 7:41 to 8:20 PM Dinner and pictorials emcee / coordinators / dining area well-lighted Music from the band Emcee to call on table numbers. Emcee: "How is everybody doing so
40 mins ushers / caterer / waiters / Coordinators to cue guests to far? Is everybody happy? Is
photobooth proceed to the stage for pictorials everyone also hungry? (Yes!) There
and then head to the buffet tables. you go. Don’t worry folks, we
Guests to proceed to the stage wouldn’t be delaying your delicious
with the debutante for pictorials dinner any further. However, Jam
before proceeding to the buffet asks that you guys oblige her with a
area. picture first.

We will be calling on the table

numbers. Once your table is called,
please join Jam on stage for your
photo session with her. Have your
photo taken with her and then you
can go directly to the buffet tables
provided by ___ catering."

11 8:11 to 8:20 PM AVP of well-wishers emcee / coordinators / projector area lighted then avp2 Emcee to introduce AVP2 avp2 Emcee: "While some of you are still
10 mins sound engineer dim (describe what it is, etc). feasting on the delicious buffet and
the decadent dessert, I would like to
Coordinators make sure that the ask you to turn your attention to our
correct AVP will be played. projector for another AVP. So many
people would like to greet our
Coordinators will signal sound birthday celebrant a happy birthday
engineer to play AVP after and some of her friends have made a
introduction from emcee. very special AVP just for her. So
Jam, watch this AVP and your friends
Meanwhile, coordinators are hope you like it. Enjoy!"
asking the 18 roses to fall in line
near the stage

12 8:21 to 8:40 PM 18 ROSES 18 roses dance floor area well-lighted or 18 roses dance Emcee to introduce each 18 roses 18 roses dance song list / 18 roses Emcee: "The 18 roses signify the
30 mins dim with songs as they approach the debutante debutante’s coming of age. We have
spotlight for a dance. now come to the part of our program
that the guys have been waiting for.
A chance to hold the hand of our
lovely debutante for a short dance...
and then maybe... a kiss... so let us
not keep them waiting. Ladies and
gentlemen, the 18 roses with our
beautiful debutante."

13 8:41 to 8:45 PM FATHER AND DEBUTANTE and her dance floor area well-lighted or father and daughter Emcee to ask the father of the father and daughter dance song / Emcee: "And now ladies and
5 mins DAUGHTER DANCE father dim with dance song debutante to take his daughter for spotlight / bubble machine gentlemen, the most important man
spotlight their father and daughter dance. in Jam's life will dance with her. May
I now present Mr _________ and our
lovely debutante, Jam for their Father
and Daughter dance.

14 8:46 to 9:25 PM 18 CANDLES 18 candles Stage well-lighted or instrumental songs Emcee to call on 18 candles to the 18 candles Emcee: "The 18 candles signify the
30-40 mins slightly dim for stage. 18 women that will be her guiding
the candles to light in her journey towards fulfilling
be seen her dreams. Ladies and gentlemen,
the 18 candles."
Seq. # Time Event Key Character Blocking Lights Sounds Remarks Materials to prepare Notes
15 9:26 to 9:40 PM SINGING OF BIRTHDAY DEBUTANTE cake area well-lighted happy birthday song Coordinators will cue in Happy birthday song / 18 candles / cake / Emcee: Happy birthday song.
15 mins SONG, BLOWING OF 18 Birthday song as everybody joins cake cutter "Happy Birthday Jam! Let us give 18
CANDLES AND CUTTING in the singing. Debutante stands claps for Jam.. Thank you very
OF THE BIRTHDAY CAKE up to acknowledge the greeting much. You can now blow your 18
and after the song, goes to the 18 candles and make a wish. It is now
candles to blow them one by one. time to cut the cake. As Jam has
Emcee will now call on the reached the age of maturity, she will
debutante to approach the cake now cut the cake and give a portion
area for the cutting of the cake. to her parents as a symbol of her
love and gratefulness to them."

16 9:41 to 10:10 pm GAMES (can be emcee / ushers / game stage or dance well-lighted would depend on Debutante is seated on her would depend on the game
30 mins insterspersed within the participants floor the game debutante's chair. Emcee will
program) introduce the game, describe how
it is played and pick participants
among the guests. Coordinators
will usher participants to go to the

17 10:11 to 10:15 pm DEBUTANTE's SPEECH DEBUTANTE stage well-lighted none or some Debutante thanks everybody for debutante's speech Emcee: "And now a word from our
5 mins instrumental coming and asks them to party lovely debutante, Jam."
background with her for the rest of the night.
16 10:16 onwards PARTY/EVERYBODY ON everyone dance floor area disco lights Dance music Emcee to thank everyone for And with that our program has
THE DANCE FLOOR coming and staying till the officially concluded. We would like to
program is finished. thank Jam's suppliers who have
made this momentous night a
success. We would like to thank you
all for making it to this wonderful
celebration of Jam's 18th birthday.
For those who are going home, may
God bless you. Be safe everyone.
And for those who are staying, the
night is young and the floor is now
open for dancing. This is your host,
_____, signing off. Thank you and
have a blessed night."

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