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Question 4

Is registration of a trade union by the Director-General of Trade Unions (DGTU) automatic?

According to TRADE UNION ACT 1959 section 12, the registration process of trade unions is
not automatic process and Director-General of Trade Unions may refuse registration if any
of the union’s objectives are unlawful or if any part of the constitution of the union conflicts
with the TUA. Moreover, if the name of the union is undesirable or identical to another
union already existing or if the name is deceiving or if the union is seems to be used for
unlawful purposes Director-General has the discretion to refuse the application of
registration. Furthermore, He can refuse to register a union if he is not satisfied that the
union has complied with the TRADE UNION ACT or its regulations.

The Director-General of Trade Unions has very wide powers in respect of registration of
trade unions. Section 12 of the Trade Unions Act allows the Director –General to refuse to
register a particular trade union. He shall refuse to register a trade union even if it has
complied with all requirements if he is satisfied that there is already another trade union
representing the workers in that particular trade or industry or if he believes there should
be another union in the interests of the workmen.

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