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Muskaan Khurana



Name of the course- Digital marketing (google garage)

Week 3 (7 Modules)

Day and Module Objective of Learning Tasks/Assign Learning outcome

Date Name the Module ments/work
Monday Get noticed To Learnt how 1.Marketing to - Local businesses sell products and services
April 13th locally understand to market to the locals to people who live nearby.
Day 13 (module 1) how to get the locals 2.The power - These businesses used to rely on phonebook
noticed and power of of local to connect with customers looking for their
locally local directories products and services.
directories - Nowadays people look for things online by
sitting on a sofa and using their laptops and all
the local businesses listings will appear in their
search results and if the person is looking for
the business on the phone and the directions
towards the place, he can use google maps
and navigate to reach the shop.
- Local directories are a great way for local
businesses to connect with their potential
customers. The first step is to create a listing in
local directories.
- You must include the business name, phone
number and the address for a customer to
actually recognize your business.
- Sometimes the search engines ask you to
verify your business to understand that it
actually exists. 

Tuesday Help To Learnt how 1.Using digital - Advertisements are a must if you want people
April 14th people understand to advertise to advertise to notice you and approach your business.
Day 14 nearby find how to locally locally - If you want people to notice you locally as a
you online digitally 2.Reaching bicycle shop, you should create an ad which is
(module 2) advertise locals on their noticed locally instead of wasting your money
locally and mobiles and showing the ad to people in different
reach locals 3.SEO for local countries.
on their business - You can bid on search engines to show your
phones ad when people type in certain search terms,
and all of the major search engines allow you
to limit your ads showing to only people in
certain locations and geographies.
- You can also upload your ad on social media
to get noticed locally and the local directory
and review websites offer advertising
opportunities as well. Over and above your
listing, which is usually free, you can often pay
a little more to get your ad shown in premium
locations like search results or even on your
competitors’ listings.
- Taking an example of local ads, suppose your
cycle breaks down and you want to get it fixed
in the closest shop available. The marketer can
add certain features which are available to the
customer on the phone and easy to use. It
could allow the customer to schedule
appointments or even order accessories.
- Adding relevant content goes a long way for a
digital marketer, it helps customers and
prospects connect with your business.
- As you add more local information to your
website, and search engines recognise its
relevance to local searchers, the chances of
appearing in the local results may increase,

Wednesd Get noticed To Learnt how 1.Social media - Online networks, or “social media” as we call it,
ay with social understand to choose basics allow people to link, interact, share and exchange
April 15th media social media the right site 2.The right information. They’ve quickly become something
Day 15 (module 3) basics and and set goals social media we can’t seem to live without.
which site is sites for you - Social media can be a platform that lets you talk
perfect for a 3.Setting goals directly to your customers and prospective
digital for social customers alike, share content, get involved in
marketer media conversations, build trust, reach more people, grow
4.Getting on your sphere of influence, and ultimately understand
social media your customers better.
- Social media can also help you build trust with
your audience. Social media provides an
opportunity for your customers and fans to promote
your products.
- Content sharing networks give potential customers
information they can sink their teeth into: facts,
figures, graphics, reviews, and things like that. 
- The big networks like Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and others have lots
of users, so you’re likely to find lots of people
- Social media isn’t a one-way street. You also have
to participate and give back to your new network of
friends and followers.
- Social networks for businesses can be a little
different than social networks for individuals. 
- Before you sign up, check into whether the
network you’re joining distinguishes between
businesses and individuals and generally it’s best to
use your business email address to do this so you
can keep your personal and professional accounts

Thursday Deep dive To Learnt how 1.Your long- - If social media is all about raising awareness
April 16th into social understand to measure term social for you, make sure your posts are designed to
Day 16 media how to success and media plan do that. On the other hand, if social media is
(module 4) advertise avoid certain 2.Advertising more of a way for you to deepen relationships
correctly on pitfalls on social with your existing fans and customers, your
social media media. posts are going to look quite different.
and avoid 3.Measuring - To actually succeed in social media
social media success in platforms, the marketer has to put in a lot of
pitfalls social media work and dedication.
4.Avoiding - Most of the times when customers repost
social media about your product it is more likely to succeed
pitfalls because it adds more weight to your brand.
- Social media sites provide great options for
targeting ads or content to very specific
audiences, and that’s a great way to make sure
we’re investing our marketing budget wisely.
- You should always track your impact of social
media campaign but it's very complicated.
Using analytics makes it easier to do so.
- By looking at the data and reports available in
many social networks, you can learn a lot
about who your connections are, how they
behave, and how they consume or interact with
the content you’re providing.
- Logging into every single network and looking
at the data and reports in each one separately
can be time-consuming and tricky. 
- A tool called social media monitoring will help
the marketer. It can help you identify social
networks you might want to participate in.
- Web analytics tools will generally pick up the
trail as soon as someone hits your website,
and many of them will automatically track when
visitors are coming from social media sites.
That means that if you’re tracking what people
are doing on your website, you can see how
many visitors from Facebook or Twitter are not
just arriving on your website, but also
submitting your contact form, buying items
from your online store, or downloading your
monthly PDF newsletter.
- There are some rules to social media. The
first one being that everything on social media
isn’t about you (the marketer). If you’re a
business, remember that anyone who follows
you on social media is already interested in
you. There’s no need to aggressively sell. Just
focus on providing a good experience and
keeping their attention.
- Pitfall: Don’t spread yourself too thin on social
media. With all the networks out there, there
are almost unlimited opportunities to talk to
customers, but those conversations take time.

Friday Discover To Learnt how 1.The - If you want to increase brand awareness,
April 17th the understand to create evolution of encourage customer loyalty, or grow your
Day 17 possibilities about how campaigns mobile devices revenues. Mobile devices can offer your
of mobile. mobile for mobile 2.Understandi business numerous opportunities to reach the
(module 5) devices have and display ng mobile web right customers, in the right place, at the right
& evolved over campaigns and mobile time.
Make time and on mobile. apps. - People today access the Internet on mobiles
mobile how we can 3.Understandi more often than computers. Bottom line: Your
work for use mobile ng mobile business website needs to be mobile-friendly. 
you advertising apps - There are many options available, but most
(module 6) correctly to 4.Introduction search engines prefer something called
attract for advertising “responsive design.”
customers on mobile - A responsive website adapts itself depending
5.Search on the size of a viewer's screen. When you
campaigns for have a responsive site, you don’t have to
create separate sites for computers and
campaigns for
- Mobile SEO includes the same factors you’d
consider for standard websites, like relevant
7.Social media
content. But what’s crucial for mobile site
campaigns for
optimisation, is performance and usability.
8. Video for
Performance is how quickly a site loads, and
mobile this can be impacted by many thing, such as
overly large images and file sizes.
- Usability refers to a visitor’s experience using
your site. Generally speaking, if your site has a
good mobile user experience, it will be more
likely to appear in mobile search results.
- Mobile apps are applications that can be
downloaded and installed onto a mobile.
- The apps typically provide a specific function
that’s not as easily accomplished on a web
browser. They are often integrated with
common smartphone features, like the camera
or GPS.
- One of the main benefits of apps is that they
can send messages to a person’s mobile, even
when they’re not using the app. These are
called “push notifications”. You could use them
to send your customers reminders when the
latest films are released, or announce special
discounted show times.
- An app for your business can help increase
customer loyalty. You can actively
communicate with customers and help them
make purchases easily on their mobile devices.
- Advertising to users on mobile devices can
help you achieve a lot of different things. For
example, mobile advertising can help you get
more phone calls and inquiries. Or drive more
people into your shop or website. It can also
get more people to download your mobile app.
- Your business’ approach to mobile
advertising will depend a lot on your specific
audience, and your overall business goals.
- You can also use display ads to target people
who are browsing mobile sites. The ads can
appear in text, image or video form, on those
- Since mobile ads are naturally small, they
should present a strong, concise message with
a clear call to action. You can even advertise to
people while they are using mobile apps. 
- Another useful trick is customising ads. That
way, they’ll work well across a variety of
screens. One way to do this is to use short,
clear text in your ads. You can also use what
are called “ad extensions”. These are special
features that will help people call you, or get
directions to your shop’s address. These
features will automatically resize themselves to
best fit any device.
- Running search ads on phones can help your
business in many ways but you need to make
sure some things are taken care of. The
loading speed should be fast because no
customer likes waiting. Make sure your website
looks and works the way it should on all types
of mobiles. Last, your site should be really
easy to use for people on mobiles. That means
nice big buttons that are easy to see and click,
minimizing typing, and clear navigation options.
If your website doesn’t tick all these boxes,
then you have to change it because if you don’t
address these issues now, you’ll be spending
money to send people to a poor website
- Display advertisements are all about
capturing the attention of people browsing
content online.
- The marketer might have to experiment with
the ad in order to make sure it works on the
phone. He can play with the fonts and right
kind of ad formats.
- Display ads on mobile are evolving rapidly, as
new technologies reshape the landscape.
There are multiple mobile ad networks that you
can use, such as Google Ads or InMobi.
- The fourth topic of this module talks about
how to build a social media campaign. The first
step is to determine which social media sites
you want to use. Social networks serve
different purposes, like growing personal
relationships, content sharing—some focused
on particular types of content, like images or
videos— and professional networking. 
- Then, take advantage of audience targeting
features. Social media advertising solutions
like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook offer
various targeting options to help you get your
ads in front of the right people.
- Finally, create ads with mobile in mind.
People are more likely to visit social media
sites on mobile devices. So your messages
have to be optimised for viewing on small
- The last topic of the module speaks about
video advertising and how video advertising on
mobile devices presents a valuable marketing
opportunity for businesses. Video ads can be
more engaging, and provide more information
than traditional ad formats.
- When you are thinking about what video
content to make there are some things to keep
in mind.
- First, make it relevant. You’ll want to create
content that your audience will be interested in.
Next, keep it short. Attention spans are limited,
so you want to time your ads appropriately.
Finally, have a clear call to action in your video.
Be sure to tell the audience what they should
do next so they stay engaged.

Saturday Get started To Learnt how 1.Introduction - Content marketing is a great way to help you
April 18th with understand to know the to content attract your audience’s attention.
Day 18 content what is online marketing - Content marketing is based on the creation and
marketing content customers 2.Get to know sharing of online material, like videos, blogs, and
(module 7) marketing and write for your online social media posts. It’s designed to generate interest
and how to online customers in a company’s products or services by capturing
choose the audiences 3.Choosing the people’s attention. It can also help to increase sales
right format right format by directing traffic to your website, boost awareness
for the for your of your brand and build trust and recognition
content content amongst your audience.
4. Writing for - Great content campaigns are based on
online understanding who you’re writing for. The more
audiences you know about your audience and share their
5. Help your passions, as well as their pains, the easier it will be
content be to engage them on a personal level.
- The key to success is creating a content marketing
6. Measuring
campaign that accomplishes three things: (1)
your success in
answering your audience’s questions, (2) providing
something of value and (3) keeping them wanting
- Segmentation involves dividing your audience
into groups of who they are and what they like.
Rather than spending time and money targeting a
wide range of people, segmentation helps to
identify the groups most interested in your product
or service. The result is a more cost effective and
persuasive way to connect with potential customers.
- The next step would be to create content with that
specific group in mind.
- Understanding the habits and preferences of an
audience can help you target content directly to that
specific group of people.
- Another benefit is being able to pinpoint audience
behaviour and using this information to refine your
marketing approach. 
- The 3rd topic of this module talks about how
online content can take lots of different forms.
Whatever format you choose, the purpose of
content is always the same - to connect with an
audience. This audience, in turn, will engage, share,
learn, and perhaps even convert into customers.
- Blogs are typically published as a subsection of an
existing website, and can include original content or
guest-authored content. Writing unique, quality
blog posts can help increase publicity and give you
interesting content to share across other channels,
like social media
- Infographics are informative and a great way to
present knowledge visually. Ebooks are
educational, easy-to-read guides focused on a
specific topic. There are many other content formats
to consider, including: press releases, webinars,
reviews and case studies. 
- When it comes to creating content, there are some
key differences between writing for online
audiences and offline audiences. To capture your
online audience's attention, you’ll need to adapt the
way you approach writing. For example, while
reading a long article in a newspaper could be
enjoyable, reading multi-page articles online are
more likely to be frustrating. 
- Start with a good hook that clearly explains to the
reader what they can expect. A great hook or
opening sentence is important to draw people in. 
- Another valuable tip is to incorporate a “call to
action”, or CTA. CTAs are short statements
designed to entice a website visitor to take a
specific action, so you should make them as
creative and persuasive as possible. It could be
‘start now’ or ‘sign up today’. 
- Before you start creating a content promotion
plan, it’s important to consider the channels
available. Identifying channels by Owned, Earned
and Paid categories is a great place to start.
- Earned channels refers to anything that’s picked
up by a third party, such as another blogger that
shares your content. Earned channels can boost the
reach of content and add credibility.
- Paid channels refers to promotion you pay for.
This can allow you to target campaigns to a specific
audience, based on your goals and budgets. 
- The last topic of this module talks about
measuring your success. The first thing to do is to
identify your goals and objectives, and make sure
they’re measurable and tractable.
- Explore specific metrics that could help improve
your content marketing. Consider where your
visitors are located, their age and gender
demographics, how long they spend on a specific
webpage and what they search for when they land
on your site.
- Some of the metrics you could track are: - the
number of page views the blog receives - the
number of transactions made on the site - the
number of visitors that come to their website from
social media channels.
- Try comparing your metrics to previous results,
such as last month’s blog posts or the number of
online transactions made during the last quarter.
Tracking against past results will give you a clearer
indication of whether new strategies are truly

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