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At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
a. Convert from a fraction to a percent
b. Covert from a decimal to a percent
c. Convert from a percent to a decimal
d. Convert from a percent to a fraction

II. Subject Matter

a. Subject: Mathematics
b. Grade level: 6
c. Topic: Fractions, Decimal, and Percent
d. Reference: 21st Century Mathletes (pp. 88-90)
e. Materials: Manila Paper, cartolina and printed pictures
f. Duration: 50 minutes

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

a. Prayer
- Let’s us all stand and pray. - In the name of the father and
the son and the holy spirit
Our father in heaven, hallowed be
your name. Your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread, and forgive us our
debt, as we also have forgiven
our debtors. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen. (Sign of the cross)
b. Greetings
- Good morning class. - Good morning ma’am!
- You may now take your seat - Thankyou ma’am.
c. Review
- So what was our previous topic - Proportion involving word
yesterday? problems.
- Very good.
d. Motivation
- Okay, I will be going to divide
the class into two, and this will
be the group 1 and group 2.
Each group will solve the
problem and the first group who
solve first and got the correct
answer will have plus points for
the quiz later. - Ok ma’am.

Anna pay 16 dollars for 8 Hersey’s

chocolates. How much would be
cost if she buy 11 Hersey’s Group 1 :
chocolates? 16:8 = x:11
(16)(11) = (8)(x)

175 8x
- You may finish first but let’s see 8 8
group 1 if you got the correct
answer r or else group 2 will 21 = x
have plus points for the quiz
later. Group 2 :
16:8 = x:11
- Let’s see everyone. (16)(11) = (8)(x)

- The group who got the correct 176 8x

answer is group 2. 8 8

- Very good group 2 you will have 22 = x

plus points for the quiz later.
e. Presentation
- So our topic for this morning is
about Fractions, Decimals and
- So everyone are you familiar - Percentage
with this sign? What sign is
- Let’s see if that is his name.
- Do you know that percent
comes from the Latin term “per
centum”. Which means per
hundred. We can write percent
as a fraction with a denominator
of 100. The symbol % called the
percent sign.
- And yes, we call it percent.
- In general, the notation n%
means “n per hundred”.
- Also there are different ways to
express percent. It can be
expressed using ratio, fraction
notation and decimal notation.
f. Discussion
- I have here a figure:

- 20

- All in all it is 100, can you count

how many box are shaded in
the figure?
- Very good. So all in all there are
20 boxes that shaded.
- The figure in the board shows
that a whole is divided into 100
equal parts. Each part is of
the whole or 1 out of 100 parts.
We can also say that each part
is 1% of the whole. In the
figure, 20 parts out of a
hundred are shaded. This
means or 20%.

- So if I have how can we
4 - 25
convert this fraction into - 25%
percent. - 60
- To get the percentage we must - 60%
think of a number that can be
multiplied by the denominator
that will result to 100. Then,
multiply the same number by
the numerator and write as

1 1 x 25 25
= = = 25%
4 4 x 25 100 - 7
- 20
5 30 30 x 20 600 7
5 = = = = 6% -
5 5 5 x 20 100 20

- How about if I have 35% and

convert this percent to a
- To write percent as a fraction
where n is the given percent
and we will going to write its
lowest terms if needed. - 35%

35 35÷ 5 7
35% = = =
100 100÷ 5 20

- If I have 0.35 as a decimal how

can I convert this decimal into
- Just multiply the decimal
number by 100, then write the
percent sign. - Move the decimal point to the
left once.
0.35=0.35x100=35% - 2.5

- And lastly, this is the simple out - None, so far.

of the 3. If I have 25% how can
I convert this into decimal?
- We can simply move the
decimal point to the left of the
dividend depending on the
number of zero(s) we have in
our divisor.


- So, very good. Are there any

questions or clarifications in the
g. Application
- Ok, now get your math
notebook and answer the

Fraction to percent:
3 - 40%
10 - 870%
2. 2
10 43
Percent to fraction: 50
3. 96% 5
4. 36% 2
Decimal to percent:
5. 1.55 - 125%
6. 0.86 - 263%
Percent to decimal:
7. 85 - 8.5
8. 132 - 1.32

- Very good everyone.

h. Generalization
- So again, what topic that we - Fractions, Decimals and
discuss for today’s lesson? percent

- And what are the four - Fractions to percent

conversion parts of our lesson? - Percent to fraction
- Decimal to percent
- Percent to decimal
- Very good
- Can we apply its importance - Yes, ma’am.
into our daily lives?
- Then very well said.

IV. Evaluation
Complete the following tables.
Fraction Decimal Percent
3. 0.44
4. 0.08
5. 78 %
V. Assignment
Complete the following tables.

Fraction Decimal Percent

1. 8.5%
2. 0.125
3. 0.1825
4. 88.67%
5. 93.09%

West City Central School

Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

Banghay Aralin
Filipino VI

Alanna Jane S. Ortiz

Student Teacher

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