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1. congratulate on – to praise someone for an accomplishment or other positive

Example: I congratulate you on winning the tournament.

2. agree to – to think that something is the right thing to do

Example: I agree to your proposal.

3. agree with – to think that something is the right thing to do

Example: I don’t agree with you.

4. agree on – accept someone’s idea or situation

Example: I hope you can agree on the terms of this contract.

5. discussion on – process of discussing something

Example: Today, we will be having a discussion on the topic of stress.

6. comment on – something that you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains
something or somebody
Example: She made useful comments on my work.

7. enrol for – to put yourself or someone else on to the official list of members of a
course, college or group
Example: I enrolled for the modern art course.

8. amount to – to add up to something, to make something as a total

Example: His earnings amount to Rs.6 lakhs per annum.
9. frustrated with – directed the emotions towards someone
Example: He is frustrated with me.

10. knocked at – hit a door/window with one’s hand to draw one’s attention
Example: He knocked at the door.

11. abide by – to accept or obey an agreement, decision or rule

Example: The competitors must abide by the decision of the judge.

12. abide with – to stay or remain with someone

Example: You are welcome to abide with me for a while.

13. accused of – to say that somebody has done something wrong, especially of
committing a crime
Example: Sheela is accused of murder.

14. amuse at – to entertain or get attracted by something or someone

Example: Keerthi was amused at the merry-go-round.

15. annoy at –upset or irritate

Example: I was annoyed at your loud music.

16. appeal to – to make a formal request

Example: I will appeal to the college authorities.

17. apologise to – to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has
caused problems or unhappiness for them
Example: I must apologise to Dhilip for my lateness.
18. aversion to – a feeling of strong dislike or of not willing to do something
Example: I felt an instant aversion to his cousin.

19. condemn to – to assign one a particular fate or punishment

Example: Criminals have been condemned to a life of hard labour.

20. angry with – having strong feelings about something that you dislike or about an
unfair situation
Example: David was angry with himself for letting others to see his true feelings.

21. according to – as stated by

Example: According to me, they’re not getting on very well at the moment.

22. affection for – a gentle feeling of fondness or liking

Example: She had an affection for the old lady.

23. alternative to – if one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used or
done instead of the second
Example: There is no alternative to siddha medicine.

24. capable of – having ability, fitness or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified

Example: I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.

25. confidence in – a belief or conviction on a person

Example: I have great confidence in you

26. confident of – feeling or showing certainity about something

Example: Victor and Mary are confident of their happy life.
27. fond of – having a liking for or love of someone or something.
Example: She grew quite fond of him.

28. hindrance to – a thing that provides resistance or delay or obstruction to someone or

Example: The political party stands as a hindrance to the development process.

29. qualified for – meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an
office or position or task
Example: Solomon is qualified for the post.

30. result of – something that happens or exists because of something else that has
Example: As a result of his hardwork Madhan obtained good marks.

31. overwhelm with – to affect someone’s emotions in a powerful way

Example: After knowing the result, Sri’s eyes were overwhelmed with joy.

32. reconcile with – to bring something into harmony

Example: The accountants were not able to reconcile with the expense.

33. search for – look carefully for something or someone

Example: Vignesh searched for Thara in every nook and corner of the city.

34. vex at – make someone feel annoyed, frustrated or worried, especially with trivial
Example: Mano said that he was vexed at the behaviour of Mani.

35. warned of – to make someone realize a possible danger or problem, especially one in
the future
Example: He has been warned of the risk.
36. yield to – to agree to do something that you do not want to do or should not do
Example: It is very easy to yield to temptation.

37. disposed of – to get rid of ; discord

Example: The medical waste should be disposed of by burning.

38. want for – to be without someone or something

Example: She certainly will never want for friends.

39. deal with: to have something as a subject

Example: The film deals with some serious problems.

40. drop off – to leave something or someone in their destination

Example: I can drop you off at your work place.

41. get along with – to have friendly relationship with someone

Example: I will easily get along with my peer group.

42. dip into – take money out of your savings

Example: I’ve had to dip into my saving account to pay the workers.

43. dip out: leave a place without telling anyone

Example: The party was so dull, I dipped out.

44. drag on – be unnecessarily long

Example: The meeting dragged on for more than two hours.
45. draw in – get dark earlier
Example: Due to winter, the night is drawing in.

46. draw into – get involved in something unpleasant

Example: I don’t want to be drawn into their argument.

47. eat up – consume

Example: This car eats up more petrol.

48. fell apart – break into pieces

Example: The box fell apart when I picked it up.

49. gear up – get ready for a busy period

Example: The shops are gearing up for the newyear sale.

50. head off – leave somewhere to go to another place

Example: After work, he headed off to the church.

51. head out – go out

Example: We are heading out at seven, so don’t be late.

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