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Simplified Space Combat

Movement requires spending movement points, no momentum

Two-dimensional movement only
Any number of ships fit in a hex, no ramming
Keep track of damage to your ship
Write down how many energy points you're spending in advance,
for each turn

Carries two, pilot and gunner
Moves 0, 1, 2 or 3 hexes per turn
Acceleration/Deceleration +/- 1 hex per turn
A one-hexface change costs one movement point
The fighter must move one hex between hexface changes
Shields absorb one hit, and are then burned out
The fighter-trainer has two hit points itself
At zero hit points it is dead in space, at negatives its hull is ruptured
The laser gets one shot per turn, 360 radius
Laser range three hexes, hits 33% (1-2 on d6), does one point of damage
Pilot may attempt to dodge an otherwise successful hit, 1 on a d6 chance

Stinger Fighter
Stat Changes:
Single Crewman
Shields absorb two hits before burning out
Laser range four hexes
Trained Crew changes:
Laser hits 50% (1-3 on d6)
Pilot may attempt to dodge an otherwise successful hit, 1-2 on a d6 chance

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