CE2021 2marks

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Department of Civil Engineering


Part – A (Questions and Answers)


1. Define Hydrology.
Hydrology means science of water. It is the science that deals with occurrence,
distribution and movement of water is on, above and beneath the earth.

2 Define Hydrologic cycle.

Hydrologic cycle is the water transfer cycle which occurs continuously in nature. The
three important phases of the hydrologic cycle are
 Evaporation and evapotranspiration
 Precipitation and
 Runoff

3. What is the objective of the hydrological study?

* Estimation of water resources
* Study the processes such as precipitation, runoff, evaporation, transpiration,
infiltration and their interactions.
* Study of floods, droughts and strategies to combat them
* Hydro power

4. What is the importance of hydrology?

The importance of hydrology is the assessment, development, utilization and
management of water resources of any region.

5. Enlist the various phases of a hydrological cycle?

i) Precipitation ii) Infiltration iii) Evaporation
iv)Transpiration v) Runoff

6. Define Precipitation?
Any form of moisture reaching the earth surface is called precipitation. The usual
forms of precipitation are rainfall, snow, hail, sleet, frost, dew etc.

7. Define infiltration?
It is defined as the process by which water enters the sub-surface strata of the
earth. The infiltrated water first meet the soil moisture deficiency and there after moves
vertically downwards to reach the ground water table.

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8. Define evaporation?
It is the process by which water from liquid state passes into vapour state under
the action of sunrays.

9. Define transpiration?
The process by which water passes from liquid to vapour through plant
metabolism is termed as transpiration.

10. Define runoff?

It is the precipitation excess after meeting the demands of evaporation,
transpiration and infiltration

11. Enlist the various forms of precipitation?

The usual forms of precipitation are
i) Rainfall ii) Drizzle iii) Hail iv) Dew
v) Glaze vi) Snow vii) Frost

12. What are all the types of precipitation?

i) Cyclonic precipitation ii) Convective precipitation
iii) Oragraphic precipitation iv) Frontal precipitation

13. How the precipitation can be measured?

It can be measured by rain gauge. The rain gauge may be
i) Recording type rain gauge ii) Non- recording type rain gauge

14. What are all the demerits of Non- recording type rain gauge?
It does not give information regarding
 Beginning of the rain
 End of the rain
 Intensity of rainfall

15. Enlist the three types of recording type rain gauge?

* Tipping bucket * Weighing bucket * Floating bucket

16. Write short notes on rain gauge density?

It is the no. of rain gauges is to erected in an given area

Rain gauge density = No. of rain gauges / Area

17. What are all the methods available to find the average depth of precipitation
over an area?
i) Arithmetic mean method ii) Thiessen polygon method
iii) Isohyetal method

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18. Define isohyet?

An isohyet is the line joining the points of equal rainfall.

19. What is the use of Double mass curve?

It is used to check the consistency of the rainfall record. In double mass curve a
graph is drawn between the cumulative value of average rainfall of base stations as the
abscissa against the corresponding cumulative value of rainfall of the station under test as

20. Define Hyetograph?

It is a plot of rainfall intensity against time interval. It is derived from mass curve
and is usually represented as bar chart. It is used to predict the extreme floods.

21. Write short notes on intensity-duration curves?

Short duration – High intensity
Long duration – Less intensity

22. What is the use of frequency analysis?

It is used to find the probability of occurrence of extreme rainfall. The probability
of occurrence of rainfall whose magnitude is equal to or greater than specified magnitude
is given by

T = N+1/m where T = Return period

m= Rank
N= No. of years of rainfall record Define

23. What is a Catchments area?

It is an area of land where stream or a water course at a given location

drain in it is also known as drainage area or drainage basin or water shed.

24.Write short note on Divide.

It is the ridge which separates a catchments area from its surrounding

25.Define Front

A front is the interface between two distinct air masses under certain
favorable conditions when a warm air mass and cold air mass meet. The warms
air mass is lifted over the colder one warmer air cools adiabatically with the
consequent formation of clouds and precipitation.

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26.Write short note on cyclones.

A cyclone is a large low pressure region with circular wind motion. Two
types of cyclones are recognized, tropical cyclones and extra tropical cyclones.

27.Define Anticyclones.

These are regions of high pressure, usually of large areal extent. The
weather is usually calm at the centre, anticyclones cause clockwise wind
circulations in the northern hemisphere, winds are of moderate speed and at the
outer edges cloudy land precipitation conditions exist.

28.How does the average intensity of rainfall obtained from mass curve.

If any tow points on the rainfall mass curve are jointed by a straight line
the slope of that line gives the average intensity of rainfall for the time period
between those points denoted by ‘I’
I = ∆p/ ∆t

29.State Hydrologic equation?

The Hydrologic equation is simply the statement of the law of conservation of
mass and is given by

Where I = Infolw
O = Outflow
S = Change in storage

30. Define air front?

The surface of contact between two air masses or between an air mass and the
surrounding atmosphere is called air front.



1. Define rainfall intensity.

The rate at which the rainfall is accumulating at any given instant of time
is called the rainfall intensity at that time.

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2. Enlist the factors affecting evaporation?

i) Temperature ii) Wind
iii) Atmospheric pressure iv) Soluble salts

3. Enumerate the methods used to estimate the amount of evaporation from a water
i) Evaporimeters ii) Analytical methods iii) Empirical formulae

3. Write short notes on evaporimeters?

It is a device used to measure evaporation. These are water containing chambers
which are exposed to atmosphere and the loss of water by evaporation is measured at
regular intervals.

4. Enlist the types of evaporimeters?

i) Class A evaporation pan ii) ISI standard pan
iii) Colarodo sunken pan iv) US geological survey floating pan

5. Define pan coefficient?

Pan coefficient = Lake evaporation / Pan evaporation

6. State the Daltons law of evaporation?

It states that the rate of evaporation is proportional to the difference between the
saturation vapour pressure to the actual vapour pressure of air.

7. Name the analytical methods of determining the lake evaporation?

* Water budget method * Energy balance method

8. How will you reduce the evaporation from a water surface?

i) Reduction of surface ii) Mechanical covers iii) Chemical films

9. What are all the factors affecting transpiration?

i) Atmospheric pressure ii) Wind iii) Sunshine
iv) Temperature v) Characteristics of plants

10. Enlist the instruments used tomeasure transpiration?

* Lysimeter * Field plots

11. Define infiltration capacity?

The maximum rate at which the ground can absorb water is called infiltration

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12. Enumerate the factors affecting infiltration capacity?

i) Compaction ii) Surface cover iii) Temperature
iv) Characteristics of soil v) Nature of water

13. Define infiltrometer and mention its types?

Infiltrometres are the devices used to measure infiltration. There are two kinds of
i) Flooding type infiltrometer ii) Rainfall simulator

14. Write short notes on Hortons equation?

Horton developed the mathematical expression defining the infiltration capacity
was given by

15. Define o index?

It is the average rainfall above which rainfall volume equals the runoff volume.

16. Write short note on rainfall hyetograph.

The instantaneous rainfall intensity is usually denoted by (i) and expressed

in mm/ hrs. A graph showing the variation of rainfall intensity with time is called
a rainfall hyetograph.

17. Define rainfall mass curve.

A graph showing the cumulative depth of rainfall against time is known as

the rainfall mass curve.

18.Define point rainfall or station rainfall.

The rainfall obtained from a single rain gauge station is known as the point
rainfall or station rainfall

19.Define Normal rainfall

The normal rainfall is the average value of rainfall at a particular date, month or
year over a specified 30 year period. It is recomputed every decade.

20.What is a DAD curve ?

The average depth of rainfall are plotted against the areas up to the
encompassing Isohyets. The curves of maximum depth verses area , with duration are
called DAD curves.

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21.Define PMP.

It has been defined as that depth of precipitation which for a given area
and duration can be reached but not exceeded under known meteorological
22.List out the methods available for estimating missing data.

i. Interpolation from isohyetal maps.

ii. Arithmetic average method.
iii. Normal ratio method.
iv. Inverse distance method.
v. Regression method.
23.Write down the approaches used for estimating the PMP.
Basically two approaches are used for estimating the PMP. They are

i. Meteorological Methods
ii. The statistical study of rainfall data.

24.Explain W index
This is refined version of o index. It includes depression storage and
interception from total losses. It is the average infiltrating rate during the time rainfall
intensity exceeds the capacity rate.
W = P – Q – S / tf where W = Average rate of infiltration
P = Total storm rainfall
Q = Total storm runoff
S = Volume of depression storage
Tf = Total time during which rainfall intensity is
greater than W

25.What is an infiltrating capacity curve?

The infiltrating rates are plotted against their time intervals as a bar diagram.By
joining the mid points of the bars we get the approximate infiltration capacity curv

26. Define Transpiration ratio?

Transpiration ratio = Weight of water transpired / Weight of dry matter produced
The average value of transpiration ratio being 700
27. Write short notes on water balance method?
According to Horton’s water balance equation

E = I- Q – S where E = Evaporation
I = Inflow
O = Out flow and
S = Change in storage

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1. Define runoff?
The portion of the precipitation which appears in the surface either perennial or
intermittent in nature is called runoff. The unit of runoff is cumecs.

2. Enlist the components of runoff?

i) Channel precipitation ii) Direct runoff iii) Overland flow
iv) Base flow v) Inter flow

3. What is direct runoff?

That part of the runoff which enters the stream immediately after precipitation

4. Explain base flow

The flow reaches a stream essentially as ground water flow is called base flow.

5. What is perennial stream.

A perennial stream is one which always carries some flow. There is
considerably some amount of groundwater throughout the layer.

6. What is an ephemeral stream?

A stream which becomes dry soon after the end of the precipitation. There will
not be any base flow contribution.

7. What is meant by precipitation excess?

That part of precipitation which contributes directly to the surface runoff.

8. Define a flow mass curve?

It is the plot of cumulative discharge volume against time plotted in
chronological order.

9. Define basin lag(Time lag)

Basin lag is defined as the time from the center of rainfall to the hydrograph

10. What are the basic assumptions of unit hydrograph theory?

(i) the time invariance
(ii) The linear response

11. Write short notes on drainage density?

Drainage density = Length of the channel / Area of the basin

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12. Define hydrograph?

It is a graph drawn between discharge against time. It consists of direct runoff
and base flow.

13. Define unit hydrograph?

It is defined as the hydrograph if direct runoff resulting from an isolated rainfall
of unit duration occurring uniformly over the basin and produces unit runoff.

14. What are the methods to determine the unit hydrograph?

Unit hydrograph developed by the following two methods
i) Method of Super position ii) S-curve technique

15. Write short notes on method of super position?

If a D-h unit hydrograph is available and it is easy to develop hydrographs of nD-
h where n is an integer. It is easily accomplished by superimposing n-unit hydrograph
with each separated from the previous on D-h.

16. Define S-curve technique?

It is a curve obtained from the summation of infinite series of D-h unit
hydrograph spaced by D-h apart. A smooth curve is obtained resulting to S shape curve
called S-curve hydrograph.

17. Define Synthetic unit hydrograph?

Unit hydrographs derived from empirical equations are called synthetic unit
hydrograph. The following three parameters are used for development of synthetic unit
i) Base width ii) Peak discharge iii) Lag time

18. Define instantaneous unit hydrograph?

If the duration of effective rainfall approaches zero, the unit hydrograph may be
called as instantaneous unit hydrograph.

19. What are all the applications of unit hydrograph?

i) Once unit hydrograph is developed for a basin and it can be used to obtain
direct runoff hydrograph for any storm event on the basin.
ii) If the unit hydrograph is applied to max. probable precipitation on the basin,
then the max. probable precipitation is obtained.

20. What are all the advantages of instantaneous unit hydrograph over direct unit
i) The advantage of IUH over DUH is that it eliminates the problem of unit
duration and the restriction of uniform distribution of rainfall in time.
ii) The use of IUH is better suited for the needs of theoretical investigations on the
rainfall-runoff relationship.

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21. Define stream density?

The stream density of a basin is expressed as the no.of streams per sq.km.

22. Define drainage density?

It is expressed as the total length of all stream channels per unit area of the basin.

23. Define concentration time?

The time required for the falling rain at the most distant point in a drainage
area to reach stream outlet is called concentration time.

24. Define overland flow?

When a storm occurs, a portion of rainfall infiltrates in to the ground and some
portion may evaporate. The rest flows as a thin sheet of water over the land surface which
is termed as overland flow.

25. Define effective precipitation?

The part of the precipitation that contributes entirely to the direct runoff may be
called effective precipitation or effective raindfall

26. Define isochrones?

The line joining the points of equal travel time of rainfall is called
isochrones. It is helpful in deriving hydrographs.

27. State Virgin flow?

It is a stream flow which is unaffected by the artificial diversions, storage or other
works of man in or on the stream channels.

28. Define surface runoff?

It is the part of runoff which travels over the ground surface through channel to
reach the basin outlet.

29. Define subsurface runoff?

It is the runoff due to the part of the precipitation which infiltrates the surface soil
and moves laterally downward towards the streams.


1. Define design flood?

It is a flood discharge adopted for the design of structure after careful
consideration of economic and hydrologic factors.

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2. Define MPF?
It is defined as the flood that may be expected from the most severe combination
of critical meteorological and hydrological conditions that are reasonably possible in the
region. This is very large flood and it is very rarely used in design except for reservoir

3. Define flood?
Any flow which is relatively high and which overtops natural or artificial banka in
any reach of the river is called flood. Floods are produced when the capacity of the river
channel is inadequate to carry off the abnormal quantity of water arising from heavy

4. State any two formulae to calculate flood discharge?

i) Dickens formula, Q = CA
ii) Ryves formual, Q = CA
where Q = Max.flood discharge
A = Catchment area
C = Dickens constant varies from 6 to 30
C = Ryves constant
5. Define attenuation?
Owing to the storage effect the peak flow of the outflow hydrograph will be
smaller than that of outflow hydrograph. This reduction in peak value is called

6. Define lag value?

The peak of the outflow occurs after the peak of the inflow. The time difference
between the two peaks is termed as lag?

7. Define flood routing?

It is the procedure where by shape of the flood hydrograph at a particular location
on the stream is determined from the known or assumed flood hydrograph at some other

8. Enlist the types of flood routing?

i) Channel routing ii) Reservoir routing

9. What are all the methods available to determine the floodpeak?

* Physical indications of past flood * Empirical formulae and curves
* Concentration method * Overland flow hydrograph
* Rational method * Unit hydrograph method
* Frequency analysis

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10. Define return period?

It represents the average no. of years within which a given event will be equaled
or exceeded.

11. Define prism storage and wedge storage?

Prism storage is proportional to the outflow where as wedge storage is the
difference between inflow and outflow.

12.What is reservoir routing?

In reservoir routing the effect of a flood routing wave entering a reservoir is
studied to predict the variation of reservoir ,elevation and outflow discharge with time.

13.What is channel routing?

It is a method which uses math medical relations to calculate outflow from a
stream channel once inflow ,lateral contributions and channel characteristics are known

14.What are the uses of reservoir routing?

The uses are:
(i) In the design of capacity of spillway and other reservoir outlet structure
(ii) In the location and sizing of the capacity of reservoir to meet specific
15. What are the uses of flood routing?
(i) Establishing the height of flood peak at a downstream location in short term flood
(ii) Estimating the protection that would result from construction of a reservoir.
(iii) Determining the required levee height for flood protection.
(iv) Determining the adequacy of spillway.

16.What is the basis of hydrologic routing method?

The basis is continuity equation.

17.What are the forms of storage in a channel reach?

(i) prism storage
(ii) wedge storage

18.What is gumbel’s distribution?

It is one of the most widely used probability-distribution functions for extreme
values in hydrologic and metrological studies for prediction of flood peaks,maximum
rainfall etc,.

19.What is design flood?

Flood adopted for the design of a structure

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20.What is probable maximum flood?

The extreme flood that is physically possible in a region as a result of a severe
most combination including rare combination of metrological and hydrological factors.

21. Define standard project flood?

This is the estimate of the flood likely to occur from the most severe combination
of the hydrological and meteorological conditions

22. Write short notes on flood control measure?

* By confining the flow between high banks by constructing levees, dykes or
flood walls.
* By channel improvement by cutting, straightening or deepening and Following
River training works.
* By diversion of a portion of a flood through bypasses or flood ways
* By providing a temporary storage of the flood peaks by constructing upstream
reservoirs and retarding basins.

23. Write short notes on flood forecast?

The flood forecasts are issued on the basis of the analysis of weather charts and
indicate the likelihood of heavy rainfall over the specified areas with the next 24 to 48
hours. All India forecasts are prepared every day at Poona.

24. Write short notes on flood warning system?

The food warning system basically consists of working out the flood hydrograph
at a given point sufficiently in advance, given the flood hydrograph of some gauge or
gauges sufficiently upstream, taking into consideration. The flood warning system is
prepared by i) Forecasting crest height and time ii) Flood routing techniques
With a properly developed system of scientific flood forecasting and warning,
human toll and destruction to movable properties could be greatly mitigated.

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1. Define aquifer?
An aquifer is a saturated formation of earth materials which not only stores water
but yields sufficient quantity of water.

2. Define aquitard?
It is a formation through which only seepage is possible and thus the yield is
insignificant compared to an aquifer.

3. Define aquiclude?
It is a geological formation which is neither porous nor permeable. There are no
interconnected openings and hence it cannot transmit water.

4. Define confined aquifer?

It is an aquifer which is confined between two impervious beds such as
aquicludes or aquifuges. Recharge of this aquifer takes place only in the area where it is
exposed to the ground surface.

5. Define unconfined aquifer?

It is an aquifer in which there exists a free water surface. Recharge of this aquifer
takes place through infiltration.

6. Define porosity?
The amount of pore space per unit volume of the aquifer is called porosity.

6. Define specific yield?

The actual volume of water that can be extracted by the force of gravity from a
unit volume of aquifer is called Specific yield.

6. State Darcy’s law?

It relating the velocity of flow in a porous medium which was given by

V = Ki where V = velocity of seepage

K = Coefficient of permeability
I = Hydraulic gradient

7. Define specific capacity?

The discharge per unit draw down is known as specific capacity of a well.

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8.What is meant by cone of depression?

When a well is pumped ,there will be a decline in the water level and gradually it
assumes the shape of an inverted cone, which is called cone of depression.

9. Define Transmissivity?
It is the flow capacity of an aquifer per unit width under unit hydraulic gradient
and is equal to the product of permeability times the saturated thickness of the aquifer.

10. What are all the test available to find the yield of a well?
i) Pumping test ii) Recuperation test

11. Enlist the formations that serve as good aquifers?

* Unconsolidated gravels, sands, alluvium
* Lake sediments and glacial deposits
* Lime stones with cavities
* Granites and marbles with fissures and cracks
* slates

12. What are all the assumptions made in derivation of Dupuits equations?
* Stabilised draw down
* The aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic, of infinite areal extent and of constant
* Complete penetration of the well with 100% efficiency
* Flow lines are radial and horizontal and the flow is laminar
13. Write short notes on spacing of wells?
Pumping wells should be spaced far apart so that their cones of depression will
not overlap over each other resulting in the reduction of their yields and/or increased
draw downs to avoid well interference. The well should be spaced beyond their radii of

14.What is Steady state flow?

During pumping of a well, a stage occurs when there is no change in water level
with time. this condition is known as steady state flow

15.What is effluent stream?

Streams which receive ground water flow are called effluent stream.

16. What is influent stream?

A Storm which contributes to the ground water is known as influent stream.

17.What is meant by radius of influence of a well?

During pumping of a well,there will not be any drawdown at a place away from
the well.The distance from a pumped well to the edge of the cone of depression is known
as radius of influence.

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18.What is safe yield?

The safe yield of groundwater basin may be defined as the amount of water which
can be drawn from it without producing any undesirable effects. Any withdrawal in
excess of safe yield is called over draft.

19.What is pumping test?

In a pumping test,a well is pumped at a constant rate for a considerably period of
time.the water level in the pumping as well as in one or more observations well are noted
during the period. observation wells are located at varying distance from the pumping
well. As the aquifer is pumped, the draw downs are determined as function of time.We
can determine the aquifer parameters (T,K and S)based on the data collected from a
pumping test.
20.Explain a recuperation test.
In a recuperation test ,first the water level is depressed to some level below the normal
water by pumping for particular period of time. Then the pumping is stopped. The water
level in the well gradually raises (i.e)the well start recuperating. The rise in water level is
measured at frequent intervals. The drawdown below the original static water during the
recovery period are known residual draw down. the Transmittivity of the aquifer can be
determined from the recovery (Recuperation) test data.

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