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Mercurio da Pavona, Mercurio da Tilea, Mercurio Cavallini, Mercurio Scaligeri, Mercurio Dardi

A lean young man with a southern complexion. Clean-shaven, thick brown hair cropped at ear and
collar. Dressed well, carries a rapier. Walks gracefully, with assurance. Speaks with a Tilean accent.

Mercurio was born in Pavona, Tilea, to Pietro and Maria Cavallini. Pietro is an artist, a painter, whose
patron is Prince Cangrande Della Scala. Mercurio’s living siblings include his older brother Alberto and
younger sisters Teresa and Gabriella.

Alberto became a painter like his father, but Mercurio had martial inclinations. With the aid of his
patron, Pietro was able to enroll Mercurio in the Dardi School of Swordsmanship under Maestro Guido
Antonio de Luca. Mercurio was a good study and impressed Captain Fiore dei Liberi of the Scaligeri
Guard, securing himself a place in their ranks.

The Scaligeri often found themselves opposed by the House of Este, led by Prince Niccolo d’Este.
Scaligeri and Esteans often found themselves engaged in enthusiastic swordplay, and Mercurio learned
much by way of not dying.

Mercurio enjoyed wine and song, and the attentions of a young lady known as Tasia. They had a merry
time, but Tasia was not inclined to monogamy. She also enjoyed the attention of Girolamo dei Liberi,
the Captain’s son. The two men were not inclined to share her charms, the resulting duel ending in
Girolamo’s death.

Mercurio, realizing that by killing his captain’s son he would forfeit his own life, took immediate
passage for Marienburg. A life in exile was to be his fate.

Not religious, but a token follower of Myrmidia.
- Small Cravat Pin in the shape of an eagle, to suggest Myrmidia. His "Lucky" item (1 charge), a gift
from his mother to protect her son.
- His (former) lady's favor, a scarf/handkerchief. Of sentimental value, representing at most the ideal of
romanticism. Can it really be achieved? “Favour of a Sweet Rose,” Though it has been many months,
in your mind the smell of your ex-lover is still just a strong on the token she gifted you on your
departure. Whenever you feel the life fading from your eyes, you take a whiff and are once again
invigorated. Whenever a failed WP test results in more than one turn of penalties you may take an
agility test, on a success you only receive said penalties for the following round, otherwise the effects
act as normal as you are unable to reach the token in time.

200 xp
A good craftsmanship pistol made from a deep brown wood decorated with silver
A good craftsmanship main gauche decorated in a similar fashion
A poor quality grimoire of spells no longer used by most mages, though there might be something
worth finding in there
1 set of full mail and two sets of leather armour
1 set of mail made for a dwarf
A grappling hook and 30 feet of rope
4 small mining explosives
Powder and ammo for 30 shots
3 hand weapons (an axe and two swords)
A good quality shield braced with a metal rim
A halberd
5 healing draughts one for me
1d100 silver – 28 –> 5 for me
3d10 gold – 31 –> 6 for me
long bow

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