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The conflict between generations is not something new.

Young generations
have always been different from their parents` generation. That`s because the
human body and mind are continuously evolving and adapting to new factors
and environmental changes. I believe both generations present positive and
negative aspects.
First of all, the young generation is completely based on the internet and
computers. They communicate mostly using electronic devices, so they don`t
know how to act or react to other people`s feeling or emotions, whereas, the
older generations used to rely on the physical contact. They used to have great
relationships with their neighbours and their families and they had barbecues
and parties every month. People would meet and talk, play games and interact
with each other, therefore creating bonds that the youth are not used to,
Second of all, today`s children don`t use hand writing anymore. They use e-
mails and chat rooms to communicate. They have replaced hand writing with
computers. In fact, most of their interactions are replaced by computers. They
have ipods, MP3 of MP4 players to listen to the music they like. Our parents`
generation still use hand writing and are not very keen on, or don`t know how to
use computers. They still prefer sending letters and postcards to their friends
and families.
In conclusion, both generations have good parts and bad parts. The ideal thing
to do is for the older generation to learn how to use technologies, because it can
help them in their day-to-day lives, and for the young generation to try and meet
their friends outside, enjoy nature and playing games like their parents used to

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