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Sl Faculty Name Designation Type Dept.

Initial APM CC Total Min Self Extr

1 Md. Jamal Uddin Associate Professor (BIFT) FT BIFT JU 12.00 6.80 18.80 12.00 0.00 6.80
2 Kazi Shamsur Rahman Assistant Professor FT BIFT KSR 12.00 8.40 20.40 15.00 0.00 5.40
3 Md. Obaidullah Assistant Professor FT BIFT OB 12.00 7.20 19.20 15.00 0.00 4.20
4 Shakinaz Mahmud Lecturer FT BIFT SNM 12.00 9.60 21.60 18.00 0.00 3.60
5 Md. Rubel Alam Lecturer FT KMT RBL 8.00 0.00 8.00
6 Mr. Md. Raijul Islam Lecturer FT TE RIS 2.00 0.00 2.00
7 Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan Asso. Professor & Head FT BUS MKH 2.00 0.00 2.00
8 Mr. S.M. Akterujjaman Asso. Professor FT BUS AKJ 3.00 0.00 3.00
9 Md. Anisur Rahman Assistant Professor PT BIFT AR 8.00 0.00 8.00
10 Asaduzzaman (ASJ) Lecturer PT BIFT ASJ 4.00 0.00 4.00
11 Sabina Yeasmin (SY) Lecturer PT BIFT SY 6.00 0.00 6.00
12 Abdur Rahman Mohammad (ARMD) Lecturer PT BIFT ARMD 4.00 0.00 4.00
85.00 32.00 117.00 60.00 0.00 20.00
Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester

AFT: Active Full Time Faculty TL = Total Load, FT-RL= Full Time Faculty Regular Load, FT-OL= Full Time Faculty Over Load,
PL=Pending Load, SST=Self Study Teaching Policy,' + ' sign represent 'Increased' and '-' sign represent 'Decreased'

Expected Faculty Load & Requirement Actual Faculty Load & Faculty Recruited Changes (+=Increased, -= Decreased)
SL Department

1 AMT 13 285.5 207 75.5 3 0 0 0 13 291.5 207 78.5 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 3 6

2 AMM 7 159 117 36 6 0 0 1 7 142 117 22 0 3 0 0 0 -17 0 -14 3
3 KMT 6 125.5 99 26.5 0 0 0 0 6 122.5 99 23.5 0 0 0 0 0 -3 0 -3 0
4 FDT & MFD 12 218 164.5 40.5 13 0 0 3 12 199 157 34 8 0 0 3 0 -19 -7.5 -6.5 0
5 FS 9 167 139.5 27.5 0 0 0 0 9 141 121.5 19.5 0 0 0 0 0 -26 -18 -8 0
6 TE & MTE 16 449 252 74 123 0 4 4 19 407 309 79 19 0 4 6 3 -42 57 5 0
7 TEM 6 155 99 31 25 0 1 0 7 152 117 23 0 12 1 0 1 -3 18 -8 12
8 Engineering 3 128.5 33 3 92.5 0 4 0 6 110.75 87 9.75 8 6 3 1 3 -17.75 54 6.75 6
9 IE 4 98.75 62.25 12.25 24.25 0 2 0 6 119.5 98 20.5 0 1 2 0 2 20.75 35.75 8.25 1
10 English 8 258 126 42 90 0 3 2 11 247.5 180 40.5 24 3 3 5 3 -10.5 54 -1.5 3
11 BBA & MBA 14 349 213 55 72 9 0 11 15 374 217.5 66.5 69 21 1 18 1 25 4.5 11.5 12
12 Social Science 3 68 45 17 6 0 0 2 3 88 45 17 26 0 0 6 0 20 0 0 0
13 NS 18 359 285 42.5 31.5 0 1 1 18 321 283.5 15 22.5 0 0 3 0 -38 -1.5 -27.5 0
14 BIFT 4 106 60 20 26 0 0 4 4 102 60 20 22 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0
123 2926.25 1902.25 502.75 512.25 9 15 28 136 2817.75 2098.5 468.75 198.5 52 14 46 13 -108.5 196.25 -34 43


Total Load (TL) increased by 6cr. No change in the FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL). FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) increased by 3cr. 3cr. course was pending (PL) for distribution
no FT/PT Faculty requirement was placed. The course was distributed among the FT Faculty members. No FT/PT Faculty was recruited. 6cr.course has been added in the self-st
teaching policy (SST) because of lower no. of student. No changes in the Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT)

Total Load (TL) decreased by 17cr. No change in the FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL). FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 14cr. 6cr. course was pending (PL) for distributi
and for which one PT Faculty requirement was placed but not recruited as it was distributed among the FT Faculty members. 3cr.course has been added in the self-study teachin
policy (SST) because of lower no. of student. No changes in the Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT).

Total Load (TL) decreased by 3cr. No change in the FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL). FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 3cr. No course was pending (PL) for distribution
No FT/PT Faculty requirement was placed . No FT/PT Faculty was recruited. No.course has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST). No changes in the Active Full Tim
Faculty member (AFT).
Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester

Total Load (TL) decreased by 26cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) decreased by 7.5 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 6.5cr. 13cr. course of M.Sc. programme was
pending (PL) for distribution and 3 PT Faculty requirement for M.Sc. programme was placed. As total load decreased, after reshuffling the courses 8cr course of M.Sc. programm
distributed to 3 PT Faculty members and remaining pending courses were distributed among the FT Faculty members. No.course has been added in the self-study teaching poli
(SST). No changes in the Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT).
*(It should be mentioned that one FT faculty (Lecturer) has been recruited for B.Sc. programme at the time of preparing the expected faculty load for Spring-2020. In total the
Active FT Faculty (AFT) for FDT is 12.)
5 FS

Total Load (TL) decreased by 19cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) decreased by 18 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 8cr. No course was pending (PL) for distributi
No FT/PT Faculty requirement was placed. No FT/PT Faculty was recruited. No.course has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST). No changes in the Active Full Time
Faculty member (AFT).
6 TE & MTE

Total Load (TL) decreased by 47cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) increased by 57 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) increased by 5cr. 123cr. course was pending (PL) for
distribution including B.Sc. and M.Sc. programme and 4 FT for B.Sc. and 4 PT for M.Sc. programme Faculty requirement was placed. As total load decreased, after reshuffling the
courses 19cr course of M.Sc. programme distributed to 6 PT Faculty members and remaining pending courses were distributed among the FT Faculty members (including newly
recruited 4FT Faculty members). No.course has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST).
Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT) increased by 4.
* As total load decreased by 42 cr. and pending course is about 123 cr. after adjustment the pending course should be 123-42=81cr, among which 19cr. given to to the 6 PT Fac
members , then the remaining pending credits should be 81-19=62cr, for which 3FT Faculty member is enougn to recruit but here 4FT Faculty has been recruited and none of th
are in under load. Such things represent the wrong calculation of credit load.

Total Load (TL) decreased by 3cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) increased by 18 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 8cr. 25cr. course was pending (PL) for distributi
for which 1FT Faculty requirement was placed.1FT Faculty was recruited. 12cr courses has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST).
Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT) increased by 1.
8 Emgineering

Total Load (TL) decreased by 17.75cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) increased by 54 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) increased by 6.75cr. 92.5cr. course was pending (PL) for
distribution, for which 4FT Faculty requirement was placed.3FT Faculty and 1PT Faculty has been recruited. 6cr courses has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST).
Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT) increased by 3.
9 IE

Total Load (TL) increased by 20.75cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) increased by 35.75 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) increased by 8.25cr. 24.25cr. course was pending (PL)
distribution, for which 2FT Faculty requirement was placed.2FT Faculty has been recruited. 1cr courses has been added in the self-study teaching policy (SST). Active Full Time
Faculty member (AFT) increased by 2.
10 English
Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester

Total Load (TL) decreased by 10.5cr. FT Faculty Regular Load (FT-RL) increased by 54 cr.. FT Faculty Over Load (FT-OL) decreased by 1.5cr. 90cr. course was pending (PL) for
distribution, for which 3FT and 2PT Faculty requirement was placed.3FT Faculty and 5PT Faculty has been recruited. 3cr courses has been added in the self-study teaching policy
(SST). Active Full Time Faculty member (AFT) increased by 3.
Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester


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Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester

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Expected Vs Actual Faculty Load, Spring-2020 semester

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