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Nowadays, people can`t live without technologies, such as televisions, mobile

phones, computers and others. In the recent years, they have slowly taken an
essential part in people’s day-to-day lives and being without them would be
hard to imagine for some of us. Using technologies can have both advantages
and disadvantages.

On one hand, using technologies presents many advantages. Firstly, some of

these technologies are very important in medicine, as they can help cure sick
people or at least improve the quality of life of some of them. Also, the
invention of computers has made it easier for people and companies to
communicate, sell or improve buying and exchanging products, which can now
be done with just a click of a button.

Secondly, for companies, progress in implementing strategic technology trends

helps them save time and therefore, money. Exchanges can be done faster
especially with the help of the internet. Sales and purchases are now facilitated
and possible worldwide without having to actually travel.

On the other hand, modern technology has its disadvantages, for example,
addiction on new technology. Children nowadays, are so used to having a
smartphone and using it daily, that they are unable to communicate their
feelings and emotions. They tend to stay on the internet for hours, thus not
exercising of playing outside and becoming overweight.

Also, the calculator is a good invention, but since then, man no longer makes
mental calculation and no longer exercises his memory. The decline of human
capital leads to an increase in unemployment. In some areas, devices can
replace the human workforce.

In conclusion, using technologies can present advantages and disadvantages.

The trick is for people to learn how to use them responsibly.

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