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Media Risk Assessment

With our Media Project there are many obstacles that we will have to face and also some risks as
well. Here are those which we will face and how we are going to help overcome them as well:

 Roads- We will be filming near a road and we have to take in to account the safety of
ourselves and the drivers as well. Before hand we will make sure that we choose a part of
the road where there are no blind corners so the drivers can see us in time. Also we will
make sure that we aren’t in the road for obvious reasons and we will not distract the drivers
with our filming, or if we do keep it to an absolute minimum.
 Woodchester Mansion- We won’t be filming inside the mansion as we won’t get the right
feel because it wasn’t completed so the building isn’t spectacular on the inside also we
aren’t allowed to. However we will film the outside of the Mansion. We have to make sure
that we don’t accidently do any damage to the building in any way. Also around the Mansion
are hills and fields which we will do running scenes and outside shots. The outside shots will
be mostly risk free as there will be no running the only risk there is, is our own clumsiness
but if we take care and take a first aid kit with us maybe we should be fine. The running
shots will be more tricky as we will have to work out a route beforehand which is safe but
also effective. The actress playing Snow White will be running in front and looking back
every so often to imply that she is running away from something, so we need to make sure
that there are no obstacles in the way for her to be hurt. The camera will also be behind her
and in front to show that something is following her and to show he turning around, so again
there can’t be any obstacles which would mean the camera man would trip and damage
camera or themselves.
 Village Hall- Firstly we have to make sure it is okay to film at the Village Hall and also once
we are there cause no damage to the hall either. Otherwise there won’t be many risks at all.
 Mill- The Mill will be a tricky place to get to as the route to it is overgrown. So we have to be
careful when getting to it. Also once we are there be careful getting in and out and causing
no damage again. We will have to take plasters probably for thorn cuts etc, but there
shouldn’t be any other risk to the actors and our group.
 Lighting- As we will be doing the filming in January the sun goes down early so we will have
to get to the places where are filming early so there’s a lower risk for injury etc. The Mansion
and running scenes may have to be done when it is getting dark or we may just edit the
lighting when it comes to editing. If we do the filming when it is dusk then we will have to
take torches obviously to make sure there aren’t parts in the running route which aren’t
visible straight away. We’d also have to thoroughly go through the route for hidden risks.
 Running- We will be having a running scene where Naimh runs away from the step mother.
The risks with doing this is that the actresses’ will trip over or even the cameraman, or that
we accidently run into someone of the public. To prevent this from happening we are going
to walk through the route first to make sure that there aren’t any risks on the way, if there
sticks sticking out or branches we will move them. With the public we will have someone on
either side just informing them that we are doing running scenes an if they see member of
the public coming they ring up the camera man and then filming is halted so no member of
the public is hurt.

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