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Copyright SW to SW Exam Preparation Program

Helpful and Unhelpful Ways to Approach the Exam:

What you can control:
 I have a way to memorize the recall items that works for me
 I can identity “recall” type of questions; I see it, know it, pick an answer & move on
 I can identify the type of application questions and Reasoning questions
 I have general knowledge in reasoning strategies
 I read and understand the Code of Ethics

What you can work on managing:

 I trust my gut.
 Some exam questions can be quite simple, I mark it and move on without doubt.
 I read the stem carefully. Let the clues sink in as I read.
 I am aware when I read too fast or skimming.
 When things get tough, I breaking down questions
 I stick with the stem, know my client, know my SW role & identify key issues
(problem, dilemma)
 I read all answer choices before picking final answer
 Know the factors that take precedence (safety, abuse, medical, substance,
confidentiality, ethics)

When reading the answer choices:

 I can eliminate at least 1 or 2 answers by identifying the distraction and poor
language use
 When dealing with 2 answer choices left, I make sure the answer addresses the
issues (problem, dilemma, or ethics)
 I know how to rank the answers to pick out what to do FIRST or NEXT
 I trust my gut when in doubt
 I don’t dwell on previous answers. I can let it go and refresh when reading the next
 If I spend too long (over 3 minutes) on 1 question, I will follow my gut, pick an
answer, mark it and move on.
 I have plan to take breaks
 I pace myself every now and then
 Use my white board to write down helpful tips
Copyright SW to SW Exam Preparation Program

Helpful and Unhelpful Ways to Approach the Exam:

Helpful Self-care:

 I know my stressors, anxiety, and take care of it

 I practice self-care, even with simple things
 I allocate time to study with minimal distractions
 I have anxiety coping skills
 I make sure to eat well, sleep, and exercise 1 week before the exam.
 I pack my snacks and drinks for the exam date.
 Bring 2 forms of ID that match your name used on the exam registration!

Unhelpful Test-taking skills:

Which of the following may describe you?
 Studying feels painful and frustrating
 Not prepared for Recalls
 Using poorly written practice exam to study (too long, too confusing, too little
reasoning, poorly worded, inconsistent rationales)
 Too many distractions to focus on studying
 Test anxiety interfering with the exam
 Overwhelmed with study materials
 Changing too many answers or have the tendency to.
 Dwelling on previous questions or have the tendency to.
 Reading quickly, misreading words, missing key information
 Reading too much into questions
 Thinking about “what I would do at my job” instead sticking with the info provided in
 Making assumptions
 Mark too many questions, leave some questions unanswered
 Running out of time
 Others______________________________

How are you planning to address the unhelpful tendencies?


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