2019.09.03 - EST & SCHED - Proposal - r.2 - Without OT

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FIRENZE FPSO - Preservation Maintenance project

Budget Estimation of Mhrs & Costs, r.2 per 2019.09.03 - Proposal without Overtime
note 1 Phase-1 is for updating ENI Scope into Milano Db & Training of DDWD personnel.
note 2 Phase-2 is in parrallel to Phase-1 for Identifying, Clarifying and Updating scope from Db with "current condition" information, and create PRELIMINARY estimation.
note 3 Phase-3 is for execution of IP and "start" of the PP, within the first period of 6 months.
note 4 E&P working 5 dys/week (40 hrs) and IP working 6 dys x 8 hrs/dy per week (48 hrs).
note 5 All Periodic Preservation tasks shall be based on working 5 dys x 8 hrs/dy per week (40 hrs).
note 6 HSE, scaffolding, lifting and other support type services are included under the GENERAL SERVICES Agreement.
note 7 Saipem mark-up is not included.
note 8 Corrective and Preventive maintenance is not included. Year 2019 2020
note 9 Refer to attached Legend Sheet for abbreviations and clarifications. Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
rate/hr 50 25 30 15 13 Reg. 25% W no. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Grand Total




no. phs description Saipem DDWD Others Mhrs craft weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 1 comment AREA (Module) list Saipem 0 CTR-12 S

2 1 comment Equipment & Check lists Saipem 0 CTR-12 S
3 1 update Presv Library Saipem 0 CTR-12 S
4 1 Confirm Presv scope with Vendors Saipem Vendors 0 CTR-12 V V
60,000 NA 60,000
5 1 complete Presv Criteria Saipem 0 CTR-12 S
6 1 Database SACS uploaded Saipem 0 CTR-12 S
7 1 ENI review by Mngt & Vessel Team (VT) ENI 0 CTR-12 E
8 1 Database Training & preparations Saipem 0 CTR-12 S S 14-Oct
9 1 Database training for DDWD engineers Saipem 96 96 CTR-12 96 4,800 NA 4,800 2 Eng 2
96 96 96 64,800 64,800 0 0 0 0 2
10 2 Clarify Presv Scope lists (by Mod & Eqpt grouping) Saipem 48 VT 48 CTR-12 48 2,400 600 3,000 1 Eng 1
11 2 Field identify and Tag CRITICAL works 864 864 CTR-12 864 21,600 5,400 27,000 6 QCI 6 6 6
12 2 Develop IP vs PP Task Checklists (OB condition) 240 240 CTR-12 40 200 7,000 1,750 8,750 1 Eng, 1 QCI 1 1 1 2
13 2 Vendor data update (eMail correspondences) Saipem 96 Vendors 96 CTR-12 96 4,800 1,200 6,000 1 Eng 1 1
14 2 Identify support services & special tools 192 192 CTR-12 192 4,800 1,200 6,000 QCI 1 1 2
15 2 Update Db/Equipment list with IP 192 192 CTR-12 96 96 7,200 NA 7,200 1 Eng, 1 QCI 2 2
16 2 Refine CTR-1 estimation for ENI approval Saipem 0 ENI 0 CTR-12 - NA - S E 4-Nov
1632 1632 280 1352 47,800 10,150 57,950 1 7 9 9 8 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 2 Transportation costs from DDWD to JA @ 1,800/week CTR-12 12,600 NA 12,600 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CTR-12 : 1728 125,200 10,150 135,350

18 3 Populate IP Job Plans for critical works 288 288 CTR-X 288 7,200 1,800 9,000 QCI 4 2
19 3 Prepare PO & Mob Vendors 48 48 CTR-X 48 2,400 600 3,000 1 Eng 1
20 3 Procure preservation material/consum CRIT 48 48 CTR-X 48 2,400 600 3,000 1 Eng 1
21 3 Execute IP for critical works 1440 1440 CTR-X 288 864 288 25,344 6,336 31,680 2 FM, 6 Tech, 2 LA 10 10 10
22 3 Field identify and Tag NON-CRITICAL works 288 288 CTR-X 96 192 9,600 2,400 12,000 3 QCI 3 3
23 3 Develop IP & PP Tasks for NON-CRITICAL 144 144 CTR-X 144 3,600 900 4,500 1 QCI 1 1 1
24 3 Continue update Equipment list in Db 192 192 CTR-X 192 9,600 NA 9,600 1 Eng 1 1 1 1
25 3 Db data verifications (Eqpt, Tasks, Freq) Saipem 0 0 CTR-X - NA - S S S S
26 3 Populate IP Job Plans for non-critical works 240 240 CTR-X 240 6,000 1,500 7,500 QCI 1 2 2
27 3 Create 6 Months Look-A-Head Schedules Saipem 0 0 CTR-X - NA - S
28 3 Prepare FINAL budget w 6M Presv Saipem 48 48 CTR-X 48 2,400 NA 2,400 1 Eng 1
29 3 ENI review by OPS Manager for acceptance 0 ENI 0 CTR-X - NA - E 16-Dec
2736 2736 432 864 288 864 288 68,544 14,136 82,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 15 15 16 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 3 Vendors attendence and instruct DDWD @ 5 dys/week CTR-X 167,000 NA 167,000 5 Vendors 5 5 5
31 3 Material & Consumables procurement CTR-X 100,000 NA 100,000
32 3 Transportation costs from DDWD to JA @ 1,800/week CTR-X 10,800 NA 10,800 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CTR-X : 2736 346,344 14,136 360,480

33 3 Procure delta material/cons NON-CRIT 96 96 CTR-Y 96 4,800 NA 4,800 1 Eng 1 1

34 3 Execute IP for non-critical works 576 576 CTR-Y 112 232 232 9,856 2,464 12,320 1 FM, 3 Tech, 2 LA 6 6
35 3 Execute Periodic Preservation Program 1320 1320 CTR-Y 520 800 27,600 NA 27,600 1 FM, 2 Tech 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
36 3 Maintain Preservation Db updated & Reporting 440 440 CTR-Y 440 11,000 NA 11,000 1 QCI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2432 2432 96 440 632 1032 232 53,256 2,464 55,720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 29 Feb
37 3 Material & Consumables procurement CTR-Y 50,000 NA 50,000
38 3 Transportation costs from DDWD to JA @ 1,800/week CTR-Y 19,800 NA 19,800 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TOTAL ESTIMATE FOR CTR-Y : 2432 123,056 2,464 125,520
GRAND TOTALS : 6896 904 2656 920 1896 520 594,600 26,750 621,350

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