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Small incision single-suture-Ioop

pupilloplasty for postoperative atonic pupil
Anders Behndig, MD

ostoperative atonic pupil is a complication of many Atonic pupil is often irreversible1.5 and will not
P types of anterior segment surgery. In a survey of
members of the American Society of Cataract and
respond to pharmacological treatment. 8 No specific
treatment is necessary for mild symptoms; however,
Refractive Surgery, 1 60% of respondents had seen at some patients experience glare or other visual distur-
least 1 case of atonic pupil after cataract surgery in the bances severe enough to necessitate the use of a Narcis-
past 5 years, with a total of 1543 cases reported. The sus contact lens or surgical correction. 1•8 I describe a
complication has also been reported after intracapsular new small incision technique to correct the atonic
cataract extraction2 and keratoplasty for keratoconus. 3 pupil.
An incidence of 2.29% after extracapsular cataract
extraction, 1.10% after phacoemulsification, 4 and 5%
Surgical Technique
after penetrating keratoplasty5 has also been reported.
The exact mechanisms of atonic pupil are unknown; Local anesthesia such as peribulbar or sub-Tenon's
iris ischemia resulting from a postoperative rise in flush (possibly intracameral lidocaine) can be used.
intraocular pressure (IOP)6 or strangulation of iris Topical anesthesia is probably insufficient because some
vessels mechanically5 or from viscoelastic substances7 iris traction is necessary. A temporal approach is prefer-
have been proposed as possible causes. able, especially in deeply positioned eyes.
1. Three 1.0 mm limbal or clear corneal stab
incisions are made at 9,5, and 1 o'clock (termed 11,12,
and 13, respectively). (The example is from a right eye.)
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Norrlands University Hospi- 2. The anterior chamber is filled with viscoelastic
tal, Umerl, Sweden.
Supported in part by a grant from Carmen and Bertil Regner's Fund. 3. A PC7 needle on a 10-0 polypropylene suture
The author has no financial interest in any product mentioned (Alcon Laboratories) is gently inserted through 11. Care
Reprint requests to Anders Behndig, MD, Department of Ophthalmol- is taken to place the needle through the lllC1SIOn
ogy, Norrlands University Hospital, Umerl. S-901 85, Sweden. without capturing corneal tissue (Figure O.



Figure 1. (8ehndig) The PC? needle on a 10-0 polypropylene Figure 2. (8ehndig) The suture is placed just outside the pupil
suture is placed through 11. border.

4. A forceps usually used to peel epiretinal mem- 9. The ends of the suture, now coming out of 11,
branes (Grieshaber 612.03) is inserted through 13. are tied, and the pupil size is adjusted using appropriate
5. The iris is grasped with the forceps at 10 o'clock loop tension. The knot is placed in the anterior cham-
and pulled centrally, allowing the long, slightly bent ber and the viscoelastic material removed (Figure 5).
PC7 needle to place a suture just outside the pupil
border (Figure 2). This is repeated, making a continu- Case Report
ous row of 3 to 4 sutures in the lower temporal part of A 40-year-old man had phacoemulsification and
the iris toward 12. intraocular lens (lOL) implantation in the left eye in
6. The forceps is withdrawn. 1996. One day after surgery, lOP was 56 mm Hg,
7. The needle tip is inserted into the tip of a blunt probably because of insufficient removal of the visco-
flush cannula placed through 12 (Figure 3). This allows elastic material. This was treated conservatively with
the tip of the needle to exit through 12 with no risk of acetazolamide. The pupil was 7.5 mm and atonic at
capturing corneal tissue. The needle is pulled out 1 month. Pilocarpine was tried but had no effect. The
through 12. patient had severe glare and monocular diplopia from
8. Steps 3 through 7 are repeated to make a light entering the pupil below the 10L edge. A contact
continuous suture loop from 12 to 13 and then from 13 lens was suggested, but the patient declined.
to II (Figure 4). After almost 1 year, there was no change. Pupil-

Figure 3. (8ehndig) The needle tip is inserted through a can- Figure 4. (8ehndig) The suturing steps are repeated to make a
nula, which is placed through 12. continuous loop.



left sufficiently large to allow later vitreoretinal surgery

or laser treatment. Moreover, the suture is readily
visible at the pupil border with this method and in case
of an emergency, one should be able to cut it with a
neodymium:YAG laser and enlarge the pupil in the
usual way as atonic pupils respond to mydriatics. 9 A
possible disadvantage may be the risk of capturing
corneal tissue with the needle; however, the precautions
mentioned should minimize this risk.
An additional indication for this technique may be
the common combination of traumatic mydriasis and
traumatic cataract. This procedure should be suitable
Figure 5. (Behndig) The ends of the suture are tied, and the combined with cataract surgery or as a separate second-
pupil is adjusted by tension on the loop_
ary procedure.
I believe this small incision technique provides a
loplasty was performed as described above. One day reasonably simple and safe way to correct a large pupil
later, visual acuity was 20/25 (the same as preopera- in these conditions with minimal induced astigmatism
tively), the diplopia had resolved, and the pupil was and surgical trauma. This makes it suitable for patients
4.0 mm, although somewhat irregular. At 1 month, the suffering from glare or other visual disturbance caused
patient was content with the result and had no glare. by an atonic pupil.
Refraction was unaltered, and no astigmatism was
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no specific treatment, surgical correction may be the 3. Urrets-ZavaHa A lr. Fixed, dilated pupil, iris atrophy and
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thai mol 1963; 56:257-265
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compress each of the 4 iris quadrants separately. Ma-
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is a demanding task, however, and incision placement is Cornea 1995; 14:618-622
crucial for success. 7. Saiz A, Angulo S, Fernandez M. Atonic pupil: an
The slightly bent PC7 needle works more smoothly. unusual complication of cataract surgery. Ophthalmic
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8. Lam S, Beck RW, Hall 0, Creighton lB. Atonic pupil
the needle can take a straight course with little maneu-
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