SeismicBehaviour Design&DetailingofShearWalls-II PDF

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Seismic behaviour, design and detailing of RC shear walls, Part Il : Design and detailing M.S. Medhekar and Sudhir K. Jain Shear walls are one of the excellent means for providing earthquake resistance to multst inforced concrete (RC) buildings. Part If the paper published in July 1993 issue of the Journal dealt with their behaviour and strength charac- teristics. This part deals with specifications for the design and detailing of ductile art int shear walls 1S:456- 1978 and IS:4326-1976 do not give specifications forthe same. A detailed commentary is included to explain the basis ofthese specifications. A worked out example on shear wall design is «also given, ‘Shear walls are very effective in providing lateral load resis tance in multistoreyed buildings. They used to be considered as brittle structural elements. However, extensive experimen- tation has shown that they can be made to behave ina ductile ‘manner by adopting proper detailing techniques. Good de- tailing endeavours to suppress the brittle failure modes; it enables the wall to dissipate seismic energy in the flexure ‘mode ina stable manner. IS:456-1978 incorporates some pro- visions for the design of reinforced concrete walls. However, these provisions are inadequate for designing walls to resist ‘earthquake induced forces. 15:4326-1976 does not have any Provisions for detailing of shear walls”. Building design codes “Manoj: Medhekar, Graduate Student, Departmen of Cv Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberia, Canada; Formerly Senior Project, ‘Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Insitute of Technolgy, Kanpur. De Sudhie K Jain, Associate Profesor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indlan nett of Technology, Kanpu-208 016, used in theUS.A™, Canadat and New Zealand’ have design provisions for carthquake-resistant shear walls. However, these codes use a different design philosophy and hence cannot be directly adopted for use in Inia, Part ofthis paper described the behaviour and strength characteristics of shear walls. Ths part gives recommenda tions for design and detailing of earthquake-resistant shear walls. An extensive study of seismic design codes used else- whore was carried out prior to framing these provisions. The recommendations given herein are within the overall frame- ‘work of 1456-1978 and could be incorporated in S:4326. The background for these recommendations is given through comments. One example on shear wall design and detailing {salso included. Proposed design provisions for shear walls 1. Shear walls ‘The requirements of this section apply to shear walls which are part ofthe lateral force resisting system of the structure, 1.4 General requirements 11.1. The thickness of any part ofthc wall shall not be les than 100mm. Comment : The minimum thickness is specified as 100 mm to avoid unusually thin sections. Very thin sections are suscep- tible to lateral instability in zones where inelastic cyclic load- ‘ng may have to be sustained. ‘Sept 1993 The nian Concrete Journ o 1.1.2 The effective flange width to be used in the design of ‘flanged wall sections shall be assumed to extend beyond the face ofthe web for a distance which shall be the smaller of a) half the distance toanadjacent shear wall web; and (b)1/10th ‘of the total wall height. 1.1.3 Shear walls shall be provided with reinforcement inthe longitudinal and transversedirections in the planeof the wall. ‘The minimum reinforcement ratio shall be 0.0025 ofthe gross area in each direction. This reinforcement shall be distributed uniformly across the cross section ofthe wall. Comment : Distribution of a minimum reinforcement uni- formly across the heightand width ofthe wall helps to control the width of inclined cracks that are caused due to shear. 1.14 If the factored shea stein the wall excnds 025 Vs of the wall thickness exceeds 200 mun, reinforcement stall te provided into carn, ech bing brs ring in tat Tongiadinal and wansverse direction nthe plane of te wal Comment: The use of two curtains of reinforcement will ‘educe fragmentation and premature detrorationof thecon- ‘rote under cylic leading into the inelastic range The its of 025-7, and200 mm have been adopted from reference 115 The diaineter of the bars to be used in any part of the wall shall not exceed 1/10th of the thickness ofthat part. ‘Comment : This is to prevent the use of very large diameter bars in thin wall sections. 136 Toran pneu di Se esr natin, sees eto gh eval set ais 1.2 Shear strength requirements 1.2.1 Thenominal shear stress, 1, shall be calculated as factored shear force = thickness of the web ‘effective depth of wall section. This may be faken as 0.8 ly. for rectangular sections. 1.22 The design shear strength of concrete, , shall becaleu- lated as per Table 13 of 16:456-1978, ‘Comment : The vertical reinforcement that is provided in the wall shall be considered for calculation of the design shear stress of concrete as per Table 13 of 15456-1978, The increase in shear strength due to axial compression may also be con- sidered as per clause 39.2.2 of IS:456-1978, However, for this only 80 percent ofthe factored axial compressive force should bbe considered as effective. This is to consider the possible effect of vertical acceleration. 1.23 The nominal shear stress in the wall, shall notexceed amas per Table 14 of 15:456-1978. 1.24 When is loss than , shear reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with 1.13, 1.1.4, and 1.1 6of this code. 1.25 When, is greater than x, the area of horizontal shear reinforcement, Ay, to be provided within a vertical spacing, S,,isgiven by O87, Ad, Ss where, V,, = (V,~5,f,d,., is theshear force tobe resisted by the horizontal reinforcement. However, the amount of horizontal reinforcement provided shall not be less than the ‘minimum as per 1.1.3 of this code. 1.26 The vertical reinforcement thatis uniformly distributed in the wall shall not be less than the horizontal reinforcement caleulated as per 1.25, Comment : This provision is particularly important for squat walls. When the heightto-widthratioisabout 1.0, vertical and horizontal reinforcement are equally effective in resisting the shear force, However, for walls with height-to-widthratioless than 1.0, a major part of the shear force is resisted by the vertical reinforcement. Hence, adequate vertical reinforce- ‘ment should be provided for such walls. 1.3 Flexural strength 131 Tae moment of resistance, M,,, of the wall section shall be calculated as for columns subjected to combined axial load and uni-axial bending as per IS456-1978, The moment of resistance that is provided by uniformly distributed vertical reinforcement ina slender rectangular wall section may be calculated as follows (@)Forx/l, $ x/ 0.0035 os our ents, 2 oO ED = vertical reinforcement ratio= Ae / (le ly) ‘The tntan Conrte Journal * Septem 1993 Fig 1 Diagonally reinforced coupling beam ‘Ag = area of uniformly distributed vertical rein- forcement B = 087f,/ (0.0035 E,) E, = clastic modulus of steel P, = axial compression on wall For xy/i, 200 min the reinforcement shall be in 2 layers. Thus, horizontal reinforcement of ‘Sum diameter barsat 175 mm c/cin 2layer will suifics. An opening 's present at section 8, Taking depth ofwall on each side of opening, thats resisting shear as 1250 mim,» = 1466 N/mm? Ths, shear to ‘eressted by reinforcement on each side of opening is, Var = 328 KN, ‘Therefore, provide 8 mm diameter legged stirrups at 140 mum c/e con each sie of opening, (©) Flexural strength of web : The verti reinforcement inthe ‘web i025 percent. The length ofthe wall ly is 4140 mm and its web ‘thickness fe 15230 mm. Axial compression Will ncreasethemoment capacity ofthe wall. Therefore, the factored axial frceshould betaken 8 Pe 08 x19229 + 122557 = 1645 KN, Assuming this axial load to be uniformly disttbuted, load on web = 0.574 x 145 = 1059 IN. ‘Thus from equationsin 13:1 (a)forsaty $ ty, 2 0074, = 0.060, uty = 0279, x ofle= 0.660, and the vale of Bs 0.516. As fl ess than 2g the moment of resistance of the web is btained from ‘equations in 1.3.1) a, May=2967 KN, The remaining moment that 15, My ~ Muy shall be resisted by reinforcement in the boundary clement. (© Boundary elements: The sal compressionat the extreme ber due to combined axial load and bending on the section i 6.805. N/mm? As this grater than 0.2, provision ofboundary elements slong the wall edges is mandatory. The center to center distance between theboundary elements, Cy, is 3760 m. The axial force onthe boundary element due to earthquake loading is (Ma Map)/Cu = 937, KN. Thus, the maximum factored compression on the boundary dle- ment is [937 + 0.213 x1.2 x (1922.9 + 25579] = 1494 KN, The factored. tension onthe boundary elements (0213 x(081922.9-12%2557) = 997) = 675 KN. Assuming short eslumn action, the axial load capacity ofthe boundary clement with minimum reinforcement of08 percant is 2361 KN. Therefore 12 bas of 16 mm diameter will be ‘dequateto take the compression as wellas tension. Thearrangement 5 2 {et 5mm 2c ‘ gees tte Hom oc qu sinm ec Polegged straps Sat 75mm ae. on nen Fig 3 Reinforcement details for example wall ‘of reinforcement inthe boundary element as pe Fig 3 requires 10mm ‘ameter rectangular hoops to be provided at 95 mm on cenizes 35, special confining reinforcement (@ Reinforcement around opening: The opening of a 1200 smanby 1200 mm. The area of vrcal and orzotal reinforcement ‘he we 25 perce) that i interupted byt 690 mm? Therefore ‘bar of 16mm diameter should be provided per Iyer franc rent on each ido the opering. The vera ar should extend for the fll storey height. The horizontal ar shold be provided with development ng in eson beyond theses the pening. Fig 3 strates the enforcement details References x Indian Sod Cle of Practice of Pin en Rebored Coe, SAS6I578, BS, New Da 2 ___ Ino Sadat Code of Pract or Eartha Rata! Design ad Catriona 15436-1976, BIS, New Du ‘Te Intan Concrete Jura * September 1993 3. _ ing Cale Reperements fr Refrcal Core and Commeny, ‘ACL S1E 6/319, 192, Ameren Concrete USA. 4 tor Bing Cat, UBC188 otertonal Conference Bud ‘eg Otialn USA 5. _Recmmenia Late! Fors Rapironets an Cnty, SEAOC, 1980, uct Engines Assocation of Calf USA 6 __ Design of Cmca Strctres fr Bugs, CANS. AAS MB, 194, ‘Gerad Sundards Auodaton, Cara, 7. _ Cates Pst fo Deign of Court Srcurs en Comment, [NZS-touPae en 192 Sted ston of New Zand, lingo, 1 MEDHEKAR MS, andJAIN,SK, Seam beuviw, dsgn an dein RC ener vl Parl: Behaviour and sang Tei Concrete, July 198, Val 7, No.7 pp. 31238, 9 OESTERLE, RC, FORATO, AB, and CORLEY, W.G 1861 Reforeement Deu for Earthquake Rast Suc Wall PCA Rs 6 Dee ‘ant ulin - RDO3O1D, Porta Cement Asxiation USA 10.PARKR, and PAULAY. T1975, Rejorat Conet Stir, John Wiley Sona, New Yor, 11.__Seamic Ratan of RenfralCoerae ha Ws on rane ins Ilene of Rent Reach fr Dein Empnarn, ATC, App Teche a logy Counc USA. eee New Publication from ACC-RCD Concrete Mix Design “Concrete Mix Design” which was fist brought out by the erstwhile Concrete Association of India in 1979 and then in 1989 was found extremely usatul by practicing engineers, consultants, concrete tachnologists and others connected with the concrete construction industry. ‘This booklet has been recently revised and an enlarged edtion is published by the esearch and Consultancy Directorate ofthe Associated Cement Cos Lid. ‘The book covers all aspects of concrete mix design, right trom the basic principles to the solution of practical examples in the design of concrete mixes. Its divided into following chapters. “Approach to mix design Principles of mix design Properties related to mix design ‘Acceptance criteria Proportioning the ingredients ‘Separate chapter on each of the following mix design methods: |S, RRL, DOE, ACI, Surface Index, Trial Mix, Maximum Density, Minimum Voids, and Fineness Modulus methods Parameters affecting the strength of concrete ‘The third revised ection incorporates changes made in the indian Standard, 1S:10262-1962 and DOE methods. The gon- «al principles of mix design, durabilly considerations, sttitical concoptsfor qual coir, acceptance tra fr fl concrete are some othe Important topis cavared in the booklat. Anctherimpertant aspect stat all the mathods of mix

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