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Business Strategy Review, 2002, Volume 13 Issue 4, pp 53-57

Doing business
the American way
Allyson Stewart-Allen

The love of rankings is an indicator, too, of our love

The best way to successfully work with of competition: the Fortune 100; the 100 best
American business partners is to think like companies to work for in America; the best bosses;
them. That means understanding and the best business schools.

accepting their values and in particular Win/win. This is one of the best and most productive
their addiction to planning of all kinds. approaches to most business opportunities since it
works on the basis that both parties to a business deal
emerge victorious. The rules of the US business game
To understand a business culture requires an are clear: make as much money as you can, as fast as
understanding of its values. Americans in business are you can. This game theory approach perhaps comes
a straightforward and direct group, especially helpful from the economics of abundance rather than the
when trying to gain insights into what makes them economics of scarcity and invasions, so well-known
tick. True to the national constitution, there are three in Asia and Europe. It’s apparent in the language of
things held dear in pursuit of the almighty business business negotiations with phrases such as “how can
deal: life (read: having fun at work); liberty (read: we both make this work?” and “we’re really excited
having control and freedom over the work we do); about working with you on this”. The downside of
and the pursuit of happiness (read: money). this approach, however, is the assumption by
Americans in business that cash is the universal
What is astounding is the constancy of the business motivator and language of business. An appreciation
values in the US today – stable for the past several that in most business cultures with which Americans
decades – which have so quickly flavoured and work, winning is measured in more rounded ways
integrated with the national values and cultures (such as social inclusion, access to exclusive
brought with the waves of immigrants starting their information) is often lacking.
new lives. Those values are:
Anything is possible. Americans believe that if you
Competition. There is a shared understanding that really want to pursue a business idea it’s possible to
competition raises the stakes of the game and that make it happen and it’s even possible you’ll make good
winning brings sweet rewards. It is akin to playing money trying. How will you recognise this? Because
tennis with a better player because you know you rise no matter how ludicrous an idea you present to your
to their level. Our business language often looks to American boss or colleagues, it’ll be given time and
competitive sports for its inspiration: slam-dunk, home treated with respect. And we know from the history
run, left field. of business successes in the US (look at the success of

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pet rocks about 15 years ago and 3M’s Post-It notes), everyone else in the company (Steve Jobs at Apple, Jeff
some of the wackiest ideas really make it to the big Bezos at Amazon, Bill Gates at Microsoft, for example).
time. The downside of this positive and optimistic
outlook, however, is that those who raise concerns or Insular. In part because the number of weeks allowed
reservations are usually viewed as negative, for annual vacations is low in the US relative to other
destructive, unhelpful and launching personal attacks. countries, true insights, empathy and understanding
Tact and well-structured objective arguments will go of other national and business cultures is very weak.
a long way towards avoiding this perception. The negotiating power and confidence of non-
Americans when striking a deal with a US partner is
Information is free. Phone any US company for your underpinned by the simple fact that Americans will
market research exercise and they’ll not only usually know less about your country and business culture
answer your questions but also route you to additional than you already know about theirs through the
information sources. It’s unlikely pervasive distribution of American TV, movies and
you’ll be asked why you want to books (remember Michael Douglas’ character, Gordon
know and you won’t be grilled Gecko, in the film Wall Street?).
about who you are and any ulterior
motives. Most American companies The attitude towards non-American ways of doing
know that if they don’t tell you the information about business is generally intolerant: “that’s different, so
themselves you’ll find the information elsewhere – such that’s wrong”. Speaking languages for business other
as via the Internet – and at least if you’ve gained the than English and possibly Spanish is extremely rare
information from them, they are controlling the and most Americans in business who do venture to
messages and the content. foreign climes seek out local and familiar destinations:
US hotel and car rental chains and US food chains.
This openness and lack of suspicion come from a belief It’s based on the belief that anything you could possibly
that it’s not what you know or who you know, it’s want materially is already found in America so why
how you’ve used what you know. In Europe, on the look elsewhere? A tip for your next US meeting: bring
other hand, companies are highly suspicious of the a map of your region and show your colleagues where
motives of any researcher or enquirer (and even your London and other offices are, explaining that
customer) since power is derived by what you know the region is not like a United States of Europe but
and who you know it from. rather richer for its histories and cultures.

Liberty and justice for all. This phrase, recited daily Welcoming. Despite the insularity of Americans in
in American classrooms as part of the “pledge of business, the openness, informality, optimism, humour,
allegiance”, reflects the meritocratic, “all men are curiosity and friendliness instantly put most people at
created equal” ethos that runs through the business ease. This is especially helpful when coming from business
culture. The classless society has proven that even those cultures with steep class hierarchies and formal rituals.
from the most humble beginnings can (and do) become Humour is a tool subconsciously used to relax the
business success stories. This belief in rags-to-riches is mood and build an atmosphere of friendliness and
reinforced regularly in the stories about such people informality. Because of the belief that anything is
in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune possible in American business, this optimism carries
and Business Week. Which is in part why everyone’s over to your relationship too: the glass will be half
ideas and opinions count – because you don’t know full rather than half empty. Don’t be surprised if your
from where the next “killer app” might come. American opposite number suggests that the
“problems” you foresee are actually “opportunities”.
Calling the boss by his or her first name, wearing the
same “smart casual” attire as the mailroom boy, cleaning Transactions rule. Doing the deal is more important
out your own coffee cup regardless of your job title, not than building relationships and getting to know the
putting a list of academic qualifications on business other parties to the deal. This is apparent when
cards are all indications of the value placed on equality beginning negotiations with your American colleagues,
at work and the desire for equal treatment. It’s even who may forget to offer you tea or coffee since the
possible your boss is significantly younger than transaction is top of mind – which might explain why

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Doing business the American way 55

so many bring their own Starbucks coffees along with in a more sober era of downsizing, restructuring and
them. (As an American myself, I advise my own clients unpredictability.
not to take this single-minded focus too personally.)
Our perception is that if you’re not first in the race to
The small talk that comes with relationship building conquer your environment, to stake your claim in the
is usually saved for the end of the negotiations. After “manifest destiny” then it’s not worth doing. The pace
all, “time is money” and transactions not only give of commerce is fast and our frontier spirit is alive and
more immediate rewards (a high return on time) but well. Mastering one’s destiny is a shared cultural view,
also deliver short-term positive commercial results at an insight into our deterministic culture. We believe
a faster pace than do relationships. Which is at odds we do control most (if not all) of our environment
with the usual American focus on all things to do with and that through planning of any kind you can master
the future. the elements in your environment. Fatalism is the old
world; determinism is the new.
Live to work. Generally, your occupation defines who
you are in the US and gives you a branding and Why we plan
positioning despite your best efforts. Renowned for According to the cross-cultural commentator Richard
the 60-hour week, Americans in the world of business Lewis in his book When Cultures Collide (Nicholas
relish the satisfaction that comes from a good day’s Brealey, 2000), the American business philosophy is
work – a sort of cleansing of the spirit, answering that plain: to make as much money as fast as you can.
Puritan calling. And one of the best ways of doing so is through lots
of very good planning. Everything in our culture is
One way you can recognise this tendency towards goal-oriented and action-oriented with a perceived
overachievement is by the display of trophies, meritocratic pay-off of results-based rewards.
diplomas, sports medals and awards in the office,
demonstrating the love of work and reinforcing the The construction of plans is a valued behaviour in
ethos that hard work pays off. Another clue is a our culture; it’s not that not planning is destructive
statistic from a survey by consultants Accenture in but not planning is viewed as being poorly organised
2000 that 83 per cent of US office workers who went and a signal that winning the race is not that important
on a summer vacation for a week or more stayed in to you.
touch with their offices while away, usually by phone
or email. Another driver of planning in US companies is the
linkage of personal performance to organisational
The urge to plan performance – a management practice known as
But what’s the context of these values? In what types “performance management”. By
of corporate situations will you be exposed to them? ensuring company goals (a by-
The likeliest and earliest experience you’ll probably product of the planning process)
encounter is planning, one of our most fundamental and individual goals are
business needs. The strength and depth of this urge is interdependent, US enterprises try
probably most closely linked to our heritage: the to ensure individual acknowledgement and rewards
immigrants who left behind their economies of scarcity. stay merit-based. For some companies, planning for
By planning, you could plot your way to having a performance is about planning for fun. In a recent
share of the scarce resources such as food, shelter, interview in Fast Company, Mona Cabler, director of
education and jobs. fun at telecomms company Sprint, asserted that “fun
and work are mutually reinforcing”, adding “when
Recent trends give added importance to planning and [US] companies say they’re employee centered, they
the need to blueprint our futures, such as the usually mean centered on helping employees achieve
disappearance of the job for life, the receding social the company’s goals. We emphasize helping individuals
security nets to look after employees in their golden achieve their personal goals”.
years and, of course, unpredictable acts of terrorism.
Where a few decades ago the optimism of US business Accelerating decision making is one of our favourite
was that life would still get even better, we now live past-times since this fuels our need to take action, to

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do things. Sports company Nike’s long-serving There’s a relatively new category posited by US
strapline “Just Do It” is evidence of this strong need, calendar manufacturer Franklin Covey called the
communicated very well. “personal productivity planner”, which allows you
to plan gift-giving occasions using its online reminder
Other motives for our planning include avoidance of service. Franklin Covey, one of the leading personal
the accusation that we’re following a “seat-of-the- desktop calendar manufacturers, conducted research
pants” strategy – an irresponsible, profligate, in the last few years to better understand how
unfocused, unmethodical set of steps towards pursuing Americans plan.
the Holy Grail of business: profits.
In order responsibly to allocate our It found that over 50 per cent use a calendar, 30 per
corporate resources, be they human, cent notebook-style organisers and that over 80 per
cash or intellectual property, cent make lists. Nearly 75 per cent say they “always
planning helps us believe we’ve done or frequently” know what they want to accomplish
so in a considerate way. The planning process also helps in life, nearly 40 per cent have written financial goals
us believe we’ll minimise our risk of becoming just and about 33 per cent have written career goals.
another statistic in the graveyard of failed corporate
missions – our “plan or die” ethos must prevail. The vocabulary of battle is often prevalent when
Americans engage in planning. They get armed or
The prioritisations that result from planning – making equipped; lead or defend; attack competitors; win
and communicating choices – are ingrained in customers; slaughter the competition; win the war.
Americans in business from an early age. We’re taught Whatever strategy is employed, clear winners and
these skills early in life and to believe decisiveness losers are likely to emerge. There’s also the planning
means proactiveness, that indecision brings loss of acronyms: MBO (management by objectives),
control. With decisiveness comes a perception of self- SWOT (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats)
reliance and independence. “The buck stops here” and STEP analysis (sociocultural/technological/
religion reveals the importance we attach to making economic/political).
independent decisions, whether for business or
private life. Another phrase that’s successfully taken root, thanks
to the long best-selling Stephen Covey book Seven
We also plan – alone or with a team – in order to Habits of Highly Effective People, is that we should
construct the business case that lets us win budgets, “begin with the end in mind” – a plea to visualise the
increased territory, authority and recognition from our prize that comes with good planning. But to seize the
peers. He who crafts the plan usually controls the prize, a well-constructed “business case” – an often-
resource purse. heard phrase – shows how the ROI (return on
investment) can be achieved.
Types of planning
The variety of categories of plan in use reveal the Who does all this planning?
pervasiveness of the practice. Strategic, operational, Planning is typically an event, a project usually done
contingency, business and financial planning add fuel in purposefully formed teams whose prime source of
to the driver of the idea, the entrepreneur (the patron cohesion is the need to complete the planning task at
saint of US business). It permeates every aspect of our hand. There’s no real need to get to know one another,
life at work and at home. just to collaborate on the planning event to produce a
lucid series of arguments to support the business case.
When not planning what to do for lunch, we’ll plan If true friendship results, then this is a fantastic bonus.
our holidays, our investment strategies, our careers,
our parties and even our life. As if further evidence is Usually junior-level management and above, across
needed, an entire industry, “life planning”, has all functional departments and SBUs (strategic business
emerged in the US over the last seven years with units) participate on a planning team of one sort or
counsellors helping busy workers to juggle the another. Often the group is managed like a sports team,
demands of home and work, to prioritise life’s demands which can alienate women members not familiar with
for a happier, healthier, shinier, longer existence. locker-room pep talks or sports analogies.

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Doing business the American way 57

It is often an impersonal, routine and regular activity, advocating a clear position, aiming to convert the rest
usually quarterly – borne out of our cultural needs of the organisation, defending their collective point
for independence and objectivity – which often hinders of view and playing down any weaknesses in their
the creation of true teamwork. The schism between arguments.
self-reliant, independent professionalism and wanting
to be popular with the planning team is often a While minority views are tolerated, they’re usually
challenge, as task leaders and emotional leaders hardly discouraged or dismissed. The result: clearly
ever exist within the same individual. identifiable winners and losers emerge as a result of
the decision as opposed to a cadre of winners who
Even the best laid plans… share collective ownership. Because planning is a one-
… do go wrong. Especially when it comes to US off event, it minimises the quality of decision making
companies trying to grow in overseas territories. by ensuring it is not an ongoing, iterative process.
Despite our intense hunger for “factoids” (thanks to Instead, the event, with its finite start/stop, can take
CNN for this word), figures and almanac trivia, doing on a significance, drama and status all its own.
in-country research abroad is an often-neglected part
of the planning activities. It’s often unlikely that The resistance to overt conflict means decisions are
anyone employed by a US company physically sited often the least well informed of all possible routes,
within the 50 states speaks a foreign language or scenarios or options, which do not get debated by the
profoundly understands a foreign culture. It’s very team. Once a decision is made,
often just too difficult to plan for more substantive rarely is it re-examined during the
information gathering since no one locally understands fiscal year since this could imply
such far-flung places. possible mistakes or omissions and
loss of face and embarrassment for
The marketing graveyard of misnaming (Chevrolet’s those who took the decision. After all, there are
“Nova” automobiles became “doesn’t go” in Spanish- reputations to uphold.
speaking markets), slogan mistranslations (Kentucky
Fried Chicken’s long-term strapline “Finger lickin’ Our view as a culture that dissent is destructive means
good” became “So good you’ll suck your fingers off” that there’s a bias in favour of those who support a
in Chinese) and other international blunders are proof team decision and advocate it. Members who question
of such planning omissions. a decision and the assumptions it is built upon are
viewed as negative, unhelpful, politically motivated
Decision making and are often unpopular as future team members.
Planning the “attack” on the market is the front-end
of the business cycle; selling it internally with decision- Might this be one of the less attractive values that
making colleagues is the critical, implementation part allows dysfunctional cultures such as Enron, Tyco and
of the planning process that allows us to demonstrate Worldcom to exist? Quite possibly. But it’s also the
our acute “action” skills. This hunting/gathering view force that quickly mobilises teams and implements
of business planning encourages the masculine, macho plans. Let’s not forget after all one of our fundamental
behaviours often seen during this cycle of business. values: “time is money”.

According to some keen observations put forward in

a Harvard Business Review article(“What you don’t Allyson Stewart-Allen
know about decision making” by David Garvin and ( is an
Michael Roberto, September 2001), most US business American international marketing consultant
professionals see planning as an event, a contest rather who has been based in London for the last 15
than a collaborative problem-solving process – with years, founder of US and UK-based consultancy
team discussions serving as a platform for International Marketing Partners Ltd and co-
demonstrating skills in persuasion and lobbying. author of Working with Americans: How to
Build Profitable Business Relationships. (2002
The team members charged with taking the decisions Prentice Hall).
about a plan typically play the role of spokesmen,

Spring 2003

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