Iwb Actual Final

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TPACK Template

Content Subject Math

Grade Level Kindergarten

Learning K.7 The student will recognize the a6ributes of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and iden?fy the
number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, a dime, and a quarter.

Pedagogy In this interac9ve white board ac9vity, the children will touch the board to
Planning move and sort coins by name.

Pedagogy Ac9vity The teacher will be teaching the students about United
States money, specifically coins. The students will
learn about each side of the coins - who and what each
side represents. The students will be able to identify
what each coin is and how much they are each worth.
They will be able to point out on their devices what
coins are which from a collection of coins in the online
assignment and assign the correct coin to toys with
price tags in the online assignment.

The students will use the interactive whiteboard to drag

the names and coins to their respective coins and

This activity is a prelude into learning how to add the

coins together.
Technology Technology https://exchange.smarttech-prod.com/preview/

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