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Service Manual

MyLab 9 Family

Rev. 05
Feb 2019

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Service Characteristics ................................................................................... 2
1.1.1 Identifying the Boards .............................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Fuses....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Equipment ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Disassembling Equipment ....................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Service Procedures ................................................................................. 3
1.2.3 USB Medium ........................................................................................... 4
1.2.4 Safety Test Equipment ............................................................................ 4
1.3 Warnings and Precautions.............................................................................. 5
2 BLOCK DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................. 6
2.1 General Block Diagram................................................................................... 8
2.2 Input Probe Board (IPB) ................................................................................. 9
2.3 Digital Front End Board (DFB) ........................................................................ 9
2.4 Digital Processing Board (DPB) .................................................................... 10
2.5 Host Processing Module (HPM) ................................................................... 10
2.6 Main Keyboard ............................................................................................. 11
2.7 Power Supply Group..................................................................................... 11
2.8 Main Bus Board (MBB) ................................................................................. 11
2.9 ECG ASSY ................................................................................................... 11
2.10 Electric and Schematic Diagrams ................................................................. 11
3 UNIT DISASSEMBLY .......................................................................................... 12
3.1 LCD Monitor ................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Control panel ................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Control panel disassembly .................................................................... 15
3.3 PCB access .................................................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Input board and power supply removal.................................................. 25
4 PARTS LIST ........................................................................................................ 32
5 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................... 42
5.1 Battery Cell ................................................................................................... 42
5.2 Check list ...................................................................................................... 42
5.2.1 Technical Check List ............................................................................. 42
5.2.2 Maintenance Check List ........................................................................ 43
5.3 Cleanliness of product .................................................................................. 45
5.4 Trouble shooting ........................................................................................... 45
5.4.1 DFB position .......................................................................................... 45
5.4.2 Hard Ware issues .................................................................................. 46
5.4.3 Error messages ..................................................................................... 49
5.4.4 Log file error messages ......................................................................... 51

6 SERVICE INFORMATION ................................................................................... 53
6.1 Service menu................................................................................................ 53
6.3 Software installation/update.......................................................................... 56
6.4 Formatting the HDD/SSD ............................................................................. 58
6.5 Compatibility overview .................................................................................. 64
6.5.1 MyLab 9 Family V1, V2 PCB compatibility ............................................ 64
6.5.2 Control Panel compatibility .................................................................... 66
6.6 ID button ....................................................................................................... 66
6.7 Track ball dipswitch settings ......................................................................... 67
6.8 Log Files ....................................................................................................... 68
6.8.1 Log Files Organization .......................................................................... 68
6.8.2 LogParser Executable ........................................................................... 68
6.8.3 User Session ......................................................................................... 70
6.9 Remote Service ............................................................................................ 72
7 HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS AND UPGRADES ............................................ 73
7.1 8TB HDD ...................................................................................................... 73
7.2 24” LCD monitor BARCO ............................................................................. 79
7.3 UPS .............................................................................................................. 90
7.4 Virtual Navigator Drive Bay........................................................................... 97
7.5 ECG Module Assy ........................................................................................ 98
7.6 Basic to Cardio update ............................................................................... 103
8 SAFETY TEST................................................................................................... 104
8.1 Safety measurements according IEC 62353 .............................................. 104
8.1.1 Limits Table ......................................................................................... 111
8.2 Safety measurements according IEC60601-1 ............................................ 113
8.2.1 MyLab safety test - Operating Procedures .......................................... 114


This manual refers to all MyLab 9 Family ultrasound models, named in the following
chapters as MyLab 9 Family. The term “MyLab 9 Family”, used in this manual, refers
to all models. When the information refers to a dedicated model it will be specifically

The service manual is available in English only.

The manual is addressed to all the Service centers directly authorized by Esaote. All
the operations described in this manual are not critical from a safety point of view.
This manual describes the authorized operations.

Perform only the operations describes in the manual. Any unauthorized modification
may introduce additional hazards.

Do not attempt to service MyLab 9 Family unless this service manual has been
consulted and understood.

The Enter and context menu keys are respectively indicated as ENTER and UNDO
keys in this manual.

The electronic diagrams are not enclosed in this manual.

In this manual WARNING identifies a risk for the patient and/or the operator.

The word CAUTION describes the precautions necessary for protecting the

1 350015200_05
1.1 Service Characteristics

1.1.1 Identifying the Boards

MyLab 9 Family Families design is based on the use of modular, functionally isolated
printed circuit boards (PCBs) and subassemblies known as Field Replaceable Unit.
This modularization greatly simplifies on-site service and repair. In most cases, on-
site maintenance is accomplished by removing and replacing the PCBs or
Most boards of MyLab 9 Family Families are identified:

• By its Description and reference, which is always indicated on the label.

• By the Serial Number (SN), indicated on the label.
• By the Configuration Index (CI), indicated by two decimal figures on the label.
The Configuration Index represents the HW level of the board.
The Configuration Index is loaded in specific components mounted on each

In the boards not equipped with flap this information is on labels affixed on the
printed circuit.

1.1.2 Fuses

Do not replace the system fuses with types different from those specified.

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1.2 Equipment

In this section the required tools to access the system internal parts are listed
together with the tools to activate the Service procedures and to perform a functional
test of the unit.

1.2.1 Disassembling Equipment

The disassembling procedures are described in detail in Chapter 3 UNIT

Tool Dimension
Dynamometric Phillips electric screwdriver Large, medium and
small tips
Short Philips screwdriver Small tip
Slotted screwdriver Large and small tips
Box wrench
Allen screwdriver
Socket Wrench
Point pliers Small tip
The use of an electric screwdriver allows the access time to be minimized. Low
torques are recommended.

1.2.2 Service Procedures

USB Service key
P/N 140009500

The service procedures that require an interaction with the unit, can be activated
through the service key only. The service key must be inserted in one of the cart USB
ports (not at the control panel).

The key must be inserted before switching on the unit, to be able to access to the
several service menus. If the procedure is not carried out properly, the system
doesn’t allow the access to the menu.

This symbol is used in this manual to indicate all the procedures that require
the use of the service key.

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1.2.3 USB Medium
To perform a complete check of the unit, it is suggested to always have an USB
medium. These tools allow the service technician to test the functioning of the USB
USB medium is also required to export Log files and perform a software upgrade.
For the software upgrade a 16GB USB 3.0 key is recommended to increase the
speed. This key must be connected in one of the cart USB ports (not at the control

1.2.4 Safety Test Equipment

The safety test must be performed whenever the system composition has been
changed, either by adding a new peripheral or by having replaced parts. Refer to
chapter 8, SAFETY TEST page 104 in this manual for detailed information on when
to perform the tests and how to carry it out.

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1.3 Warnings and Precautions


It is forbidden to edit or delete files that belong to the software package. Doing so
may compromise the system safety.


A series of precautions that must be observed each time you perform an operation
on the system are emphasized below:

• The equipment must always be switched off before carrying out any service
operation. In the same way, all the probes and peripherals (for example
external monitor, printer, and video-recorder) must also be disconnected.
• Power off the equipment prior to perform any disassembling operation.
• When the unit is in Standby mode (main switch on, but unit off), the AUX
connectors are supplied with a voltage.
• An electrostatic discharge occurring through the contact with the operator, can
irreparably damage the electronic components on system boards that are
sensitive to electro-static discharges: it is therefore recommended that
precautions to prevent these discharges are taken each time a board has to
be removed/installed. In operational terms, this means:
o The machine must rest on an electro-static mat connected to earth.
o The service technician must also be connected to the same earth each
time he removes or installs the parts.
o The boards and components must always be moved in their special
electro-static containers.
o For the service on the field, use the specific kits including the anti-static
o The chapter entitled “system Parts List” details the sub-assemblies that
are to be considered sensitive to electro-static discharges (ESD).

When the board is ESD sensitive, you can find this symbol on the PCB master.

REFERENCE: IEC 61340-5-1 (2007)

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This chapter contains the block diagram descriptions for each board. The general
Block Diagram shows the relationships of each board having a unique function within
the overall unit.
In the block diagrams, the functions are gathered to permit an easy comprehension
of the block functioning, which indicates the correlative electronic boards.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the MyLab 9 Family unit.

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2.1 General Block Diagram
The probes are connected to the INPUT PROBE BOARD (IPB).
The board receives the HV pulses from the DIGITAL FRONT END BOARD (DFB).
Each DFB manages different channels and according the probe and preset selected,
they create the high voltage pulses necessary to the probe to create the US echo.
The US echo arriving from the probes, go to the Input Probe board that, without any
elaboration, sends the data to the two Digital Front End
The Input Probe Board, send to the DIGITAL PROCESSING BOARD (DPB) the
information about the probes connected to the unit.
In the two DFB the US echo pass through amplifiers and then are converted from
analogic to digital data. Then they go to the internal FPGAs for the image
reconstruction process.
The US data from the second DFB are sent to the first, where are mixed with the
internal ones. After this step the whole data are sent to the DPB.
The DPB receive all the US data and proceed with all the post processing
elaborations. As well from the US data creates the CFM and Doppler image (CW and
PW). The board has one interface to the ECG ASSY, to receive the ECG signal to be
displayed with the US image. The data go to the HOST PROCESSING MODULE
The DPB creates all the internal clocks necessary for the internal boards.
The DPB has as well one RF OUT, for the US unfiltered data.
The HPM receives the data and mix them to the overlay, then send all to the external
It has a direct connection (by USB) to the QWERTY keyboard and touchscreen
group, to receive all the commands selected by the user and set the touch panel
according the modality enabled. As well send to the keyboard group all the audio
signals. In board there is an amplifier who drives the unit’s speakers.
In the Host Processing board, there is also the internal PC module, who manages the
internal HDDs (there are two, one SSD), network card, ram memories and USB
plugs. The PC module is able to receive from HDD all the SW necessary to the
various boards and, using one dedicated communication channel, send it to the
Digital Processing Board. This board sends the SW to the two Digital Front End, the
Input Probe and to the Switching Power Board.
The power supply section is composed by one insulation transformer for the auxiliary
plugs, one AC/DC module (who has inside one dedicated insulation transformer) that
receives the line voltage and then creates a 12Vdc. The 12Vdc is sent to the
SWITCHING POWER BOARD (SPB). This board sends the 12Vdc to the DPB, HPM;
and to the keyboard group. The SPB also creates different voltages for the DFB. The
Input Probe board is instead supplied by the DPB by one dedicated connection
The SPB manages the fans rack.
The Main Bus Board is a board on which are connected some of the internal boards
of the unit. It does not have active components on board but only connectors.

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2.2 Input Probe Board (IPB)

The Input Probe board is the interface among the probes and the rest of the unit.
On board are assembled four connectors for electronic probes.
The board doesn’t perform any elaboration on the US data from the probes and on
the HV pulses, but simply passes/receives them from/to the two DFB.
In fact the HV pulses are already received at the high voltage level from the Digital
Front End and are directly sent to the right connector. This due to some relays which
proceed with the operation. The DPB controls these operations.
The information about the probe connected is sent to the DPB. From this board the
IPB receives all the settings and the information about the probe to enable.

2.3 Digital Front End Board (DFB)

The DFB is the responsible for the HV pulse generation and for the focalization of the
signals from the probes. In the unit there are two DFBs. No difference among them:
every board can be seated in every DFB position without trouble.
From the DPB board they receive all the focalization data and, according the probe
and the preset selected, they generate the high voltage pulses, starting from the low
signal pulse (also generated inside the DFB). The generated HV depends on the
image mode and is different for B mode and Doppler/CFM mode.
To perform this operation, the Power Supply Group sends in parallel to all the DFB
the high voltage to generate the pulses. When ready they are sent to the IPB and
then to the probe.
Every Digital Front End manages half portion of the image according the image

The data from the probes directly returns to the Digital Front End. They are filtered
and amplified according the gain selected, then converted from analog to digital,
elaborated and sent out for the next steps.
The DFB 2 board does not send the data directly to the DPB, but the board number
two send the data to the number one who sum the two signals and send out the
result to the DPB
The position inside the MBB indicates if the board is the number one or two.
The sequence is IPB, DFB2 and DFB1.

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2.4 Digital Processing Board (DPB)

The DPB receives the US data (indicated as Data in the block diagram) from the DFB
1: The data receives different elaborations in case of BW image (2D and M-Mode) or
CFM, PW and CW.
The Data are filtered, demodulated and elaborated (also according some parameters
and filters set by the user) in the first internal block. After this step some post
processing elaborations are applied.
The internal Doppler demodulation circuit receive the elaborated Data from the first
block and generates the data that sent to the CFM and the PW Doppler elaboration
group create the CFM and PW Doppler image.
For CW Doppler, the CW elaboration group elaborates the Data arrived from the
DFB, before the elaboration done in the first block and creates the CW image.
All the US data (BW, CFM…) go to the PCiex group who send out them to the
(Video) Host Processing Module, where is created the whole US image and is added
the overlay. After, all is sent to the monitor.
On board, starting from two different clock generators, are created all the clocks
necessary for all the unit.
For the management of all the functions on board, there different DSPs in the control
group. This group communicates with the Digital Front End boards, the Input probe
(motor signals, temperature controls.), receive and send data with Host Processing
The board controls the Switching Power Board, part of the power supply group.
Correct generation of voltages are read from Switching Power Board on all the
boards in the rack, including the board itself. The board also generates all the supply
voltages for the IPB and sends them via the MBB.

2.5 Host Processing Module (HPM)

The Host Processing Module is the interface between its internal PC group and the
rest of the unit.
This module receives from the DPB the US data (BW, CFM…). They are sent to the
video card on which are mixed to the overlay created to the PC part assembled on
board. The whole video frame is sent to the monitor.
At the start-up the DPB board checks the HW composition of the system and checks
if all the boards are connected. If all is ok every board starts to program itself using
the firmware present in some internal flash memories present in all the boards
The HPM, in case the firmware is not aligned with the main SW, acquire the
necessary firmware from the PC group that reads the SW present inside the HDD
and send it to the boards to upgrade, using internal serial buses.
The same channel is used for all the communications and checks during the live
activity or to upgrade the boards in case of new SW installation.
The PC group manages all the interfaces (USB, network, Wi-Fi) and the
communication with the keyboard group. It manages the display touch panel and set
it according the user selections. The LAN insulation transformer and connector are
located on this board as well.
The amplifier for the speakers, that are located in the upper group, is present on
The amplified signal is sent to the keyboard group and from there to the speakers.
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2.6 Main Keyboard

The group communicates with the PC module assembled in the HPM board by
dedicated USB cables, connected to 2 different HUB on the keyboard, to manage
several several USB resources: QWERTY, Touch Screen, Mouse, PIC keyboard, 2
user USB’;s, DVD and secondary display.
It receives all the data selected by the user and communicate with the Host
processing board in order to set the unit according the user’s selections.
On Board there are 2 USB hubs that manages the USB plugs present in the
keyboard group. The display link circuit manages the display touch panel and
communicates with the PC group.
On the keyboard group the connector is present on which is connected the supply
cable for the main monitor. The monitor is suppled at 12Vdc.

2.7 Power Supply Group

The group is composed by a board on which are assembled the auxiliary plugs, the
fuses holders and the insulation transformer who supply the auxiliary plugs. From this
group the line voltage is sent to the AC/DC module who converts the line voltage in a
This voltage goes to the Switching Power Board (SPB) who is creating the different
voltages for the DFB (high voltage, +5…)
The SPB sends the 12 Vdc to the DPB, HPM, key board group.
Inside every board there is a circuit who creates the different voltages necessary for
the boards. The DPB supplies as well the IPB.

2.8 Main Bus Board (MBB)

The board is simply a passive board on which are connected some of the unit’s
boards. The boards connected are the two DFB, the DPB, the HPM and the SPB.


The board acquires the ECG signal from the patient and elaborates it.
The signal is amplified, filtered converted and elaborated: Then is sent to the DPB, in
order to add it to the US data and show it on the main monitor.
All the ECG part is optical insulated from the rest of the unit.
The Physio input is not used, the patient has to be connected to the ECG input plug
using the dedicated Esaote cable

2.10 Electric and Schematic Diagrams

The diagrams are confidential and not enclosed in this manual.

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The chapter describes the unit disassembly in such way that the major service parts
can be accessed.
In order to carry out all the all the removal procedures, all peripherals, probes and
power cables should be disconnected and removed.

3.1 LCD Monitor

To remove the LCD monitor from the unit:

Detach the cables, coming from the articulating arm, from the monitor.
Remove the 4 M3x6 DIN912 Brnd HEX Socket Head Caps that fix the Plastic cover for
VESA fixing.

Remove the 4 screws that secure the monitor to the arm.

Note: Make sure that the monitor does not drop when removing the screws!

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3.2 Control panel
Remove the 4 M3x8 screws that secure the “control panel closing cover” and remove
the cover.
Use a short Philips screwdriver.

Remove the 7 screws that secure the Control Panel to the cart.
Note the length of the screws!
2 pcs M4 x 12 in the rear.
4 pcs M4 x 16 in the center.
1 pc M4 x 8 in the front.

13 350015200_05
Remove the two screws that fix the Control Panel to the articulating arm.
Use a short Philips screwdriver

Lift the Control Panel and detach the cables connected to the Control Panel, to be
able to remove the Control panel.

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3.2.1 Control panel disassembly

Remove the 5 M3 x 8 screws to be able to remove the Control Panel Top cover

DVD drive removal

Detach the cable from the DVD drive and remove the screws that secure the bracket
to the housing.

15 350015200_05
Remove the 15 M3 x 8 screws that secure the Control Panel Rear cover.
Note that 8 screws are located underneath the foam around the loudspeakers.

Carefully lift the cover and detach the DVD cable from the DVD drive, if not already

Track ball removal

Remove the track ball cable and the four nuts that secure the track ball.

16 350015200_05
Keyboard assembly removal

Remove the DVD cable, if not already done.

Detach all cables coming from the Base LCD assembly from the Keyboard assembly.

Remove the four screws that fix the frame of the Base LCD Assy to the Keyboard

17 350015200_05
Carefully remove the Keyboard Assy from the Base LCD Assy.
Guide the flat cables from the encoders through the holes.

Soft Encoder Light board removal

Remove the 4 screws that secure the Software Encoder Light board.

18 350015200_05
ON/OFF Board Assembly removal

Remove the speaker.

The bracket that is attached to the speaker is fixed to the Base LCD Assy Frame with
two screws.

The screws are located underneath the foam. Carefully loosen the screws. They will
stay in the bracket.

Remove the flat cable from the ON/OFF Board Assembly

Remove the 5 self-tapping screws that secure the ON/OFF Board Assembly to remove
the board.

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3.3 PCB access
The following PCB’s can be accessed:

Remove the right cover, fixed with snap locks.

20 350015200_05
Remove the metal cover sheet from the PCB rack, fixed with 19 M3 x 8 screws.

After removing the metal cover sheet, the Switching power board can be removed

330000322 SWITCHING POWER BOARD (V1 systems)

330003593 SWITCHING POWER BOARD (V2 systems)

21 350015200_05
By removing the Control bus board, it is possible to remove the Digital Processing

250003500 CONTROL BUS BOARD (1 pcs)

250003600 ANALOG BUS BOARD (2 pcs)

330000324 DIGITAL PROCESSING BOARD (V1 systems)

330003781 DIGITAL PROCESSING BOARD II (V2 systems)

22 350015200_05
By Removing the Control bus board and the 2 pcs Analog bus boards it is possible to
remove the 2 pcs Digital Front End boards.

330000325 DIGITAL FRONTEND BOARD (V1 systems)

330003675 DIGITAL FRONTEND BOARD II (V2 systems)
330003782 DIGITAL FRONTEND BOARD II, no CW (V2 systems)

To be able to remove the (Video) Host Processing Module, it is necessary to

disconnect the cables connected to this module
To do this, remove the left cover, fixed with snap locks.

23 350015200_05
Detach the cables connected to the PCB rack and remove the 4 M3 x 6 screws that
secure the Host Processing Module.

Remove the Host Processing Module.


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3.3.1 Input board and power supply removal

Note: to be able to remove the Input board, it is required to remove both DFB1 and

Remove the front panel assembly fixed with 6 pieces M4x12 HEX Socket Head Cap
and washer. 4 Pieces are located on the front and 2 are located on top.

Note: the probe cable holders remain attached to the front panel.

Remove the Connectors Lighting Cable

25 350015200_05
Remove the Connectors Lighting Board, fixed with 4 pieces M4 x 6.

Remove the screw that fixes the Input Board, 11 pieces M3 x 8.

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Remove the input board carefully.
Do not damage the probe connector locking levers.

To be able to remove the power supply it is necessary to remove the PCB rack from the
To do this, remove the left cover which is fixed with snap locks. Front cover is also

Detach all cables from the PCB rack.

27 350015200_05
Remove the M4x10 screw that fixates the PCB rack.

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Remove, from the front, the 5 screws M4 x 8 that screws.


Remove at the right side the screw M4 x x8.

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Slide the PCB rack out of the trolley.

Remove 9 pcs M3 x 6 screws to remove the shielding.

Note the internal cable.

Detach the cables from the AC/DC module.

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Detach the cable from the PCB rack.
Remove the AC/DC module by removing the 4 pcs M3 x 6 screws.

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Parts are for MyLab 9 Family: 100644010 MyLab 9
100644000 MyLab 9 eXP

MyLab 9 Family systems are available in V1, V2 version.

Some parts are version specific and are listed separately below.

See section 6.5 Compatibility overview, page 64 for compatibility overview.

The unit version V1 or V2 can be recognized by means of the unit serial number.
For V2 systems the unit serial number starts at 20000.

BOARDS 330000325 Digital Frontend Board

V1 systems 330002615 Digital Processing Board
(unit serial # 330000322 SWITCHING POWER BOARD
< 20000) 530000005 AC/DC POWER SUPPLY
330000323 Host Processing Module

BOARDS 330003675 Digital Frontend Board II

V2 systems 330003782 Digital Frontend Board II, NO CW
(unit serial # 330003781 Digital Processing Board II
≥ 20000) 330003593 SWITCHING POWER BOARD II
330000323 Host Processing Module

32 350015200_05
Common parts 250003500 CONTROL BUS BOARD
330000467 Input Probe
250007900 Connectors Lighting Board
330000323 Host Processing Module
330001802 ECG ASSY
9103561000 DRIVE BAY ASSY
9103523000 Receiver for Virtual Navigator
9730630099 Transmitter for virtual Navigator
8109716000 Receiver Adapter spare (in combination with code
8109717000 Small plate for receiver adapter (in combination with code
330000478 21.5” LCD Monitor
140037700 24” LCD monitor BARCO

Options VRI00051 Annual Service Remote License

33 350015200_05
Upper Group


Keyboard Assy 6440
(without trackball)

Base LCD Assy 6440



34 350015200_05
On/Off board assy 6440

Soft encoder light board
assy 6440

qwerty keyboard assy

DVD driver slim slot-in SATA



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Platic Panels

Left Cover Assy

36 350015200_05
Left Cover Assy

Left Panel Assy

Right Panel Assy

37 350015200_05
Front Panel Assy

Top Cover Assy

Side Door Assy

38 350015200_05
Console Assy

Drawer Assy

Antistatic wheel

Break’s footpedal

Rear handle bottom cover

39 350015200_05
Rear handle top cover

Power cable hook

Rear handle buffalo horn

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Various Parts

Fan assy

Articulated arm

Note: Part numbers may change without prior notice.

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5.1 Battery Cell

The unit contains a Lithium battery, located on the (Video) Host Processing Module . It
is strongly recommended to replace the battery cell every three (3) years. If the
(Video) Host Processing Module has to be stored, it will be necessary to first remove
the battery.

The Esaote supplier is 3V 210 mA/h GP Model CR 2032.

Avoid contact with a leaking battery as the contents are harmful.

Irritation, including caustic burns and injury may occur following exposure to a
leaking battery.

Do not expose the battery to high temperature. Dispose batteries according to

local regulation.

If the battery is incorrectly installed it may explode. Replace only with the same
or equivalent type.

5.2 Check list

This chapter proposes two different check lists. The first one (Technical Check List)
suggests a set of inspection steps to be performed each time service personnel modify
the HW/SW composition (for example a board replacement or functional upgrade); the
other one (Maintenance Check List) suggests a check list intended for a general
equipment inspection like yearly maintenance.

5.2.1 Technical Check List

The Service key is required

Once any HW/SW change, modification or upgrade is finished and the unit is ready to
be closed, perform the following:

Step Tool Description

1 - Make note of any new board which have been replaced (REF
and C.I.).
2 Philips screwdriver Close the unit.
Straight Head

42 350015200_05
Socket wrench
Box wrench
3 Service key Switch the unit on with the service key inserted.
4 - If necessary set the boards C.I.
5 - When applicable, verify that the upgrade is working.
6 Printer Select the “Licenses” option (MENU key), print out all the
screens and place them in the pocket placed in the rear cover.
7 - Reboot the unit.
9 - Verify the unit functioning using the Maintenance Check List.

5.2.2 Maintenance Check List

Physical check

Step Tool Description

1 - Check the unit for any external damage.
2 - Check the wheels and the brakes functioning.
3 - Check that the unit labels (S/N, Reference and Certification)
are present.
4 - Check the power cable status (no cut, plug condition) and
5 - Check the connectors in the rear panel (no loosing connector).
6 - If installed, check the ECG cable status.
7 Allen screwdriver Clean the trackball. *
Philips screwdriver
Straight Head
8 - Check that the keyboard orientation works properly: the
keyboard must be both oriented and locked.
9 - Check that the keyboard can be lift up and down.
10 Check that the monitor can be moved easily.
11 - For all probes, check the external status (cable, housing,
connector and labeling). Refer to “Transducers and
Consumables” manual for further information.

Switch off the unit before trackball maintenance and do not look directly at the
transmitter light.
According to IEC60825-1 (Never look directly or stare into the beam/beam aperture
when on. Do not use optical viewing aids.)

General Check

Step Tool Description

1 - Press the MENU key and select the “Licenses” option.
2 (Printer) Compare the configuration prints located in the lower pocket
with the configuration screens. If necessary replace the prints.
3 Operator Manuals Check that the operator manuals are present and their
revisions are relevant to the installed software release.
4 - Check that the keyboards keys are lighted and functioning.
5 - If necessary, adjust the Monitor/LCD brightness and contrast.
6 Unit probes Verify that all transducers are correctly identified in each

43 350015200_05
Functional Check

Step Tool/Mode Description

1 B-Mode Verify that the mode keys (Gain, TGC, POWER ..) and all the
Soft keys controls work properly.
2 M-Mode Verify that the mode keys (Gain, TGC, POWER ..) and all the
Soft keys controls work properly.
3 CFM Verify that the mode keys (Gain, ROI cursor POWER ..) and all
the Soft keys controls work properly.
4 Doppler Verify that the mode keys (Gain, AUDIO, POWER ..) and all the
Soft keys controls work properly.
5 ECG Verify that the ECG controls (PHYSIO key) work properly.
6 Optional licenses Verify the basic operations of all optional licenses (CMM,
TVM, XStrain..)
7 Re-writable Save exams on CD/DVD support and then erase them.
8 USB Pen Drive Save exams on the USB support. Repeat the operation for
both USB ports.

Peripherals Check

Step Tool/Part Description

1 Printer If a printer is connected to the system, verify:
- Printer cable and connection.
- Remote settings and its functioning.
- Print quality.
2 VTR If a VTR is connected to the system, verify:
- VTR cable and connection.
- Remote settings and its functioning.
- Play back quality and frame position (service
software keys)
- Audio quality.

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5.3 Cleanliness of product

In accordance to international standard ISO 13485 2016 3rd edition, products must be
delivered clean after installation or maintenance.
Please consider that your customer has purchased an excellent High-Quality
Ultrasound system with a modern design. The visual impression of the system is
equally important to your customer’s satisfaction
For that reason, the system must be delivered clean when installing a new system or
after performing maintenance to a system.

After system installation or maintenance use a mild cleaner to:

• Clean any fingerprints off the LCD and Touch Screen
• Clean any fingerprints off the system, trolley or roll stand.
• Clean any fingerprints off the probes

Clean the area of the system, dispose of empty cartons or other packing material.

For more information on cleaning and maintenance refer to:

User manual: GETTING STARTED, section Maintenance

5.4 Trouble shooting

This chapter describes the trouble shooting and indicates possible issues and

5.4.1 DFB position

The unit contains 2 identical Digital Front-end Boards (DFB 1 and DFB 2) and the
position on these boards can be interchanged. The function depends on the position.
For test purpose DFB 2 can be removed and the unit will run. Obviously no Ultrasound
data will be present in the area where this board is active.
By switching the boards in position 1, possibly a defective board can be determined.

Placing the DFB in position 2 only, will lock the unit!

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5.4.2 Hard Ware issues

This chapter describes possible Hardware issues and the possible cause and action.

1) The unit does not switch on.

a. Check the internal cables, especially the cables between ASB board and
the AC/DC converter.
b. Replace the ASB board and if needed the AC/DC converter.
c. If the problem remains replace the SPB board

2) Unit does not start, but power LED is lit (Amber).

a. Can be an issue on SPB or HPB board

3) Application software does not boot due to wrong board configuration

a. In the log file, the HW configuration is indicated with the following starting

Hardware configuration
I-Button: fd-1739e3e9-01
EnHwCode:0x1 Equipment HwCode: 0x7

If in this block the Equipment HwCode is not 0x7 as expected, there may
be connection problems of the MKB board (upper group) with the rack,
so check the related cables and connections, see picture below:

Then, immediately after this block of the log, the list of the system slots is

46 350015200_05
For a correct configuration, all slots must have Error Code 0x0, like in the
following example:

Error Code:[0x0]
Error Code:[0x0]
Error Code:[0x0]
If Error Code is not 0x0, there is a problem with the corresponding board.

Slot 0 DPB
Slot 1 DFB1
Slot 2 DFB2
Slot 3 SPARE
Slot 4 Keyboard
Slot 5 Power Supply
Slot 6 Input Probe Board
Slot 7 Main Bus Board
Slot 8 (Video) Host Processing Module

Try to repositioning the boards in their slots, because there may be

contact problems.

4) Application software crashes at start up with Algol device not found problem
a. An error log is created (file .err) with the text string “Algol device not
Could be an issue on the DPB board
b. Try to reposition the DPB board and the PC module on the HPM board

5) The probe connector do not switch

a. There may be a connection problem between IPB board and DPB board.
b. Reposition the CBB board, the physical bridge board that joins IPB with

6) Probes are not recognized on one or more connectors

a. Check the physical status of the probe connector pins on IPB board,
especially if this happens only on one of the four available connectors.
b. If it happens on all four connectors, then try repositioning the CBB board.
c. It still no result, try substituting IPB board and then DPB board.

47 350015200_05
7) Noisy channels in ultrasound image

a. Most likely the DFB board. Try to place the boards one by one in
position 1 to determine the defective board.
b. In a linear probe image like the one depicted above, where the ESAOTE
red logo is on the upper-left corner, the first half on the left would be
for DFB1, the second half on the right would be for DFB2; in the specific
case of the image above, DFB2 would be the board to be substituted

8) Missing channels in Ultrasound image

a. probe with missing/broken/damaged elements
b. IPB board, relays not switching properly
c. IPB board, probe connectors pins broken/damaged
d. DFB boards, not working properly in TX/RX
For case a), try to substitute the probe with a good working probe (same
For case c), visually inspect the probe connector pins physical status and their
soldering to the PCB.

9) ECG/Physio
a. This may happen typically at run-time because ECG ASSY is not correctly
connected to the backplane, the MBB board.
Check ECG ASSY cabling and connection with MBB.
b. If still no result, substitute ECG ASSY board.

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5.4.3 Error messages

It is possible that during operation the following error message are displayed in a pop
up menu:

"Error with over temperature (#5)" Please contact Service department.

An OK confirmation from the user is requested to close the warning message.

- Corrective action: verify fan functioning, cleaning and fan cable

- See corrective action for “Error with fan (#6)”

“Error with fan (#6)” Please contact Service department.

An OK confirmation from the user is required to close the warning message.

- Corrective action: verify fan and fan cable

- There may be a disconnection of the fans assembly from the FPB board (see
picture of the fans assy below), or a disconnection of the FPB board from the
MBB board.

- Alternatively, the problem may be more subtle and depend on a HW issue on
the SPB board, which controls the fans rotation.
- Check the fan assembly connections and then, if still no result, check FPB and
MBB board connectors and finally try substituting the SPB board.
49 350015200_05
"Error with internal voltage (#7)" Please contact Service department.

An error log is created (file .ERR), even if this issue is not strictly blocking.
The causes may be several.
If the log puts in evidence the “+5V_AFE” internal voltage (search for such string), the
problem can be on the DFB boards. Replace the first one and then the other DFB
If instead the log puts in evidence the “+1V2_DFB” internal voltage (search for such
string), the problem can be on the SPB board. Replace the SPB board.

"Wrong Impulse Voltage (#8)" Please contact Service department.

An OK confirmation from the user is requested to close the warning message.

- Corrective action: replace Switching Power Board or Digital Processing Board


- An error log file is created (file.ERR).

- Most likely there is a problem on the SPB board, especially at the High Voltage
section. Replace the SPB board.

50 350015200_05
"Error in Power supply (11)" Please contact Service department. The application will
close in (sec) xx.

- An error log file is created (file.ERR).

- Can be a problem on SP Board

5.4.4 Log file error messages

This section describes error messages that may appear in the log files and the
possible solution or action.

Log files can be extracted to USB by pressing the MENU key, then select the

Keywords Defect description Suggested action

(log checking)
HW WARNING , Application may not start or may start IPD processing block on DPB board
IPD_TIMEOUT_ERR, with slow/ disturbed acquisition in fails during boot operation.
BOOT B-Mode modality Restart or check DPB.
HW WARNING, Application may not start or may start CFM processing block on DPB board
CFM_TIMEOUT_ERR, with slow/disturbed acquisition in CFM fails during boot operation.
BOOT modality Restart or check DPB.
HW WARNING, Application may not start or may start PW processing block on DPB board
PW_TIMEOUT_ERR, with slow/disturbed acquisition in PW fails during boot operation
BOOT, Doppler modality Restart or check DPB.
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly IPD processing block on DPB board
IPD_TIMEOUT_ERR, (SYSTEM INTERNAL ERROR pop- fails during normal acquisition.
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with Check DPB.
slow/disturbed acquisition in B-Mode.
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly CFM processing block on DPB board
CFM_TIMEOUT_ERR, (SYSTEM INTERNAL ERROR pop- fails during normal acquisition.
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with Check DPB.
slow/disturbed acquisition in CFM
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly RT Bus problem.
RUNTIME up on screen)
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly RT Bus problem.
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in all
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly UART problem (SPB-DPB
up on screen) or may proceed with Check DPB and SPB.
slow/disturbed acquisition in all
HW WARNING , Application may crash suddenly UART problem (SPB-DPB

51 350015200_05
up on screen) or may proceed with Check DPB and SPB.
slow/disturbed acquisition in all
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly RT Bus problem.
FORMAT up on screen)
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly RT Bus problem.
FORMAT up on screen)
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (Overlab).
up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (Overlab ECG).
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (Overlab
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with Check DPB.
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (UnderRun).
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (UnderRun ECG).
RUNTIME up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
HW WARNING, Application may crash suddenly PW DSP problem. (SoF EoF).
up on screen) or may proceed with
slow/disturbed acquisition in PW/CW
Doppler modality
ERROR #6, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up SPB board problem/FAN assembly
DEPARTMENT, POWER on screen without crashing. The problem
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for an user
interaction (press OK on the pop-up
multiple times until pop-up
ERROR #7, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up SPB board problem. (Voltage Alarm)
DEPARTMENT, POWER on screen without crashing. The
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for an user
interaction (press OK on the pop-up
until pop-up disappears)
ERROR #8, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up SPB board problem. (Voltage Alarm)
DEPARTMENT, POWER on screen without crashing. The
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for an user
interaction (press OK on the pop-up
until pop-up disappears)
ERROR #11, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up SPB board problem. (Voltage Alarm)
DEPARTMENT, POWER on screen without crashing. The
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for some seconds
and then shuts down
ERROR #5, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up Over temperature problem on rack
DEPARTMENT POWER on screen without crashing. The boards.
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for some seconds Check DFB, DPB, SPB and HPM
and then shuts down
ERROR #4, SERVICE Application stops displaying a pop-up Over temperature problem on
DEPARTMENT, POWER on screen without crashing. The batteries.
SUPPLY ALARM application waits for some seconds Check battery pack or SPB.
and then shuts down
Error initializing the unit Touch screen not active Error initializing the unit Touchscreen
Touchscreen Input Device Input Device.
Check Main Keyboard Board and
Problem with Burner Disk not working Check disk and DVD burner.
manager initialization.

52 350015200_05

6.1 Service menu
To activate the service menu, the unit must be started with the service key connected.
Preferably to the USB port at the side of the unit.
The unit will start in Windows mode. Now double click the Workflow icon to start the
MyLab software.

Press MENU and select the SERVICE tab, then select the SERVICE button.

The screen layout may vary, depending on Software version.

The system displays the service menu with the following options:
• Language settings
• Monitor field
• Maintenance
• Set AC filter frequency
• Show/hide frame rate on RT images
• Show/hide system logo
• Enable/disable firewall
• Show/hide patient birthdate
• Show/hide operator initials on header
• Enable/disable WiFi
• Screen saver time out
Pressing SAVE will save and activate the settings.
CANCEL will exit the menu without saving.
53 350015200_05
6.1.1 Language settings
This field selects the default language that can be selected from the available ones in
the dropdown menu.

6.1.2 Monitor field

In the MONITOR field, the monitor can be selected when the Disable Monitor Auto
Detection box is checked.
A recognizable monitor will be detected when this box is not active and can then be
controlled via the Touch screen.

6.1.3 Maintenance
In the maintenance field the Service Maintenance Reminder Message can be enabled.
When enabled, the unit will display a reminder for Maintenance after 2000 working
hours or 1 year, whichever comes first.
In the Main Timer Reset field, the timer can be reset to zero. This must be done every
service intervention

6.1.4 Set AC filter frequency

According to the mains frequency used in the country, the AC filter for the ECG signal
must be selected. This is the filter that removes the mains frequency interference from
the ECG signal.

6.1.5 Show/hide frame rate on RT images

When enabled, the frame rate is displayed on the bottom right side of the image.

6.1.6 Show/hide system logo

This option will show or hide the system logo

6.1.7 Enable/disable firewall

When checked, the firewall installed in the system is active.

6.1.8 Show/hide patient birthdate

When enabled, the patient birthdate is displayed in the heading area of the screen and
of the report instead of the patient age.

6.1.9 Show/hide operator initials on header

When enabled, the operator initials are displayed in the heading area of the screen
and of the report.

6.1.10 Enable/disable WiFi

This option allows to enable/disable the Wi-Fi capability.

54 350015200_05
6.1.11 Screen saver time out
This option allows to set the timeout (in minutes) after which the screensaver is
automatically activated

If a too long timeout (higher than 2 hours) is set, sticking effect could be displayed
on the screen. Always reset this parameter at least to the factory default (that is 61
minutes) whenever it has been increased for Service purposes.

6.2 Licenses
When the system is initialized with the service key inserted, the “LICENCES” option of
the MENU key allows the operator to disable active licenses and to activate or to reset
a demo license.

Place the cursor on the “LICENCES” option and press ENTER to confirm. The system
displays the following window:

The time left for demo license is expressed in minutes. It is decremented every fifteen
(15) minutes

Disabling Active License

Both “applications” and “options” licenses can be disabled. To de-activate a license,
position the cursor on the corresponding box and uncheck it by pressing ENTER.
Press SAVE to confirm.

Demo License
Demo licenses last five hundred (500) working hours before expiring.

Reset Demo license

On the “Reset Demo” tab a special reset demo license can be entered. This will reset
all Demo licenses back to 500 hours.
55 350015200_05
The model tab shows the system model and the system license is entered here. The
system license has to be entered after a unit format.

The serial number can be entered in the serial number field.

6.3 Software installation/update

• USB memory drive (USB 3.0 recommended).
• Service Key P/N 140009500

1. Download the file MyLab9_[version] from ownCloud.
2. If required, the download can be checked for correctness with the program:
Total Commander.
Open the .ZIP file and open the x440 folder
Open the file SWPACK.MD5 with Total Commander and check for errors.
Continue when there are 0 errors.
3. Format the USB key to avoid virus infection
4. Open the .ZiP file and open folder x440.
5. Extract the folder SWPACK to the root of the USB pen drive. Do not change the
name of this folder or its content.

1. With the service key inserted, turn on the system.
2. The system will start up in Windows mode.
3. Connect the USB pen drive that contains the Software pack to one of the USB
slots. To speed up the update, it is recommended to use the USB 3.0 slots on
the side of the unit.
4. With Windows File Explorer navigate to the USB pen drive and open it.
5. Open the SWPACK folder
6. Double click the SETUP.exe to start the update process.
7. A message will pop up to make sure the unit is connected to the mains. Click
OK. There are no batteries in MyLab 9 Family.

8. Follow on-screen instructions.

56 350015200_05
9. The following message is shown.
At this point the USB pen drive can be disconnected.

10. Click “OK, continue” to continue.

11. After several automatic reboots, the unit will end in Windows 10 desktop mode.
12. Double click the WORKFLOW icon to start the MyLab software and finish the
Firmware installation.

Do not open the MONITOR icon. This may cause malfunction of the unit and is used
for production purpose only.

13. Remove the USB pen drive, if not already done, and remove the Service key.
14. Shut down the system and start up again.

57 350015200_05
6.4 Formatting the HDD/SSD

The format procedure will erase the HDD/SSD completely, partition the disc and install
the software.
This procedure can be performed to solve unit issues with corrupt files on the
HDD/SSD and must be performed when installing a new HDD/SSD.
The procedure is done is several steps:
• Saving unit settings
• Format procedure
• System re-configuration

NOTE: before starting the Formatting of the Hard disk, make sure that all system
licenses are available. Without the Model license the procedure cannot be completed.

License codes can be found in the LOG files. See 0

58 350015200_05
Log Files, page 68.

6.4.1 Saving unit settings

NOTE: DO NOT transfer these settings to another system.

Save Settings through the Export Procedure

• Press the MENU key.
• Select the “Import/Export” option.
• Export the desired settings.

Save Archive through its Menu

• Press the ARCHIVE key.
• Select the desired exams and export them in native format to the external

NOTE: in case the MyLab software is not running, it might be possible to copy the
folders with the settings and Archive in the Windows environment when starting up
with the service key connected.

Copy Configuration and Archive folder

• Start up with the service key connected, to start up in Windows mode

• Press the UNDO key and create a new folder.
• Open folder and select drive E:\Work
• Copy Archive and ConFSet folder to USB medium
• Delete New Folder

59 350015200_05
6.4.2 Format procedure

• USB memory drive, Min 32GB.
• USB keyboard (only in case unit keyboard does not work)
• Service Key P/N 140009500

1. Download the file Format file (formatx4xx.iso) and program Rufus 2.9 from
2. Create bootable USB memory drive.
a) Connect USB memory drive to PC
b) Run the program rufus.exe. NOTE: DO NOT update when asked.
c) Set the Rufus fields as indicated below:

1) Select
USB drive

5) Enter
Volume label

2) Press to see 3) Select the

all the options [build].iso file

4) un-check

6) Start

Click START to continue.

60 350015200_05
3. A warning will be displayed:

Click OK to continue.

4. When DONE, click CLOSE

5. A bootable USB memory drive, with HDD image is created.

6. Unit installation
a) Connect the bootable USB memory drive and Service key to the MyLab unit.
b) Start up the unit

In case the unit will not boot from the USB memory drive, the BIOS setting must
be adapted:
DO NOT change any other setting.
Press DEL on the keyboard, while starting up.
Password: Fireball
Select: Boot menu; Boot Type Order; select USB at first position
Save and exit with YES.

61 350015200_05
c. The Model selection screen is displayed

Select model 6440 for MyLab 9 Family

d. Click OK after the operation is completed

e. Click EXIT and then the following screen is displayed:

f. Remove the bootable USB memory drive and restart with the Service key
g. Double click the WORKFLOW icon to start the MyLab software

62 350015200_05
h. Enter system license and optional licenses:
a. Press the MENU key and select the License key.
b. Select the MODEL tab and enter the System license in the appropriate
c. Type the unit serial number in the serial number field.
d. Press VERIFY and then SAFE.
e. Restart and enter all optional licenses.
f. Press Verify and then SAFE.

6.4.3 System reconfiguration


• Service key P/N 140009500

• Medium containing the copy of the “Archive” and “ConfSet” folders of the
original settings or as an alternative a copy of the clinical and system settings
obtained via the “import/export” option in the MENU.
• All system licenses

1. System reconfiguration
• Switch the unit on with the service key inserted.
• Double click the Workflow icon to start the MyLab software and press the
MENU key.
• If necessary, select “GENERAL SET UP” option and set the local time.
• Select the “LICENCES” option and:
o First enter the model and system serial number (MODEL tab).
Press VERIFY and then SAVE.
o Then insert all the license codes.
Press VERIFY and then SAVE.
• If necessary, install the printer. (Refer to the Getting Started manual)
• If necessary, set the printer configuration (“PRINTERS” option).
• If required, re-store the archive. Depending on how the archive had been
saved, follow the corresponding procedure:

Archive Saved through its Menu

• Press the ARCHIVE key.
• Select the external medium containing the archive.
• Select the desired exams and export them from the external medium in native
format into the local archive.

Archive Saved by Copying the “Archive” Folder

• Start up with the service key connected, to start up in Windows mode
• Press the UNDO key and create a new folder.
• Copy Archive folder from USB medium
• Open folder and select drive E:\Work and paste the Archive folder
• Delete New Folder

63 350015200_05
2. Settings installation

• Depending on how the settings had been saved, follow the corresponding

When the settings are not saved nor exported, the settings must be set manually.

Settings Saved through the Export Procedure

• Press the MENU key.
• Select the “Import/Export” option.
• Import the desired settings.

Settings Saved by Copying the “ConfSet” Folder

• Start up with the service key connected, to start up in Windows mode
• Press the UNDO key and create a new folder.
• Copy ConFSet folder from USB medium
• Open folder and select drive E:\Work and paste the ConFSet folder
• Delete New Folder

When ready, set the startup priority back to HDD/SSD when applicable.

64 350015200_05
6.5 Compatibility overview

6.5.1 MyLab 9 Family V1, V2 PCB compatibility

This section gives a compatibility overview between the dedicated PCB’s for
MyLab 9 Family version V1 and version V2

MyLab 9 Family (V1 and V2): 100644010 MyLab 9

100644000 MyLab 9 eXP

The unit version V1, V2 or V2.1 can be recognized by means of the unit serial number.
For V2 systems the unit serial number starts at 20000.

PCB overview MyLab 9 Family V1 version

(unit serial number < 20000)

Board V1 version V1 version

description board P/N
Front End DFB 330000325
Back End DPB 330002615
Power suppy (Switching 330000422
power board)
AC/DC supply 530000005

PCB’s dedicated for V1 systems, may not be used in MyLab 9 Family V2 units.

65 350015200_05
PCB overview MyLab 9 V2 version
(unit serial number ≥ 20000)

V2 V2
Board Compatible
version version Remark
description for V1 unit?
board P/N
(Note 1)
330003675 Only replacing both
C.I. 12 boards (Note 2)
Front End
DFB II no 330003782
CW C.I. 20
DPB II 330003781
Back End Yes
C.I. 51
Power 330003593
supply C.I. 30
AC/DC Only installing also a
AC/DC 530000090
supply C.I. 00
SUPPLY 330003593

Note 1
SW Release F080103 or higher is required for installation of the compatible V2 boards
on a V1 system

Note 2
Any system is equipped with 2 Front end board.
The two FE boards installed in the system must be of the same version.
Mixed configurations between DFB, DFB II and DFB II no CW on the 2 slots of the
system are not allowed
It is not possible to mix 330003675 and 330003782 (CW/no CW option)
It is not possible to mix DFB P/N 330000325 and DFB II P/N 330003675
Both DFB P/N 330000325 and DFB II P/N 330003675 manage the CW

66 350015200_05
6.5.2 Control Panel compatibility

Control panels with the letters “EL” (e.g. xxELxxxxx) in the serial number require
software release F080101 for proper functioning. The unit will lock otherwise.
Serial number label location:

When required the unit can be started with the service key connected to enter Windows
mode and load the software.

6.6 ID button
The ID button is a cell that contains the system ID number on which all the unit’s
licenses are based. The ID number is always linked to the unit serial number.
For that reason, it is required to change the ID button when the Host Processing
Module has to be replaced to make sure that the original ID button is installed in the

If possible, it is recommended to install the original HDD/SSD drive as well to avoid

entering all license codes manually since the license codes are stored on the

67 350015200_05
6.7 Track ball dipswitch settings

For correct functioning of the track, switch 1 and 2 must be set to ON.
Switch 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 must be set to OFF


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Switch off the unit before trackball maintenance and do not look directly at the
transmitter light.
According to IEC60825-1 (Never look directly or stare into the beam/beam aperture
when on. Do not use optical viewing aids.)

68 350015200_05
6.8 Log Files
The log file has to be saved soon after the problem occurs or, at the latest, at the next
start up. The file has a FIFO structure with a limited memory availability: When the log
file memory is full, the oldest events registered in the file are eliminated to free space for
the recent ones.

For this reason, the log file must be saved as soon as possible.

6.8.1 Log Files Organization

The zip of log files (and the “Logs” folder) contains the following file and folders:

• LogParser executable file that allows to analyze the log contents.

• TextLog folder that contains the list of the entries done on the system.
• LogInstallMS folder that traces the updates done on the system.
• Dump folder.

6.8.2 LogParser Executable

This file allows the technician to look at the log files for a first error analysis. To launch
the executable, place the cursor on it and press the ENTER key twice. This utility can be
run both directly in the system and in any PC having the following operating systems:

• Windows XP Home
• Windows XP Professional
• Windows Vista
• Windows 7
• Windows 10


The utility is organized in four main areas.

69 350015200_05
TextLog Folder

The TextLog folder, containing the log files, is displayed in the upper left area (indicated
by the number “1” in the above figure). Place the cursor on the “+” symbol displayed
beside the name and press ENTER to display its contents.
This folder contains the list of all entries done on the system that is the list of all times
the unit has been switched on. Each entry is so listed:

date[yyyy-mm-dd] time [hh:mm:ss] - date[yyyy-mm-dd] time [hh:mm:ss]

The first date and time indicate when the unit has been turned on; the second date and
time when the unit has been turned off.

When an entry is selected, the areas “2” and “3” show the logged information related to
this entry.

In the left bottom area (“2”) the following system information is listed:

• model name
• installed licenses and the corresponding licence numbers
• installed build
• the ID button number
• hardware characteristics

In the main area (“3”) the list of the operations logged for the selected entry is displayed.

The three buttons displayed at the bottom of the area “3” allow to change the zoom
factor (buttons “-” and “+”) and to refresh the log of the operations.

Each logged operation is listed in this format:

date time [Software component][log group] logged operation

Criteria for displaying the logs

Displaying criteria can be selected from the upper left and right lists. The upper left list
contains all the system software components; the upper right list contains logic log
groups with which the list of logged operations can be organized for an easiest analysis.

Place the cursor on the desired element of one of the lists to display the related logs.

It is possible to do a double selection that is selecting both the software component and
the logic log group. In this case the system displays all logged operations satisfying both

70 350015200_05
6.8.3 User Session

Whenever the log has to be analyzed, the simplest way is to follow the procedure:
• Expand the TextLog folder.
• Select the entry to be analyzed.
• Select in the right combo box the UserSession option.

The logged operations are displayed in chronological order, showing the operations
done by the user.

The main phases of the exam are clearly indicated by data delimiters, like:

• ---StartExam.xml--- and ---EndExam.xml--- between which all exam operations

are listed.
• ---RT.xml--- that marks the operations done in real time and in freeze.
• ---WorksheetComponent.xml--- and ---ReportViewer.xml--- that respectively
indicate when the WORKSHEET and the REPORT buttons have been pressed.

When an error occurs the delimiters allow to identify in which phase happens.

71 350015200_05
Logged Errors

The errors are reported in the upper right list, as shown in the figure below.

The error log group displays all the errors occurred in the system.

72 350015200_05
6.9 Remote Service
The “Remote Service” option of the MENU key allows the Service personnel to access to
MyLab in remote. When the Remote Service is active, the Service personnel can
remotely interact with the user and with the system looking at its screen and at its disks.

The access to the Remote Service is possible only when:

• MyLab system is connected to the network (refer to the user manuals for further
• the Service personnel has a PC connected to the network
• the Service personnel has an Esaote account for Remote Service
• the Service personnel has an account to work with the LogMeIn Rescue
application (either via Web or locally)

Contact the Esaote Service department for accounts and further information on Remote

To activate the Remote Service session, the Service personnel has to provide the
customer with two PIN numbers. The PINs can be used one time only.

The “Clinical and System Configuration” section of the Advanced Operations manual has
a dedicated chapter on Remote Service, to guide the user to the activation.

73 350015200_05


7.1 8TB HDD

This section describes the procedure to install an external USB 8TB HDD, with its own
power supply.
The procedure foresees a hardware installation and a software installation.

HW installation:

Parts list P/N 140037800 EXTERNAL HD (8TB):

-8TB HDD, with USB cable and power supply
-VELCRO to fix the HDD to the ML 9
-double sided tape to fix the HDD power supply to the equipment
-Adapter power supply cable to connect the HDD’s PS to the auxiliary plug


Remove the upper cover and the belts to fix the peripherals.

74 350015200_05
Remove the left lateral panel
Attach the Velcro on the HDD and on the plastic part (left side of the image).
Attach the double side tape on the power supply and attach it on the metallic panel
positioned as described in the image below.(right part of the image).
When placing the Power Supply on the plastic, the installation will not fit and the cover
cannot be closed correctly.

75 350015200_05
Pass the USB and the power supply extension cable in the hole.

Place the USB cable connector in front of one of the free USB3 ports. DO NOT
connect yet!
Connect the PS cable in one of the aux plugs
Fix again the belts and assemble the covers.

Proceed with SW installation as described ahead

76 350015200_05

The SW Release F0801XX or higher is required and includes a tool called

“Prepare Internal USB Disk”, whose icon is shown on the desktop. It allows to format
the HDD and set it as storage destination.

Switch on the unit with the Service key inserted
Connect the USB HDD connector to the USB3 plug and double click the
“PrepareinternalDisk” icon to start the program. To install you must press “PREPARE”
and the tool will format the disk and will assign the first letter available.
Then label “EXTENDED ARCHIVE” will be assigned to this drive.

The tool is programmed to format only the external devices with size over 4TB; it
doesnot consider the pen drive or the internal disks. When the procedure ends, the
following message is shown.

In case a failure message should appear, remove other USB connected devices
(except for the Service key) and press again “PREPARE”.

77 350015200_05
With SW Release F0801XX or higher it is possible to manage more USB destinations.
When enabling the “autosave” option in the Saving Options Menu and selecting the
USB drive in the USB section in the NATIVE field, the drive will act as the internal
archive of the unit.

This drive is not affected when running the Esaote Format procedure, therefore it is
possible to use it to store the unit settings, to restore them very quickly after format.

Pressing RIGHT CLICK on the Network Icon in ARCHIVE REVIEW mode, will activate
a pop-up menu of the available USB drives.

78 350015200_05
The same from the “BROWSE” icon:

79 350015200_05
7.2 24” LCD monitor BARCO

This section describes the installation of 24” LCD monitor BARCO P/N 140037700.
Software Release F0801XX or higher is required.

HW installation of the 24” LCD monitor P/N 140037700 on the equipment.
Set up:
to set the correct monitor profile in the unit
to change the LUMINANCE (i.e. brightness) value from 100 (producer setting) to the
suggested one according to the room’s brightness. All the other parameters are
already set by the manufacturer. In case they are inadvertently changed, they can be
re-set using the “FACTORY RESET” option.

LCD display HW installation

Parts List 140037700 24" LCD MONITOR BARCO:

Monitor 24” 510000061

Mechanical adapter 330003289
Adapter cable DVI/HDMI for video signal 270017300
Power supply adapter CABLE 270017400
Screws and washers
Cable tie P/N 20710000507
A plastic clip, to fix the PS cable to the adapter 420000266

In case that the monitor arrives with its Power supply and desk support, they must be

Here the video adapter, power supply adapter and mechanical adapter

80 350015200_05

In case the unit is already equipped with LCD display, remove it (see service manual),
otherwise go on with the instructions below.
Check the length of the Video and power supply cables (from the arm to the
connector).They must be around 300mm for the video and 330mm for the supply (if
shorter it’s necessary to remove the plastic covers from the arm and move a bit the
cables to reach the desired length.
Install the plastic clip code 420000266 on the adapter using the screw cod.
06061014077 of the kit.

81 350015200_05
Fix the adapter to the arm using the shorter screws cod. 06021010633 with 4 washer
(one each screw).

Connect the adapter cables and fix with the video ones using their screws and nuts

82 350015200_05
Fix the power supply cable to the mechanical adapter using the clip. The cable must
be a bit angled, as in the image

Position also the video cable as shown below and connect the monitor using the
remaining screws 0600000253 and washers of the kit.

83 350015200_05
The arrows indicate where to place the screws

Connect the supply cable and video one on the upper part of the monitor

84 350015200_05
Block the supply cable in the hook and the video cable with a tie

85 350015200_05
Close the connector’s area with the monitor cover

Apply the back cover, removed from the previous monitor who covers the adapter area

86 350015200_05
If the arm is not able to hold the weight of the monitor, it’s necessary to regulate it, by
the allen screw present in the arm, close the support

NOTICE When the 24” LCD Monitor P/N 140037700 is connected, the
“Disable monitor auto detection” field must be checked.
Brightness settings must be set manually in the Monitor menu
according to the values indicated in the section “Procedure to
set the Brightness”.

87 350015200_05
MyLab 9 Settings

Switch on the unit with the Service key and press MENU – SERVICE.
In case that an error message “UNKNOWN MONITOR CONNECTED” is shown, press
If you connect the monitor without the service key, the unit will turn off, because not correctly set.

Disable the “AUTO DETECTION” and set the correct monitor profile:

The monitor resolution is 1920x1200 / 60Hz. The machine must set itself the correct

88 350015200_05
Procedure to set the Brightness (called LUMINANCE):



Press MENU –> ADJUSTMENTS ->LUMINANCE to access to the regulation:

89 350015200_05
Press MENU to enable the modification and change the value to one of the ones
shown in the table below, according to the room’s brightness, using the “-“ key. Press
again MENU to confirm the value and exit

The suggested BRIGHTNESS (LUMINANCE) values are:

Medium/Dark room: 62
Dark room: 44
Bright room: 84

Procedure for FACTORY RESET:

Press the MENU key to access to the internal MENU -> ADJUSTMENTS –> SETTING

90 350015200_05
Press MENU key and select YES; then confirm with MENU key

This operation will reset all the monitor parameters and the BRIGHTNESS
(LUMINANCE) will return to 100. So it will be necessary to set it again to the required

7.3 UPS

Installation description of UPS for MyLab 9 Family.

MyLab 9 Family can be equipped with an optional UPS that provides emergency
power when the mains power fails.
The model is Ametek Powervar Security II series UPM model ABCE602-22MED.

When installing 140037400 INTEGRATED MEDICAL UPS KIT, there is still space for
EXTERNAL HD (8TB) model 140037800 plus a small printer. The available power is
100VA MAX.
A system powered by the UPS has limited power available for peripherals, it is only
100VA (400VA when powered from mains).
100VA are available for any accessory combination, with the restriction that overall
power consumption on insulator transformer is below this value.

Parts list 140037400 INTEGRATED MEDICAL UPS KIT (220V)

150000017, UPS Medical 540W out 230V/2.35A
270013400, Power Cord CEE 7/7 - C13 10A 1.5mm2 2.5m BLACK
270021400, Power Cord C14DA to C19 0.6m 14AWG
330003823, UPS CARTER
330003826, Plate Support Assy
330003885, Rear Bracket
330003886, UPS Support
420000304, Hexagonal spacer male/female M4x10
330004264, 6440 AUX RATING LABEL 200-240V
330001628, Screw cap
Set of screws

91 350015200_05
330003886, UPS Support 330003823, UPS CARTER

330003885, Rear Bracket 330003826, Plate Support Assy


Disconnect the unit from the mains.

Detach the snap locks of the two belts and remove the cover from the main chassis.
Remove the 4 brackets, each with 2 screws, that secure the belts. This will remove the
belts, which are re-used.

92 350015200_05
Remove the 2 Alan screws in the front and place the hexagonal Male/Female spacers
(M4 x 10) with washer.

Position the UPS support on the main chassis and secure the UPS support with two
screws on the Hexagonal spacers.

Secure the UPS Support on the rear side of the unit with two pieces 330003885 rear

93 350015200_05
Check for correct installation of the UPS support, by trying to move the support.

Position the two belts through the dedicated slots of the UPS support.
Place the UPS on the UPS support. (mains plug of the UPS on the same side as unit
mains plugs)
Secure the UPS with the two belts.

Remove 3 screws from the UPS rear panel and place the UPS carter. Secure the UPS
carter with the 3 screws.

94 350015200_05
Place the "REFER TO INSTRUCTION MANUAL" label on the indicated position.
Open the panel on the left rear side of the unit.
Remove the indicated screw.

95 350015200_05
Place the Plate Support Assy and fix with the screw.

In case a printer or other peripheral is connected, remove the Protection Plate from
the Plate Support Assy. Non-used sockets must be covered.

Attach 330004264, 6440 AUX RATING LABEL 200-240V on the indicated position on
top of the old label. In case the Plate Support Assy covers the label, place the label on
the Plate Support Assy.

96 350015200_05
Place the 4 screw caps on the 4 socket head screws that secure the UPS support.

Connect the mains socket of UPS to the main socket of the unit, by means of
Power Cord C14 DA to C19, 0.6 m, 14AWG.
Connect the mains socket of the UPS to the wall socket by means of
Power Cord CEE 7/7 C13, 2.5 m.

Please refer to the Ametek Powervar Security II series UPM model ABCE602-22MED
user’s manual for first time testing and operation.

Perform safety measurements after installation.
See section 8 SAFETY TEST, page 104.

97 350015200_05
7.4 Virtual Navigator Drive Bay

This section describes the installation of the Drive bay, required for the Virtual
Navigator option.

Remove the cover on the rear of the unit, secured with 2 socket head screws.

Connect the Power connector, USB type B and the GND cable to the Drive Bay.

Place the Drive bay in the unit and secure with the 2 socket head screws.

98 350015200_05
Activate the Virtual Navigator licenses
• Turn on unit
• Press the MENU key and select LICENSES.
• Select VN licenses in the Options tab and enter provided license code.
• Select VERIFY and then SAVE.

Connect Virtual Navigator Transmitter and receiver.

Consult User Manual “Advanced Operations Virtual Navigator” code 350022800.

Perform safety measurements after installation.
See section 8 SAFETY TEST, page 104.

7.5 ECG Module Assy

• Cover removal

Remove the Top Table assy.

Remove the front panel assembly fixed with 6 pieces M4x12 HEX Socket Head Cap
and washer. 4 Pieces are located on the front and 2 are located on top.

Note: the probe cable holders remain attached to the front panel.
99 350015200_05
Remove the Right Cover assy.

Remove right panel assy.


2 PCS M4 x 30

100 350015200_05
Remove Left Cover assy

Remove Left Panel Assy

1 piece

8 PCS M4x12

101 350015200_05
• Top Cover Assy removal

Remove the Top Cover Assy:

2 pcs M4x8 DIN912 A2 HEX Socket Head Cap

2 pcs 3,0x10 TPG PT WN1412 Pan Head

2 pcs M4x8 DIN912 A2 HEX Socket Head Cap plus washer

• ECG Module Assy installation

Mount the ECG module assy in the trolley with 2 pieces M4 x 8.

Connect the ECG cable to the ECG module assy.

102 350015200_05
Connect the other end of the ECG cable to the ECG connector on the PCB rack.

Place the Ferrite Split on the indicated position on the ECG cable.

Remove the ECG cover panel from the Front Panel Assy.

Reinstall covers

Perform safety measurements after installation.
See section 8 SAFETY TEST, page 104.

103 350015200_05
7.6 Basic to Cardio update
For MyLab 9 Fam version V2 (unit serial number starts at 20000) it possible to
upgrade a BASIC version to a CARDIO version by means of 330004452 BASIC TO

330004452 BASIC TO CARDIO Upgrade KIT:

• 330001802, ECG Module Assy 6440
o 0600000439, SCR M4x 8 PnH Cross Znc DIN7985+DIN6905
o 270003500, ECG CABLE
• 330003675, DFB2 Mechanical Assembly
• 330004351, CV label
• 300055000, Cardiology License

Install ECG Module Assy as described in 7.5 ECG Module Assy, page 98.

Remove 2 pieces 330003782 DFB II, no CW. See 3 UNIT DISASSEMBLY, page 12
for unit disassembly.

Install 2 pieces 330003675 DFB II.

Re-assemble the unit.

Attach 330004351 CV label to the Control panel, above the Esaote MyLab 9 system
Use the Positioning template to position the label correctly.

330004351 CV label

Activate Cardio License

• Start up the system.
• Press the MENU button and select LICENSES.
• Select the APPLICATIONS tab.
• Enter the Cardio License code in the appropriate license code field.
• Press VERIFY and then SAVE.

Perform safety measurements after installation.
See section 8 SAFETY TEST, page 104.

104 350015200_05

Every MyLab 9 Family unit complies with EN60601-1 (IEC 60601-1) standard.
The MyLab 9 Family units are Class I Type B and BF (Ultrasound probe) and CF
(ECG) applied parts.

It is mandatory to perform Safety Tests every time new peripherals are powered
through the cart or you had to replace any of the following parts:
• Power Supply Group: ASB, AC/DC, mains cables
• Activities that involve substitution or temporary disconnection of ground cable
for PE protection
• ECG ASSY, ECG cable
• Power Supply Plug

Anyway we suggest repeating the safety tests every two years. If the system is used
in the Intensive or Coronary Care, we suggest repeating the safety tests once a year.

Whenever the measured values exceed the reference ones (see the following table)
don’t use the unit and send it to ESAOTE

8.1 Safety measurements according IEC 62353

For measurements of this standard, only use measurement equipment complying

with IEC 62353 Annex C.1

The standard IEC 62353 ed. 2 is applicable for Recurrent test and test after repair of
medical electrical equipment.


with MANUFACTURER's instructions maintain the conformity to the standard used
for the design of the equipment.

Electrical Safety Test on MyLab devices

Aim of this Technical Note is to highlight the importance of the Electrical Safety Tests
and provide the necessary instruction to properly execute them.
Electrical Safety Tests certify that the risks of electric shocks for patient and operator
are minimized.
The verification of electrical safety is an extremely important step for recurrent test
and test after repair of medical electrical equipment and during the installation
process. The results of the electrical safety verification must be annotated in the

105 350015200_05
All MyLab units comply with the requirements of EN60601-1 (IEC 60601-1) Medical
Electrical Equipment standard. All MyLab systems are Class I, using applied parts
being Type B and BF (ultrasound probes) and CF (ECG, when available).
It is mandatory to perform Electrical Safety Tests in all the following cases:
1. every time the transducer is dropped;
2. every time a new peripheral is powered through the unit/cart;
3. every time you had to replace any of the following parts related to:
a Mains Power: ASB board, AC/DC converter, mains and/or power boards,
mains cables, insulation transformer.
b Activities that involve substitution or temporary disconnection of ground
able and/or metal parts being part of Protective earth (PE) protection
c (Enhanced) ECG Board/back-end board, ECG cable
d Power Supply Plug
4. repeat the safety test when replacing the parts indicated in the service manual
5. when a used MyLab is installed by Esaote to a different customer /clinical site

It is mandatory to perform the Electrical Safety Tests every two years, once a year in
the Intensive or Coronary Care.
In case local/hospital directives are more restrictive, it is mandatory to comply with
their directives.

Whenever the measured values exceed the reference ones indicated in Limits table
on page 111:
DO NOT USE the unit and contact Esaote Technical Assistance.

106 350015200_05
The parameters to be tested are the following:
• Protective Conductor Impedance (P.E.)
• Equipment Leakage Current
• Applied Part Leakage Current

This section defines safety Parameters and their range according to EN62353
standard and describes the Electrical Safety Tests to be carried out on the

1) Protective Conductor Impedance (P.E.)
The impedance between the Protective Earth (PE) terminal of the mains input
connector and any accessible metal part Protectively Earthed

2) Equipment Leakage Current.

NOTE: IEC 62353 also identifies total current flowing from Main Parts to earth

3) Patient Leakage Current

The current that flows through the Patient, from the applied parts (ECG and US
probe) and the Earth

The list of the parameters to be checked is indicated inside the related service
manual, so please check them according the unit under control.

MyLab safety test - Operating Procedures

Regularly perform the Electrical Safety Tests to ensure that IEC 62353 Type CF
leakage limits are not exceeded. You can perform this procedure with any
commercially available safety analyzer that is designed for hospital use.

Rigel 62353 doesn’t perform IEC 60601 tests, it is designed for IEC 62353 tests: All
MANUFACTURER's instructions maintain the conformity to the standard used for the
design of the equipment.

The test must be carried out by skilled personnel using equipment compliant with the
reference standard indicated. Esaote prescribes the use of the automatic RIGEL
62353+ equipment.

107 350015200_05

Tool Dimension
RIGEL 62353+ 270 x 110 x 75 mm
Metal foil maximum size 20 x 20 cm

The procedure described below refers to the RIGEL 62353+ measurement device.

Before proceeding with the safety test, be sure of the test equipment calibration.

Test set-up procedure

Power the automatic testing equipment through mains supply and the equipment
under test through the automatic equipment, as shown in the figure on the next page.

Rigel 62353+

1) Alpha Numeric keyboard, Up / Down and Left / Right cursor control.

2) 4 Programmable soft keys below display
3) Larger Green and Red key
4) Full graphic Monochrone LCD, blue with white backlit, 1/4 VGA
5) EUT socket to meet local requirements
6) IEC input socket (IEC lead test)
7) Custom detachable mains cable inlet
8) 2 way Applied Part adapter box
9) 4mm Earth bond probe socket (Black)
10) 4 mm Earth bond Auxiliary socket (Green)
11) RS232 connection

108 350015200_05
Note: Probe placed in container with 0.9 saline solution.

The ECG cable must be connected to the MyLab ECG connector (if present) and the
Applied Parts terminals in the automatic equipment (see above).

Set the automatic equipment according to its user manual in order to perform a Class
I, Type CF equipment test.

109 350015200_05
Test procedure

Measurement of the Protective Conductor Impedance (P.E.) 1)

• Connect the test lead to MyLab equipotential node. Connect the test lead to
the farthest protectively earthed metal point.
• Activate the procedure for measuring the Impedance of Protective Earth on
the automatic equipment.
• Check that the value indicated complies with the indications given in the
reference table for normal condition (NC).
Please see below for worst case reference points and reference values.

EUT Location Measured value in

CB report
MyLab 9 Family Rear screw on monitor – inlet 44 mΩ

If the measured value is higher than the value indicated above, do not use the
equipment and contact Esaote Technical Assistance.
If the measured value shows more than 50% difference than the value, check test

Measurement of the Equipment Leakage Current

In all the conditions in which it is necessary power on the MyLab system press
the pause key immediately after the power on button in order to avoid the
Widows start up. This operation is very important in order to avoid data loss
and hard disk damages.

Measuring of Leakage currents

In CLASS I ME EQUIPMENT, like MyLab systems of Esaote, a leakage current
measurement may only be performed after the protective conductor impedance
testing has been passed.

• Activate the procedure for measuring the Equipment leakage current on the
automatic equipment:

1. Check that the value indicated complies with the indications given in the
reference table for normal condition (NC).
2. Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment

If any measured value is higher than the value in the table, do not use the equipment
and replace the power cable. Repeat the procedure with the new cable and if the
values continue to be higher, contact Esaote Technical Assistance.

110 350015200_05
Measurement of the Patient Leakage Current
(ECG cable when ECG is available)

• Insert the ECG cable leads in the applied parts terminals in the automatic
• When testing ME EQUIPMENT with multiple Applied Parts, connect them
each in turn and comply with the applicable limits in Table 2. Applied Parts not
part of the measurement shall be floating.
1. Activate the procedure simulating the application of the mains voltage, by
means of the automatic equipment, to the plugs on the patient cable and
check that the value indicated complies with the indication given in the
reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).
• Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table, do not use the
equipment and replace the ECG patient cable. Repeat the procedure with the new
cable and if the values continue to be higher, contact Esaote Technical Assistance.

Probe safety tests

For any probe in use with the unit, repeat the procedure for measuring the Patient
Leakage Current test (without application of mains voltage on applied part), wrapping
the probe enclosure with the metal foil and connecting the test lead to it. The test
must be performed in any Real Time mode application. The probe must be
connected to the unit

• Activate the procedure for measuring the Patient leakage current on the
automatic equipment and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the normal condition (NC).
1. Repeat the procedure simulating a break in the earth wire, by means of the
automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).
2. Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means
of the automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies
with the indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition
3. Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the
power conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table below, do not use
the probe and contact Esaote Technical Assistance.

111 350015200_05
8.1.1 Limits Table



Single unit with separable cable ≤0,3Ω

EM system with multiple socket and separable cable ≤0,5Ω




ME Classe I 500 µA 500 µA 500 µA

ME Classe II 100 µA 100 µA 100 µA

Mains on Applied part for Class I and 2 5000 µA 50 µA

Any break in the probe case or in the probe cable can cause an electrical
hazard. Do not use the probe and contact Esaote Technical Assistance.

112 350015200_05

UNIT UNDER TEST DESCRIPTION: □ EM System □ EM Device □ Peripheral

MODEL: _________________________ S/N: _______________________

ACTIVE US TRANSDUCER DATA : Model: ________________ S/N: __________________

( External visual check and label check )
--- □ OK □ Failed
Detachable cable systems
Detachable cable devices Max_______ [mΩ] □ OK □ Failed
Test current: □
0,2A 1A □ □ 10A □ 25A
Class I 500 [µA]
Class II 100 [µA] Max_______ [µA] □ OK □ Failed
Class: I□ II □
BF Type 5000[µA] Max_______ [µA] □ OK □ Failed
CF Type 50[µA]

AP Type: □
BF Type 5000[µA] Max_______ [µA] □ OK □ Failed
CF Type 50[µA]

AP Type: BF□ CF □
--- □ OK □ Failed
□ POWER PLUG / US MACHINE FRAME □ OTHER: __________________________________________________________________________




SAFETY TESTER DATA : Model: _______________ S/N: __________________

AUDITOR NAME: ______________________________

DATE: _______________ 24 SIGNATURE : ________________________

113 350015200_05
8.2 Safety measurements according IEC60601-1

The parameters to be tested are the following:

• Impedance of Protective Earth Connection
• Earth Leakage Current
• Enclosure Leakage Current
• Patient Leakage Current
• Patient Auxiliary Current

This chapter defines safety Parameters and their range according to EN60601-1
standard and describes the safety tests to be carried out on the equipment.


1) Impedance of Protective Earth Connection

The impedance between the Protective Earth (PE) terminal of the mains input
connector and any accessible metal part.
2) Earth Leakage Current
The current that flows from the mains terminals (P=Phase, N=Neutral) to the
Protective Earth (PE) through the insulation.
3) Enclosure Leakage Current
The current that flows between the enclosure and the Protective Earth (PE) terminal.
4) Patient Leakage Current
The current that flows through the applied parts (ECG and US probe) towards the
Protective Earth (PE).
5) Patient Auxiliary Current
The current that flows between two different applied parts (for instance between two
ECG electrodes).

The table below provides the user with a list of the parameters to be checked, the
maximum values and references to the IEC 60601-1 standard (1988), II Edition.

Parameter Max Value N.C. Max Value S.F.C. EN 60601-1

Impedance of protective 0.2  - 18.f
earth connection (with
Mains Power cable)
Earth leakage current 0.5 mA 1 mA 19.4.f
Enclosure leakage 0.1 mA 0.5 mA 19.4.g
Patient leakage current CF 0.01 mA ac CF 0.05 mA ac 19.4.h
B/BF 0.1 mA ac B/BF 0.5 mA ac
Patient leakage current - CF 0.05 mA 19.4 h
(mains on applied part) BF 0.5 mA
Patient auxiliary current CF 0.01 mA CF 0.05mA 19.4.j
B/BF 0.1 mA B/BF 0.5 mA
N.C. Normal Condition
S.F.C. Single Fault Condition
114 350015200_05
The test must be carried out by skilled personnel using equipment compliant with the
reference standard indicated. ESAOTE recommends the use of the automatic BIO-
TEK 601-PRO equipment manufactured by BIO-TEK Instruments INC.
( or equivalent equipment.

8.2.1 MyLab safety test - Operating Procedures

Tool Dimension
BIOTEK 601 Pro or equivalent -
Metal foil maximum size 20 x 10 cm

Before proceeding with the safety test, be sure of the equipment calibration.

• Power the automatic testing equipment through mains supply and the equipment
under test through the automatic equipment, as shown below.

• The ECG cable must be connected to the unit’s ECG connector (if present) and
the applied parts terminals in the automatic equipment (see Fig.1).
• Set the automatic equipment according to its user manual in order to perform a
Class I, Type CF equipment test.

115 350015200_05
Measurement of the Impedance of Protective Earth connection
• Connect the test lead to unit’s equipotential node.
• Activate the procedure for measuring the Impedance of Protective Earth on the
automatic equipment.
• Check that the value indicated complies with the indications given in the
reference table for normal condition (NC).
If the measured value is higher than the value in the table, do not use the
equipment and send to ESAOTE.

Measurement of Earth leakage current

In all the conditions in which it is necessary power on the MyLab system press
the pause key immediately after the power on button in order to avoid the
Windows start up. This operation is very important in order to avoid data loss
and hard disk damages.

• Activate the procedure for measuring the earth leakage current on the automatic
1.1 Check that the value indicated complies with the indications given in the
reference table for normal condition (NC).
1.2 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means
of the automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with
the indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition
• Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment

If any measured value is higher than the value in the table, do not use the equipment
and replace the power cable. Repeat the procedure with the new cable and if the
values continue to be higher, send the equipment to ESAOTE.

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Measurement the Enclosure Leakage Current

In all the conditions in which it is necessary power on the MyLab system press
the pause key immediately after the power on button in order to avoid the
Windows start up. This operation is very important in order to avoid data loss
and hard disk damages.

• Connect the test lead to the metal foil.

1.1 Place the metal foil in close contact with the unit and activate the procedure
for measuring the enclosure leakage current on the automatic equipment;
varying the foil position, check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the normal condition (NC)
1.2 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in the earth wire, by means of the
automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).
1.3 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means of
the automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with
the indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition
• Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table, do not use the
equipment and send it to ESAOTE.

Measurement the Patient Leakage Current (ECG cable)

• Insert the ECG cable leads in the applied parts terminals in the automatic

1.1 Activate the procedure for measuring the Patient leakage current on the
automatic equipment and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the normal condition (NC).
1.2 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in the earth wire, by means of the
automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).
1.3 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means of
the automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with
the indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition
1.4 Repeat the procedure simulating the application of the mains voltage, by
means of the automatic equipment, to the plugs on the patient cable and
check that the value indicated complies with the indication given in the
reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).

• Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

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• If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table, do not use
the equipment and replace the ECG patient cable. Repeat the procedure with the
new cable and if the values continue to be higher, send the equipment to

Measurement the Patient Auxiliary Current

• Activate the procedure for measuring the patient auxiliary current on the
automatic equipment and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the normal condition (NC).

• Repeat the procedure simulating a break in the earth wire, by means of the
automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).

• Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means of the

automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).

• Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table, do not use the
equipment and replace the ECG patient cable. Repeat the procedure with the new
cable and if the values continue to be higher, send the equipment to ESAOTE.

WARNING: The defective patient cable or power cable must not be used

Probe safety tests

For any probe in use with the unit, repeat the procedure for measuring the Patient
Leakage Current test (without application of mains voltage on applied part), wrapping
the probe enclosure with the metal foil and connecting the test lead to it. The test
must be performed in any Real Time mode application. The probe must be
connected to the unit

1.1 Activate the procedure for measuring the Patient leakage current on the
automatic equipment and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the normal condition (NC).

1.2 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in the earth wire, by means of the
automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with the
indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition (SFC).

1.3 Repeat the procedure simulating a break in a power conductor, by means of

the automatic equipment, and check that the value indicated complies with
the indications given in the reference table for the single fault condition

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Repeat the above measurement procedures inverting the polarity of the power
conductors, by means of the automatic equipment.

If any of the measured values are higher than the value in the table, do not use the
probe and send it to ESAOTE.

Any break in the probe case or in the probe cable can cause an electrical
hazard. Do not use the probe and send it back to ESAOTE for repair.

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