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User's Guide


On-line PMI System

Pressure Analyser
1142970 - 2
User’s Guide

PMI System

Pressure Analyser
Version 2.0

MAN B&W Diesel A/S March 2001 1142970 - 2.0

Contents Return
About this Guide
This User's Guide applies to the MAN B&W Diesel's On-line PMI
System, Version 2.0. It provides an introduction to and an overview of the
entire PMI System for cylinder pressure measurements and analysis on
MAN B&W diesel engines on board ship and at stationary power plants.
The guide sets out to provide engine staff with the knowledge essential for
understanding the principle of operation and function of the PMI System,
so that they can more quickly begin using it for measurements.
Note: For first time use of the PMI System, it is essential that it is
correctly setup as explained in Chapter 4 of this User Guide.

Copyright © 2001, MAN B&W Diesel A/S

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed
in any form or by any means, without prior consent in writing from MAN B&W

MAN B&W Diesel A/S On-line PMI System March 2001

1142970 - 2.0 Version 2.0
User's Guide
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Conditions of Licence
The supply, distribution and use of the PMI System and Data media, including
System Documentation, are subject to your acceptance of the Standard
Conditions of Licence which are supplied in the Software Package containing the
PMI System.

Taking the PMI System in use will indicate your acceptance of these

Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation, U.S.A.

MAN B&W Diesel A/S On-line PMI System March 2001

Version 2.0
User's Guide
Contents Return
Table of Contents

1. Before You Begin

1.1 About this User’s Guide.............................................................................1-2
General Overview ......................................................................................1-2
PMI 'On-line Help' .....................................................................................1-3
Text Conventions .......................................................................................1-3
1.2 The Basic System.......................................................................................1-3
1.3 Main Features.............................................................................................1-7
Pressure Measurement Views ....................................................................1-7
Calculated Values ......................................................................................1-8
Determination of TDC ...............................................................................1-9
Crankshaft Torsion Correction...................................................................1-9
Cylinder Identification .............................................................................1-10
1.4 Supplementary Features...........................................................................1-10
Standard PC Hardware.............................................................................1-10
Windows Display & Operation................................................................1-10
On-line Help.............................................................................................1-11
Data Backup.............................................................................................1-11
Use with Other Software..........................................................................1-11

2. Exploring the PMI System

2.1 The PMI Windows Environment ...............................................................2-2
Starting the 'PMI On-line Analyser' Program ...........................................2-2
Main Window ...........................................................................................2-2

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Table of Contents

PMI Communication Monitor....................................................................2-4

Mouse/keyboard Operation........................................................................2-5
2.2 Opening Engines ........................................................................................2-6
2.3 Monitoring & Viewing On-line Values ...................................................2-7
2.4 Capturing and Storing On-line Values ....................................................2-8
2.5 Viewing Stored Measurements ................................................................2-10
Opening Stored Measurements ..............................................................2-10
PT Diagrams ...........................................................................................2-11
PV Diagrams ..........................................................................................2-15
Balance Plots ..........................................................................................2-16
Calculated Values ..................................................................................2-17

3. Manual Measurements
3.1 Manual Measurements ...............................................................................3-2
3.2 Checking & Editing Measurements ...........................................................3-5
3.3 Deleting Measurements .............................................................................3-9
3.4 Backing Up & Restoring the PMI Database ..............................................3-9

4. System Setup & Calibration

4.1 Initial Setup ................................................................................................4-2
4.2 System Default Measurements...................................................................4-9
'0-Diagram' Measurements.........................................................................4-9
E-Load and Transducer/Sensor Measurements........................................4-12
4.3 Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements ..............4-12
4.4 Sensor Replacement.................................................................................4-18
4.5 Calibration Transducer Replacement.......................................................4-20

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Table of Contents

5. PMI System Menus & Commands

5.1 PMI On-line Analyser................................................................................5-2
File Menu ...................................................................................................5-2
View Menu ..............................................................................................5-3
Tools Menu ................................................................................................5-3
Help .......................................................................................................5-4
5.2 PMI On-line Setup .....................................................................................5-6
File Menu ...................................................................................................5-6
Setup .......................................................................................................5-6
Help .......................................................................................................5-8

A.1 Technical Specification............................................................................ A-2
On-line PMI System................................................................................. A-2
Computer Requirements .......................................................................... A-2
A.2 Care & Handling of PMI Equipment ....................................................... A-3
A.3 Technical Assistance................................................................................ A-5



MAN B&W Diesel A/S On-line PMI System

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Chapter 1

Before You Begin

Welcome to MAN B&W Diesel's PMI System for on-line cylinder pres-
sure measurements on diesel engines.
The PMI System is designed to provide engineers and service personnel
onboard ship and at power plants with a computerised tool for pressure
measurements and analysis on two-stroke diesel engines. The main advan-
tages of the system are:
• On-line measurement of cylinder pressure. Fully automated measure-
ment routine for measurements conducted from engine control room.
• Graphic display and print out of PT, PV and Balance Diagrams, together
with Mean Indicated Pressure and Max. Pressure deviation limits.
• Calculated values of Effective Power, Mean Indicated Pressure pi,
Compression Pressure pcomp, Max. Pressure pmax, and Scavenge Pres-
sure pscav, including proposed values for index adjustments, etc.
• Software interface for use with MAN B&W Diesel's engine perform-
ance and engine diagnostics software, e.g. CoCoS-EDS.

In this Chapter
• About this User’s Guide............... 1-2 Crankshaft Torsion Correction........ 1 - 9
General Overview........................... 1-2 Cylinder Identification.................. 1 - 10
PMI 'On-line Help' ......................... 1-3
Text Conventions ............................ 1-3 • Supplementary Features............. 1 - 10
• The Basic System.......................... 1-3 Standard PC Hardware.................. 1 - 10
Windows Display & Operation ..... 1 - 10
• Main Features ............................... 1-7
Pressure Measurement Views......... 1-7 On-line Help ................................. 1 - 11
Calculated Values ........................... 1-8 Data Backup.................................. 1 - 11
Determination of TDC ................... 1-9 Use with Other Software............... 1 - 11

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User's Guide
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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
About this User’s Guide

1.1 About this User’s Guide

1.1.1 General Overview

This User’s Guide is especially prepared to give you and other users the
knowledge essential to understanding the operation of the PMI System, so
that you can more quickly master the system when you begin using it.
The guide includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Before You Begin: This is the chapter which you are
now reading. It provides brief details about the contents
of this Guide and how to obtain on-line help on your PC.
In addition, it includes a short description of the system
and its main components.
Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System: This deals with basic oper-
ation of the system. It explains what you need to know in
order to start using the system.
Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements: This chapter explains how to
make manual measurements with the system, save and
edit measurements, as well as create backups of the meas-
urement database.
Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration: This explains how to use
the PMI Setup program for setting up engine and meas-
urement parameters, checking communication and cali-
brating the system with the engine.
Chapter 5 – PMI System Menus & Commands: This provides a
simplified overview of the commands available with the
windows menus of the PMI System.
Appendix – This includes a technical specification and system re-
quirements for using a PC, plus information about taking
care of the equipment and obtaining technical assistance.
Glossary – This explains many of the terms and abbreviations used
throughout this guide

On-line PMI System MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
The Basic System

1.1.2 PMI 'On-line Help'

To help you in hands on use of the PMI System, its application software
includes on-line help information. This is available directly on your PC
whenever using it together with the PMI System and is activated by press-
ing the function key 'F1' on the keyboard.

1.1.3 Text Conventions

Settings & Values:

The values and settings shown in the displays and stated in accompanying
text throughout the guide, are included as examples only.

Menus & Menu Commands:

References to specific commands that are given in menus and dialogue
boxes are indicated in single quotes, e.g. 'Open Engine' in the 'File' menu.
Commands depicted with a leader, i.e. 'Options ...', open a selection dia-
logue which offer a number of options to choose from, while those without
a leader, i.e. ' Print', immediately initiate the particular action designated.

1.2 The Basic System

A schematic of the PMI System is shown in Fig. 1-1.
The on-line version of the system employs a series of measurement sen-
sors of well proven design which are permanently mounted on the cylinder
head covers of the respective cylinders of the engine.
The sensors measure the cylinder pressure indirectly by detecting the
strain experienced by the cylinder covers throughout the combustion cycle.
They are manually calibrated to provide an output which is proportional to
the instantaneous pressure inside the cylinders. Because they are not

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
The Basic System

Cyl: 1
Cyl: 2
Cyl: 3
Calibration Cyl: 4
Scavenge Cyl: 5
Pressure PC with PMI
Cyl: 6 On-line Software
Cyl: 7 installed in
Cyl: etc. Engine Control Room

Master Slave
Com. Unit Com. Unit

Fig. 1-1. Use of MAN B&W Diesel’s Communication Units to create an on-line sys-
tem for cylinder pressure measurements on two-stroke diesel engines

exposed directly to the harsh environment inside the cylinders they can be
left permanently mounted on the engine without risk of damage and are
capable of providing very reliable and stable measurements.
To obtain a pressure indication which accurately describes the change in
cylinder pressure throughout each work cycle of an engine, the pressure
detected by the transducer must be synchronised with the motion of the
engine. For this purpose, the PMI System is especially designed to be used
with different types of crankshaft pickup, for example:

On-line PMI System MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
The Basic System

• Angle Encoder: A sealed unit which is fastened to a free end of the

crankshaft via a special flexible coupling. It contains an externally
driven, optically encoded disc, mounted between an internal light
source and detector.
• PD-Pickup: A pair of proximity detectors which are based on induc-
tive pickups. They detect the rotation of a TDC marker and the individ-
ual teeth of a gear wheel or specially designed trigger ring at the aft of
the crankshaft.
All types of pickup produce a train of electrical pulses which are used to
detect the relative position of the crankshaft. In addition, they produce a
separate pulse which is used to synchronise the PMI System with the TDC
position of Cylinder No. 1.

Pickup Engine Type Mounting Maintenance

& Layout

Angle Main Engines Free end of Crankshaft Sealed unit requiring

Encoder without PTO via special flexible little or no
coupling supplied maintenance

PD-Pickup Main Engines with Operates from specially Immune to most

or without PTO designed trigger ring on disturbances

Table 1-1. Crankshaft Pickups for use with the PMI System

As indicated in Table 1-1 the choice of appropriate crankshaft pickup and

its connection with the PMI System (see Fig. 1-2), depends on the engine
The Angle Encoder generates a number of crank angle pulses (e.g. 1024
per revolution of the crankshaft) depending on the type of encoder, while
the PD Pickup senses the number of teeth on the gear wheel or trigger ring
of the engine.
The transducers and crankshaft sensors each have their own signal condi-
tioning amplifiers for relaying the signal to PC via a communication net-

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
The Basic System

Master Slave
Scavenge Air Com. Unit Com. Unit 24V DC
Pressure Sensor Power Supply

Trigger Pulses
SC-1 from Crank Angle
Pickup, Angle
Calibration Box
CJB Encoder, etc.
with 8 m cable

CA-1 CA-2 CA-3 Calibration

Cyl. 1 Cyl. 2 Cyl. 3


CA-4 CA-5 CA-6

Cyl. 4 Cyl. 5 Cyl. 6

PC with PMI On-line System
Software located in
SC-3 Engine Control Room

CA-7 CA: Charge Amplifier
SC: Signal Conditioner
Cyl. 7 Cyl: Engine Cylinder Sensor
CJB: Calibration Junction Box

Fig. 1-2. Example of MAN B&W Diesel's equipment setup for on-line cylinder pres-
sure measurements on diesel engines

The network is made up of one or more programmable communication

modules which are designed to meet the demands of a harsh maritime
environment where high temperature, humidity, vibration and electro-mag-
netic radiation can be expected.

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Main Features

The modules utilise a multi master mode of operation where they play an
equal role in handling communication. They provide a choice of inputs for
different signals, as well as a serial interface port which is configured for
operation with a PC.
All of the equipment is powered by an external 24 V DC source and with
exception of the PC, is mostly located in the vicinity of the diesel engines
on which measurements are made. For subsequent calculation, display and
storage of the data using the PC, the software supplied with the PMI Sys-
tem must be installed on the PC.

1.3 Main Features

1.3.1 Pressure Measurement Views

The cylinder pressure measurements that are collected and stored in the
database of the PMI System can be viewed on the PC using three different
graphic presentation modes. These include PT Diagrams such as that
shown in Fig. 1-3, as well as PV Diagrams and Balance Plots.
In the particular case of the PT diagram (see Fig. 1-3), each curve is shown
over a full work cycle of the engine, i.e. pressure [bar] versus crankshaft
angle [degrees], but is plotted relative to a common TDC so as to allow
easy comparison with the other curves that are shown.
With PV Diagrams, cylinder pressure is shown against the relative volume
[%] of the cylinder, while with Balance Plots the Compression Pressure
pcomp, Maximum Pressure pmax and Mean Indicated Pressure pi of all the
cylinders are given.
The PT and PV diagrams also include a tool panel. This enables you to
switch 'On' and 'Off' the display grid, display cursor and the individual
curves shown for each of the cylinders, simply by clicking on the corre-
sponding buttons with the mouse.

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Main Features

Fig. 1-3. A PT Diagram

Similarly, by dragging the mouse over any portion of the pressure curves
you can zoom in and obtain a magnified view of the area selected.

1.3.2 Calculated Values

Besides alternative graphic views for viewing measurements, information
can also be obtained in tabular form. Values for the Compression Pressure
pcomp, Maximum Pressure pmax, Scavenge Air Pressure pscav and Engine
Speed are given, as well as the Mean Indicated Pressure pi and Effective
Power of the engine.
Also stated are calculated values for index or shim adjustments. These are
provided for stored measurements and indicate how much the index of
each of the cylinders must be adjusted to get the engine properly balanced.

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Main Features

The results are shown both as a change in “index” and as a “rotation of

link” (i.e. number of turns to obtain a certain displacement of the rod).

1.3.3 Determination of TDC

The PMI System is designed to determine the TDC of the cylinders from a
set of '0-Diagram' reference measurements. These measurements are usu-
ally made only once on a given engine when the PMI System is first
'0-Diagram' measurements are made by first letting the engine run at about
50 to 75% load and then shutting off the fuel oil to the cylinder to be meas-
ured by setting its fuel pump index to zero or by disengaging the pump by
lifting the roller gear. When the engine has stabilised, the pressure trans-
ducer is connected to the indicator cock of the cylinder and a measurement
taken. See Chapter 4 for further details.

1.3.4 Crankshaft Torsion Correction

A secondary factor which influences the TDC's of an engine is the tor-
sional displacement or twisting experienced by each section of crankshaft
due to the torque transmitted.
With the PMI System this is accounted for by taking an additional set of
reference measurements at constant load. These are called 'E-Load' meas-
urements and differ from '0-Diagram' measurements in that a normal sup-
ply of fuel oil is maintained on all cylinders throughout the measurement.
The E-Load' measurement is then used together with the '0-Diagram' to
calculate the correct TDC's of all the cylinders. The correction is made
automatically for each cylinder and is based on the torsional coefficients
specified in the PMI System's software. See Chapter 4 for further details.

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Supplementary Features

1.3.5 Cylinder Identification

A useful feature of the PMI System is that it automatically recognises and
keeps track of which cylinders measurements are made on. It is therefore
able to follow the progress of a measurement and indicate the exact order
that the individual cylinders are measured, even when they are measured in
random order with just one transducer as is the case for off-line measure-
ments and system calibration with the PMI System.

1.4 Supplementary Features

The On-line PMI System has a number of additional features which are
intended partly to make operation easier, and partly to ensure appropriate
handling of data.

1.4.1 Standard PC Hardware

The PMI System's hardware and application software can be used on a
standard IBM compatible PC. Normally, the same computer as used for
other purposes in the engine control room can be employed, provided that
it has a suitable communication port available.

1.4.2 Windows Display & Operation

The PMI System's display is built up on a standard Windows™ environ-
ment. Although some prior experience of using windows based computer
applications is desirable, it is not strictly necessary. For the most part only
rudimentary skills of using a PC are needed.
Like other Windows™ based software applications, its display includes
pull-down and pop-up menus. These are used for choosing specific com-
mands and functions by selecting them with the mouse or via the keyboard
of the PC.

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Supplementary Features

Also, several toolbars are included. One of these is situated just below the
main menu and is for quick access to the most frequently used commands
that are available with the PMI System, while the other is located along
side the measurement views that are presented and is used to select pres-
sure curves for each of the individual cylinders of a diesel engine.

1.4.3 On-line Help

Whenever using the PMI System a comprehensive on-line help feature is
always immediately at hand. If in doubt about a particular operation you
can press the F1 key at the top of the PC’s keyboard in order to activate
context sensitive help. This will display help information on screen about
the particular command that you are currently using.
You can also select one of the commands listed in the 'Help' menu. This
enables you to search for information on any specific topic or to obtain
instructions and advice on how to use a particular command.

1.4.4 Data Backup

The PMI System features manual backup and restoration of its database
which contains setup data, as well as data concerning cylinder pressure
With manual backup, backup copies are stored on the hard disk of your PC
or can be transferred to standard data diskettes. These can then be used to
restore the database if it becomes corrupted. In addition, backup copies
can be sent to head office for keeping them up-to-date about the operating
status of your diesel engine plant.

1.4.5 Use with Other Software

The PMI System can be used with other MAN B&W Diesel software

MAN B&W Diesel A/S On-line PMI System

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Chapter 1 – Before You Begin
Supplementary Features

For example, measurements can be transferred from the PMI System to the
CoCoS-EDS Engine Diagnostics System which is available from MAN
B&W Diesel.

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Chapter 2

Exploring the PMI System

This Chapter explains about operation and use of the PMI System after the
system has been setup and calibrated as described in Chapter 4. It provides
basic details on the main window elements and commands which are avail-
able with the PMI System and shows you how to view on-line measure-
ments as well as capture and store cylinder pressure curves for detailed
examination at a later date.

In this Chapter
• The PMI Windows Environment. 2-2 • Capturing and Storing
Starting the 'PMI On-line On-line Values ............................... 2 - 8
Analyser' Program .......................... 2-2 • Viewing Stored Measurements .. 2 - 10
Main Window ................................. 2-2
Opening Stored Measurements ..... 2 - 10
PMI Communication Monitor........ 2-4
PT Diagrams ................................. 2 - 11
Mouse/keyboard Operation ............ 2-5
PV Diagrams................................. 2 - 15
• Opening Engines........................... 2 - 6
Balance Plots................................. 2 - 16
• Monitoring & Viewing
On-line Values............................... 2 - 7 Calculated Values.......................... 2 - 17

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
The PMI Windows Environment

2.1 The PMI Windows Environment

The On-line PMI System includes the following programs:
• A 'PMI System Setup' program
• An 'On-line PMI Analyser' program
The Setup program is used for setting up and checking the PMI System
when it is installed, while the analyser program is for on-line monitoring
and processing of engine pressure data, as well as for manual measure-
ments, displaying, editing and saving measurement results.
In order to get to know the PMI Analyser and find out how to use it for
both on-line and off-line pressure measurements, proceed as explained in
the following sections. For details about using the PMI Setup program, see
Chapter 4.

2.1.1 Starting the 'PMI On-line Analyser' Program

To start the 'PMI On-line Analyser' program use the mouse to double-click
PMI On-line on its icon contained on the windows desktop or on the corresponding pro-
Analyser gram listed in the 'Start' menu on your PC.

2.1.2 Main Window

Fig. 2-1 shows the main window of the 'PMI On-line Analyser' program.
This is what you will see on the PC when you start the system. The appear-
ance, layout and use of the main window are similar to that of other Win-
dows™ software applications.
The main elements of the window are:

Title bar:
This bar indicates the name of the particular software application which is
being run, plus the particular diesel engine that is chosen for making new

On-line PMI System MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
The PMI Windows Environment

Title bar

Menu bar


Status line

Fig. 2-1. The primary elements of the PMI System's main window

cylinder pressure measurements or viewing the results of earlier measure-

ments, i.e. PMI System – [Main Engine].

Menu bar:
This shows the names of the PMI’s main menus. Clicking on the names
with the left mouse button, lists the functions and commands that are avail-
able with each of these menus. Clicking on a command listed in the menu,
activates the command.
Note: Only those commands which are fully visible can be activated.
They depend on the particular window and the command which you last

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
The PMI Windows Environment

This contains a row of buttons each marked with a function symbol. By
using the mouse to slowly move the display cursor across the Toolbar, hints
are flagged about the purpose of each button. Clicking on the buttons with
the mouse provides quick access to the most frequently used commands
which are also available using the Menu bar located just above the Toolbar.
As with the commands listed in the Menu bar, only those tool buttons
which are fully visible can be activated. They depend on the particular
window and the command or tool button which you last activated.

Status line:
The status line provides information about the operating status of the sys-
tem for measurements, processing and saving results.
For additional information about communication with the engines that are
connected, a separate Communication Monitor window is opened along-
side the On-line Analyser window. This lists the particular engines con-
nected, as well as indicates their current communication status.

2.1.3 PMI Communication Monitor

Besides opening the PMI On-line Analyser window, clicking on the PMI
desktop icon also opens the PMI Communication Monitor window shown

Fig. 2-2. The 'PMI Communication Monitor' Window

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
The PMI Windows Environment

in Fig. 2-2. This lists the particular engines in your engine plant which are
connected on-line with the PMI System, as well as indicates whether they
are communicating correctly with the PMI System.

2.1.4 Mouse/keyboard Operation

The windows, dialogue boxes and commands included with the PMI Sys-
tem, are chosen in the same way as with other Windows™ based applica-
tions – by using the mouse or by keyboard short cuts.
For a concise explanation this and the following sections mainly concen-
trate on use with the mouse, but keyboard operations are explained wher-
ever practical.
The terms used to explain the various actions which may be performed
with the mouse, are as follows:
Click: Click the left mouse button
Right-click: Click the right mouse button
Double-click: Click the left mouse button quickly, twice in succes-
Drag: Select and highlight values or text in data fields or to
define part of a curve to be magnified using the
'Zoom' function. To do this, position the mouse cur-
sor at the start of a display region of interest, press
the left mouse button and while keeping the button
pressed, move the cursor diagonally over the area of
interest and release the button.
The following keys emulate the function of the mouse:
Home: Steps to the start of a list or to the start of the first
character in a data field.
End: Steps to the end of a list or to the end of the last char-
acter in a data field.

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
Opening Engines

Page Down: Steps to the bottom of a list.

Page Up: Steps to the top of a list.
Arrow Up: Steps up to the next adjacent line in a list.
Arrow Down: Steps down to the next adjacent line in a list.
Arrow Left/Right: Step left or right to the next adjacent column in a
list or character position in a data field. Keeping
a key pressed, scrolls to left or right in a data field.
Shift + Arrow Key: Scroll the text cursor left or right or up or down in
a data field, highlighting all characters and lines
that it moves over.
Tab: Steps text cursor to the next data field, check box or
command button in a selection dialogue.
Shift + Tab: Step to the previous data field, check box or com-
mand button in a dialogue.
Enter: Activates a command button selected in a dialogue.
Esc.: Cancels a command or closes a dialogue.

2.2 Opening Engines

Each time that the PMI On-line Analyser is opened from the Window's
desktop or 'Start' menu, it automatically selects the engine that was last
selected during previous use of the program. The name of the particular
engine is indicated in the title bar (see Fig. 2-1) of the main window.
With multi-engine plants, it is possible to choose other engines by select-
ing them with the 'Open Engine' command. This is contained in the 'File'
menu and opens the dialogue shown in Fig. 2-3.
To select the engine that you want to work with, left-click its name with
the mouse and then click the 'Open' button. Alternatively, use the Up/
Down arrow keys on the keyboard to select the name of the engine and
then press the Enter key.
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Monitoring & Viewing On-line Values

Fig. 2-3. The 'Open Engine' dialogue of the PMI System

On selecting an engine, its name is shown in the title bar at the top of the
PMI On-line Analyser window. Provided that correct communication is
established, then a “No Error” status message will be shown beside the
name of the engine listed in the PMI Communication Monitor window
(see Fig. 2-2). If, on the other hand, a “Timeout on serial connection” mes-
sage is indicated instead, then check that the power and communication
lines are properly connected to the PMI equipment installed on the engine.

2.3 Monitoring & Viewing On-line Values

Fig. 2-4. A PMI System 'On-line Values' scheme. The scheme is continu-
ously updated with the latest cylinder pressure values

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Chapter 2 – Exploring the PMI System
Capturing and Storing On-line Values

On choosing an engine which is connected on-line, a continuous display of

the monitored data can be obtained by pressing the 'On-line Values' button
in the toolbar. This provides a tabular presentation of the measured data as
shown in Fig. 2-4 which is continuously updated at regular intervals
depending on the number of cylinders monitored.
Note 1: In order to obtain a meaningful on-line measurement indication,
the PMI System must be calibrated as in section 4.2.
Note 2: A red dot beside the cylinder number in the 'On-line Values'
scheme indicates a faulty sensor or cylinder connection.
For a graphic presentation of the monitored data click on the 'Balance Plot'
button in the toolbar. This provides a display which is identical to the off-
line balance plot shown in Fig. 2-14, except that it also is continuously
updated as outlined above.

2.4 Capturing and Storing On-line Values

In order to display pressure versus time/volume, balance diagrams, etc.,
the on-line pressure measurement data must be captured and processed.
For this purpose a 'Capture' command is included in the 'Tools' menu, plus
a corresponding tool button in the tool bar.
Capture and processing of the data takes approximately 30 seconds,
depending on the number of cylinders on the engine. When completed the
message “Curves Recorded” is flagged in the status line at the bottom of
the screen and the on-line values scheme or balance plot is replaced by a
corresponding scheme or plot based on the captured data. For displaying
the Pressure versus Time or Volume Diagrams for the captured data, click
on the appropriate buttons in the tool bar.
After having captured and viewed a measurement it can be saved by actu-
ating the 'Save Measurement' command in the 'File' menu or by clicking on
the corresponding button in the toolbar. Actuating this command opens the
'Save Measurement As' dialogue shown in Fig. 2-5. This automatically
allocates a file name to the measured data and stores it in the directory for
the current engine when the 'Save' button is activated.

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Capturing and Storing On-line Values

File names are assigned as indicated in the following example:

where the first character 'm' indicates a measurement, the next six charac-
ters the date and the last six characters the time that the measurement was

Fig. 2-5. The 'Save Measurement As' dialogue as viewed with the 'List'

Fig. 2-6. The 'Save Measurement As' dialogue as viewed with the 'Details'

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Viewing Stored Measurements

If required another file name may be given to the measurement simply by

overwritting the name indicated. See section 3.2.

2.5 Viewing Stored Measurements

2.5.1 Opening Stored Measurements

After selecting an engine (see section 2.2), you can proceed to select one
of the measurements which have been stored for the particular engine.
Measurement are chosen using the dialogue shown in Fig. 2-7, which is
opened by activating the 'Open Measurement' command in the 'File' menu
or by clicking on the corresponding button in the toolbar.
Initially measurements are listed by just their designation, but further
details can be obtained by clicking the 'Details' tool button near the top,
right corner of the dialogue (see Fig. 2-7).

Alternatively, 'Details' may be selected using the quick-access menu shown

in Fig. 2-9, which is opened by right-clicking anywhere in the 'Open Meas-
urement' dialogue.

Fig. 2-7. The 'Open Measurement' dialogue of the PMI System

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Fig. 2-8. The 'Open Measurement' dialogue as viewed with the 'Details'

Fig. 2-9. The quick-access menu which is availa-

ble by right-clicking the mouse in the
'Open Measurement' dialogue

Measurements are opened by selecting them either with the mouse or with
the arrow and enter keys on the keyboard. Opening a measurement, dis-
plays its pressure versus time curve, i.e. 'PT diagram' view, which is
explained in the following section.

2.5.2 PT Diagrams
A PT Diagram is displayed immediately on opening a measurement with
the 'Open Measurement' command (see previous section). Alternatively,
you can select a PT Diagram either by selecting it in the 'View' menu or by
clicking on the corresponding button in the Toolbar.
A 'PT Diagram' is shown in Fig. 2-10 and can contain pressure curves for
up to 24 cylinders, depending on the number measured. Each curve is

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Fig. 2-10. A PMI PT Diagram

shown over a full work cycle of the engine, i.e. pressure [bar] versus crank-
shaft angle [degrees], but is plotted relative to a common TDC so as to
allow easy comparison with the other curves that are shown. Also, each
curve is plotted with a separate colour, in order to help distinguish between
As a reminder, a “No 0-Diagram Data” message is displayed whenever
measurements are opened which do not include a '0-Diagram' reference
measurement. See Chapter 4 for details about editing measurements and
linking them with 'O-Diagram' measurements.

PT Tool Panel:
The PT Diagram is equipped with a Tool Panel (see Fig. 2-11). This is
located on the right-hand side of the display screen and can be used to acti-

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On / Off
On / Off
Zoom Out
to 100%


Fig. 2-11. The Control Panel of the PT diagram

vate or de-activate various elements of the diagram. For example, you can
toggle 'On' and 'Off' the display grid, display cursor and the individual
curves shown for each of the cylinders, simply by clicking on the corre-
sponding buttons.
Also, by using the mouse to move the display cursor across these buttons,
you can obtain hints about the purpose of each button.

Display Grid:
To switch on the 'Display Grid', click the button shown. The grid is active
when the button is depressed.

Display Cursor:
When the 'Cursor' button is activated (i.e. button depressed), you can move
the cursor up or down, or to the left or right by pressing the appropriate
arrow key on the keyboard. Also you can step from one curve to the next
simply by aligning the cursor on a raised portion of the curve and pressing
the up or down arrow key. The selected cylinder and cursor position are
indicated at the bottom of the display.

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Zoom Function:
If you want to examine diagrams in more detail you can zoom in and mag-
nify any portion of the diagrams as shown in Fig. 2-12.
To zoom in on part of a diagram, position the mouse cursor at the start of
the region of interest on the display and then press the left mouse button
and while keeping the button pressed, drag the cursor diagonally over the
area of interest and release the button. This will magnify the area.
When you want to return to the original view, press the 'Zoom' button in
the tool panel to deactivate it.

Fig. 2-12. Zooming-in on a PT Diagram

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2.5.3 PV Diagrams
A 'PV Diagram' is shown in Fig. 2-13 and can be displayed either by
selecting it in the 'View' menu or by clicking on the corresponding button
in the Toolbar.

Fig. 2-13. A PV Diagram

The 'PV Diagram' shows the cylinder pressure [bar] as a function of the
relative volume [%] of the cylinder. The area contained by the curve is pro-
portional to the work done during the work cycle.
As with the PT Diagram, the PV Diagram is equipped with a Tool Panel.
This also has buttons for toggling the display grid, display cursor, zoom,
etc., which function in precisely the same manner as described earlier for
the PT Diagram. See section 2.5.2.

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2.5.4 Balance Plots

Also included in the 'View' menu is the 'Balance Plot' command. This pro-
vides a bar chart presentation of the combustion pressures of the respective
cylinders of an engine and therefore is a useful indicator of the cylinder
pressure distribution or balance of the engine.

Fig. 2-14. An Off-line PMI Balance Plot

A typical 'Balance Plot' is shown in Fig. 2-14. The compression pressure

pcomp, the maximum pressure pmax and the mean indicated pressure pi of the
cylinders are shown and can be individually toggled 'On'/'Off' or 'Off'/'On'
by clicking on the corresponding buttons provided on the right-hand side
of the display.

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On the left of the display is given the mean pressure (i.e. arithmetic aver-
age of the individual cylinder pressures combined), while on the right of
the display the difference between the actual pressure measured and the
mean pressure (i.e. deviation from mean) is indicated for each cylinder.

2.5.5 Calculated Values

Selecting the 'Calculated Values' in the 'View' menu, opens a display
scheme similar to that shown in Fig. 2-15. The same scheme can also be
opened by selecting the corresponding button in the Toolbar.

Fig. 2-15. A 'Calculated Values' scheme for a two stroke diesel engine

The scheme gives values for the Compression Pressure pcomp, the Maxi-
mum Pressure pmax and the Engine Speed. In addition, it gives values for

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the Mean Indicated Pressure pi, the Scavenge Air Pressure pscav and the
Effective Power of two stroke engines.
Also, indicated are calculated values for the fuel pump index adjustments
of two stroke engines. These can be seen by moving the scheme with the
scroll bar located at the bottom of the scheme.
The values for index show how much the index of each of the cylinders
must be adjusted to get the engine properly balanced. The results are
expressed as an “Index Adjustment” (i.e. change of index), as well as in
terms of a “Rotation of link” (i.e. the number of turns required to obtain a
certain displacement of the rod) or “Shim Adjustment” (i.e. the number of
shims to be inserted or removed) depending on the type of adjustment pro-
vided with the engine.

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Chapter 3

Manual Measurements

This chapter explains how to make manual measurements using the PMI
System together with its Calibration Transducer. In addition, it explains
how to save, edit and/or delete measurements, as well as how to backup the
measurement data base.

In this Chapter
• Manual Measurements................. 3 - 2 • Deleting Measurements ................ 3 - 9
• Checking & Editing • Backing Up & Restoring
Measurements............................... 3 - 5 the PMI Database.......................... 3 - 9

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Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements
Manual Measurements

3.1 Manual Measurements

Besides on-line monitoring of cylinder pressure, measurements can be
conducted manually. For this purpose the Calibration Transducer and a
hand-held Control Box which are supplied for calibration of the PMI Sys-
tem are used and are manually moved from one cylinder to the next in
order to complete a set of measurements.
Whereas on-line measurements are well suited for quick, spot checks and
continuous monitoring of the engine behaviour throughout the work day,
manual measurements serve an important role where more detailed inves-
tigation of engine behaviour is required.
The procedure for performing manual measurements is as follows:
1. Switch on the PC and start the PMI Analyser program by clicking on
PMI System the 'PMI On-line' icon on the windows desktop.
The main window of the PMI Analyser should now appear as indicated
in Fig. 2-1.
2. Check that the correct engine is shown in the title bar of the main win-
If not, open the engine by selecting 'Open Engine' in the 'File' menu and
select it in the dialogue which is opened.
3. Select 'Start Manual Measurement' in the 'Tools' menu.

The view in Fig. 3-1 will now appear which shows a series of panels,
one for each cylinder of the engine.
Initially, the panels are coloured grey, but change to green after meas-
urements on the corresponding cylinders have been completed.
4. Connect the Calibration Transducer to the Control Box and the
multipole plug of the Control Box to the Calibration Junction Box
located in the engine room. See Fig. 1-2 and 3-2.

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Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements
Manual Measurements

Caution: Always connect the Transducer to the Control Box before

connecting the Control Box to the Junction Box. Connecting the
Transducer while powering the Control Box can damage the Con-
trol Box.

Fig. 3-1. The 'Measurement Status' view of the PMI System

Connector for
Pressure Transducer

'Error' 'Start'
indicator button
Red Green

Fig. 3-2. The Calibration Control Box of the On-line PMI System

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Manual Measurements

5. Wait until the engine is running with an even load and is stable.
The PMI System is ready for measurements when the green 'Start' but-
ton on the Control Box is lit.
6. Mount the Transducer on the indicator cock of Cylinder No. 1 and
open the indicator cock.
7. Press the green 'Start' button on the PMI Control Box to start the meas-
When the green light next lights, the measurement will have been com-
8. Close the indicator cock and remove the Pressure Transducer.
! Warning: Always check that the indicator cock is closed
before removing the transducer. Failure to do this can result in the
release of extremely hot combustion gasses which can severely
injure personnel.
9. Repeat step 6 to 9 until you have completed measurements on all cylin-
10. Return to the PC and stop measurements by pressing Esc. on the key-
Stopping measurements displays the 'Save Manual Measurement As' di-
logue. This automatically allocates a file name to the measured data and
stores it in the directory for the current engine when the 'Save' button is
File names are assigned as indicated in the following example:
where the first character 'm' indicates a measurement, the next six char-
acters the date and the last six characters the time that the measurement
was saved.

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Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements
Checking & Editing Measurements

3.2 Checking & Editing Measurements

On completing one or more sets of manual or on-line pressure measure-
ments, the measurements should be inspected using the 'Open Measure-
ment', 'Edit' function.
To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Activate 'Open Measurement' in the 'File' menu.

This opens the 'Open Measurement' dialogue shown in Fig. 3-3 which
lists all the measurements made with the PMI System.

Fig. 3-3. The 'Open Measurement' dialogue of the PMI System as

viewed with the 'List' function

The most recent pressure measurements are listed with the prefix 'm'
and have the date and time of storage as part of their designation.
e.g. m010124_102730
To view details about the measurements (see Fig. 3-4), right-click any-
where in the dialogue to actuate its quick-access menu (see Fig. 3-5)
and then select 'Details'. Alternatively, click on the corresponding but-
ton in the dialogue's toolbar.

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Checking & Editing Measurements

Fig. 3-4. The 'Open Measurement' dialogue of the PMI System as

viewed with the 'Details' function

Fig. 3-5. The quick-access menu which is

available by right-clicking the mouse
in the 'Open Measurement' dialogue

2. Select the particular measurement that you want to examine by left-

clicking its name with the mouse and then activate the 'Observations...'
command in the quick-access menu or click the corresponding button
in the dialogues toolbar.
Activating 'Observations' opens the 'Cylinder Observations' dialogue
shown in Fig. 3-6.
By clicking on the '+/-' symbol shown at the start of each cylinder head-
ing you can expand or contract a heading.
To examine an observation, click on its heading. Its pressure curve is
then displayed on the right-hand side of the dialogue.

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Fig. 3-6. The 'Edit Cylinder Observations' dialogue of the PMI System

3. Check that there is one observation for each cylinder and that their
pressure curves have the approximate shape and form as indicated in
Fig. 3-6.
4. If one or more observations are missing or are not correct, then the
entire measurement should be deleted and a new measurement taken
before proceeding further with this procedure.
To delete the measurement, click the 'Close' button and then activate the
'Delete' button in the 'Open Measurement' dialogue.
5. If all cylinder observation appear correct, click the 'Close' button to
return to the 'Open Measurement' dialogue and then activate the 'Edit'
command in the dialogue's quick-access menu or click the correspond-
ing button in its toolbar.
Activating the 'Edit' command opens the 'Edit Measurement' dialogue
shown in Fig. 3-7. This allows you to rename the measurement as well
as to check whether the measurement is linked with the appropriate '0-
Diagram' and 'E-Load' reference measurements.
6. To rename the measurement, click in the measurement field and key in
a new name.

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Fig. 3-7. The 'Edit Measurement' dialogue of the PMI System

For this purpose a naming convention which preserves the date and time
of the measurement is suggested.
e.g. m_85_010124_1027
Where the first character 'm' indicates a measurement, the next three
characters indicate the engine load, the next seven characters the date
and the last five characters the time that the measurement was stored.
7. Next check that the names of the appropriate '0-Diagram' and 'E-Load'
measurement files which are to be used for TDC determination, appear
in the list-boxes immediately below the name of the measurement.
If no '0-Diagram' and 'E-Load' files are listed, then the appropriate
measurements must be made as explained in Chapter 4.
8. Finally, key in the appropriate value for the scavenge air pressure of the
engine in the 'p(scav):' data field and press the 'OK' button to close the
'Edit' dialogue and save your changes to the measurement.
Note: If no scavenge air pressure reading is keyed in, then the pro-
gram itself will automatically estimate it. For this purpose the
'p(scav):' data field should be kept at “0.00”.
After having checked and accepted a measurement as described above, it
may be examined in more detail using the 'View' menu commands which
are explained in section 2.5.2 to 2.5.5.

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Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements
Deleting Measurements

3.3 Deleting Measurements

To delete measurements that are no longer needed, the 'Open Measure-
ment' command in the 'File' menu includes a 'Delete' function. This may be
activated either by clicking on the tool button shown or by selecting the
command in the dialogues quick-access menu.

3.4 Backing Up & Restoring the PMI Database

For optimum security, we recommend that you frequently take a backup
copy of the PMI database to help safeguard your measurement data. For
this purpose a backup copy can be saved on the hard disk of your PC using
the dialogue shown in Fig. 3-8.

Fig. 3-8. The 'Backup' dialogue of the PMI System

The 'Backup' dialogue is opened using the 'Backup' command in the 'File'
menu. To commence backup, click on the 'Make' button. The PMI System
then responds with the name and location of the new file which is to be
used for storing the backup on your hard disk. To accept the file and con-
tinue with backup, click on the 'Yes' button. The PMI System then takes a
copy of database and stores it on the hard disk.

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Chapter 3 – Manual Measurements
Backing Up & Restoring the PMI Database

In addition to the above, the 'Backup' dialogue has functions for restoring
the PMI System database, deleting backup files and saving them on sepa-
rate floppy diskettes. These functions are included on the 'Restore' and
'Catalogue' tabs of the 'Backup' dialogue (see Fig. 3-9 and 3-10). When
backup files are created they are stored in compressed form and are auto-
matically decompressed whenever they are used to restore the PMI Sys-
tem's database.

Fig. 3-9. The 'Backup > Restore' dialogue of the PMI System

Fig. 3-10. The 'Backup > Catalogue' dialogue of the PMI System

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Backing Up & Restoring the PMI Database

Note: When restoring the database it is important that the appropriate

backup file is selected (i.e. is highlighted) in the 'Backup > Restore' di-
Restoring data files from a backup copy of the data base will overwrite
existing date. Therefore to reduce the risk of losing recent measurements
and other data, always take a backup copy before attempting to restore the
data base.

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Chapter 4

System Setup & Calibration

This chapter explains about use of the PMI On-line Setup program which
is intended for configuring the PMI System when it is first installed on
your engine plant. In this connection it allows you to make the initial setup
adjustments as well as the default and calibration measurements discussed
in section 4.1 to 4.3 of this chapter.
After making these measurements you need only consult this chapter if the
Calibration Transducer or one or more of the cylinder sensors have to be
replaced, or if the triggering system is replaced or moved to another posi-
tion on the engine. In the later two instances regarding the triggering sys-
tem, you will also have to make a new set of default and calibration

In this Chapter
• Initial Setup................................... 4 - 2 • Checking, Editing & Downloading
• System Default Measurements .... 4 - 9 Calibration Measurements......... 4 - 12
'0-Diagram' Measurements............. 4 - 9 • Sensor Replacement.................... 4 - 18
E-Load and Transducer • Calibration Transducer
/Sensor Measurements.................. 4 - 12 Replacement ................................ 4 - 20

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

4.1 Initial Setup

1. Start the 'PMI Setup' program by double-clicking with the mouse on its
PMI On-line icon contained on the windows desktop or select the corresponding
Setup program listed in the 'Start' menu on your PC.

2. Select 'Open Engine' in the 'File' menu and with the mouse or arrow
keys select the name of particular engine that you want to work on-line
with in the dialogue which is opened.
3. Click on the 'Edit' tool button to open the 'Edit Engine Data' dialogue.

Fig. 4-1. The PMI Setup 'Edit Engine Data - Torsion' dialogue

4. Select the 'Torsion' index card to open the dialogue shown in Fig. 4-1
and set the 'Trigger System' section of the dialogue as follows:
• Fore: Activate this button if the fore end of the engine crankshaft is
fitted with an Angle Encoder for triggering the PMI System.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

• Aft: Activate this button if a Proximity Pickup and Trigger Ring are
mounted at the drive end (normally aft) of the crankshaft for trig-
gering the PMI System. In addition, key in the following data:
• The diameter of the drive shaft. Units: metre
• The distance of the turning wheel to the trigger ring. Units:
5. Click the 'OK' button to save your changes and exit the dialogue, and
then click on the 'Open' button to open the engine and return to the
PMI Setup program window.
The name of the appropriate engine should now appear in the title bar
of the PMI Setup program window.
6. Select 'System' in the 'Setup' menu to open the dialogue shown in
Fig. 4-2.

Fig. 4-2. The PMI Setup program 'System Setup' dialogue

7. Check that the PC Communication Port to which the PMI Master Com-
munication Unit is connected matches the setting chosen in the 'System
Setup' dialogue. If not, change the dialogue setting so that it matches.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

8. Key in the sensitivity of the calibration transducer supplied with the

PMI System in the 'Transducer Value' field of the 'System Setup' dia-
The sensitivity is stated on the calibration chart provided with the trans-
9. Set the remaining fields contained in the 'System Setup' dialogue as
indicated in Fig. 4-2.
10. Select 'Communication' in the 'Setup' menu to open the dialogue shown
in Fig. 4-3.

Fig. 4-3. The PMI Setup program 'Communication Setup' dialogue

11. Check that the 'Slave Exists' check box in the 'Communication Setup'
dialogue is blank or checked according to whether your PMI System
includes both a Master and a Slave Communication Unit and then click

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

the 'Default' button to obtain the communication settings appropriate

for your particular engine.
Note: Whereas the input and output addresses on the Communica-
tion Units are fixed, the engine cylinders linked to channels 1 to 6
of the Master Unit and channels 1 to 8 of the Slave Unit can be
changed to suit individual requirements. However, it is important
that channels 7 and 8 of the Master Unit be reserved for the p(scav)
and calibration box signals.
12. Select 'Measuring' in the 'Setup' menu to open the dialogue shown in
Fig. 4-4.

Fig. 4-4. The PMI Setup program 'Measuring Setup' dialogue

13. Set the 'General' section of the 'Measuring Setup' dialogue as indicated
in Table 4-1. overleaf for the particular type of crankshaft trigger sys-
tem installed on your engine.
Note: The signal output and percentage measuring range limit set-
tings given at the bottom of the 'Measuring Setup' dialogue are
fixed according to the particular cylinder sensor, calibration trans-

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Initial Setup

Angle Encoder Proximity Pickup

Trigger Type: Low/High Double

TDC Type: Low/High Low/High

No. of Pulses: 1024 Number of teeth on trigger

ring times 1 or 2

Trigger Timeout: 500 ms 500 ms

p(scav) Limit: Max. Pressure Range Max. Pressure Range

of Scavenge Sensor of Scavenge Sensor

Table 4-1. 'Measuring Setup' dialogue settings

ducer and scavenge pressure sensor charge amplifiers used by your

PMI System and cannot be changed.
14. Click the 'OK’ button to save your settings and exit the 'Measuring
Setup' dialogue.
15. Select 'Communication On' in the 'Communication' menu.
The status line at the bottom of the screen will now state 'Communica-
tion On'.
16. To check communication, select 'Test Connection > Master Unit/Slave
Unit' in the 'Communication' menu. If the status line indicates no con-
nection or communication error, check the cabling from the PC to the
PMI Communication Units and on to the engine.
17. Select 'Check Trigger System' in the 'Communication' menu.
The PMI Setup program will now begin to check the trigger system in-
stalled on your engine after which it will display the 'Trigger and TDC
Test' dialogue shown in Fig. 4-5.
The use of the 'Trigger and TDC Test' dialogue is as follows:
• No. of pulses detected: This provides an actual count of the
number of crank angle pulses detected per work cycle.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

Fig. 4-5. The 'Trigger and TDC Test' dialogue

When triggering is stable only one count will be displayed. You can
then proceed with step 19 of this procedure.
If triggering is unstable, then the latest four counts will be listed.
See below to help determine the cause.
• No. of pulses stored for engine: The crank angle pulse count. Zero
is indicated for the first test.
• Pulse deviation (min./max): Gives the min. and max. percentage
deviation of the crank angle pulses relative to their mean repetition
Large deviations normally indicate that the pickup is slipping, is
not rigidly fixed, or is damaged and needs to be replaced. See User
Guide for the particular device.
To obtain a graphic view of the trigger pulse deviation, click on the
'Display' button in the dialogue. See Fig. 4-6.
• TDC pulse relative to trigger pulse: Gives the percentage overlap
and non overlap of the crank angle pulse that is closest to the trail-
ing edge of the TDC pulse (see Fig. 4-7).
If either of the readings is less than 15 % or greater than 85 %, then
the pickup is not correctly adjusted or is defective. See User Guide
for the particular device.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Initial Setup

Fig. 4-6. The 'Trigger Deviation' dialogue

TDC Pulse

Crank Angle Pulses

Fig. 4-7. Timing of the TDC and Crank Angle Pulses

18. To repeat the Trigger Test, click on the 'Repeat' button in the dialogue.
19. When a stable trigger pulse count is obtained, click on the 'Save' button
in the dialogue. This will store the count for use in subsequent tests.
After storing a count, click on the 'Close' button to close the dialogue
return to the main window.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
System Default Measurements

20. Select 'Download > Setup' in the 'Communication' menu to download

the complete communication and measurement setup to the PMI Com-
munication Units.
Normally download takes several minutes or more to complete, so
please be patient.
Important Note: The communication units retain the setup data
until the next time a new measurement setup is downloaded.

4.2 System Default Measurements

4.2.1 '0-Diagram' Measurements

0-Diagram measurements are used to correct pressure measurements so
that they reflect the actual TDC of each of the respective cylinders of an
engine. In order to do this, a set of 0-Diagram measurements must be made
at the time of installing the PMI System or whenever the Calibration
Transducer is replaced or the trigger system is readjusted.
For main engines, reference measurements are to be made in calm weather
conditions and deep water. No rudder movements or ships course adjust-
ments are to be made during measurements.
The procedure for making 0-Diagram measurements is as follows:
1. Run the engine at 60 to 75% load.
2. Start the 'PMI Setup' program by double-clicking with the mouse on its
PMI On-line icon contained on the windows desktop or select the corresponding
Setup program listed in the 'Start' menu on your PC.
3. Select 'Open Engine' in the 'File' menu and with the mouse or arrow
keys select the name of particular engine that you want to work on-line
with in the dialogue which is opened.
4. Click the 'OK' button to open the engine.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
System Default Measurements

5. Connect the Calibration Transducer to the PMI Control Box and the
multipole plug of the Control Box to the Calibration Junction Box
located in the engine room. See Fig. 1-2 and 3-2.
Caution: Always connect the Transducer to the Control Box before
connecting the Control Box to the Junction Box. Connecting the
Transducer while powering the Control Box can damage the Con-
trol Box.
6. Select 'Communication On' in the 'Communication' menu.
The status line at the bottom of the screen will now state 'Communica-
tion On'.
To check communication, select 'Test Connection > Master Unit/Slave
Unit' in the 'Communication' menu.
If the status line indicates no connection or communication error, check
the cabling from the PC to the PMI Communication Units and on to the
If the status line indicates too many or too few trigger pulses then select
'Test Trigger System' in the 'Communication' menu and follow the in-
structions given in step 17, 18 and 19 of section 4.1.
7. Select 'Download > Setup' to download the complete communication
and measurement setup to the PMI Communication Units.
8. Set the fuel pump index to zero (or lift the fuel pump roller guide,
depending on the type of engine) to shut off the fuel oil to the first cyl-
inder to be measured (e.g. Cylinder No. 1) and wait for approximately
20 seconds.
9. Mount the Calibration Transducer on the indicator cock of the cylinder
and open the indicator cock.
The system is ready for measurements when the 'Start' button on the
PMI Control Box is lit.
10. Press the green 'Start' button on the Control Box to start the measure-

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
System Default Measurements

The green light will then be extinguished for a period and then light
again when the measurement has been completed.
11. Immediately close the indicator cock when the measurement has been
completed and return the fuel pump index to its original setting (or
lower the fuel pump roller, depending on the type of engine).
12. Remove the Transducer from the indicator cock and mount it on the
indicator cock of the next cylinder to be measured.
! Warning: Always check that the indicator cock is closed
before removing the transducer. Failure to do this can result in
release of extremely hot combustion gasses which can severely
injure personnel.
13. Repeat step 8 to 13 until you have completed measurements on all cyl-
14. Return to the PC and stop measurements either by selecting 'Calibra-
tion > End' in the 'Communications' menu or by pressing the Esc. key
on the keyboard.
Stopping measurements displays the 'Save Manual Measurement As' di-
logue. This automatically allocates a file name to the measurement and
stores it in the directory for the current engine when the 'Save' button is
In the particular case of the 'Calibration' mode of the Setup program,
two sets of measurements are taken simultaneously. One set includes
observations taken with the Calibration Transducer and the other set in-
cludes observations taken with the respective sensors built into the cyl-
inder covers of the engine. These are named as indicated in the
following example:
where the first character 'k' / 's' indicates the type of calibration meas-
urement, the next six characters the date and the last six characters the
time that the measurement was saved.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements

For use as a 0-Diagram measurement only the 'k' measurement is re-

quired and should be renamed and specifically selected as a default ref-
erence measurement as described in section 4.3.

4.2.2 E-Load and Transducer/Sensor Measurements

Immediately after having prepared a set of 0-Diagram measurements two
further sets of reference measurements must be taken – one for compensat-
ing for torsional deflections of the crankshaft (i.e. E-Load measurements)
and the other for cylinder sensor system sensitivity calibration adjustments
against the calibration transducer. For this purpose the same procedure as
outlined in section 4.2.1 should be used, but this time without altering the
fuel pump index of the cylinders.
Important: The first set of measurements (i.e. E-Load measurements)
should be taken using the same load conditions as the 0-Diagram meas-
urements in section 4.2.1, while the transducer/sensor calibration meas-
urements should be taken at normal operating and service conditions.
To permit automatic correction of all future pressure measurements with
the PMI System, the respective reference measurements must be specifi-
cally selected as default in the 'Open Engine ' dialogue for the particular
engine as explained in the following section.

4.3 Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration

To ensure that the O-Diagram, E-Load and transducer/sensor calibration
measurements are used for correcting future pressure measurements on
your engine, they must first be individually inspected and edited and then
selected as default and downloaded to the PMI communication units as
explained below:
1. Select 'Open Measurement' in the 'File' menu and locate the set of 0-
Diagram' measurements in the dialogue which is opened.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements

Initially all new calibration measurements are listed with the letter 'k'
and 's' for transducer and cylinder sensor, followed by the date and time
of storage, e.g. k010122_103321, s010122_103321. See Fig. 4-8.

Fig. 4-8. The 'View Measurement' dialogue as viewed with the 'List'

2. Select the 'K' - 0-Diagram measurement and then activate the 'Observa-
tions' tool button in the dialogue or right-click in the dialogue.
The 'Observations...' button opens the dialogue shown in Fig. 4-9.
By clicking on the '+/-' symbol at the start of each cylinder heading you
can expand or contract a heading.
To examine an observation, click on its heading. Its pressure curve
is then displayed on the right-hand side of the dialogue.
3. Check that there is one observation for each cylinder and that their
pressure curves have the approximate shape and form as indicated in
Fig. 4-9 for 0-Diagram measurements (or Fig. 4-10 for all other meas-
urements including calibration measurements).

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Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements

Fig. 4-9. The 'Observations' dialogue. The curve shown is typical of

what can be expected for a 0-Diagram observation

Fig. 4-10. The 'Observations' dialogue. The curve shown is typical of

what can be expected for a normal transducer calibration
or pressure measurement

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Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements

4. If one or more observations are missing or are not correct, then the
entire measurement should be deleted and a new measurement taken
before proceeding further with this procedure.
To delete the measurement, click the 'Close' button and then activate the
'Delete' button in the 'View Measurement' dialogue.
5. When all curves are correct, click the 'Close' button to return to the
'View Measurement' dialogue and then open the measurement by click-
ing the 'Open' button.
6. Next select 'Calculated Values' in the 'View' menu and check that the
mean indicated pressure pi for each cylinder is negative. See Fig. 4-11.

Fig. 4-11. A 'Calculated Values' scheme for a 'O-Diagram' reference

measurement on a four cylinder engine

Negative values signify that there is no combustion of fuel oil as is re-

quired for 'O-Diagram' measurements. You can proceed with step 7.
If the values are positive, then the most likely reasons are:
• The fuel pump index has not been set to zero.
• The index has been set to zero, but not enough time has elapsed
before the measurement was started, i.e. some fuel oil is still
present in the cylinder and has not had time to fully combust.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Checking, Editing & Downloading Calibration Measurements

• The index has been set to zero, but leaking fuel valves result in
combustion or heating of fuel oil in the cylinder.
In each case the measurement must be repeated after correcting the most
likely cause of the problem.
7. Return to the 'View Measurement' dialogue and then activate the 'Edit'
command in the toolbar of the dialogue.
This opens the 'Edit Measurement' dialogue shown in Fig. 4-12.

Fig. 4-12. The 'Edit Measurement' dialogue

8. Click in the measurement field of the 'Edit Measurement' dialogue and

rename the measurement to signify that it is a 0-Diagram measure-
e.g. 0DIAG_70_010122_1033
where the first five characters indicate the type of file, the next 3 char-
acters indicate the engine load, the next seven characters indicate the
date and the last five characters indicate the time that the measurement
was stored.
9. Open the list-boxes immediately below the measurement field and
reset them so that they appear empty and do not refer to earlier 0-Dia-
gram and E-Load files.

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10. Key in the appropriate value for the scavenge air pressure of the engine
in the 'p(scav):' data field and press the 'OK' button to close the 'Edit'
dialogue and save your changes to the reference measurements.
Note: If no scavenge air pressure reading is available, then the pro-
gram itself will automatically estimate it. For this purpose the
'p(scav):' data field should be kept set at “0.00”.
11. Repeat items 1 to 10 first for the 'k' - E-Load measurement and then for
the 'k' and 's' transducer/sensor calibration measurements.
Note: The check in step 6 concerns 0-Diagram measurements only,
and for E-Load and other calibration measurements should be
In this case it is recommended that transducer/sensor calibration meas-
urements retain their original names and that the 'k' - E-Load measure-
ment be renamed as follows:
12. Click the 'Close' button to exit the 'View Measurement' dialogue and
then select 'Open Engine' in the 'File' menu and activate the 'Edit' but-
ton in the tabular of the 'Open Engine' dialogue.
This in turn opens the 'Edit Engine Data' dialogue shown in Fig. 4-13.
13. Open the respective 'Default' list boxes at the bottom of the dialogue
and set them to indicate the latest transducer, sensor, 0-Diagram and E-
Load measurements. See Fig. 4-13.
14. Press the 'OK' button to exit both the 'Edit Engine Data' and 'Open
Engine' dialogues and store your new default settings.
15. Select 'Download > Calibration' in the 'Communication' menu to down-
load the data to the PMI communication units.
Normally download takes several minutes or more to complete, so
please be patient.
Important Note: The communication units retain the calibration
data until the next time a new set of calibration data is downloaded.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Sensor Replacement

Fig. 4-13. The 'Edit Engine Data – General' dialogue

4.4 Sensor Replacement

If one or more of the engine cylinders fail to provide a signal proportional
to the cylinder pressure, then it is likely that their built-in sensors have
been damaged and will need to be replaced.
For this purpose extra sensors can be ordered which may be fitted as
described below. Each sensor must be preloaded using the special mount-
ing tool and measuring instrument which were supplied for installing the
PMI System.
To replace and preload a cylinder sensor, proceed as follows:
1. Unscrew the power supply plug to the Sensor Connection Box.
2. Remove the lid of the Connection Box and unscrew and unclip the Sen-
sor Cable in the box.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Sensor Replacement

Cylinder Sensor Pressure Sensor

Connection Box with
Armoured Outlet


Cable Clips
Power Supply & Bracket

Protection Sleeve

Fig. 4-14. Fitment of sensor assembly and connection box

3. Unscrew the end of the braided Protection Sleeve from the end of the
Armoured Outlet.
4. Carefully slide out the Sensor Cable from the Connection Box and Pro-
tection Sleeve.
5. Unscrew the Armoured Outlet from the Sensor bore hole and slide the
outlet over the free end of the Sensor Cable.
6. Thread the free end of the Sensor Cable through the hole inside the
Sensor Mounting Tool and use the tool to unscrew the faulty sensor.
7. Remove the faulty sensor and fit a new sensor to the end of the Mount-
ing Tool with its cable passing through the centre of the tool.
8. Insert the sensor and Mounting Tool in the bore hole from which the
faulty sensor was removed and lightly screw it fast so that it makes
contact with the end of the bore.
9. Turn the tool back (anticlockwise) one turn and connect the Sensor
Cable to the Preloading Measuring Instrument.

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Chapter 4 – System Setup & Calibration
Calibration Transducer Replacement

10. Switch the instrument ’On' and tighten the sensor until the display
shows - 40.
11. Remove the Measuring Instrument and Mounting Tool.
12. Thread the Sensor Cable through the hole in the Armoured Outlet and
screw the outlet fast.
13. Disconnect the Measuring Instrument and thread the Sensor Cable
through the braided Protection Sleeve,
14. Thread the cable back and forth between the cable clips in the Connec-
tion Box and then fasten the end of the cable in the box as indicated in
Fig. 4-14.
15. Finally replace the lid of the Connection Box and screw the end of the
braided Protection Sleeve back on the end of the Armoured Outlet.

4.5 Calibration Transducer Replacement

In the unlikely event that the calibration transducer is permanently dam-
aged then a new one can be ordered. This can be used in exactly the same
way as the previous calibration transducer except that a new transducer
value must be input in the 'System Setup' dialogue of the PMI Setup pro-
gram. The correct value is stated on the calibration chart supplied with the
new calibration transducer.

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Chapter 5

PMI System Menus

& Commands
This Chapter provides an overview of the commands and other functions
which are available with the menu bar of the PMI System and includes ref-
erence to keyboard shortcuts and toolbar buttons. With many of the com-
mands only brief details are given, as a more comprehensive explanation
can be found in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this User's Guide.

In this Chapter
• PMI On-line Analyser .................. 5-2 • PMI On-line Setup ........................ 5 - 6
File Menu ....................................... 5-2 File Menu ........................................ 5 - 6
View Menu ..................................... 5-3 Setup ............................................... 5 - 6
Tools Menu..................................... 5-3 Communication............................... 5 - 7
Help ................................................ 5-4 Help................................................. 5 - 8

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Chapter 5 – PMI System Menus & Commands
PMI On-line Analyser

5.1 PMI On-line Analyser

5.1.1 File Menu

• Open Engine ...: Opens the 'Open Engine' dialogue for selecting spe-
cific engines for pressure measurements and viewing measurement
results. See section 2.2 for further details.
• Open Measurement ...: Opens the 'Open Measurement' dialogue for
selecting 'All', 'New' and 'Old' measurements for the particular engine
chosen with the 'Open Engine' command specified above. You can also
edit and delete stored measurements from the same dialogue. See sec-
tion 2.5.1 for further details.
Shortcut: 'Open Measurement' can also be chosen using Ctrl. + O.
• Save Measurement: Saves the current set of pressure curves as a new
measurement in the directory for the current engine.
• Backup...: Opens the 'Backup' dialogue for making a backup copy of
the PMI System's database on the hard disk of your PC. It is also used
for restoring the PMI System's database and for cataloguing/archiving
files. See section 3.4 for further details.
• Print: Prints the content of the window which is currently activated.
Shortcut: 'Print' can also be chosen using Ctrl. + P.
• Print Setup ...: Opens the 'Print Setup' dialogue for selecting printer,
printer properties, page orientation, page size and other page set-up
• Exit: Closes the PMI Analyser program.
Shortcut: 'Exit' can also be chosen using Alt. + F4.

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5.1.2 View Menu

• PT Diagram: Displays the PT Diagram of the current engine, i.e. the
cylinder pressure versus time (i.e. crankshaft angle) diagram. See sec-
tion 2.5.2 for further details.
• PV Diagram: Displays the PV Diagram of the current engine, i.e. the
cylinder pressure versus relative volume diagram. See section 2.5.3 for
further details.
• Balance Plot: Displays the balance plot of the mean pressure, as well
as the difference between the actual pressure measured and the mean
pressure indicated for each cylinder. See section 2.5.4 for further
• Calculated Values: Displays a list of calculated values for all cylin-
ders. Also includes proposed values for Index Adjustment. See section
2.5.5 for further details.

5.1.3 Tools Menu

• Start Manual Measurement: Open the 'Measurement Status' view
and start a new manual measurement.
• On-line Values: Displays on-line values of pi, pcomp, pmax, engine
speed, effective power and pscav. which are continuously monitored by
the PMI System. See section 2.4.
• Capture: Captures the current set of on-line data and processes it for
display with the 'PT Diagram', 'PV Diagram', 'Balance Plot' and Calcu-
lated Values commands. For a permanent record each set of captured
data must be stored using the 'Save Measurement' command in the
'File' menu. See section 2.4.
• Communication Monitor ... : Displays the status of the current cur-
rent measurement, including the cylinder order and number of meas-
urements performed. See section 3.1for further details.

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Chapter 5 – PMI System Menus & Commands
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5.1.4 Help
The PMI System provides several ways of getting 'On-line Help'. You can
use either the 'Help' menu or the function key F1.

Help Menu
To help you determine which menu commands are used to access specific
topics, the respective menu commands are listed below:
• Contents: Displays the 'Help Contents'. This is the most detailed
source of information and clicking on the respective items listed pro-
vides information on the following topics:
• Using Help: How to use the Windows Help System together with
the PMI System’s 'On-line Help'. Also, includes Windows Help
Index and search engine for finding specific topics.
• Screen: The PMI System screen structure, including definitions of
its main components.
• Commands: The PMI System commands, keyboard and mouse
functions, menus and toolbar.
• Tools: The function of the different buttons seen in the 'Toolbar' of
the PMI System.
• How to...: The operating instructions for using the PMI application
software and hardware.
• Keyboard: The keys and key combinations associated with the
PMI System commands.
• Glossary: A glossary explaining the PMI System and other related
At the top of the 'Help Contents' window is a row of five keys. These
select the following:
• Help Topics: Opens the 'PMI Index and Find' dialogue, enabling
you to search for and display any topic by keying in its name or by
clicking on a topic listed in the dialogue.

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• Back: Returns the 'Help' window to the previous view or topic.

• Print: Prints the current view or topic.
• Glossary: Lists a 'Help Glossary', explaining about the PMI Sys-
tem and other related terms.
• Close: Exits the 'Help' window.
The remaining commands contained in the 'Help' menu are as follows:
• Search for Help On...: Opens the 'Index and Find' dialogue for finding
specific topics about the PMI System.
• How to Use Help: How to use PMI System’s 'On-line Help'. For exam-
ple, how to find, copy and print information, as well as customise help.
• About ...: Displays the name, version and build number, as well as
copyright information concerning the PMI System software which is
installed on your PC. Also information is provided about where and
how to get product support: on-line, in printed documentation or by
contacting MAN B&W Diesel.

Function Key F1
Whenever in doubt about any command or function that you are using,
press the Function Key F1 at the top of the keyboard. This will immedi-
ately provide you with context sensitive help information about the partic-
ular command or function that you are using in the particular situation that
you are using it.
To access context sensitive information about a menu item, you can use
either the keyboard alone or the mouse together with the keyboard.
To use the keyboard, first press the 'Alt' key and the first letter of the main
menu that you wish to examine, and then use the arrow keys to select the
particular command of interest in the menu and press the 'F1' key to acti-
vate context sensitive help.
If you use the mouse, click on the name of the main menu and while keep-
ing the mouse button pressed, select the command of interest and press the
function key 'F1' on the keyboard.

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Note: Keep the mouse button pressed until you have activated the 'F1'
Similarly you can also get context sensitive help on other items displayed
in the main window, e.g. views, menus, dialogues, etc. In addition, by
pointing the mouse at the buttons in the Toolbar you can obtain hints about
the purpose of the individual buttons. These are flagged just below each
button and explain what will happen when you click on a tool.

5.2 PMI On-line Setup

5.2.1 File Menu

The file menu deals with system administration aspects of the PMI sys-
tem, such as opening engines for editing purposes, including deletion of
engines and all related measurements.
• Open Engine ... : Opens the 'Open Engine' dialogue for selecting and
editing specific engines for pressure measurements and deleting all
stored measurements for the engine. See Chapter 4 for further details.
• Edit Measurement ... : Displays the 'View Measurement' dialogue for
selecting and editing or deleting individual measurements belonging to
the engine chosen with the 'Open Engine' command specified above.
See Chapter 4 for further details.
• Exit: Closes the PMI Setup program.
Shortcut: 'Exit' can also be chosen using Alt. + F4.

5.2.2 Setup
• System ... : Opens the 'System Setup' dialogue displaying the current
system setup. It allows you to specify the communication port, trans-
ducer calibration and trigger check and reset limits.

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PMI On-line Setup

• Communication ... : Opens the 'Communication Setup' dialogue dis-

playing the communication unit settings. It allows you to specify the
master/slave input/output addresses, as well as link cylinder to PMI
• Measuring ... : Opens the 'Measuring Setup' dialogue, displaying the
measuring setup’s settings. It allows you to specify the trigger and
transducer system requirements, etc.

5.2.3 Communication
• Communication On - Off: For enabling ('' mark beside menu item)
and disabling communication between the PMI Analyser and the
engine. If the program fails to establish communication, then it is auto-
matically set 'Off-line' for viewing stored measurements.
• Test Connection: For checking communication with the master/slave
• Download: Down loads the 'Setup' and 'Calibration' data for the cur-
rently open engine.
• Calibration:
• Start: Opens the 'Measurement Status' view and starts the off-line
measurement sequence for calibration.
• End: Ends the off-line calibration measurement sequence.
Shortcut: Press Escape key.
• On-line Values: Initiates reading of the current pi, pcomp, pmax, meas-
uring status, engine speed and pscav of the currently selected engine,
via its built-in sensors.
The calculated values dialogue appears when the values have been suc-
cessfully read. The dialogue displays both cylinder pressure and engine
related values.
• Capture: Initiates recording of a full set of raw pressure curves for the
currently selected engine via its built-in sensors.

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Chapter 5 – PMI System Menus & Commands
PMI On-line Setup

The 'Pressure Diagram' dialogue appears when a set of pressure curves

have been successfully recorded.
• Pickup Status: Checks whether the number of crank angle pulses gen-
erated by the trigger system matches that last stored for the system.
• Test Trigger System: Checks the number and frequency of the trigger
pulses generated by the triggering system. When the test is completed,
the 'Trigger and TDC Test' dialogue will appear. The command
requires that communication has been initialised.
• Cancel Request: Cancels operation of any command previously acti-
vated in the 'Communication' menu.

5.2.4 Help
Has the same commands as the On-line PMI Analyser program. See sec-
tion 5.1 for details.

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In this Appendix
• Technical Specification.................. A-2 • Care & Handling of Equipment ...A-3
On-line PMI System........................ A-2 • Technical Assistance ......................A-5
Computer Requirements.................. A-2

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Technical Specification

A.1 Technical Specification

A.1.1 On-line PMI System

Engine Types:
All two-stroke MAN B&W Diesel engines
Engine Speed:
Up to 200 rpm
Pressure Range:
0 to 225 bar
Measurement Modes:
PT, PV and Balance Diagrams giving Mean Indicated Pressure pi and Maximum
Pressure pmax deviation limits
Calculated Values:
Two-stroke: Effective Power, Mean Indicated Pressure pi, Compression
Pressure pcomp, Maximum Pressure pmax, Scavenge Air
Pressure pscav, Index Adjustments, etc.
Overall Accuracy and Repeatability:
± 3% and ± 1% respectively
PC Software:
System Hardware:
Calibration Transducer plus sensors built into engine cylinder covers
Hand-held Control Box
Communication Units
Assorted cables and junction boxes
Choice of TDC & Crank Angle Pickups
Power Requirements:
Supply Voltage: 24 V DC
Consumption: 2 A max./unit
Operating Temp.:
PMI Control Box: 50°C max.
Transducer: 350°C max.

A.1.2 Computer Requirements

To obtain full advantage of the PMI System and its many features, MAN
B&W Diesel recommends the following minimum system configuration:

On-line PMI System MAN B&W Diesel A/S

A- 2 Version 2.0 1142970 - 2.0
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Care & Handling of PMI Equipment

• IBM (or 100% IBM compatible) PC

• Pentium II Processor, or later
• 32 MB RAM
• Hard disk with 500 MB free space available
• SVGA video adaptor, with 640 x 480 resolution and 16 colours
• Floppy drive for 3.5 inch HD (1.44 MB) diskettes
• CD-ROM drive
• Mouse or track ball
• Free Communication Port

• Microsoft® Windows NT (vs. 4.0 or later), Windows 98™or later

A.2 Care & Handling of PMI Equipment

The PMI System uses a high performance pressure transducer for system
calibration and manual measurements. The transducer is recognised for its
excellent performance and stability in a wide variety of environments
where relatively high levels of mechanical vibration as well as tempera-
tures up to 350°C exist. However, like other measurement devices it should
be handled with care in order to preserve its measurement performance
and accuracy. Therefore, whenever using the transducer and associated
equipment, always heed the following:
• Storage:
When not in use the calibration transducer should be returned to its orig-
inal packaging and stored at room temperature (~20°C). In addition, its
output connector should be fitted with the plastic protection cap provid-

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Care & Handling of PMI Equipment

• Handling:
Avoid hitting or dropping the transducer as this can subject it to me-
chanical shock well outside its design limits and can severely damage it.
• Mounting:
Avoid over tightening the transducer when mounting it on the cylinder
indicator cock. Always tighten it by hand without using a spanner. Also,
only open and close the indicator cock whilst the transducer is connect-
ed and always remove the transducer immediately after completing
each measurement.
Warning! Leaving the transducer permanently mounted on the
indicator cock will severely damage it.
• Connections:
The output connecter of the calibration transducer, including the corre-
sponding plugs and sockets of the connecting cable and the PMI Control
Box, should be kept clean and free of oil and grease at all times. When
not in use they should be fitted with the plastic protection caps provided.
The multipole connector used to couple the PMI Control Box to the
Junction Box should be treated with care. Whenever plugging or un-
plugging it from the Control Box, it is important to turn the outer part
of the connector so as to lock or unlock it from the Control Box. Avoid
using tools on the connector.
If the connectors need cleaning, then only use dry, chemically clean,
pressurised air, such as that used for cleaning photographic equipment.
Caution: Never use compressed air from ship or generator plant
outlets as they contain oil. Similarly, avoid using chemical cleaning
agents, as they will damage the ultra high impedance insulation of
the connectors and cable.
• Calibration:
If at any time the transducer has to be replaced, then the PMI System
must be readjusted in accordance with the sensitivity of the new trans-
ducer. See Chapter 4 for details.

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Technical Assistance

A.3 Technical Assistance

If you experience difficulties in installing or using the PMI System, then
consult the section on 'Known Issues' included in the 'Read Me' txt file on
the CD-ROM containing the system software to see whether you can find
an answer to the problem.
If you cannot find the answer, you are welcome to contact your local PMI
supplier whose address and phone number is given under 'Product Support'
in the PMI System's 'Help' menu.
When you call by phone, you should have the PMI System documentation
at hand and be prepared to give the following information:
• The name of the vessel or plant.
• The version and build number of your PMI System software indicated
under 'About' in the 'Help' menu.
• The operating system and type of hardware that you are using.
• A brief account of what happened and what you were doing when the
problem occurred.
• The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your screen.
• Details about how you tried to solve the problem.
When you mail us, we ask you to include the above information, plus any
relevant computer printouts which might be helpful.

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Glossary of Terms
Adjustment Limits:
Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the maximum pressure adjustment
limits of an engine selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the
'File' menu of the PMI Setup program. The data can be viewed using the
'Open Engine' – 'Edit' function. The properties indicated are:
p(i): The maximum acceptable positive or negative deviation in mean
indicated pressure allowed between any two cylinders. Units: bar.
p(max): The maximum acceptable positive or negative deviation in
maximum pressure allowed between any two cylinders. Units: bar.

Balance Plot:
A histogram displaying balance values, e.g. cylinder pressure data, etc.

BDC – Bottom Dead Centre:

The lower most position of the piston.

The diameter of the cylinder. Units: metre.

Calculated Values:
Values derived on the basis of PMI System measurements, e.g. effective
engine power, pressure deviations and proposed adjustments.

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Communication Setup:
A 'Setup' dialogue available with the 'Setup' menu of the PMI Setup pro-
gram. It gives the master/slave input/output addresses, as well as links
cylinders to communication unit channels. The settings are:
Input/Output Addresses: For setting up the Block Command, Ready
to Measure Lamp, Error Lamp and Start to Measure Button addresses
on the Master and Slave Communication Units.
Link Cylinder to PMI Unit/Channel: For setting up which engine cyl-
inders are linked to channels 1 to 6 of the Master Communication Unit
and channels 1 to 8 of the Slave Communication Unit if connected.
Channels 7 and 8 of the Master Unit are reserved for p(scav) and calibra-
tion box signals.
Activating 'Default' selects the settings applicable for the specified en-
gine at the time of installation of the On-line PMI System. Normally,
these settings should not be changed.

Compression Pressure:
The pressure developed in a cylinder at TDC. Units: bar

Connecting Rod:
The rod coupling the piston with the crankshaft. The length of the rod
is defined as the distance between the centres of the bores at either end
of the rod. Units: metre.

Crank Angle:
The angle in degrees turned by the crankshaft.

Crank Angle Data:

Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the crank angle and firing properties
of an engine selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu
of the PMI Setup program. The data can be viewed using the 'Open En-
gine' – 'Edit' function. The properties indicated are:

On-line PMI System MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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Crank Angle: The angular position of the end of a search band for the
TDC’s of the respective cylinders of the engine.
As rule of thumb, this end position lies ((360 / 2* number of cylinders)
+ five) degrees after the nominal position of the cylinder’s TDC.
Firing Order: The sequence in which the respective cylinders of the
engine fire.

Defaults (Edit Engine Data):

User selectable default data which are available with 'Open Engine' -
'Edit' function of the PMI Setup program. They are used for specifying
the latest reference measurements (i.e. Calibration Transducer, Cylin-
der Pressure Sensor, '0-Diagram' and/or 'Load-Diagram') that are to be
used for correcting all future measurements on a specific engine. All
earlier measurements will continue to use the reference measurements
that were previously selected, provided that they are not deleted.
Note: No corrections will be applied, if no reference measurements
are selected.

Effective Power:
The power developed by an engine minus the power loss due to friction,
etc. Units: ekW or bhp.

Pressure diagram based on pressure measurements on each cylinder tak-
en under stable conditions at an engine load of 50 to 75%, equally dis-
tributed on all cylinders.
The E-Load diagram is used for torsion correction when determining
the TDC of each cylinder.

Engine Name, Type & Index Type:

The name and type of engine plus the type of fuel index adjustment, i.e.
shim or Vit. Whereas both the engine and index type are fixed settings,
the name of the engine can be edited to suit user requirements.

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Engine Properties:
Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the general properties of an engine se-
lected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu of the PMI
Setup program. The data can be viewed using the 'Open Engine' – 'Edit'
function and lists the following properties:
Bore: The diameter of the engine cylinders. Units: metre.
Stroke: The length of travel of the piston. Units: metre.
Connecting Rod: The distance between the centres of the cross pin and
crank bearings at either end of the rod. Units: metre.
Kpcomp/pscav: The ratio of cylinder compression and scavenge air pres-
Ploss: The mean pressure loss due to friction in the engine. Units: bar.

Engine Speed:
The rotation velocity of the crankshaft, expressed in revolutions per
minute. Units: rpm.

Firing Order:
The sequence in which the cylinders fire.

Index (Adjustment):
A value used to express the amount of fuel oil injected into an engine
cylinder for adjusting the pi.

Measuring Settings:
A 'Setup' dialogue available with the 'Setup' menu of the PMI Setup pro-
gram. It allows you to specify the trigger and transducer system require-
ments, etc. The settings are:
Trigger Type: PMI system triggers on the rise (low/high), decay (high/
low) or both rise and decay (double) slope of the trigger signal from the
crank angle pickup.

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TDC Type: PMI system triggers on the rise (High/Low) or the fall
(Low/High) of the TDC trigger pulse.
No. of Pulses: The number of crank angle pulses detected per work cy-
cle. Depends on 'Trigger Type' and type of crank angle pickup used for
triggering the system.
Trigger Timeout: The minimum elapse time, when there is a loss of
trigger signal, required to activate a 'Trigger Timeout' warning. Units:
ms, i.e. milliseconds.
p(scav) Limit: The maximum measurement range of the scavenge air
pressure sensor. Units: Bar
Cylinders / Transducer / p(scav): Selects type of signal output by the
cylinder sensors and their charge amplifiers, the calibration transducer
and the scavenge air pressure sensor, i.e. PMI 0 – 5 V, ± 5 V, 0– 20 mA
or 4 – 20 mA (Default 4 – 20 mA).
High/Low set upper and lower limit of measuring range as a percentage
of the max. signal output of the cylinder sensors and the calibration and
scavenge air transducers/amplifiers.

Abbreviated term referring to mean indicated pressure p(i) or pi

Pressure diagram based on pressure measurement on each cylinder tak-
en at an engine load of 50 to 75% without fuel injection (hence without
combustion) in the cylinder.
The 0-diagram is used when determining the TDC of each cylinder.

p(i) Adjustments:
Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the index adjustment properties of an
engine selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu of
the PMI Setup program. The data can be viewed using the 'Open Engine'
– 'Edit' function. The properties indicated are:

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bar/Index: The change in mean indicated pressure [bars] caused by in-

creasing or decreasing the fuel pump index by one index unit.
Turn/Index: The number of turns on the fuel pump index rod required
to increase or decrease the fuel index by one index unit.

p(max) Adjustment:
Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the index adjustment properties of an
engine selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu of
the PMI Setup program. The data can be viewed using the 'Open Engine'
– 'Edit' function. The properties indicated are:
bar/Shim: The change in maximum pressure caused by inserting or re-
moving one shim to increase or decrease the Fuel Pump Index.

Rotation of Link:
The number of turns required to obtain a certain displacement of the in-
dex rod.

PT Diagram:
Pressure vs. time diagram (draw diagram) showing the change in cylin-
der pressure as a function of the angular position of the cylinder's TDC.

PV Diagram:
Pressure volume diagram (indicator or working diagram, banana curve,
etc.) showing the change in cylinder pressure as a function of the rela-
tive cylinder volume. The relative cylinder volume is 0% at TDC and
100% at BDC.

Shim Adjustment:
The number of shims to be added or removed in a fuel pump for adjust-
ing pmax.

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The length of travel of the piston from TDC to BDC. Units: metre.

Stroke – Engine Type:

The number of piston strokes during one work cycle of an engine.

Stroke and Index Type Info.:

Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the number of strokes of the piston
during one work cycle and the method of pmax adjustment of an engine
selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu.
The data can be viewed using the 'Open Engine' – 'Edit' function.

System Setup:
A 'Setup' dialogue available with the 'Setup' menu of the PMI Setup pro-
gram. It allows you to specify the communication port, transducer cali-
bration and trigger check and reset limits. The settings are:
Communication Port: 1, 2, 3 or 4, depending on which port of the PC
is coupled to the Converter Box of the PMI System.
Transducer Value: The calibration transducer sensitivity at 20 - 23 ° C
and 250 bar, as specified on the calibration chart supplied with the
Averaging Period: Sets the number of work cycles over which meas-
urements are averaged. Should normally be set for averaging over 10
work cycles.
Check Limits: 'High' and 'Low' range limits as a percentage of the max-
imum output signal, above and below which the pressure signal is
classed as being out of range.
Threshold: The minimum measurable pressure signal expressed as a
percentage of the difference between the maximum and minimum out-
put signal.
Reset Limits: Maximum and minimum limits within the check limit
range, above and below which the pressure signal is automatically reset.

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TDC – Top Dead Centre:

The upper most position of the piston.

The state of strain set up in a body by twisting or applying a torque.
Units: nRad/Nm.

Torsion Coefficients:
Preset 'Edit Engine Data' defining the torsional deflection properties of
an engine selected with the 'Open Engine' command in the 'File' menu
of the PMI Setup program. The data can be viewed using the 'Open En-
gine' – 'Edit' function. The properties indicated are:
Torsion Coefficient: The torsion coefficients of each section or group
of sub sections of the crankshaft, starting from the fore end of the crank-
shaft to cylinder No. 1 (i.e. ->1), between cylinder No. 1 & 2 (i.e. 1->2),
cylinder No. 2 & 3 (i.e. 2->3), cylinder No. 3 & 4 (i.e. 3->4) etc., up to
the turning wheel (i.e. -> Turn). Units: nRad/Nm.
The values stated are fixed and are based on MAN B&W Diesel's own
mechanical design and measurement criteria.

Trigger System Information:

User selectable 'Edit Engine Data' for selecting triggering according to
the location ('Fore' or 'Aft') of the particular crankshaft pickups used on
the engine. The data can be viewed using the 'Edit' function of the 'Open
Engine' command in the 'File' menu of the PMI Set-up program. The
properties indicated are:
If the triggering system is located at the drive end (normally aft) of the
crankshaft, the following information is required:
• The diameter of the drive shaft. Units: metre
• The distance of the turning wheel to the triggering system. Units:

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VIT (Adjustment):
Variable Injection Timing. A method of controlling the timing of fuel
oil injected into an engine cylinder for adjusting pmax.

Work Cycle:
On two-stroke engines a work cycle is normally defined as one full rev-
olution of the crankshaft.

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B PMI On-line Setup

Backing Up & Restoring Database ........... 3-9 Calibration ...................................... 5-7
Balance Plots ..................................... 2-16 Cancel Request ................................ 5-8
C Capture .......................................... 5-7
Calculated Values ............................... 2-17 Communication ............................... 5-7
Calibration Transducer Replacement ...... 4-20 Communication On - Off ................... 5-7
Capturing & Storing On-line Values ......... 2-8 Download ....................................... 5-7
Care & Handling of Equipment .............. A-3 Edit Measurement ............................ 5-6
Checking Measurements ........................ 3-5 Exit ............................................... 5-6
Commands Measuring ...................................... 5-7
PMI On-line Analyser On-line Values ................................ 5-7
About ............................................ 5-5 Open Engine ................................... 5-6
Backup .......................................... 5-2 Pickup Status .................................. 5-8
Balance Plot ................................... 5-3 System ........................................... 5-6
Calculated Values ............................ 5-3 Test Connection ............................... 5-7
Capture .......................................... 5-3 Test Trigger System ......................... 5-8
Close Measurement .......................... 5-2 Communication Monitor ........................ 2-4
Communication Monitor ................... 5-3 D
Contents......................................... 5-4 Default Measurements ........................... 4-9
Exit ............................................... 5-2 Deleting Measurements .......................... 3-9
How to Use Help ............................. 5-5 Display Cursor ................................... 2-13
On-line Values ................................ 5-3 Display Grid ...................................... 2-13
Open Engine ................................... 5-2 E
Open Measurement .......................... 5-2 Editing Measurements ........................... 3-5
Print .............................................. 5-2 E-Load Measurements ......................... 4-12
Print Setup...................................... 5-2 Exploring
PT Diagram .................................... 5-3 Balance Plots ................................... 2-16
PV Diagram .................................... 5-3 Calculated Values ............................. 2-17
Search for Help ............................... 5-5 Capturing & Storing On-line Values....... 2-8
Start Manual Measurement ................ 5-3 Monitoring & Viewing On-line Values ... 2-7

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PT Diagrams ................................... 2-11 P

PT Tool Panel.................................. 2-12 PMI Communication Monitor ................ 2-4
PV Diagrams ................................... 2-15 PMI System
Viewing Stored Measurements............ 2-10 Basic System .................................... 1-3
H Care & Handling .............................. A-3
Help Computer Requirements .................... A-2
Context Sensitive ............................... 5-5 Main Features ................................... 1-7
Menu ............................................... 5-4 On-line Help ..................................... 1-3
M Starting the PMI System ..................... 2-2
Main Window ...................................... 2-2 Supplementary Features ..................... 1-10
Measurements Technical Specification...................... A-2
0-Diagram ........................................ 4-9 PT Diagrams ...................................... 2-11
Backing Up & Restoring...................... 3-9 PV Diagrams ..................................... 2-15
Default ............................................. 4-9 Q
E-Load ........................................... 4-12 Quick-access Menu ...................... 2-10, 3-5
Manual ............................................. 3-2 R
Transducer/Sensor ............................ 4-12 Restoring the PMI Database ................... 3-9
Menu Bar ............................................ 2-3 S
Menus Sensor Replacement ............................ 4-18
PMI On-line Analyser Setup
File ............................................... 5-2 Communication Setup ........................ 4-4
Help .............................................. 5-4 Initial Setup ...................................... 4-2
Tools ............................................. 5-3 System Setup .................................... 4-3
View ............................................. 5-3 Trigger System Check ........................ 4-6
PMI On-line Setup Status Line ......................................... 2-4
Communication ............................... 5-7 Storing ............................................... 2-8
File ............................................... 5-6
Help .............................................. 5-8
Technical Assistance ........................... A-5
Setup ............................................. 5-6
Title Bar............................................. 2-2
Quick-access ................................... 2-10
Tool Panel ......................................... 2-12
Monitoring & Viewing On-line Values ..... 2-7
Toolbar .............................................. 2-4
Mouse/keyboard Operation ..................... 2-5
Transducer/Sensor Measurements .......... 4-12
O-Diagram Measurements ...................... 4-9
User’s Guide
On-line Help ........................................ 1-3
General Overview.............................. 1-2
On-line Values
Text Conventions .............................. 1-3
Capturing & Storing ........................... 2-8
Monitoring and Viewing ...................... 2-7 V
Opening Engines .................................. 2-6 Viewing Stored Measurements .............. 2-10
Opening Measurements ....................... 2-10 Z
Zoom Function ................................... 2-14

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