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Despite everything going on in the US, remember Hong Kong
keeps fighting for their Independence Day. by 0xx1 in View/edit my snoovatar
[–] 0xx1 [S] 1 point 3 days ago get extra features and help support
There is a tipping point at which people decide to fight reddit with a reddit premium
back. Hong Kong reached that tipping point because of
redditor for 21 days
their necessity. Americans have not reached a tipping
point yet. TROPHY CASE what's this?

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Despite everything going on in the US, remember Hong Kong

keeps fighting for their Independence Day. by 0xx1 in Verified Email
[–] 0xx1 [S] 3 points 3 days ago

All of this. I will add, whatever China wants to do, they

will wait until after the US election. If Biden wins, that
gives them the green light to do whatever they want. If
Trump wins, they will have to play it safer and see Get an ad-free experience with special
where the US escalates internally. benefits, and directly support Reddit.
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Despite everything going on in the US, remember Hong Kong

keeps fighting for their Independence Day. by 0xx1 in
[–] 0xx1 [S] 29 points 3 days ago*
Is the left against freedom of speech?
Because Trump has been calling out China for their 31 points | 14 comments
parasitic ambitions of world domination for as long as
Watchredditdie has gotten like 20000
people can remember. He warned past presidents new subs in 2 weeks and is nowhere to
about trusting China and warned they are ruining our be seen on this list...
country. It was one of the main reasons he decided to 5191 points | 160 comments

run for president. The second he got into office he MNMT 266: Conor OG (Ambient, dub,
started dishing out Executive Orders and forced China deep, hypnotic & breakbeat techno)
6 points | 1 comment
to the negotiating table.
Hong Kong has hated China for it's entire existence. Not-So-Hidden Gems of Deep Techno:
When they hear the most powerful country in the world 21 points | 3 comments
defiantly fight back against the 2nd biggest world
Where are you from?
power that is oppressing an entire hemisphere of the
10 points | 3 comments
world, it is music to their ears. They are finally heard.
It doesn't stop with Hong Kong, though. All of Asia and
even Western countries are crying out right now account activity

because they have been decimated by China's Belt and

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Road Initiative. They have installed Government

operatives in almost every country they have touched
through manipulating immigration and university
programs. Countries that aren't the US are in such
insane levels of debt with China they are helpless. The
US really is the last power against China.
Think hard.. when have you ever heard about China's
wrongdoing before Trump called them out? No one
spoke about it. Every country was getting sweet cash
and selling their own country out. The West was naive.
The East knows the game all too well and see right
through it.. only they don't have the resources to give
them a taste of their own medicine.
Sorry that was so long (っಠ‿ಠ)っ
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Is the left against freedom of speech? by Kia72 in DeclineIntoCensorship

[–] 0xx1 9 points 3 days ago*

It's an authoritarian attribute that transcends parties, however today's American left has
embraced it -- change the meaning/semantics of language, censor wrongthink, and destroy
Welcome to your awakening (hopefully).. where you realize the left is not allowed to have fun.
They get offended by everything, flash their morality license, and terrorize your wishes to be left
alone in peace. This has become an inherit part of their tactics because it has to be. They cannot
win the ideological battle that has been brewing without the help of Big Tech, Multi-Billion dollar
media companies, and all of the entertainment industry working on their behalf to censor the
opposition. They are scared for this reason. Their ideas cannot hold up against true scrutiny. Soon
(hopefully) you will realize that the same players who supported Bernie are the same ones
advocating for mass censorship.
Good luck on your journey. Find some better forums in the corners of the internet where free
thought still exists. If someone calls you a bad name, call them a bad name back. It's fun banter.
We are all shitbags in this world trying to get by, and calling me a bad word reinforces that reality.
That's why the internet is fun.
If you ever want to know who the good guys are, look back on history and remember who
destroyed history, who silenced blasphemers, and who advocated for class warfare. Then look at
those who embraces true ideological diversity. Those who were not afraid to go face to face with
ideas and form the free world that we know of it today.
You might agree with the left now, but they will always come for you next. Give them an inch,
they will take a mile. They. will. never. leave. you. alone.
Fahrenheit 451, 1984, The Gulag Archipelago
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Watchredditdie has gotten like 20000 new subs in 2 weeks and is nowhere to be seen on this list... by
LEKKER-LACHEN in WatchRedditDie
[–] 0xx1 33 points 3 days ago

lol who cares? Shill or not, it's better than this shit site.
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Techniques for control of an internet forum by Nobody-Zero in kotakuinaction2

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[–] 0xx1 4 points 3 days ago*

Thank you for sharing, however this is something that sounds great in theory but doesn't work
well in reality. Especially with the climate on Reddit and the rest of the internet. Here's why (not
hitting on every tactic your post did.. just speaking in generals):
1. Reddit knows if you are using multiple accounts. If you engage with a post using
multiple "fake" or "spam" accounts, often times this will "trip" their algorithm and negate
any karma or activity that influences the visibility of a post (in fact it's speculated that it
does the opposite of promoting it).
2. The culture. The most effective and only worthwhile tactic is to completely spam and
bottleneck certain information that you want the mass of audience to see. Most people won't
be convinced by being a lurker who doesn't engage. If they are convinced by those cheap
tactics, they likely don't care enough to vote or go physically protest anyways.
3. The effort vs reward does not make sense. Many of the arguments on the internet are
in meme format. Creating multiple accounts, creating fake dialogue, influencing an
argument, etc, can all be condensed into a single meme. In these days, a single meme
carries more weight than a logical argument. This is why the right always wins the meme
4. It's unrealistic. I understand many people have the time to participate in cancel culture,
however it takes a lot of stamina for someone to employ these tactics, and most of all, they
never see the result of their efforts. While IRL you can slowly see the progress of convincing
someone of an ideology, you don't get that satisfaction over the internet. It can feel like a
wasted effort and demoralize their stupid little internet brigade.
5. They think they're winning. They genuinely think this is their time and they are winning.
I know this post is old, but in 2020, they don't feel the need to use these tactics. They have
control of Reddit.. they cheered when right wing subs were banned.. they have control of
Twitter and Facebook as well. They haven't been exposed to us because they don't need to
be. Using this tactics is an afterthought that wouldn't even occur to them at this point in
time. They genuinely believe the only people that disagree with them are the fringe, so why
The people who received this email are pure larpers, through and through. Whoever wrote that
wants to pretend they are doing some hi level subversive psyop shit. Pol has been undeniably
more effective with their "OK" symbol campaign, "It's OK to be White" shit, and a green frog.. and
the left doesn't even realize what's going on or how to respond (that's actual psyop subversion).
If it weren't for the left controlling moderation and management of these big tech platforms as
well as the majority of corporate media entities, they would have no power. The fact that right
wing concepts and "trolls" have competed with these conglomerates proves that individual
targeted subversion is ineffective to the wider information campaigns.
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Doctors talk about demonization of hydroxychloroquine and how it affects them doing their job by evilplushie
in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 8 points 3 days ago

Damn I hate being this guy, but it's a 30 minute video. If you watched the whole thing can you
give us a rundown of some of their bullet points?
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Despite everything going on in the US, remember Hong Kong keeps fighting for their Independence Day. by
0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 11 points 3 days ago

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True. They will be refugees next. No way that can fight the Chinese machine, unfortunately. I
don't see any way they win, especially without a 2A.
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Despite everything going on in the US, remember Hong Kong keeps

662 fighting for their Independence Day. (i.redd.it)
submitted 3 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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Welcome to Portland - A Progressive Paradise (youtube.com)

15 submitted 3 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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July 4th weekend Public Service Announcement [COVID-19 Guidelines & Information] by
Noanswer_merelyapath in venturacounty
[–] 0xx1 -4 points 3 days ago*

I would also like to add that it's interesting you brought up the year 2008 for wealth inequality,
given that Democrats were seemingly against corporate America back then, however in 2020
support policy that benefits corporate America the most.
Why has the platform changed so much?
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July 4th weekend Public Service Announcement [COVID-19 Guidelines & Information] by
Noanswer_merelyapath in venturacounty
[–] 0xx1 -6 points 3 days ago*

Nope, I actually meant to say wealth transfer. Wage gaps exist in every economic class. There is a
wage gap between me (lower class) and the people making middle-class wages. There is nothing
wrong with that. "Wealth transfer," in this instance, refers to the bulk of the sales and profits
going to the 1%. Despite what people might think, America's economy is ran by small businesses.
It's simple math, really.. when small businesses aren't allowed to run, but big corporations are..
what is then transferred? Wealth. And who is it transferred to? Corporations.
As for your other points, I decline. The language is being framed in very astute ways that I
disagree with. For the sake of spectators reading this, I will not engage further.
The choices I make are not based on "right" and "wrong"
I guess that answers my concern from before;
I would hope that your opinions are not shaped by the praise you get in your office by the
metrics of how far you can push a message or tactfully get your point across.
I know the separation of morality choices vs. career defining decisions. It's easy to get caught up
in the feeling that you're in a club tribe and you must push for none other than that sentiment.
It's at least a primal trait. Why go against the grain when everyone is on the same page in your
workplace? Why ever question anything in an environment like that, right? Just play ball.
Especially if there is a practical guarantee that all your coworkers will stay employed by the same
dully-elected officials year after year. Hard choices to be made in this environment are most
definitely based on political tactics rather than morality for the populace.
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July 4th weekend Public Service Announcement [COVID-19 Guidelines & Information] by
Noanswer_merelyapath in venturacounty
[–] 0xx1 -10 points 3 days ago*

Given that we have a separation of government and media in the US, and the media is driving the
misinformation, I have nothing to advise you on in that aspect. I can only hope that the

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government makes sound decisions based on what they have to work with. I obviously disagree
with the government's complete judgement in this situation, but it appears like the majority of
California agrees with it. I moved away from the state for this reason and will not be coming back.
Additionally, I would hope that your opinions are not shaped by the praise you get in your office
by the metrics of how far you can push a message or tactfully get your point across. You seem like
a passionate person, though, so I'm sure you feel you're making the right choices. Unfortunately
the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the individual has been sacrificed for the
collective in this instance. Big corporations (Target, Walmart, Costco) are allowed to stay open,
but small mom and pop stores can't. Due to this, the COVID situation has created the largest
wealth transfer in modern human history; a fact that no one wants to talk about, and one that
benefits government officials the most and the average citizen the least. To some, this is an
incentive to keep cities closed.
I digress..
Godspeed on whatever the hell happens in that state.
Edit: We are truly living in Clown World when Snoop Dogg is a trusted public messenger.
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July 4th weekend Public Service Announcement [COVID-19 Guidelines & Information] by
Noanswer_merelyapath in venturacounty
[–] 0xx1 1 point 3 days ago

There are limits on the number of people that can congregate at one time (indoors is not allowed-
outdoors only, <100 participants)
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July 4th weekend Public Service Announcement [COVID-19 Guidelines & Information] by
Noanswer_merelyapath in venturacounty
[–] 0xx1 -16 points 3 days ago*

"2 Weeks only!" they said..

"Just to flatten the curve!! It won't be that long!!" the medical experts proclaimed..
"Masks don't work!!" the medical experts warned..
"Oh look!! Masks actually work!" the medical experts corrected..
"Hydroxy doesn't work!!" the medical experts warned..
"Oh look!! Hydroxy actually works!!" the medical experts corrected..
This is pseudo-science if you have not figured it out yet. Don't call me a Karen or a hardcore
Trump supporter. It doesn't even have anything to do with that. It's so overtly blatant they have
no idea what they are doing; nor does it matter to them. While they collect their nice government
paycheck working remotely, normal people don't have the luxury of a guaranteed paycheck.
It's time to cut the bs.
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Save it. Spread it. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 2 points 3 days ago

Man someone reported this as misinformation? They can quite literally watch the video of him
saying those words lmao.
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True words (i.redd.it)

84 submitted 3 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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The meme war begins!!! Pump out your versions of this. Get it viral!! by [deleted] in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 1 point 4 days ago

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I deleted it actually because I realized it's premature. But no.. it's a campaign coming from the
right much to make people with TDS look crazy. Much like the OK symbol was
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Save it. Spread it. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 1 point 4 days ago

What are you implying by that? (Sorry, it's just that this topic is confusing when discussing
without context)
Trump arrested her so they can silence her
Trump arrested her so she can testify
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Save it. Spread it. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 134 points 4 days ago

I wouldn't be surprised if the Dems make a plead deal with her to lie under oath that would
incriminate Trump or something.
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Save it. Spread it. by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2

[–] 0xx1 [S] 39 points 4 days ago

Video @ 5 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyUp3JlAdDY

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Save it. Spread it. (i.redd.it)

915 submitted 4 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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CYBER WAR CONTINUES: Kamala Harris's Wikipedia Page Is Being Edited

114 to remove anything negative (archive.is)
submitted 4 days ago by 0xx1 to r/kotakuinaction2
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I will start posting these more so we, as a community, can conduct better research by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 4 points 5 days ago

You're right. Not sure how I overlooked that. Thanks!

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I will start posting these more so we, as a community, can conduct better research by 0xx1 in kotakuinaction2
[–] 0xx1 [S] 1 point 5 days ago

I might do an e-mail distro instead of posting. Would anyone be interested or is an email distro
too much?
Edit: On second thought, I might do this exclusively on the new website.
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