Person of The Holy Spirit

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Person of the Holy Spirit

• If you will be a Superhero, what super power you would want to have?

John 14:16
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper,[a] to be with you
The night before Jesus was betrayed, He had supper with his disciples and taught
them things that they need to know after fulfilling the will of the Father for him. During
his teaching, Jesus promised them the Holy Spirit who will be their helper and will be
with them forever. Today, we will look at who the Holy Spirit is and how will he be of
help in our life.


John 14:16
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper,[a] to be with you
The Holy Spirit is one of the three persons in the Holy
Trinity. *Introduce the Holy Trinity >>*

Jesus promise that He will ask the Father to give us

another Helper. Helper means an advocate, intercessor,
the one who speaks in favor of another, consoler,
comforter. This means that when Jesus leave, another
person will takes place that will give them help and
guide. The Holy Spirit is a person, not a force nor a
dove. The Holy Spirit has will (1 Cor. 12:11) and life
(Rom. 8:2). He also grieves (Eph. 4:30) and we should
obey Him (Acts 10:19-21). Thus, He is a person like the
Father and the Son and we can always pray to Him,
honor Him and glorify Him,

Saturday, May 26, 2018
2 Timothy 1:7
7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
When the Holy Spirit is within us, this will give us power. This is the same power that
raise Jesus Christ from the dead (Rom. 8:11) and this power is the one that is working
in us now. Changing us from the old to the new creation. We now have the power to
say “no” to sins and temptations from the enemy (rom. 8:11). No matter what king of
sin it is in our life now, we can already overcome it because of this power that is
working in us. We just need to surrender this sin to God and acknowledge that we
need God’s help to overcome this.


John 16:13
13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not
speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to
you the things that are to come.

What are the truths? These are the truths that come from the Word of God. There is an
absolute truth and that is the one coming from the bible. These truths, once heard will
set us free (John 8:32). We are living in a world where the enemy can just throw lies and
deceit. With the Holy Spirit residing in our hearts, He will be the one who will guide us
to the truth.

When we are confronted with the truth, the Holy Spirit will convicts us and He will bring
us back to God. Conviction from the Holy Spirit will lead to repentance and eventually,
to a changed life. Condemnation is different form conviction. Condemnation is where
the enemy will throw us lies so that we will be guilty and shameful from all aour sins.
(Rom 8:1).

Thus, we will love the truth even if it hurts us. However, it is important that we surrender
everything to God and let the Holy Spirit guide us. Let us not fret in tapping the power
of the Holy Spirit because that is what Jesus has promised us.

As Jesus said, the Holy Spirit will always be with us forever and we can always pray to
Him because He is a person. Furthermore, we can always tap on His power and He will
guide us in our walk with God.

• In what specific area of your life do you need the power of the Holy Spirit today?

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