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Introduction of Buddhism and

the role of Buddhist images

Original Hōryūji

Founded by Prince Shōtoku, 聖徳太子, (574-622) in early

7th century.
Prince Shōtoku, son of Emperor Yōmei, a statesman and
an early promoter of Buddhism in Japan. In 593, he was
appointed as a regent of Empress Suiko.
The subject Shakyamuni Buddha

Before enlightenment: Siddharta Gautama. (Siddharta = his given

name, Gautama = a branch of the Shakya clan)

After enlightenment : Shakyamuni (the sage of the Shaka clan).

Shaka or Shaka Nyorai – Japanese term for Shakyamuni Buddha

Nyorai 如来 = The one who attained perfect wisdom / The one who
has awakened to the truth.
= Buddha
Life of the historical Buddha

Historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, was raised as

a prince of the Shakya clan in a small kingdom of
present Nepal.
At the age of 29, he renounced his noble family and
devoted himself to solve a question of human
existence. After 6 years of meditation and austerities,
he went to Bodhagaya and stayed there for several
nights and days. And he attained enlightenment (悟
り). Then he started his preaching at the Deer Park
(first sermon).
He died at the age of 80 (5th century B.C.).
Thirty-two Distinguished Physical Features of Buddha

Among 32, 5 most well-known are:

・ Cranial protuberance, nikkei 肉髻 : knowledge

・ Snail-shell shaped tight curls, rahotsu 螺髪
・ Tuft of hair (raised circle) above the nose, byakugou 毫相 :emitting a
ray of light illuminating the universe

・ Webbed fingers, shusokushi manmousou 手足指縵網相:

Buddha’s compassion reaching all living things

・ Golden body, konjikisou 金色相

Variety of Mudra

1. Fear-not, Wish-granting mudra

1 2 3
2. Meditation mudra

3. Fist of wisdom (Vajra) mudra

4. Wheel of Law (Dharmachakra)

4 mudra5 6

5. Earth-touching mudra

6. Discussion mudra
originated India around 500 BC and swept across Asia in 1000 years.
It came last to Japan, crossing the sea in the mid 6th century, first
from Korea and then later from China.
Buddhist teaching:

無常 mujō : world is impermanent (constantly changing) /


輪廻 rin’ne: cycle of reincarnation.

The goal is to attain the enlightenment, free from cycle of

reincarnation, that is worldly cares, greed, hatred, and illusion.
Introduction of Buddhism to Japan

・In 538 (or 552), Buddhism was introduced from Korean kingdom,

・ Anti-Buddhist faction (Mononobe clan)VS Pro-Buddhist faction (Soga

clan) Prince Shōtoku was a member of Soga clan.
・In 587 the Soga eliminated the Mononobe.

・When Emperor Yōmei, father of the Prince Shōtoku, died in 587,

Prince renounced the throne and pledged to devote his life to public
duty with promotion of Buddhist faith. He served as prince regent to the
Empress Suiko who was his aunt.

・ Buddhism spread fast under the patronage of the Prince Shōtoku.

Prince Shōtoku’s Major Achievements

・In 603 recognition of Twelve Court Ranks (“12 cap and rank system”)

・Erection of many Buddhist temples such as Hōryūji and Shiten’nōji.

・Opening of the formal diplomatic relations with Sui dynasty China.

・In 604, proclamation of Seventeen-article Constitution : based on

Buddhist and Confucian values.
Article 1: Harmony is to be prized and avoidance of malicious
opposition to be honoured.
Inscription on the back of the halo, 623

・In 621 mother of Prince Shōtoku died. In the following year

Prince Shōtoku and his consort fell ill. The consort, other prince,
and officials deeply worried and vowed to make a statue of Shaka
in the size of the Prince.
・The piece was intended to either help speed their recovery or
ease their rebirth into Pure Land if they die.
・The prince and his consort died in 622.
・In 623, the time of Empress Suiko (reign 593-629), the piece was
commissioned to Tori Busshi.
・The commissioners achieving this small benevolence will live
peacefully and after death will be freed from the painful six
existences and will reach nirvana.
Sazen 作善: Conducting good deeds

Kudoku 功徳: Achieving good results by conducting good deeds

Tori Busshi 止利仏師:
・Tori, the maker of Buddhist images. Also known as
Kuratsukuri no Tori 鞍作止利 (Tori, the Saddlemaker).

・Tori worked for the Soga clan and Prince Shōtoku

・Tori’s material for statuary: gilt bronze
Buddhist pantheon ----- four categories



Kings of light/wisdom
(myō-ō, 明王)

Heavenly Kings/ Deva Kings

(ten, 天)

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