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HW #2 (Spring 2007) MAE 2314 #1. ‘An infinite plate is moved over a second plate on a layer of liqui ‘width, d, we assume a linear velocity distribution in the liquid. The liquid viscosity y is 1.36 x 10° Ibf-s/f and its specific gravity is 0.88. Determine (a) Kinematic viscosity v in SI units. (B) Shear stress on the upper plate in Ibf/ft. (c) Shear stress on the lower plate in Pa, (@) The direction of each shear stress caleulated in pats (6) and (c wea ¢ {03s vector ! Tee 8, 4 lower He do,1> 4=03 mm He <0,4> Surface Jedemal vector Given + 36x oe (bp s/f ‘ ‘ ua 4). ein Viscosity, Ve Ho ? vy Po 86x, be xia? Uof-s HF st 9. oy omen {PF etree slag” top.s? * {4° zt = i) 1.4 x10? m/e An. b). Tupper = 1 lea => un oy) > In vector form = Ro o>
] ee DY 7 = MM 2 pore Wty aus ” Fe tht (sem => 0651 N, = 0-65! Pa Aw. mn A) divectin |b) ee En negative X-dwechon. } c) —= th pssitive X- diced lm hea —_— #2. A 50-cm x 30-cm x 20-cm block weighing 1SON is to be moved at a constant velocity of 0.8 nvs on an inclined surface with a friction coefficient of 0.27. (a) Determine the force F that needs to be applied in horizontal direction. (5) If a 0.4-mm-thick oil film with a dynamic viscosity of 0.012 Pas is applied between the block and the inclined surface, determine the percent reduction in the required force. Vn 0.8 mis 2 ERE Anta yA = 50x80 cm = om &) Noaral fonw = Esinzo?y wieos20" Poru eau) ¢ af] = —h pute] ° an Ine net fel = Mi Umax [o- MA) 2 tinge M' | ks a iF ip tea Re |peR nt Gu = Hay 2B = BY nae a R Ty 1S Har shoan, fora acting on umitauo on te tn wall, eee | een Zo Total r0g, foaw acting \——t Tite D = CytAnea (\ ez ( = "toate 27 Af) o- opens ang = anny = may f iM #4. The viscosity of a Muid is to be measured by a viscometer constructed of two 3-ft-long concentric cylinders. The inner diameter of the outer cylinder is 6 in, and the gap between the two cylinders is 0.05 in. The outer cylinder is rotated at 250 rpm, and the torque is measured fo be 1.2 IDF, Determine the viscosity of he fluid. vale profi Vea Langa ,L = Soft Re by 2 ain = 0.85 fF. Gap, daz dost = 005/ig fF Angulor velocihy of outa cytindn w= 2x28 428. 25M pad Tomgentia). vilouly ov lune suatau et a pale 3 cylin, » Vy= aR = ASD x 0.85 = 65K yet av 2 622" — facn ahs 2 dh os ~ = SOon Ss od ZH beo8 Tots forw = Ty: Ann = nat Ae % = MX SWAX ANAL = MXSWHKARKOWKS = Fs50ny bt. . Tonqut T= foun R = joa rR Bur we hae ee Te b2 bt -tr > Feo UR = b2- NM Me V2 2 VAX © ggna cue bes Fane psone Pe #5. In regions far from the entrance, fluid flow through a circular pipe is one-dimensional, and the velocity profile for the laminar flow is given by u(r) = uma? — 7/R?), where R is the radius of the pipe, r is the radial distance from the center of the pipe, and tmx is the maximum flow velocity, which occurs at the center. Obtain (a) a relation for the drag force applied by the fluid on a section of the pipe of length L and (8) The value of the drag force for water flow with R = 0,08 m, L = 15 m, tga: = 5 mvs and 1 = 0.0010 kg/m:s. eet Wh = Urnas (! Re = é To = LF a] oh Sr) og = —f Dis) 4 out oe = =@h] 2 & M Umar [2 | = CNET io Ty = BM tone Bs Rk vmar day {even = Ty XMan = GhYmax X anf @ 0 = AMA pag Au ® 4 xooorxtx 5 xIS Osx N = 04g N Aw 2S ft #6. The velocity distribution for the laminar flow between parallel plates is given by Sg (2 J ome h ‘Where Ais the distance separating the plates and the origin is placed midway between the plates. Consider the flow of water with tna = 0.10 m/s and h = 0.25 mm. Calculate the shear stress on the upper plate and give its direction. (u of water is 1.14 x 10° N-s/m*) Om upper subfaa z - w= Ung [t- 2)"] cs <037'> ste h= 0-85 mun = 0.00020m k na we tate WW 1? Ns feu | SITTTIT TT FT alte) v= a[e0-8 Be 33° Bley - u - sy Mx waa + | eee oh Cy = oR Ye ies 4 play n h g S Zw = § x btu x 107 Pe ol ASX KOUNXIO 9.00025 ao a fy Divecim > #7. ‘The velocity distribution for the laminar flow between parallel plates is given by 2y =| =) ‘Where his the distance separating the plates and the origin is placed midway between the plates. Consider the low of water with the maximum speed of 0.05 mis and h = 1 mm, Caleulate the force on a 1 m? section of the lower plate and give its direction, 42 Given v= ton [1 (2)'] Wj, Cecwedleee 7 spl a. vu] 2 ¢ Cu ae hl Z0.1> Ho] Taiee; tb 2 aw o chiar OPO Go - kM a Cowen ue zy Iye + dma [o- 4]. 4 = 8pm. —h 2 4 Umax he 2 h Fw Chemin ens = Cos * = hkumar ft Lu tT 006 0-228 h 1X10" Oivection 5 >, paritive a-dir: Crude oil, with specific gravity SG = 0.85 and the viscosity 4 = 2.15 x 10° Ibfs/f?, flows steadily down a surface inclined @ = 30° below the horizontal in a film of thickness h=0.125 in. The velocity profile is given by 2 a= lip - sna # 2 (Coordinate x is along the surface and y is normal to the surface.) Plot the velocity profile. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shear stress rthat acts on the surface. Given $s QAs cio"? Woks /p,* y he ot25 in (7 veleity Ly bx ofile = Ole ‘zouta WE gh gut Pwata= "44 shag, /ey? = Ptfhy. 2 4 a (hy 5 Jame (85K 444) x ME Ses ( mas URS y PY ame" psx? @ ty = Ug) = W 24350 [o.010WFY — asp x05 = 1H yRY — 621s Y™ os COL 5 Wy] = MW ML Std cH w>] A a loa = fe [teen — PII} oo = MKIQMF 2 Gury lox l24u3 heh te Ty = 02882} Uf [pe in Posttve ated, Toke few valu like y= nity tn 05h, 05h gh) wad ger Ww volun. ily pea fle will bat. pom ty Vike chorw ta diodsaus.

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