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Sci-fi: Homework.

Look at the following discussion about the task below.

Teleportation Time traveling Flying


How likely do you think it is that

these technological advances
predicted by sci-fi writers will
come true in the future?

Life in other organs

You have about a minute to discuss the question and select TWO things that are more likely

to happen in the future.

Complete the discussion with the words in the box.

between disagree go honest out

point rule saying with

A: OK, to be (1) _______________, I believe there are researchers trying to achieve them all.

(2) (3)
B: Absolutely. But _____________ of all of them, I suppose we could _______________
out time traveling, maybe. What do you think?

A: Yeah, I’m _______________ you on that one. It’s highly unlikely that time traveling will
come true in the future. Of the others, both flying cars and bionic organs are bound to become
common. Scientists are already carrying out promising research and I’ve heard that there even
are some prototypes.

B: Umm… but why would flying cars be created if there are already planes and helicopters?

A: OK, so you’re (5) _______________ that might not happen at all.

B: Yes. So, for me, it will be (6) _______________ bionic organs and living in other planets.

A: That’s tricky, isn’t it? Personally, I’d (7) _______________ for living in other planets because
it has been humanity’s obsession since the 50s. As a result, there’s been plenty of research on
life in other planets, especially on Mars, which will probably be our second home someday. In
fact, I think that we will definitely be able to teleport ourselves from Earth to Mars in a matter
of seconds. Don’t you think?

B: Yeah, I see your _______________. However, I’m not too sure about teleportation.
Undoubtfully, bionic organs will be common. Regarding living in other planets, it will possibly
be achieved as you mentioned. As for teleportation and time traveling? I don’t think so, that’s
just far-fetched.

A: Okay, let’s agree to (9) _______________ on that, then!

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