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General Journal

Date Details/Particulars Account Number Debit Credit

May 1 Cash investment (from Owner) for business startup 110 300 410 $50,000.00
Rent and 11 more post dated cheques (June through April)
May 1 160 210 610 $2,500.00
are due
Renovation supplies purchased from Mitchell’s Suppliers
May 4 130 210 610 $1,500.00
[Invoice # 200-56. Terms N30]
May 4 Computer equipment purchased 150 280 610 $2,700.00
May 5 Established a petty cash float for operations department 115 300 610 $300.00
May 6 Office supplies purchased from Supplies Are Us 140 210 610 $800.00
May 8 Insurance fee 280 310 610 $600.00
Customer, R. Smith is billed for renovation work
May 11 120 310 410 $6,400.00
[Invoice # 20-100; payment terms N20 (A/R)]
Customer, J. Thompson payed in completion for renovation work
May 12 160 310 410 $3,200.00
[Invoice # 20-101]
Bi-weekly staff wages paid from the bank account; recieved
May 15 110 300 620 $10,250.00
net deposit as E-transfer
May 19 Customer, B. Manilow, paid cash for renovation supplies 130 300 410 $450.00
R. Smith paid account in full [Invoice # 20-100 from work
May 19 120 300 410 $6,400.00
completed on May 11th]
May 22 bill from Bell Canada for cell phones and internet charges 210 310 610 $295.00
billed S. Smitherson for renovation work [Invoice # 20-102,
May 25 120 310 410 $1,795.00
Terms 2/10, N20 (A/R)]
May 25 Recieved bank loan to establish a credit rating 210 300 610 $20,000.00
May 26 Paid Supplies Are Us account in full with cash 140 300 610 $800.00
Bi-weekly staff wages paid from the bank account, recieved
May 29 110 300 620 $10,250.00
as e-transfer
May 29 S. Smitherson made a partial payment via e-transfer 120 300 410 $200.00
Employee, D. Douglas, submits an expense report for reimburse-
May 29 ment of transportation to and from the job site (was using his own 210 300 610 $82.50
Petty cash reconcilation report - follow up with operations depart-
May 29 115 300 610 - -
May 29 Charge from oldest son (of owner) Durham College Tuition fee 210 300 610 $4,074.00
( 170,300.00)

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