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Running Head: Analyzing Test Data Dano 1

Analyzing Test Data

Glenn Dano


Analyzing Test Data Dano 2

Analyzing Test Data

According to the test date noted in the excel spreadsheet, the class overall is struggling

with mathematics. The class average was at 67% for the latest assessment, and more than half the

class received a score of 69 or lower. There are mixed results between both addition and

subtraction, but overall, the class seems to understand addition more easily. Future lesson plans

will have to incorporate subtraction in a way that is easier to understand, and I should review my

previous lesson plans to see what I can make more understandable for future classes. Division

should also be more closely going forward in the class.

Of the students that are doing well, Juan and Cody are doing the best, with Jamal, Hugh,

and Jack following closely behind. Juan received a 100% score on the test, and seems to

understand both addition, subtraction, and division well. Cody missed one additional question,

and received a 93% on his test, but he otherwise also seems to have a good grasp on all three

topics. Hugh missed a few division questions, as well as one subtraction question, and Jack and

Jamal also appeared to miss a few division questions as well as the odd addition or subtraction

question, but otherwise each only missed one more question than Cody.

Luke and Nathan appear to be the students who could use the most assistance, with both

students receiving a score of below 50%. Patrick, Sarah and Molly all also barely score above the

50% line. Luke had trouble with both addition and subtraction, missing a good portion of the

questions. He also had trouble with division, so he should receive additional help when possible.

Nathan is similar but appears to have a more difficult time with subtraction than addition, so

when the class is going over that topic again perhaps that can help him out individually. Patrick

and Molly seem to have trouble with subtraction and division, while Sarah is struggling more

with division in particular. I plan to review subtraction a bit again, as well as put more emphasis
Analyzing Test Data Dano 3

on division in future lesson plans. In addition to paying attention to these kids in general in class

and asking them if they are understanding the subject, time management will be important to

keep track of to ensure all students are learning. Ideally the review on subtraction and division

helps out with the rest of the students who are struggling, as well as the class as a whole. If future

assessments prove similar than more individual assistance may be needed.

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