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Student Personal
Marker Code Identification Number (SPIN)

Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate




Time allowed: 2 ½ hours

There are TWO sections in this paper. Each section is worth 50 marks.

You should spend about 1 1/4 hours on each section.

SECTION A: DESIGN UNDERSTANDING Compulsory. Answer ALL questions.

SECTION B: MAJOR OUTCOMES Choose ONE (Major 1 - Major 6)

Major Topic Questions Pages
1 Wood Technology B1 – B3 10 – 18
2 Metal Technology B4 – B7 19 – 27
3 Food and Nutrition B8 – B13 28 – 35
4 Textiles and Garment Construction B14 – B19 36 – 42
5 Technical Graphics B20 – B23 43 – 52
6 Small Engine and Automotive Mechanics B24 – B27 53 - 59

Select only ONE Major and answer all the questions in that Major.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.

Write your Student Personal Identification Number (SPIN) in the box on the top right-hand
corner of this page and on the fold-out flap at the back of this booklet.

Check that this booklet contains pages 2-59 and that none of these pages are blank. Pages 60-62
have been left blank deliberately.




Answer ALL questions in this section.

Question A1 Multiple Choices (10 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions.

1. Designing is a strategy used to help us

A. satisfy a need.
B. running a business.
C. solve a problem in technology.
D. develop solutions to any situations in daily lives.

2. Designing process usually results in a physical product while problem solving-process uses the
designing process leading to

A. goods.
B. products.
C. a decision.
D. an evaluation.

3. The small arrows in the designing process diagram shows the

A. revisiting of stages.
B. direction of production.
C. big picture of the process.
D. main flow of the designing process.

4. Identifying the most likely ideas is part of

A. devising.
B. producing.
C. evaluation.
D. investigations.

5. Collecting information about an idea is part of the

A. Devising process.
B. Producing process.
C. Evaluation process.
D. Investigation process.

6. The designing process for a finished product that needs improvement would be

A. investigating – devising – producing – evaluation.

B. evaluation – investigating – devising – producing.
C. investigating – devising – evaluation – producing.
D. evaluation – investigating – devising – producing – evaluation.

7. Two activities taking place during the production process are

A. repairing task and building a prototype.

B. building a prototype and investigating solutions.
C. constructing the product and collecting information.
D. thinking about the outcome and modifying the product.

8. Key points to address before production are

A. strive for excellence.

B. build and test prototype.
C. repair tasks and evaluate.
D. implement and document.

9. One of the most important questions to be considered while evaluating the end product:

A. Does it work well?

B. Does it give money?
C. Does it look beautiful?
D. Does it use local materials?

10. A designing folio is a

A. collection of information.
B. document for marking a product.
C. designing report used only by examiners.
D. designing report of how a product is to be processed.

Q A1

Question A2 Matching (5 marks)

Match the term in LIST A with the correct explanation in LIST B. Write the correct number of the term
in LIST A in the boxes provided next to the explanations in LIST B.


1. Specification A. Statement about the need of problem and any

expectations about the solutions.
2. Design Brief B. A detailed description of what the client
needs such as the necessary features.
3. Limitations C. Factors are set beyond the designer’s control
that place limits on the designing process
4. Open Design Brief D. It gives the designer plenty of scope as there
are no limitations stated.
5. Skill E. The ability to do something well which
requires special techniques and knowledge.
6. Evaluation

Q A2

Question A3 (4 marks)

Define the following Designing process terms.

1. Prototype
(2 marks)
2. Producing Process
(2 marks)

Q A3

Question A4 (6 marks)

1. Give the TWO aspects that should be outlined in the design brief.

i. _____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
ii. _____________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

2. Explain ONE safety rule for electrical equipment used in the designing proposal.

(2 marks)
3. Discuss the importance of safety rules in the production process.

(2 marks)

Q A4

Question A5 (5 marks)

1. Give TWO limitations that may have occurred while undertaking your project.

(2 marks)
(2 marks)
2. Explain ONLY ONE limitation you have given in 1. above.
(1 mark)

Q A5

Question A6 (5 marks)

1. Explain ONE task you should perform to keep the workshop or work area in good condition.
(2 marks)

2. Name a material used in the Major Project and describe ONE characteristic that makes it appropriate
to the project made.

Name of the material: _____________________________________________________

Characteristic: ____________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)

Q A6

Question A7 (7 marks)

1. When evaluating your product you find that it does not meet the need or the problem. Give a
suggestion of how to improve your product.

(2 marks)

2. Give an environment side effect caused by your technological process. Make a suggestion to solve
the problem.

Side Effect:
(1 mark)

(2 marks)
3. Justify how your product may benefit people in the community.

(2 marks)

Q A7

Question A8 (8 marks)

Discuss FOUR reasons why investigating ideas is vital to the product.

Reason 1: _____________________________________________________________________________
Reason 2: _____________________________________________________________________________
Reason 3: _____________________________________________________________________________
Reason 4: _____________________________________________________________________________
(8 marks)

Q A8 Section A
8 50


There are six questions in this section - Major 1 – Major 6. Choose only ONE Major and answer ALL the
questions in your chosen Major.

Major Topic Questions Pages

Major 1 Wood Technology B1 – B3 10 – 18
Major 2 Metal Technology B4 – B7 19 – 27
Major 3 Food and Nutrition B8 – B13 28 – 35
Major 4 Textiles and Garment Construction B14– B19 36 – 42
Major 5 Technical Graphics B20 – B23 43 – 52
Major 6 Small Engine and Automotive Mechanics B24 – B27 53 – 59


Answer ALL questions (B1 – B3).
Question B1 (12 marks)

1. In the table below, give two examples each of trees that are Hardwood and Softwood.

Hardwood Softwood

1. 1.

2. 2.

(2 marks)

2. Name and briefly describe the TWO common methods of timber seasoning.

Method 1: __________________________________________________

Description: ______________________________________________________________________

Method 2: __________________________________________________

Description: ______________________________________________________________________
(4 marks)

3. It is necessary to be aware of the moisture content of the timber being used. Name and describe a
method used to determine the timber’s moisture content.

Method: __________________________________________

Description: ______________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)
4. Calculate the percentage of moisture content from the given information.
(Show all necessary workings.)

Wet weight of sample piece = 164 grams

Dry weight of sample piece = 150 grams

(2 marks)
5. Defects in timber could occur during seasoning. Name and sketch any TWO types of timber defect.

Timber defect 1: ___________________________________________________

Timber defect 2: ___________________________________________________

(2 marks)

Q B1


A. Study the student’s desk given below and answer the questions that follow. (16 marks)




1. Complete the table below by: (4 marks)

i) listing TWO required properties that must be considered in choosing the material for the Top
and the Leg;

ii) suggesting the most appropriate material that matches the two properties stated in part i).

Parts Required properties Suggested material

1. 1.

1. 1.

2. The desk legs need to be turned from a 100 mm x 100 mm x 750 mm timber to the required shape.

i) Describe in point form how to prepare the timber before putting on the wood lathe machine for

(2 marks)

ii) Complete the table below by naming TWO cutting tools and TWO measuring tools that could
be used for turning the study desk legs to the required shape.

Cutting tools


Measuring tools


(2 marks)

3. State FOUR safety rules that must be observed when working on the wood lathe machine.

i) _____________________________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________________________
iii) _____________________________________________________________________________
iv) _____________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

4. Study the drawing of the study desk drawer given below and answer the questions that follow.





i) Complete table below with the appropriate type of joint for the drawer parts and also the reason to
support your choice.

Joint parts Type of joint Reason

Knob to Front

Front to Sides

Back to Sides

Bottom to Sides

(4 marks)

ii) Name an appropriate finish for the student study desk. Give a reason to support your choice.

(2 marks)

B. Study the dining table below and answer the questions that follow. (15 marks)


1. Name a suitable joining technique that can be used to join the leg and the rail.

_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

2. Sketch and label the join detail you named in 1 above.

Leg and Rail

(2 marks)

3. The thickness of the table rails are 25 mm and the required thickness is 20 mm - other dimensions
are finished. Complete the table below by listing the processes of marking and timber removing in
the right order with the hand tools required for the processes.

Processes Tools
Marking Hand tools required

Removing waste timber Hand tools required

(4 marks)

4. The table top will be made out of 6 x 25 mm x 100 mm timbers, briefly describe how you would
join them together.

(2 marks)

5. Use the information given below to calculate the cost of timber required for the dining table.
The legs are made from 75 mm x 75 mm Tawa
The rails are made from 25 mm x 75 mm Tawa
The top are made from 25 mm x 100 mm Tawa

75 mm x 75 mm Tawa @ $ 5.60/m
25 mm x 75 mm Tawa @ $ 3.40/m
25 mm x 100 mm Tawa @ $ 4.80/m

Show your calculations in the space provided.

i) The 4 legs

(2 marks)

ii) The 4 rails

(2 marks)
iii) The 6 top

(2 marks)

Q B2

QUESTION B3 (7 marks)

1. Name the hand tool that is best used to complete each of the jobs listed below. Place the answer in
the space provided.

i) The final sharpening (honing) of a chisel. ________________________________

ii) For sawing along the grain. ________________________________

iii) A small hand saw used for cutting curved shaped letters in 4 mm plywood. _______________

iv) Checking an edge for square. ____________________________

v) Making a chamfer on the end grain of a table top. _______________________________

vi) Holding together two boards while the glue dries. __________________________
(3 marks)

2. A list of items requiring a timber finish is given below.

In the space beside each item, state the type of finish considered most suitable. In the far right-hand
column, state the reason for choosing the particular finish for the item.

Type of finish Reason for choice

a) Wooden fence

b) Piano stool

c) Toy truck

d) Coffee table

(4 marks)

Q B3 Section B
7 50


Answer ALL questions (B4 – B7).
Question B4 Multiple Choice Questions (6 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions.

1. Properties of copper include malleability and ductility. This means that copper

A. has the ability to harden when worked and bends without breaking.
B. can be hammered without fracturing and heat up quickly.
C. can be rolled out thinly and drawn into fine wire.
D. conducts heat well and is fusible.

2. Brass

A. is a pure metal and is useful in jewellery work and for small castings.
B. is an alloy where copper is the main part and zinc is the lesser part.
C. has better wearing properties than bronze for bearings and gears.
D. machines easily on the lathe provided that slow speeds are used.

3. The type of furnace used to convert iron and scrap steel into steel is

A. a Blast Furnace.
B. a Bessemer Furnace.
C. a Rotary Kiln Furnace.
D. an Electric arc Furnace.

4. Aluminium is used widely for making kettles, cooking pots and frying pans because it

A. is easier to shape than other metals.

B. is lighter than any other metal.
C. has a good shiny surface.
D. conducts heat very well.

5. Ferrous metal compose mainly of

A. iron.
B. steel.
C. cast iron.
D. carbon.

6. The main advantage of having gears made of plastic instead of steel, cast iron, or bronze is that

A. they will last longer.

B. they are much quieter running.
C. they do not require any form of lubrication.
D. they are less likely to be damaged when under pressure.

Q B4

QUESTION B5 (16 marks)

1. Twist Drills

State THREE factors that should be considered in selecting the cutting speed for drilling a hole with
a high speed (HSS) twist drill.

Factor 1: ________________________________________________________________________

Factor 2: ________________________________________________________________________

Factor 3: ________________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)
2. Hacksaws

i) A notice on a power hacksaw machine reads ‘Do not use for metal under 10 mm diameter’.
Give a reason for this rule.
(1 mark)
ii) What is ‘TPI 18’ that is normally written on the hacksaw blade.

(1 mark)
3. Give either the correct full name of each of the following tools OR make a sketch of each of them.

i) Is moving along on the machined surface of a test bar set up between the centres of a lathe to
indicate that the tailstock and head stock centres are in alignment.

________________________________________________ (1 mark)
ii) For dressing the grinding wheel.

________________________________________________ (1 mark)
iii) For making the internal drilled surface smooth.

________________________________________________ (1 mark)

4. Threads and Screw cutting

a. Drilling Tapping Hole

An approximate formula for finding the size of the tapping drill is (Outside Diameter – Pitch). The
drill required for the 16 mm Tap with 2.00 P would be:

____________________ mm.
(1 mark)
b. Tapping

The sketch of the taper tap used in the making of a nut is shown.

i) Show clearly on the sketch how the markings 16 and 2.00P refer to the outside diameter and
the pitch. (2 marks)

ii) What is the purpose of part B, marked with a cross?

(1 mark)
iii) What angle is the thread at A?

(1 mark)
iv) Explain how the taper tap differs from the second or intermediate tap.

(1 mark)

v) Give TWO important points to observe when tapping or threading a nut.

(2 marks)

Q B5

QUESTION B6 (16 marks)

1. Sheet Metal Working

The sketch shows a pictorial view of a small tool box which is to be fitted to the boot of a car. The
tool box is to be made out of galvanised flat steel.

i) Shown below is the part development (back and bottom) of the tool box. Complete this
development and show all the necessary flaps for making the lap joints prior to soldering.

Be careful to think about the shape shown above.



(3 marks)

ii) Briefly explain ONE way that the top edges of the tool box can be made stronger and safer.
(You may refer to the development on page 22.)

(1 mark)
2. Soft Soldering

Because all necessary equipment is available it is decided to soft solder the joints of the tool box.

i) The soft solder used is 50/50. What does 50/50 soft solder mean?
(1 mark)
ii) When a soldered joint is to be made as strong as possible, the laps are ‘tinned’ first. Explain
step by step how the tinning process is carried out.

Step 1: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 2: ______________________________________________________________________
Step 3:_______________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)
iii) Give ONE other method that would be suitable for making the joints secure.

_________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

3. Oxy-Acetylene Welding

i) The oxy-acetylene equipment in most schools is fitted with flash-back arrestors. Explain their

(1 mark)
ii) Name the correct tool used to clean a blocked welding torch tip.

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iii) A partly blocked welding torch occasionally ‘pops’ or ‘back-fires. Name TWO other causes of
popping or back-firing.

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)
iv) Name a liquid commonly used to test for gas leaks on the oxy-acetylene equipment.

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

4. Electric Arc Welding

i) Briefly explain why Electric Arc Welding is also called Fusion Welding.

(1 mark)

ii) Name ONE factor that should be considered in choosing the right type of electrode for an
Electric Arc Welding job.

(1 mark)

Q B6

QUESTION B7 (12 marks)

1. The Lathe Attachment and Taper Turning

i) Many items machined in a lathe are held in a three jaw chuck.

What is the main advantage of this type of chuck?

(1 mark)

ii) What attachment is used on a lathe to support long slender work against bending under the
pressure of the cut?

(1 mark)

iii) To what part of the lathe is the equipment in (ii) above attached?

_________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

The sketches above show two methods of obtaining a taper.

iv) Explain an advantage of using method A over method B.

(1 mark)

2. Holding the Work

i) Complete the views below of the 20 mm square steel firmly held in the 4 jaw chuck ready for
turning one end to 16 mm diameter.

(2 marks)

ii) Briefly give the reason for having the concentric circles on the face of the 4 jaw chuck.

(1 mark)

3. Cutting Speed

An approximate formula for finding the speed of the lathe is

C .S × 1000
R . P .M =

Where C.S = Cutting speed in meters per minute

And D = Diameter in millimeters

i) Calculate the R.P.M for this particular axle, when D = 20 mm and the recommended cutting
speed is 33 meters per minute.

C .S × 1000
R . P .M =

R . P .M =

R . P .M = _______________________ Answer (1 mark)

ii) What does the abbreviation R.P.M stand for?

(1 mark)

4. Preparing the Work for Turning

i) Before turning to the diameter of the axle it is decided that the tailstock centre support is
required. After facing the end, what operation is necessary before the centre can be used?

(1 mark)

ii) Name the solid one piece centre that would be used in the tailstock to support the work.

(1 mark)

iii) Name another centre that would be suitable for supporting the work.

(1 mark)

Q B7 Section B
12 50


Answer ALL questions (B8 – B13).
Question B8: Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions.

1. The most concentrated form of energy comes from

A. fat.
B. starch.
C. proteins.
D. carbohydrates.

2. The nutrients that are needed for the formation of hemoglobin are

A. iron and protein.

B. starch and iodine.
C. vitamin and calcium.
D. carbohydrates and phosphorus.

3. The nutrient needed most by a sick person is

A. fat.
B. proteins.
C. vitamins.
D. carbohydrates.

4. The leading causes of non-communicable diseases are

A. high blood pressure and tobacco.

B. tobacco and fatty foods.
C. alcohol and tobacco.
D. fats and sweet.

5. Washing fruits and vegetables under a running tap is mainly to

A. minimise expenses.
B. make work faster.
C. reduce loss of nutrients.
D. ensure cleanliness.

6. The cooking guidelines to follow when cooking or baking a dish is a

A. recipe.
B. chef.
C. cook.
D. dish.

7. The type of preservation method that uses yeast is

A. frying.
B. salting.
C. smoking.
D. fermenting.

8. Freezing of food would cause

A. unintentional food changes.

B. intentional food changes.
C. people to dislike it.
D. drying of food.

9. Macronutrients are

A. iodine and lipids.

B. vitamin, protein and lipids.
C. carbohydrate and vitamin.
D. carbohydrate, protein and lipids.

10. Lack of iron causes

A. Scurvy.
B. Beriberi.
C. Anaemia.
D. Marasmus.

Q B8

Question B9 (7 marks)

Match the term in LIST A with the correct definition in LIST B. Write the correct letter of the definition in
LIST B in the boxes provided next to the term in LIST A.


a) Essential for growing of bones and cells.

1. Dehydration

b) Method of preserving perishable foods by

2. Vitamin A reducing temperature to 0°C.

c) Is the length of time someone may survive.

3. Recommended
Daily Allowance
d) Lack of the normal amount of water in the
4. Life expectancy body, often caused by diarrhea or vomiting.

e) The amount of food requirements for body

5. Protein

f) A protein in the blood which carries

6. Obesity oxygen.

g) Are found as carotene in yellow and orange

7. Freezing
fruits and vegetables.

h) The condition of the body when it is

overweight from too much fat.

(7 marks)

Q B9

Question B10 (5 marks)

1. Give ONE reason why dietary fibre is important in our diet.

(2 marks)

2. What is the purpose of preserving food?

(1 mark)
3. Complete the table below by filling the spaces for principle of preservation used under the two
traditional preservation methods given.

preservation Principle of preservation used Food preserved

i. Sun drying i. ____________________________________ i. Octopus


ii. Salting ii. ____________________________________ ii Fish


(2 marks)

Q B10

Question B11 (5 marks)

1. When making a food product, why must carbohydrates be included in the food product?

(2 marks)

2. Give ONE factor to be considered when preparing a food dish.

(1 mark)

3. Describe ONE nutritional requirement for a 17-year old athlete.

(2 marks)

Q B11

Question B12 (10 marks)

1. Give ONE hygienic practice when preparing food. Explain the importance to the food product and
the needs of the community.

Practice: ________________________________________________________________________

Importance: _____________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)

2. A food snack product was designed to be very colorful, made from vegetables and packed in a
clear colorful package of about 500g. Answer the following questions according to the information

i) What problem is this food product trying to solve?

(2 marks)
ii) Explain how you would change the product to make it better.

(3 marks)
iii) Explain why it is packed in a clear colorful package.

(2 marks)

Q B12

Question B13 (13 marks)

1. When cooking vegetables the lid of the pot is left open. Give TWO reasons why this is not a good

(2 marks)
2. Give THREE reasons why it is important to cut fingernails short and wear an apron when working
with food.

(3 marks)
3. Explain THREE things that are happening when a piece of red meat starts turning pale pink in

(3 marks)
4. Explain THREE reasons for using very little fat and salt in cooking.

(3 marks)

5. Give ONE specification that one would be dealing with, if healthy eating is to be promoted.

(2 marks)

Q B13 Section B
13 50


Answer ALL questions (B14 – B19).
Question B14 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions.

1. A burning piece of cotton fabric smells like burning paper. This indicates that it is of

A. chemical origin.
B. animal origin.
C. mineral origin.
D. plant origin.

2. Which of the following is NOT an element of design?

A. Color.
B. Lines.
C. Balance.
D. Texture.

3. Which of the following is NOT a sewing notion?

A. Zipper.
B. Buttons.
C. Elastic.
D. Ripper.

4. The measurements used for finding the right size is the

A. bust, hip and waist.

B. bust, bust line and hip.
C. hip, bust and shoulder.
D. waist, hip and neck line.

5. _____________ determines the appropriate shape of the neckline.

A. Body shape
B. Face shape
C. Neck shape
D. Chin shape

6. When using a very light weight fabric that ravels, which of the following seam finishes would work

A. Zigzagged.
B. Stitched and pinked.
C. Turned and stitched.
D. Cut edges with pinking shears.

7. The strength of a fabric lies on the threads that run parallel to the selvedge. This is the

A. bias.
B. weft.
C. warps.
D. true bias.

8. The clipping of seam allowance is a construction technique that applies to the _______________ to
ease buckle up of mat.

A. sleeves hemline
B. outward curve
C. dress hemline
D. inward curve

9. The term grading means to

A. trim the seam allowance.

B. clip through the various layers of the seam allowance.
C. notch through the various layers of the seam allowance.
D. trim each layer of the seam allowance to a different width.

10. A plain seam is stitched with

A. right sides of the garment pieces together.

B. wrong sides of the garment pieces together.
C. facing on the right sides outside the garment pieces together.
D. the right side of the one garment piece against the wrong side of the other garment piece.

Q B14

Question B15 Matching (7 marks)

Match each description in column B to each term in column A that describes it by placing the letter of the
correct answer in the spaces provided in column A.


1. ______ Resilience a) A thread loop is made through all layers of

the fabric to mark the location of each pattern

2. ______ Crosswise fold b) Ability of the material to withstand so many


3. ______ Reverse stitch control c) A hard stitch used to prevent a flat, raw edge
from raveling.

4. ______ Durable d) Folding of fabric crosswise where cut ends

usually match.

5. ______ Overcast stitch e) Ability of the material to go back to original

size after crushing.

6. ______ Tailor’s tack f) Is the up and down motion of the iron using

7. ______ Pressing g) Machine part that allows the machine to


h) It is the back and forth motion of the iron.

Q B15

Question B16 (5 marks)

1. Give the purpose of using the following technique in garment construction by filling in the blank
Garment construction Purpose of using
techniques and


(2 marks)

2. Explain ONE difference between commercial pattern and free-hand cutting pattern.

(2 marks)

3. Where do you apply the ‘Under-stitching’ technique on the garment?

(1 mark)

Q B16

Question B17 (5 marks)

2. Give ONE good property of cotton fabric.

(2 marks)

3. Explain how you consider two fabric properties when designing your garment project.

(2 marks)

4. Give the Element of Design that concerns the vertical and horizontal layout of prints.

(1 mark)

Q B17

Question B18 (10 marks)

1. Give ONE safety rule applied during garment production and explain its importance to the
production process.

Safety rule: ____________________________________________________


(3 marks)

2. Describe the style of your garment and how good it is, compared to the client’s body shape.

(2 marks)

3. Give ONE design principle used and the purpose of using it in your garment project.

Design Principle: _________________________________________________________________

Purpose: ________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

4. Write ONE specification and explain how you use it in constructing the garment.

Specification: ____________________________________________________________________

Explanation: _____________________________________________________________________
(3 marks)

Q B18

Question B19 (13 marks)

1. Give ONE decoration technique and its effect on the garment and the client.

Decoration Technique: _____________________________________________________________

(1 mark)
Effect: __________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)

2. Explain TWO suggested solutions if you are asked to design a sports shorts for a 15-year old athletic

Solution 1:
(3 marks)
Solution 2:
(3 marks)
3. Briefly outline TWO major production processes.

i) __________________________________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________________________________
(4 marks)

Q B19 Section B
13 50


Answer ALL questions (B20 – B23).
Question B20 (10 marks)

1. Complete the table below with the missing drawing examples and applications.

Line description Drawing example Application

Continuous thick line

Continuous thin line

Chain line thick at ends

but thin elsewhere
(3 marks)

2. Complete the table below with the name(s) of the following symbols and scale.

Symbols Name(s)

Scale of 1:2

(2 marks)

3. Projection of the triangle ABC onto the horizontal and vertical planes is given below. Use any
method of your choice to determine the true shape of triangle ABC and true angle of inclination to
either to the horizontal or the vertical plane.

(5 marks)

Q B20

QUESTION B21 (20 marks)

1. Study the given rectangular pyramid and answer the questions that follow.

i) Find the true length of the given sides of the square pyramid using rotation method.

1b = ______________

2c = ______________

3d = ______________

(4 marks)

ii) Develop the given rectangular pyramid using the triangular method.

(4 marks)
2. Vector Diagrams and Force in Beams

i) Determine the resultant force, point of application and the equilibrium force of the co-planar,
concurrent force system.

20 N

35 N

15 N
25 N

(4 marks)

ii) Given below is the Space diagram of parallel forces acting on a beam. Use the Link or
Funicular and Force or Load line with Polar diagram to determine the:

1) position of the resultant force;

2) magnitude of reactions RL and RR.

35N 15 N 20 N

RL=_______ RR=_______

Use scale 1mm: 1N

(8 marks)

Q B21

QUESTION B22 (8 marks)

1. Complete the front view of two intersecting cylinders by drawing the lines of intersections.



(4 marks)

2. Draw ONE complete turn of a right-hand helical spring, 80 mm mean diameter, 50 mm pitch, made
from 16 mm diameter wire.

(4 marks)

Q B22

QUESTION B23 (12 marks)

1. The front view and top view of a MS bracket are given below to a scale of 1:3. Draw a complete
Auxiliary view, without hidden details, that shows the true shape of the inclined face.

(5 marks)

2. Details of a plumb bob are given below. In the space provided on the following page, draw the
assemble front view of the plumb bob positioned with the axis horizontal and give its overall
assemble dimension.

Use scale 1: 1.

(7 marks)

Q B23
Section B


Answer ALL questions (B24 – B27).

Question B24 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks)

Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions.

1. What level of eye protection is required when using an oxy-acetylene torch to cut mild steel?
A. Approved safety glasses.
B. Goggles with a #5 filter.
C. Goggles with a #10 filter.
D. Helmet with a #12 filter.

2. Which type of fire extinguisher can be safely used to put out class A, B, C, D category fires?
A. Foam.
B. Dry chemical.
C. Carbon dioxide.
D. Halogenated agent.

3. Where should shop solvents and combustible materials be stored?

A. Air tight closets.
B. Sealed storage rooms.
C. In marked storage rooms.
D. Under work benches.

4. What angle should a cold chisel be sharpened to?

A. 45o
B. 50o
C. 60o
D. 65o

5. Refer to figure A. Which caliper mounting system is shown?

Figure A
A. Fixed
B. Floating
C. Semi Fixed
D. Semi-Floating

Force exerted by Rotor

hydraulic pressure

6. When a tire is under-inflated, where will the wear be most noticeable?

A. Sidewall.
B. Center of the tire.
C. Inside edges of the tire.
D. Outside edges of the tire.

7. A starter motor will not crank and the headlamps dim when the starting circuit is energised. The
battery test is acceptable and the connections are corrosion-free. What should be checked next?

A. Positive battery cable for an open circuit.

B. Neutral safety switch for high resistance.
C. Ignition switch for high resistance.
D. Starter mounting flange corrosion.

8. What would cause a clunk or snap from the vehicle’s front-end while turning the steering wheel?
A. Worn wheel bearing
B. Seized strut bearings.
C. Loose power steering belt.
D. Missing front balance weight.

9. The least likely to cause low oil pressure in an engine is

A. Oil Pressure Valve.
B. Crankshaft Bearings.
C. Camshaft Bearings.
D. Worn Valve Guides.

10. Which of the following will result in excessive black engine exhaust?
A. Lean air fuel ratio.
B. Worn valve guides.
C. Low octane gasoline.
D. Excessive air fuel ratio.

Q B24

Question B25 Safety (5 marks)

1. When using a hydraulic press, what is the most important safety equipment to use?

(1 mark)
2. Explain what should be done in the event of a significant oil spill in the garage.

(1 mark)
3. Why should a radiant trouble light never be used in the shop floor?

(1 mark)

4. What tapeline emission requires you to vent tailpipe gas to the shop exhaust extraction system any
time an engine is run in a garage?

(1 mark)

5. Where should shop solvents and combustible materials be stored?

(1 mark)

Q B25

Question B26 Small Engines (15 marks)

1. Describe the order of the 4-stroke-cycle engine.

(2 marks)
2. How many valves are there on a two cylinder 4-stroke-cycle small engine?

___________________________________________ (1 mark)

3. Which part of the engine valve makes contact with the valve seat to seal the combustion chamber?

_____________________________ (1 mark)

4. How many revolutions of the crank shaft are in a complete cycle for a 2-stroke-cycle engine?

_____________________________ (1 mark)

5. Bernoulli’s principle states that air flowing through a narrowed portion of a tube increases in
velocity and decreases in pressure. The application of this principle is used in a

_____________________________ (1 mark)

6. What should be done to the rings when the ring gap measures 0.042 and the rejection specification
is 0.035?

(1 mark)
7. Explain what causes the excessive black engine exhaust.
(2 marks)

8. Atmospheric pressure affects the operation of small gasoline engine at various altitudes. What is
atmospheric pressure at sea level?

________________________________ (1 mark)

9. Explain the main components of a 2-stroke engine.

(4 marks)
10. What position in the VIN (vehicle identification number) indicates the model year?
______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Q B26

Question B27 Automotive mechanics (20 marks)

1. Name the publication that contains procedures for disassembly and reassembly of vehicle system.

(1 mark)

2. Describe the function of the following components of a small engine.

i. Spark plug


ii. Crankshaft


iii. Piston Rings

(6 marks)

3. What is the purpose of the primary winding in an ignition system?

(1 mark)

4. The figure below is a picture of a four cylinder, four stroke, overhead camshaft engine assembly.
Which number represents the:

i. alternator _______
ii. piston _______
iii. rocker cover _______
iv. valve _______

Figure B

(4 marks)

5. Explain how you would service an air cleaner on a small engine.

(3 marks)

6. In a paragraph explain how a simple engine operates.

(5 marks)

Q B27
Section B

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For Candidate Use

Number of extra sheets used.

Write NIL if there are none.


Indicate the Major selected in Section B.

Section Exam Mark Check Mark


B Major: ____

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