F3 Science Mark Scheme 2010

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1. D 16. A
2. C 17. D
3. D 18. D
4. A 19. A
5. B 20. D
6. C 21. B
7. A 22. D
8. D 23. C
9. C 24. C
10. C 25. A
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. D

[ 1 mark each: Total of 30 marks]





Helium : He

Boron : B

Potassium : K (3 marks)

(ii) State two (2) importance of elements to humans and other living
Elements are important to (humans and living organisms):

Importance 1:
 plant nutrients (eg, potassium) - for good crop growth
 iron – buildings, bridges (1 mark)

Importance 2:
 oxygen – for animal respiration
 carbon dioxide – for plant respiration (1 mark)



No Energy Form Energy Source

(i) Light from torch Non-renewable
(ii) Sound from ship’s engine Non-renewable
(iii) Light from fire-fly at night Renewable
(iv) Heat from burning wood Non-renewable
(4 marks)




Ductility: to be able to stretch (lengthen into wires)

Density: how heavy or light something is (2 marks)



Reactants Products
Metal + Oxygen Metal Oxide
Metal + Water Water Hydroxide + Hydrogen gas
(2 marks)

Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen gas (2 marks)


Mg + HCl MgCl2 + H2 (2 marks)


Mg + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2 (2 marks)


(i) Give one (1) advantage of recycling of metals

Reduce mining activities, OR, reduce further destruction to the environment, OR,
easier/simpler process to re-make the same product, OR, etc, etc.
(1 mark)




Like-charges : Like-charges: repel one another

Unlike-charges : attract one another (2 marks)



(3 marks)

(ii) The ammeter measures the size of the current that flows in the circuit
(1 mark)


(i) The bulbs in the circuit A are in series (1 mark)

(ii) The current in A2 is 2A and current in A3 is 2A (2 marks)

(iii) The bulbs in circuit B are in parallel (1 mark)

(iv) If the current in A5 and A6 is three amps (3A) each, what is the current in A4?

- current in A4 is: 6A (3A goes to A5 and 3A goes to A6 ) (1 mark)


-In circuit A (series circuit): voltage lost to components add up to equal the voltage gain
(eg, V3 + V2 = V1).
(1 mark)

- In Circuit B (Parallel circuit): voltage lost to components is the same as the voltage

(eg, V2 = V1 = Vo) (1 mark)



(i) The magnetic field lines are circles (1 mark)


an ‘X’ should be drawn close to the wire

(1 mark)

(iii) Increases the strength of the field lines (1 mark)




(4 marks)




(i) A group of living things + non-living things they need. These parts of an ecosystem
are linked. For example: In a forest ecosystem (trees –living things) feed when the rain
(non-living thing) falls. This relationship makes trees to grow.
(2 marks)


(i) Tree ecosystem OR Forest ecosystem OR Plant ecosystem OR Flower trees ecosystem

(1 mark)

(ii) Pollination = fertilization = fruits and seeds = seed germination = new plants in the
ecosystem = ecosystem growth
(1 mark)



(2 marks)

(ii) Green Grasses (1 mark)

(iii) Man / Human being (1 mark)

(iv) Photosynthesis process (1 mark)


 Soil erosion process washes away the top soil layer.
 In this particular layer of the soil both macro and micro organisms live.
 These organisms help the soil to become rich and make plants to grow.

 Micro-organisms help in the breakdown of rotting organic matter.
 The soil is the habitat of these organisms carrying-out important processes for the
benefit of the soil and other living organisms.
 So when this soil layer is washed away soil organisms and other living things are
(2 marks)



 traditional food (chiefs)

 source of food (protein) both meat and egg
 source of income
 hard shell can be made into rings, comb and other artefacts (2 marks)

 frequent fishing
 technology (increased trips)
 high population (1 mark)

 understand life cycles of species
 reduce fishing trips
 laws/policies/regulations (2 marks)


Increased human population will result in the following:

Risk 1: Increased resource use /lost of species

Risk 2: Shortage of resources / conflicts

Risk 3: Poverty /hunger

(3 marks)


(i) - reduce population growth rate OR,

- harvest resources at a sustainable level, OR,

- draw up policies/legislations to protect the environment, OR, (1 mark)



(i) Minimum age-range: 10-11 (1 mark)

(ii) Both at the same height range (135cm – 145cm) (1 mark)

(iii) Age range: 11 – 14 years old (1 mark)

(iv) ‘Boys are taller than girls.’ Assess whether this statement is true, false or a bit of
both. Explain your reasons

Assessment of statement: True

(1 mark)
Justification of assessment: After the age of 14 years old the height of boys takes over
that of girls. This increase in height continues on at the teenage age, while the height of
girls remain constant at the teenage age.
(1 mark)


Changes in male: growth of facial hair, pubic hairs around the reproductive organ area,
low pitched voice, pubic hairs under arm
(ANY TWO ANSWERS) (2 marks)

Changes in female: growth of pubic hairs around the reproductive organ area, high
pitched voice, pubic hairs under arm, enlargement of breast, waist region broad.

(ANY TWO ANSWERS) (2 marks)


Cell: the basic unit of living things / building blocks of living things (1 mark)

Nucleus: the control centre of the cell (1 mark)

Sexual reproduction: the reproduction type that involves 2 parents (male parent
supplying sperm cell and female parent supplying ovum cell). The sperm fertilizes the
ovum producing a zygote that will develop into an embryo that will continue to develop
into a fully grow baby.
(1 mark)

Asexual reproduction: the reproduction type that involves only one parent. A new
offspring can be produced from the bud / sucker / branch, etc. No fertilization or fusion
process occurs as only 1 parent is involved.
(1 mark)

Meiosis: the cell division in which a mother cell with (2N) chromosomes divides into 4
daughter cells of (N) each. Each daughter cell has half the number of chromosome in the
mother cell. For eg, the sperm cell and ovum has half the no. of chromosomes. During
fertilization the zygote has (2N) number of chromosomes. Sex cells reproduce
(1 mark)

Mitosis: the cell division in which the mother cell with (2N) chromosomes divides into 2
daughter cells. Each has the same no.of chromosome as the mother cell, of (2N). Non-sex
cells are responsible for growth, repair and maintenance of damage body organs and
tissues reproduce mitotically.
(1 mark)

Variation: different colour, height, size (or many) - not just one colour or size
(1 mark)



Local Food Type 1: Carbohydrate - kumara

Local Food Type 2: Fruits - pawpaw, cucumber

Local Food Type 3: Vegetables - cabbage

Local Food Type 4: Protein – fish (4 marks)





Stomach: - storage chamber, OR,

- food is mixed with gastric juice (water, HCl acid, enzymes) to produce
CHYME soupy mixture.
(1 mark)

Liver: - produces bile (green liquid) which is alkaline. Enzymes in the duodenum
function best in alkaline condition. These enzymes break fats into tiny droplets,
- storage organ (fats, amino acids, glycogen), OR,
- neutralizes poisons, OR,
- makes enzymes (1 mark)

(B) You have conducted experiments to test whether the food material contains sugar or
fat or protein.

(i) Name of solution ‘X’: Iodine (1 mark)

(ii) Colour changes: From Orange / Yellow to Blue Black (1 mark)

(iii) Energy food: potato, OR, cassava, OR, yam, OR, pana, OR, breadfruit, etc (1 mark)

(C) Chemical reactions in the body occur at different rates due to many factors. Some
chemical reactions require enzymes to be present.

(i) Enzymes are protein chemicals and are biological catalysts (1 mark)

(ii) They increase or speed up the rate of a reaction. They do not use up in the reaction.

(1 mark)

(iii) Salivary amylase (1 mark)

(iv) Glucose (1 mark)




Way 1: one sex partner

Way 2: wear contraceptives (condoms)

Way 3: frequent medical tests (3 marks)


(i) Hypertension means high blood pressure. Stress and blockage of arteries may cause
high blood pressure. When there is a blockage in the arteries blood and oxygen do not
flow to or from the heart.
(2 marks)


(i) diet high in fat, OR, abuse of alcohol and drug, OR, smoking (1 mark)


(i) gives support for body to be upright, OR, gives shape to the body, OR,

gives protection to the internal body organs (1 mark)

(ii) Endo-skeleton organism: humans, OR, fish, OR, dog, etc. (1 mark)

Exo-skeleton organism: crab, OR, prawns, OR, crayfish, etc. (1 mark)



(i) contain many light-sensitive cells that transmit messages to the brain (1 mark)


(i) hammer, OR, anvil, OR, stirrup (1 mark)



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