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Centre Candidate

Number Number





PLUS 10 Minutes reading time


A 30 Multiple Choice questions 30

B 15 Short Answer Questions 105
C 2 long Answers 40


1. Do not open this Booklet until told to do so.

2. Write your Examination Number at the top right of this page.
3. Answer all questions and do the working in the space provided.



Each question is worth 1 mark. Circle the letter, which corresponds

to the BEST answer.

1. A family which consists of a father, mother, their children, nieces,

father-in-law and aunties is an example of _______________________.

A an extended family
B. a nuclear family
C. a blended family
D. a single family.

2. A woman or man is living in a stressful family situation, who is

the best person she or he should go to for help?

A. Husband
B. An auntie
C. Wife
D. A trusted friend.

3. When parents teach their children about their roles within a

society, they are performing their

A. biological function
B. social function
C. emotional function
D. moral function.

4. A goal in the expanding stage of the family cycle in George’s family

would be:

A. save some money for future education

B. move to a smaller house
C. choose site for gardening
D. accommodate other extended family members.

5. A balanced meal is a meal that includes:

A. all the essential amino acids

B. foods from the three food groups
C. all the vitamins and minerals
D. carbohydrates and protein foods.

6. This group of food items is rich in protein

A. egg, fish and meat

B. cassava, bread and butter
C. mango, peanut and pawpaw
D. guava, cucumber and tomato.

7. A person who requires a high proportion of protein intake in his or

her diet is the

A. adolescent
B. infant
C. adult
D. elderly.

8. The most suitable meal for a child with kwashiorkor would be

A. potato, cooking banana and fish

B. cassava, taro and slippery cabbage
C. potato, fish and slippery cabbage
D. potato, beans and English cabbage.

9. Nancy is developing a nutritional disorder called diabetes. Which of
the lists below contain all the symptoms that prove Nancy is
developing diabetes? Study the list and choose the appropriate one.

• Sudden loss of • Feels weak • Feels strong
weight • Likes to eat and • Likes to eat and
• Feels drowsy at drink very often drink very often
• Want to vomit

A. A and C
B. A and B
C. B and C
D. None of the above.

10. Obesity is one of the lifestyle diseases that is increasing in our

society or country. What is the main cause of obesity?

A. Eating more than what the body can use

B. Eating ‘junk’ food like sweets
C. Getting too much exercise
D. Eating less than the body can use up.

11. With the alarming increase in prices of imported and locally
produced food. It will have serious impact on the health status of
people in the Solomon Islands especially those who are not earning
enough to support their families. Study the menu below carefully
and identify 4 possible nutritional effects resulting from living on
such menu for a long time.

Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Monday Tea – sugar, tea leaf Rice, Taiyo & Noodles Taiyo
Bread Kumara
Tuesday Tea Kumara, Fish Rice, Taiyo
Rice bananas Noodles
Wednesday Tea – sugar, tea leaf Rice, Taiyo, fern Taiyo
Bread Noodles Kumara
Thursday Tea Taiyo Kumara, Fish
Rice Kumara bananas
Friday Tea – sugar, tea leaf Rice, Taiyo Rice, Taiyo
Bread Slippery cabbage Slippery cabbage
Noodles Noodles
Saturday Tea – sugar, tea leaf Kumara, Fish Rice, Taiyo, fern
Bread bananas Noodles
Sunday Tea Rice, Taiyo Rice, Taiyo
Rice Noodles Noodles

A. Diabetes, cancer, obesity and breast cancer

B. Tooth decay, diabetes, tooth ach and cancer
C. constipation, diabetes, caner of the colon, and obesity
D. All of the above.

12. How can you improve the menu to make it more nutritious and

A. Include more veggies or fruits in all the meals

B. Include more protein and carbohydrates in all the meals
C. Include more fats in the meals
D. Include more carbohydrates in the meals.


Parts of the fabric illustrated are

(I) ( II ) ( III) ( IV)

A Selvedge Warp threads Bias Weft threads
B Warp threads Bias Weft threads Selvedge
C Weft threads Selvedge Bias Warp threads
D Selvedge Weft threads Warp threads Bias

14. Which fabric finish is applied to fabric to produce white fabrics?

A. Mercerization
B. Bleaching
C. Sanforization
D. Shower proofing.

15. Serah drew a design on a plain fabric and applied it to her check
table cloth with satin stitches. What creative finish has she

A. Embroidery
B. Appliqué
C. Patch
D. Dyeing.

16. How is the hip measurement taken on a person?

A. Across the fullest part of the bust

B. Comfortably around the waist line
C. At the widest part of the hip
D. Straight across the back.

17. Which statement describes the sewing machine when it is ready for
straight sewing?

A. The take up lever will be at its highest point

B. The upper thread will be set on “2.5”
C. The stitch length dial will be set on “0”
D. The stitch width dial will be set at the centre.

18. Why are plain seams used when constructing garments?

A. To decorate pieces of fabric

B. To gather pieces of fabric
C. To join pieces of fabric
D. To hem pieces of fabric.

19 Why are casings done on the waist of shorts and skirts?

A. So that zips can be inserted

B. So that thread can be passed through
C. So that elastic can be pass through
D. So that buttons can be sewn on.

20. A fibre characteristic which refer to how the fibre feels and looks
(whether it is rough, smooth or shinny).

A. lustre
B. strength
C. Elasticity
D. Texture.

21. Smoking is probably the single largest preventable cause of

premature deaths and disabilities worldwide. Yet, despite the
overwhelming body of evidence linking to over 40 diseases, tobacco
consumption continued to increase in the Western Pacific.
Smoking among women in Solomon Islands is as high as 23%.
This is caused by

A. tobacco being an addictive

B. smoking is a traditional drug and part of Pacific cultures
C. smoking is very cheap
D. smoking is harmless to most people.

22. The vaccine BCG is given to babies at birth to protect them from
the disease

A. tetanus
B. poliomyelitis
C. tuberculosis
D. measles.

23. Hepatitis B is a virus infection that harms the liver and is common
in the Solomon Islands. Which of the following is the best advice
you would give to a person suffering from Hepatitis infection?

A. See a nurse and be injected with an anti – biotic.

B. Rest at home and drink lots of fluid, especially fruit juice.
C. Drink alcohol and eat greasy food.
D. Eat fish and chips and drink lots of fizzy drinks.

24. The best way to prevent the spread of the disease bilharsia is to

A. use proper toilet when urinating

B. dispose all rubbish in proper place
C. avoid eating with dirty hands
D. avoid drinking contaminated water.

25. Malaria which destroy red blood cells can also cause

A. anaemia
B. asthma
C. diarrhoea
D. tuberculosis.

26. An important factor to consider when planning to build a house, to

ensure the safety of family members, is to build a house where

A. it is near a reliable water supply

B. there is easy access to land and water transport
C. the land is rocky and hard
D. it is free from natural disasters.

27. The area of land upon which a house is to be built is called the

A. location
B. land area
C. site
D. house profile.

28. A worth of something to you and how you regard things to be good
or bad is referred to you as your

A. goals
B. values
C. standards
D. qualities.

29. A wise consumer

A. buys on impulse
B. buys expensive items
C. buys goods from the same shop all the time
D. compares prices in different shops before buying.

30. Rosa is a sixth form student at KGVI School. One of her long term
goals is likely to be to

A. Obtain an University degree

B. Pass the Form six Examinations
C. Take a short trip to Malaita this year
D. Attend her auntie’s wedding.



This Section is worth 40% of the total marks for this paper. Write
your answer in the spaces provided after each question.

31. Over the last decade there have been many changes taking place in
the Solomon Islands. Increase or rise in Social Health Problems is
one of the most significant changes. Read the true story by the
Christian Care Centre of Church of Melanesia on a certain logging
industry who abuse children for sexual pleasure in exchange of
money or goods carefully and answer questions.

Story from a house keeper working in a camp

This year I have started to notice that all the boys started to come to the
logging camp for arranging girls for the people who own the logging
company. They (the boys) arrange a girl from the village then come and
tell all the Malaysian people to come and meet the girls. So then the
people (Malaysians) give money to the boys who are the messengers for
them and after wards the girls will have sex with the men. They also
give the girls money. The girls are between 11 and 18. There are many

i). Identify Social Health Problem result from such story as in the
above. (1 mark)


ii). Definition of Social Health Problem: (2 marks)



iii). List two contributing factors why the boys are arranging girls for
Malaysian man or loggers & why the girls are responding
positively? ( 2 marks)

a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

iv). State 2 things you would do to stop the boys from arranging girls
for loggers. (2 marks)

a. _________________________________________________________________.

b. _______________________________________________________________

v). State the 2 steps the villagers should take to stop loggers from
abusing children at the logging sites. (2 marks)

a). _________________________________________________________________

b). _________________________________________________________________

vi). What is the main or key message in the story? (1 mark)




i) List two observations about the nutritive value of the drinking

coconut as compared to that of soft drink as shown by the graphs
above? (2 marks)


ii) If an adult woman was to drink two times the number of cups of
soft drinks, would that give her the same nutrients as she is
getting from drinking coconut? Explain. (2 marks)


iii ) The cost of a can drink ranges from $5.00 - $7.00 as compared to
that of drinking coconut (green coconut) which ranges from $2.00 -
$3.00. Which drink would you advice mothers to buy and why?

( 2 marks)


iii) What age group has children who are severely underweight?
( 2 marks)

iv) Describe two effects of malnutrition on young children

a. _________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________

( 2 marks)

34. A. Briefly describe the process protein foods go through as it

goes through these parts of the digestive system

i. Mouth

ii. Stomach.__________________________________________________

iii. Small intestine.


B. Explain what happens to carbohydrate foods in the large intestine

during digestion

i. Carbohydrate.

35. The body shape determines the style of clothes one look best in.
One way of creating this look is the application of the elements
and principles of design when designing garments for specific
figure types.

(a) Explain the meaning of elements of design and principles of design

__________________ (2marks)

( i ) State 2 examples of the elements of design


( ii ) Illustrate one of the elements of design on the piece of fabric below

(2 marks)

(iii ) State 2 examples of principles of design


( iv ) Illustrate one of the principles of design on the piece of fabric below

(2 marks)

b. Fill in the blank spaces in the table below with an appropriate

element of design that suits each of the figure types.

Examples are given in the filled spaces

Figure type Line Colour Skirt style Fabric print
Overweight vertical Not flared

Slim Large
contrasting check/prints
Tall horizontal Large
Short one Not flared



36. Study the dress style shown in the diagram below carefully and
label (a – e) with the correct names of the patterns of the dress and
also answer the questions that follow.






Front view Back view

i. Show on the given diagram of fabric below how you would lay the
dress pattern pieces. Draw and Label pattern pieces correctly.


(16 Marks)


37. Define the following terms:

i. Sanitation

ii. Immunization

iii. “Not Too Early, Not To Late, Not Too Many, Not Too Close. This
is the catch cry of the Solomon Islands Family Planning
Campaign. Explain how the phrase above affects infant, child
and maternal deaths in Solomon Islands.

38. List and explain two things in which the Government of Solomon
Islands would take to improve its initiatives for controlling smoking.



39. Describe three things you must do to prevent malaria.


40. It is very important to take care of our teeth. To prevent tooth
decay one must consider carrying out three important points.





41. Describe four functions of the home.


42. Explain two reasons why it is important to keep the home clean.

43. State two advantages in using traditional cleaning agents over
introduced cleaning agents.


44. Lilly and Mark have bought a piece of land in Makira. They decided
to build a house for their family. List four factors they need to
consider when planning to build the house and explain why they
need to consider each of these factors.






45. This is a true story of Jacqueline Saburido who suffers the
consequences of drink driving. Study the pictures carefully and
then answer the questions that follow.

The Destiny of Someone due to the other who Drinks and Drives.....

This is she and her Father, 1998. Birthday party as a child.

At a party with friends.

The car in which Jacqueline travelled. After the accident Jacqueline has needed over 40operations
She was hit by another car that was driven Jacqueline was caught in the burning car and her body was
by a 17-year old male student on his way heavily burnt during around 45 seconds.
home after a couple of hard packs with his friends.
This was in December 1999.

Three months after accident Not everyone who gets hit with a car dies. This picture was
taken 4 years after the accident and the doctors are still
working on Jacqueline, who s body was covered with 60%
severe burnings

Now 20 year old, he cannot forgive himself for driving drunk on that night three years ago.
He is aware of devastating Jacqueline Saburido’s life.

( i ) Who becomes the victim of the other who drinks and drives in this


( ii ) Describe the victims life with her family and life with her friends
before the accident.

__________________ (2 marks)

( iii ) Describe the person who drove the car that hit victim and discuss if
this is true in our society.

________________________. (2marks)

( iv ) What happened to the victim when she was hit by the car?


( v ) List 2 very important things that you learn and would apply in your
family to avoid such accidents?


(vi) How do you feel about the story?



This section is worth 20% of the total marks for this paper. All two
questions are compulsory.

46. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) is a term that describes

infections related to sexual contact.

About 700 young people between the ages of 10 – 24 get infected

with HIV everyday. This is five young people per minute.

In Africa, about 1.7 million young people get infected with HIV
every year while the Pacific and Asia are closely to 700,000 young
people get infected with HIV every year.

Number of AIDS and HIV Cases in Pacific Island Countries,

Territories is shown in the table below.

Countries ASAT HIV including AIDS

America Samoa 15/02/99 0 0
Cook Island 15/02/99 0 0
Federated States of Micronesia 01/04/99 2 2
Fiji 31/08/99 43 8
France Polynesia 31/10/98 181 51
Guam 15/02/99 108 49
Kiribati 27/05/99 28 4
Marshall Island 27/02/99 99 2
Niue 27/02/99 0 0
North Mariane 30/01/99 15 8
Palau 15/02/99 1 1
Papua New Guinea 15/04/98 1741 618
Pitcairn 19/03/98 0 0
Samoa 13/05/99 9 6
Solomon Islands 10/07/97 1 0
Tokelau 15/02/99 0 0
Tonga 28/05/99 11 8
Tuvalu 08/10/97 0 1
Vanuatu 15/02/97 0 0
Wallis and Futuna 17/08/98 2 1
Nauru 20/0/97 1 0
New Caledonia 30/04/99 185 67

Write one or two paragraphs on the following statements below:

a. HIV AIDS is one of the STIs. Explain the meanings of HIV AIDS
b. Discuss four ways HIVAIDS can spread
c. Discuss four symptoms of HIV AIDS
d. Suggest five practical ways in which the of HIV AIDS could be
e. What is your personal opinion ( 2 ) on how to prevent yourself from
killer, HIV AIDS?



. (20marks)


47. Diet related diseases are increasing in the Solomon Islands
and Obesity is one such disease. People need to be made
aware of the right kinds of food that they should eat to prevent
or control this diet related disease.

a. Explain three causes of obesity.

b. Describe three signs of obesity.
c. Discuss three preventative measures for obesity
d. Draw up a meal ( for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), for three
days, for someone who is obese
e. Explain why the foods you have chosen above are suitable
for an obesity person.



Fill in the table below for question 2 part (d)


Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3






A 30

B 105

C 40


Marker’s Initial


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