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Chapter 2 Simple Strain 2-4 INTRODUCTION ‘Our main concern in the preceding chapter was the strength ofa materi hat is ihe relations among lad area, and srs, Wo now ensier the other mjor Fe of srengh of materiale changes in shape, tas, deformations hat ‘accompany loading. Although we Lit ourtves hereto aly loaded bars ‘he picipls and methods developed apy equally wel othe more complex ase of tising or tending. In partial, esa lear how to apply the po- ‘metic elatios between clastic deformations ta, in combination With the con ‘itoos of equilibrium and the relations Between Toads and deformations, wil ‘enable us solve statically indeterminate problems 2-2 STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAM ‘The strength of 4 material isnot the only tteron that mt be consisred in signing seuctures. The sifes of a material sequently of qual importance Tos leser degree, mechanical properties sich as hates, ouphnes, nd duc ‘ly determine the selection of eater. These properis are determined by ‘making tents onthe materials apd compating the fests with established tan dards Athough a complet description of ths tei the province of materials testing and hence wil ot be given hereon ofthe tests (the tension testo ste tn sels wil be considered besuse tel o develop several important asic concept na tension tes a specimen is ripped between the jaws of esting ma- chine. Valves othe oad and the elongation ia. a specie length, alle the gage Tone are observed simultaneously. These data are then ploted on graph with the diate representing the lad and the aber representing the longation. igus 21 represets such a gap for sueturlsel Notice that we oid not pot td asst extension: rather, whit oad or strest was ploted apne ‘ont clongatontehicaly Known a an. Only by recingaberved vale {o aun bass can the propertics of one specimen be compared with those of father specimens. The diagram in Fig. 21 ical @sestrain diagram, the fume Being taken fom the coeds 22 omessgrtan oan o fanenf ewe 21. Sinaia dagam, ‘To obtain the uit deformation or sin, we divide the elongation & bythe Jeogh Lin which was messed thereby obtaining ot en The sain so computed, however, measures only the sverige valve of sn The core expresion for seins any postions “ 4 eta) where di the dire elongation ofthe dient length a. Thus Ea (2a) determines the average sri in eng 0 sal that the sain mst He Sonstant ovr that length: However, under cern conditions the stra my be ‘sumed const nd ale computed fom F(T conn ae 1. The specimen must be of constant rst seton. 2. The material must be horbogeneous 23. The lood must be axial hati produce uniform ses. nay, ot that since strain represen a change length vied bythe origi length, rain ia dimensionless quantity. However, is common 1 wo ois ‘of meters per meter (mm) or inches per nch nin) when referring rin, Imnengneting wor, trains ofthe order o 0% 10 are equeily encountered 2 AER Proportional Limit From the crgin © 1a pont called the proportional limi, Fig, 2-1 shows the “sireseatrin diagram to be straight ine. From this we doe the wal nown ‘ation, frst pstlsted by Rober Hooke in 1678, tat tes is proportional to sain, Notice carefully that this proportionality does not extend thoughout the diagram: tends a the proportional iit Beyond tis pot, theses 00 Jonge: proportional te the sain. The proportional iit imporaat beatae allsubsaquent theory Iavolving the Behavior olatic bois ised on see Sain proportionality.’ This assumption plas an upper limit onthe wsble siesta materi may cary. Tis ilo ou fest indcaton that he proportional Timi, and no the ultimate steagth, i the maximum ses to which a materi may be subjected. We shal return to this observation ler when we dacs \orkng ses andthe ator of say ‘Other conceps developed fom the Hrew-srain curse ae the flowing: (1) The elas imtis the sess beyond which te material wll ot tur ot ‘original shape when unleaded but wl tain 8 permanent deformation called ‘permanent se (2) The veld pois the pont at which thee an appreciate ‘longation or yielding of he mateal without any conesponding terse of oad indod, the load may actualy detese while the ling ecu. However, the phenomenon of yielding i peculiar o structural set other grades of steel and sel alloys or oter materials donot poses it ass indeed by the type Siresstran cures ofthese material shown a Fg 22. Thesecurves cde, a pial fora fist loading of materi that ona apreiale reds trees Figre 22 Compare sien dap iret mater + Roe Hoke mou Ue ish hemi fc” ae a ln ‘ato is pry Te ra an rama aia acy ac ih es eg Eo smn mee pn ove a te vk AS ule "28 ylmetiemtiy ff Henin Rh 280th rp nasa ditt ove saler ven I'he ruptre aes measured afer failure oecars anid deed ae Mor load, the es ia er vale ofthe acta ale sen Alek widrably higher than the ulna gt, the uinate sucocn ae "akea asthe maimium srs ofthe mata. I — 7} awe 24 Necking or aromas of wel pce fire o arr STRAIN ‘Working Stross and Factor of Satety “The working stress alo called thé allowable stress tbe maxima sae stress ‘material may cary Indesign the working ses hose ited 0 values fot exceeding the proportional Ginit so a aot to invalidate the steesirain ‘elton of Hooke’ law on which al ebseuent theory is bused. However, since ‘hc ropotiona iit i ificalt o determine accra, itiscastomary to base ‘he working reso elthe he yield point or the lima stengih vided by ‘rable number Nal the fcr of fey an “The sil pont is wleted tthe basis for determining vin structural ste! tect theses at whic a probihitvel lage permanent et may ors. Forcther mater the working ss is usual based onthe ulimate strength Many factors mus be considered in slectng the working sre. This e- tection should abe ade by the nove a wl come rpparent in moment ‘sual the workag sess set by a rou of experienced engines and embodied inthe various building codes and speciation. A short dsusion of the ators ‘overing the selection of a woekng ses starts withthe observation that in ‘many mtr the proportional Kit i about one-half the ulimate strength. ‘To avoid accidental overloading, working sess of oneal the proportional limits wally specified for ead fads that are gradually applied. The term dead leads general ees tothe weight ofthe structure or to fads that, once applied fate not moved, A working srs set this way coresponds fo a factor of {afetyof4 and recommended for mates that are kaowa tobe quite niform Sind homopeneous, Fr ster enteral, ie wood a which unprediable non- Uniforms (euch tKnotholes) may ocurlnrper factor f safety ae desirable, The dynamic eect of suddenly applied lads also requires higher factors of safe. Asal factors oat are not dee) specifid rater, working sreses root or diferent materials under diferent condtons of use, and these street sa sed by the designee, 2:3. HOOKE’S LAW: AXIAL AND SHEARING DEFORMATIONS. {Let us seturn now to & consideration ofthe staightsine portion ofthe sess stain diagram in Fig. 21, The slope ofthat ine he rato of sues to stan, Tes called the modi of lately and is denoted by E: Hope ofsvesesrain cane = £= ¢ which sway writen i he form eck ex 23 HOOKE'S LAW: AXIAL AND SHEARING DEFORMATIONS | 8 ‘In thifrm it iknow as Hook's aw. Originally Hooke’ aw pci merely ‘hat ses was proportional oss, bat Thomas Young in 1807 intouced & ‘constant of proportionality tat came tobe known as Younes modulus. Eve ‘ually this ame was supersded by the phate madd felsic From Hook's nv, Ea (23) it can be sea thatthe unt or modus of latity Fare ideatia othe unt for stress rec hat stn «pa dimen Sionless quantity. As an sation the modalus of elatity for se! in Ss ‘sppconimatly 200% 10" Nj (200 x 10° Pa) Using the SI prefs G (ead at “Bigs” to denote multiples of 10% we can expres this a 200 GN (200 GPa. 1BUS. Customary Unis the moult ay for sel appro 29 X10" ps ‘Rconvenientvrton of Hoke aw i baie by reacing by squint? ad teal «y/o at Bs (29) somes Mae ma q aE Be Equation (2-4) erpreses the relation among th tal deformation 8, the spied lod Pte length the crosssectlonal aes 4, andthe modus of ‘Shtety E The unit of deformation hs the sme wit length [since the ‘nits of «and E, being equivalent, cancel out ofthe equation, Note tht (2-4) issubjct tal the restrictions previously dacs in connestion withthe ‘equation it combines. Fer convenience, let us restate tes estctions 1, The oad mst be ai 2 The tar must hve a constant cross section and be homogeneous. ‘3. The sires ust ot exceed the proportional lini Shearing forces case a shearing deformation, jus as axial foros cause longatons, but with an mnpornt difrnce. A clement set fo tension undergoes an increase in len; an element subject to shear does not change the length of ts sides, bu it undergoes a change in shape fom a rectangle 0 parallelogram, as shown in Fig. 23 “The action may be visualized for the present a: equivalent to the iain ‘ecm dingo infinitely thin ayers past each othe, therby resting inthe Rey Figae 5. Shear eoemation 26 2yomre sTmAN ‘otal shearing deformation nthe length Z. The actual action is more complex ‘than that pictured end wil be dicased more flyin Art 9-10 ‘The average shearing suai is ound by dividing by Zn Fg. 2, this defines tn y= 4/L However, ce the angle ys usally very small ta y= "yand we obi & ro) More press, the shearing rin ered athe angular change between 10 perpendicular nce of diferent clement, The relation between searing Sess and searing rain, esuming Hooke's law to apply to shear, is 126 co in which G represents the modus of last in shear, more commonly called the modus ef rigid: The ration betwen the shearing deformation and pple shearing frosts then expresed By “ ak an in which 7s the shearing force acting over the shearing area 4, Note the Similarity fis result with a, (2-4, ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 291, Compute theta elongation ened by a axial and of 00 EN api tat ur 20 meh aera oy a a 20st Drm nth O10 Shou a Fi 26 Asse F = 200 GPa Sidon: Since he romsetonl arent cot, a, (2-4) doesnot poy ley Hover may be ud on he shngton a illest len or ‘sich the erst area onstant. Then he ol longuon ke mf ‘hn innit oagaions. ‘tse nn th wit (mm) a ance (rm he ft nd is found om geometry to be 3220 @—20 7 oe y=e+ 290m Awvormarve roste ate cn 4°20) = (409 ant salient ras ie gh x nti ma ed fom Deal rca ttetecan 000 de i+ 3 ‘om wih te tol oneton 4-010 [att cs” Tenor suite esatem a 2 Daan det Nmap a? 01 ten FA ald iak welt Cf aSi8 9 Wp cmp te aot soon re eserta teat ays Secutirmarsneacecetms [o-2E] ae TEE ~ 20108 eghning top a t= Fae» O00 sonening To tose te eit of ths elormaons onthe movement of, nage fom a bar Aad BC domed nro orn at otha ty adr oe etd teat creer) ing 2-7 To ene bart as Aand 0 weet 8" Hower he rs greta in he rottion ae sl Uhaihey may beeen by ght kes dove epee AB ‘BC reper hoe les teeing at By determin he ee fad Poston of The deforms by nd re en og wae Fe 2%, (Sotch tee movereat of Be esr BE or & eed own. Fie 28 From Fie 24 it seviet ht he orton componet 08 B= f= 00044 Rphvand Ane ower, yal loth spac sum ofthe horizontal components gan be unkaon egh30 sacl hexsos ts oni omar ~Q)=0010% = “Thi wae of ld edt tai 8, which hes = 0010x2) + 0021009) = 0023058 downed Ara tt etn ie 275, we sy Dw compute made he ge trough whch tread BC rote, We oan 208 041 eaten = 0.0806 de ons = 000192 rian = 0,101 eg “Ths rion ns sl ht tijuana at he ietone gang snd ith he cial decns Yrs A a BC. 281 rig ta er ot ds et One ‘sel rod, The gage length was $0.0 mam. a {esto eeeeeninn) Lesion ero «0 Sow 0 2 oo tm Ss i Sh foe fa i S30 Soe Gam 20 2 aie S100 Pte ot tess in dag and ees he bowing mst roperice| (© proprtonl lin (6) models ofa) el pal aime ret td (rape sen. 204. Te flowing ta ere bined daring a oon et fu minum aby. Toe In amet ofthe spernen na 0508 ad the pg nwa 2 iam) rowenta) Bown ae tam aw See ie at Sa Nani ot "ot the sumtin dgram and deucmine the fotowng mechan prope: ropertna imi (modules of day) put) Ya wah of (ultimate sag nd ape seg, WS. elon bar feng consent se ps upended ‘ely fom oot ea Show hat Hal oan 88 = ope ak I of he ba sow i that =a 106. A ero vig rests ae of 300 mand th of 150 mi ‘ented verte fom one end suppers tena of 208 he oe hc If the unit mas of ss 780 hye and E = 200 X 1) MNP, tal longton othe od. (in Use he eso ren 205) raed 7 Asa wre 90 fog banging verily, sppons ad $01. Neti te Seto te wire determi the ried seer ese at een 2D (ile the oa donations nto exceed 020s Aste hat E = 29 % 1 0 rene sane 208 sel tir 10 thik 50 ma ide, ano 1000 mm nse iam, ead {nd shrank ono tte whet 1500 mm nse. the ecco sae ions 0.0, wat oases rue ois he eae athe whee Nei the dlarmaton othe whe Uw = 200 OPE ane T= 7808N-m 209, an aluminum ba having «cosanctiona aro in’ carte ei! ode {tod at tbe pons shown i Fi 7.209, Compute the al chaage a ength fhe bari = 10% 1" pa Assume the Bar slay based fo prevent ate nS face a, a Page P08 aa a0 20, Soe Prob, 209 ite poi of ppstion of he GOD al the 003 forces enchant ‘bron bari itned betveen sa bara an shmout ras shown Fi 211 Axial las espa the potions nde. Fd te Irs vale St ‘har wl ot xc an vera orion 30s, oe llowig Seas ‘OMe inteste, 120 Prin he rotas aod 80MPr inthe umn Aor ‘ha tease tai bad wo prevent bacting Ue Ba = 200 GPa y= TOPs, and Be = 8 GPa ae Figure P11 212 The ig bar ABC shown nF. 212i hind aad spp bya set od 51. Determine te get od tht an be appl t Cite sea ia he ed ‘os ited to 30 It andthe Yer ovement ood © mat wot eee in Prom, “ 1A, The gitar 40 atch two vel det shown nF B23, biota ele heen Ps ple. Demi era sonnet of Pfs apne x Pe Boa SS ewer , 214, Te igi tu AB and CD sow nF P.24 suport ty le at A and © ‘te to ods trie emis fe P ta can beep ae owe is ead movement is ined a 3mm Neg ewes ofl mcaene Mint Po TOKN Mipee Pte ° 1S A wae conc sib of al weight it be ached, a shown ia Fig. 7.215, 0 od whose lower end ae onthe sane ee Determine he eS he rao ee oa a fl ere A Aaa = 3.87 pag Ett «2 apnea 216, As shown f Fi P26, wo samiou rade AB and BC Nag oid ape, tre pine ogra Bio cary vealed P= 600 Wea ol as ‘endonal wea of06 In and = 10% 1p compute the ogaon of acho {edhe boraowal and verte dinlcemena pint 8 Aasame «= MP ad = so dns, hy 00021 8:4, 00168 Page P2162 9.27 217, Seve 216 ie 4B sof set wih B= 29% 1" Ase a= 49" and (= 30 a ther ein unctaned ans b= 01624 = ONS A 208, Kunio dene rdfieng and crosanoa! we ison threat Pit abot versal ar hough ne cathe at a fh ody et Teron a conant anguier secty oa rai stow ate ol doa Sth dpa 219, Around tar of ag. wtich tapes unify fom a dame toe end 0 2 les dame the be, suspended verte om he ge wit ‘height per nt volume, dhe donation othe ro eat owe weg ‘eth sso deerme the clgae coe sped fom is ba wD ed) woe ae 8 aio a) 3am 2-4 POISSON'S RATIO: BIAXIAL AND TRIAXIAL, DEFORMATIONS Anoter type felastc deformation is the change in taneverse dimensions ac- ‘ommnying sx tension or compreson. Expedments show tat ia bar Tengthened by axial tension, there ia redscton inthe tansvese dimeasons. ‘Siméon D. Poison showed in 811 that the rato of th unit deformations oF ‘tain in these drctio i constant for tess within the proportional iit ‘Accordingly, this eto named afer hin; is denoted by» and detind by o® here the srain due only wo ses inthe x etn, nd and eae the ‘sins induced inthe perpendicular discon. The minus sig nts ‘seas in tannvense dimensions when, & posite, atin the cb of tne onaxtion. Poiso’s aio permits us to extend Hooke’ lof ein ses to the ‘se of banal ses. Thus ifan element is subjected simultaneously to tne streses inthe x and y directions, the sun inthe iretion eto the tne ses os y/6. Simultaneously the tease ares wil rode lea co0- ‘nacton inthe direction of tieamount vey/ 50th estat unt deformation ‘estan inthe dietion wil be 2s) 1 desised, Eas (2-9) and (2-10) cam be vive to express the stein terme of the ssn follows eaten, ‘A further extension ofthis cussion retin the following expresiont fo. sing easel bythe simultaneous action of ail tena seer em 1 Flee Mey + 001 = Het odd on een plenetoal) “ha these equations ae valid for compressive ef alo its only neces to ‘sign postive sins to elongation apd enle sees, and, conver nepatve ‘ns to contractions and compresiv sues [Animporant laos among th consnts E.G and foragiven material is expressed by a which i fl for computing values of» when and have been determine. Comion valves of Poiso's aio ar 0.25030 for sel, approximately 033 for mom other met, and 020 for concrete Tat oe 2 “ rans ream ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 220, Aseecimen any given mailed our ail sen. Deen ‘he theoretical imam value of Pomona, Son: fe nd the tee ettins in E212), we oben 1 ateten Betate o Fora uniorm ai re, we ae c= = = ad oe oa Sine bth abd mst eof te same se, low h(t ~ 2) mt be ‘ote at i-mz0 om wien rsh an 22, 4 slid sominum shat of 2 mm ameter concent in «lows tuk. Comte the minimum internal darter of thes! abe so hat no oat ‘rc ext when the aluminum shaft crit ome load of ENAstimer =| anda = 900s, [eo2) «>to Wa) 4,=679% 10490-0003 mm ‘The rai intel darter of the tbe found by ang thiscarane to the orginal amet of te taming sh, te ng D= +0003 ~ som%03 me ans, PROBLEMS 122. A slid indr of amex d canes a sil loa P, Show hati change in dame Py 223, A rectangle lock sin. ogi te x ro, 2 nog he irtom, ‘sd 4i. longi the iret. The ok tfc i od oa W STATCALLY NOSTERUMATE MEMBERS “ te ifort iste ess flows: kp eon ah x icon, (4 i comoreio ete y deson,and4 Hp ena ne = ceston, 17030 and = 2910 pt, ermine te ig fm debt oa {ex econ tht woud pradesh tie eloraen n he pieton wh inl in| Ans 253 ip enon) 4 Forte Hock aed way tei Pr, 23 fd the ually ‘ut ot tnt mt eae ates den to pre o efoto fa 2S. Acie endl dru made of I ae hs a interlace ‘120 Compute he cane i met at weld te cae yaa Dee 1S MP Aste th Peto’ ao 0,90 and = 200 GPa 296, 420m sel ibe wih wal ik 2005 jt isin pl le Fed he tunel re ifan al compre nd of 3142 bs spp Ae +030 and aes te poy of bucking. 227.4 Sommdong bona tbe, clea en 8 um ie dame an has ‘ral ike of3 wm. Its hot crac in sam blag Wk, The oe then bjoed to a internal prec of 400 MPa Aseg 9 | 0d B= 83 GPx, etemin the angen be Ans 889 Me 120, ong ona bith lend i 3 name wit wal chess ‘£0.10, With oneal pes the be eee i nd wall la nll ga eee nt pe 0 atime» fan B= 12510" pa ye 3000s 2.5 STATICALLY INDETERMINATE MEMBERS. Therese certain combinations fax lode member in whch the equations sate equilram are not sulle fora slution, This condion gst a rvtures where the reactive frees or the internal reiting forces over» crs ‘esion exceed the number of independent equations of equlibiam, Such aes ‘re called sail indeterminate and require the we of sational relations "a depend onthe elastic deformations in the members. The exis ce 0 vasied hat they can best be described by sample problem stating the follwing rocral principles 1, Toa ree-bady diagam of te sructure, or part ot apply the eau tion of sac equim, 2 there re more unknowns than independent equations of quia, bain additional equations fom the geometric relations Between the ‘ue deformations produced ty the lads. "To eine eae enon ‘deary, you wil find i elf to draw a sketch that exagomts the ‘magne ofthe ean deormations ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 2, The tocol po a P29 int iy wh st mein se nin a We pend Pa coe ‘Seamed ach ara Use tenn ml of een or ‘eel, Ey = 200 GPa; for concrete, Ee = 14 GPa. lieeti Soins bows in Fg 2 the appl kad ad he essing ron any ‘rane scion mom a couse tem, From epi, vs hve IZF=O) Pet Pam 1X10 Ps at ropes he od Gabe oh male coir da Senate ite Byer tse at ei sts ieee cnn army ths pg etl aur (2-2, frm whch, y accu the le fe sd once nd ing {Ge modul fy have he ftoving eon tte th eer wun Ee, nn Be Be, ton (0) my be called the governing etn fo tre. Nt tha cation degen oom he cht both mea ey. Te aon Sem ” swvorrarve ous We my now we P= ot Few Ea (Bk A460 % 10°) + 000% 30) ~ 460) x 1) = 1108 6 X10 4 ol 10) = 11 epaig 49 1.e o Ea eoin 140 6% 10°) + ef 109) = LA ce 2128 10m? = 72504Pa An som Ea (8) 1a = Oe MPH dn 200 ne preceding pre, asm he wae ee eo = 120 MPa RAZ hapa Comte the mac fe lad Pat yb led ‘Sion: The unwary sient may sate te alowable sees oy he SEE MA Sect Ths woni encore buen ot conser ‘Secqul delomatns of mater ro (me rding Pl we {iv ta qua deforneots pode be wing govern ein betwen the From th weton we ate ht the concree wee seed 0s iit of {6a te croatia Ses inthe se won be eu (436 = 858 MPL “free el old ot be ree to 120 MPa witha vera ‘hence Tue cul wring sees ey termined te = 6 MPL SSocnS Sane Tes ver wise oqo ea ee {fa ain ake recdng pole oa Pm Pat P= tae + ah (85:8 1106 % 10 +6 1x64 10) 21, cope rod seta low uminuo eer, The copper ed pecs (sae shown fn Fe 210 What masinum loo P may be opi ot Sentg se? Une dt ne ewan a eer re} re woe ‘Setoe: To ina tion tees he ees come the ce deormaioen ‘Sows exept nig 210, We obit te-tetoan (2) =(22) som 1101. ed10> «sons TT” ToS oF fom wich, en = Tou +8500 @ a (a) he veri relton teen the tees Ht evel ht ag ou = "0 000 ps cnr the coppers 2500p Thee appr pve sae he saa ingen by Patt Pa dati hate ‘Sutttng he working steer ut determi, we oan P= 22000) + 46770) = 30018 ans, ‘A sont ba neil mas, ge tn Fila nd sume i it ‘upped bya bona rod 20m og anda tel 10m tne Using the a ‘Sohn: The ody dag ofthe Barn Fig 2116 shows ito be stately {ndteinate thet dpe tat tare on mae Unter than eat ‘fod fom te equation of sa equim, A moma mon a ‘res oe relia betwen th fr te (2My= 0) 06Fe + 6h = 24150 x 10%) « “Another toe been the ot tind om hee dfraiont tte re From te ir ranges ome in ira at thorn ‘ars mum dh, we obtain suustearve pmoets « eee | P41 Aa 6 ooxa)* 1 Goons) = 361% ® from which we on Note hat he ars nea wo be exes insure mer sine te sovenson fo 10 spenson bh es of euro nd thw ce ot Sry, the fctr 10" inthe modu feast no shown In he fig gunn Saving Bad, we obo An 3i9AN rane aTRAN Conpatng he tras, we ave 5x10) MERIT, = 92x 0h = 10910 0 0 Since bot stresses ee hi he prepa! sit be anaes may be soci he nels, ensple fa eceo te fron tte ‘Sane would othe ben vai snd orga wool he oq. Perhaps te Simple ede wold te incase he leigh of ee thus mang i [bored mayte oid hw Unt emery ic mow’ ip pers fen oar Scr cay the most lod, Then fananesl prince in teat of federminte actus dk the pple f ales” PROBLEMS. 2, ster 0 mon are and 2m ony acon by 2 hl of cat $m tack Comput th nd ht wl compres lied taal of ‘inthe kag Forse E> 2 GPa conn = 100 524 ifr cone umn 200 in amc dec ry a Compra edo 00 KN, Beene the eg no wore 3 (telovale sess a6 MPa 20 MPa fre ond raped Ue, = 14GPaand fy = 200GPs 225, A ember column fin 8 nino stint sera a ac aie 4 Gt fini in wie ain thc. etnies ike at eco an a ‘ppor en and Of 300 kp won ensign ner es of "B00 pe mc tees of 28 The me aye 8X1 afore tnd 29% 1p fs ar 235 Ai ck of as Mi appre byte mma pnd ede a sown in Fe F236, Each copper ted hsm aca of 900 my E120 GPs ‘lon set 70 MPL ate rapa 120 was = 300 GF {nd alonable eat 40M. termine he aetna M wih an wma EE ENSIGN Mer Sct San We He oa coe ae | [pom igs 236206 257 In rob, 236 how shld he tf he mo sential coppers be changed ‘tat cach mera il be see os ovale i he oe cade fhe ee Sarin Fig 238 ar at he sae eve oe the ot ae ack whinge ache. Enc sel ta us eth (amare 08 a = 29% 1s Forte rons atthe ae tod 12% 1 pa, Dees he enh fe bone ar 50 tat ead Seach el ar ivi th lon the bone bab (8) gh a oma hw ik be tele ie he roe es Mowers) dae he rig porn ic Fig 239 bas neplgle maseadeson so el Das tech 29000 ng The oer tr una ad 24900 sang Compete ‘teat In th minum Sar afer the xt lond P= 400 KN asc pi. "veah ol ar the rs 150) a ae = 200 Pa For be unm Da ‘be aie 380 mm! and B= 70 Ans 04 = 25 MPa { Mee 209 Ht: 2 siomrs seam -ue, Thee steer ch in. yn son, aft semble ine, Tod Lin damere Gn ioe thoap oles die nthe eas of he an, The tee eatin pence beh 30 ip he tn oe ar at 6 OO4S 8 Sone ete midlet: Fte shen Sos depen he et fins Nes {nel deormao ate Holes é dns. += OHO 1t, Asshown a ig P24, de se wi ch O05 bn? in arate 4 (S57 Mood acs usvome nth ae 24986 709 7500 8.0) ‘sc ens inh ng ne? () Denne ee hari ie iris 500 Ans (a) # = 6130) 0 = 6930 ee ewe PUT pee P20 22, The ase i cee ang alvminun rs ne poton shown br AB ota Siege d= Sm ten hed lM aan te oes nr alum ed when hemes eo DE So ade teh ts roc. 19, Abomponel oof ont cee oon inched ound sports ae od apt anova in re P23 ove hate ain Shen ty R= Pane R= Pal Fee P26 244 A omigecon bar wth x coesrlonl ae of $00 minis atc 0 hd tare car th alas P= 25 Wand Py ~ $04, apd a soy Fear LC Detain te sen emest BC (Hint Us te rea rep heracons cued by Py and acting seal, Th | Fern mnin tcp he ction when beth os ar are) en s Vane eas a i i rem tan Piet aa ase 25, Thecompost an Fig. F248 ml tuced oun apps Campa these ech mel ane by he append? ~ 0 pe Pele meee crore 146, Referng ote compose brn rb, 245, what maximum aval ad P can be {vd ithe lowe ess at Dal or alin snd 1 or ee 147. The eomgoste rod in Fe. 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