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“ Soe summary ‘it einen edn ee ee by on tnt det toting fo oo ‘Remember that Ea, (24) is valid only fr homogeneous materia of constant ross seton, axially loaded to streses below the proportions mit. [Awa lads cause changes in lateral dimensions that are determined by Poisson's ratio, Forcier in which such lateral deformations ae restricted, “Hooke’s law for baka or axial streses must be used. ‘Structures thal are composed of two oF more materials or ae statically indeterminate arsoved by applying the equations of sti equlibium in com- bination with additional equations obtane fom the geometric eltions between the elastic deformations ‘herinal seses ae computed by determining the relations berneen the ‘ermal deformations ‘aula, 049 andthe elastic deformations that are used, in combination with the equations ‘of static equilibrium, to soe the various problems that may be encountered. o Chapter 3 Torsion 3-1 INTRODUCTION AND ASSUMPTIONS 4n this ehaper we consider the derivation and application of the twisting or ‘orson problem only in sonmestion sith cirela salts or closed thin-walled tubes The twisting of noncreulae shafts is so complex that We shal only state Uh formas hat ae used ‘Torsion is our introduction to the problems of variable srs. Although the gener theory ofthese problems is complex. is application consis ith more than subsating piven values inthe formulas soon 10 be derived, and is fay simple “The general technigue used in all cases of nonuniform sires ditbution Is outined in these steps: 1. Determine the relations betwoen tess that are compatible with the 15. The gue, 7 = 10 ipsing apple athe uncon the to sepmest Compute te marina stern sr deseoge in te nes gure 3-4 Stl indeterminate compote sat Soltne_This problem is zal indeterminate i hat we do ot kao! how heaping orgie apprtoned io each segment The procedre we fo I ‘atthe sme a at dace! i Art 2 for staal oder aly lated members. Anping the condins of sac euiibiom sd of eometee cormpatbaliy, se oan fr: [EM=0}TytTy= T= 10K 10 Bein © Ane retin heween TT schism the codon tat ea seynent haste ume oglu deformation, otha y=. Aggie tC} eve [a),-¢ from which Bs Tepes rae) 6) GaDRPSRKID TH ~ eaPaRVa IH Te Hite o Salvng Ea. (a) an (bh, we bin: Te $8801b-in, and Ty = $20 10-6, -Avyng the oso fori, we ind the stesso be a a 18809) 5450 psi Ams o 3, A shat with. conta dates of? ini loadd as shown in Fi. 3-5 by ores ‘pled to pas fstened oi IF = 12 10 pa, compute in eres be rte Ane of es between peas and D. Solution ‘The us of doableheaded vexors to denote tres, a how inthe lover portion ef Fig 3-5, snp: determining the torus tensity ich seqmea ofthe sft Al we sol do spas a secon trough ech cement and ‘ply the condos of equim toa fee body betnea tat eon and one yD The, relative 1D. the torques vans by each serene som. igure 35 Angular deformations. uy * SO BA locks, Tae = 400: counts, and Ten = 620 Yoh elas deforma the din ma of he oro a eit sly epting lst: Sfrmon oi, Ne) SEIEEsthca econ ques sed eng we inch ot and acs ‘ete Dome es 2018219572) _ 402108 1295139 or =F ax DE aeioh Baxi) (on 5 1394 17957.) EP uae Bax 10) Factoring out the conversion ut aad the common value of JO; we can wit tia ore comacty {12K02457.3— soos — 403) + (0098) = 162" Ans toe = aoa HO) “The pov et ndats tha the at oan of A reatve © Dis doc. PROBLEMS sels 32mg hata rf i mb ae a 3 206 eine maxima ings od ago Gaaien dns Max. = 143 a0 = 123" PromLeNS 4 3 285 Wit he nim dm et a i wil a it 22% than 3° in Gm lag en sable oro AN Waa ‘Shinwm sharing sea sdecopec UG = BO fe = 104 m7 = 413 Ma [MS set marin propa hal in. meter a1 an wt tm £200 kp at 169 pm FG 12% 10" po ceermise ie masimam wena se 207, A solid te ha $m ong red BO MP ented ou, Ug = 83 GPs. compute he sat ameter. What power can be tated by the Shas 20H? Ans d= 138.nm: P = 519 MW 308, A 2in-daneter sel haf ots at 240 rp fhe barnes iid 0 "2s deere the minus horsepower ht cn be tated, 309. sec props shafts to transmit 8 MW at 3H witout exceding a srariog ‘es of 50 MPa of twisting tro mote tan I” ina lengh of 2 Samet Compute the proper dameters'G = 83 GPa 2310. Show ta x bollow alr su wow inne iam tl the ote diameter as ational strength equal to of that of» slid sha of te ase oe Sane ‘1, Analuminum sa witha cosa ameter of 50 mms ded by ores applied {0 yas attaced tot as shown in Fig Pll Ung G= 28 GPa, eerie the ‘ete ange ft of par Dele to ea 312, A exible shat consis of 0.2048-lamete ste wi enc in ationay tbe tha ts oe enouph to impos fctona togue of 00 19a in. Determine ‘the maximo length ofthe Shafi he searing suet ott excend 20 45, ‘What wil be the angular deformation of one end eave the oer end? G = 12 10pm dns, L=628in;9= 209° 213, Determine he maximus onus that ca be api how cca ste soa ‘(100m out dameter aod an BOs ins diameter out exceeding dress of 60 MPs or & twist of 0.3 degien, Use G = 83 GPa. ” ayronsion 1514, -Te sel bat shown in Fig: 3 rotates Hz with 35 KW ten of 20 {Eu caved and 35 KW appli at C Using G~ 63 GPa, ad the maxinure Shearing ses aad the angle of rion fps 4 reiive to ra Mins Mas += 42.6 MPa: 8= 601" emal] Pigwe P14 15: A Som sic shaft stating 22H ha TO KW applied at ear hat is 2m fom th Ae mse a0 kW se removed, Ate gt end, 30 KW ae remored #8 ‘Blumer 20 leases the hat 1.3m fom hee nd (a) Find he oir rat Samet ao tat he seating sel ot need 0 MPa (0) worm ‘Ban Gamer o¢ 100 mms speciod, determine he angi shick oe end of he Sha lag teed the other end: Use G = 83 OP ‘Ans d= 6.6 m0 = 0448" se semen abd an aluminum sept sae mine the asim permis 3S MPa and th 2 GPs ad 26. A compound shaft consiting of om yo forges at sown i Fi P36, Dee (tue of sujet to te flwing conditions ra = 3 MP ru = 83 TEE Gt toutlon othe fe end ss to €or sel = $Iaminum, 6 = 28 GPa Renee aime Figs PNG ester ant in ner acer sipped Aten etn ndameterand of te ame nt the alow Sa Sr fa are then feed ly topetber a thei cad. For bonne, = 6 ree oe med C2 12% 10 pa What ore cn te api 0th cei Si thot exceting a seasag srs f SOO pin the brome Phe be see? 17. A holon bones taf of 3 nour dns. T= 2301058 amet x subated oto trae 8 sown “318, solid alminum sa 2 nin resi cach segment a the gb, Detemne the maximum sean ‘tation at ne een. Use = 4% 10" 4 men aonete 5, anf ge rat 6 8. The sung ha Pie somomt tat own Hg 2310 etched spor Fr ie Bese mpm te cance SOma, ste a eG eee ‘#=2imand 1.5m, comput ti mosinn Flore F319 299 P229 290, In Prob. 319, determine the rai oath bj epeminie imi What re Psraaieat ne ae Ans Bla = 119; 7= 693 Nom nota an eke heen ga M2, toraue Ts spied, a shown in Fig Ph C——f io. +1. igre Pant Be cesar Se eee ca tee! dr ot ah fe charing see ea a es eon erent Ca ee MES es op ih At Sal D4 set compo ie i eymecs 4G, CD snd ened 0 1 shown in Tig P23 For bos, G = 38 GPa oleasaee G eat (ts, andor sed, 6 = 83 GPs, Deerine te taxi he Ba poor pace i thearing evened Bee St0 Nm y= nN Pig P323 Nol segneot BC slid to 12. Dowie te dames ech SSthareach mei wl be simsangouly steed fis peste Tia hips apni Far bronze, @ = 6 10 pal and fo seh 120 ps. Ant the = 426 05 d= 2.18) = h y 7 S Fire P24 2325. The to el sh shown in ig. P-325, cach wih one ea ait isto ai Ine Rapes ily tached oie Ee ends, The sas re oD bed tie anges. Homee, iy tere a 6 mismatch nthe cain of he ots abown nthe fee Determine the mas searing es each Aer ihe shat ar ted oper. Use G = 12 10 ps and net det ‘fhe ots nd anges ante Dares | igure P35 2-9 FLANGED BOLT COUPLINGS: ‘A commonly wed connection between two shafts is 2 flanged bolt coupling ‘consists of lags rely altace othe ends ofthe sbats and bolted bin Fg 3.6, The torque is transmitted by the shearing force P created i Dols “Assuming thatthe stress i uniformly dsebuted, the load in any bol sven bythe simple stress equation P ~ Ar and equals (rd"/4r tacts th {he center ofthe bolt and tangent o he belt circle. The torque resistance of bolts PR, where R is the radi ofthe bot circle. Therefore, for any num ‘ofbolts, the tongue capacity ofthe coupling i expres by wt To Pea ean 199 FLavaKo 8017 CouLNs 7 Caney ing ro concn ina are de ant tt eto bole on hoe ce nds io oom weeny aaa T= P.Rym + Palen, toe pre 3.7. Coulng wit ‘awe 47_Coupng th me comne Te maton bea ad Pca be deerine fom wpe ig Sng esta onan bl that ek iB @ ‘log Hook's aw for shear, G = 1/7, we have EET a or Pils. Falds GR” GRy A 7 arose Atte bls on eto cies hae he sare area. A = A anh te trae ofthe sume muri = Gy, herein Between Py eds 1 Boh ae “This is the case shown in Fig. 3-7. Using the relation between Py and Ps, Ea (G5) wll determine the torgue capacity ofthe coupling. ‘smile procedure maybe wed Toe thre o more concentric bolt ile. ‘Aswesall ane in Chaper 12, this situation orcursin excentrcaly loaded riveted bolted connections. 36 PROBLEMS 326 A flange tlt oupia one of ea tel 20-mm ameter bot sce a round a ul cae 400 nin damier. Detomine the equ cacy ot ounling the alow hearing eet in the bas 5-40 Pa Wins T2528 S327. A ange bl coupling con of ens -n-dianexr bts spaced vel acu {Ubotterete [iin Gamer, Beteiae th oaue capacity ofthe «unig the allow hearing tes in the bls ig 00 Ps Ans T= 670 328, A fangd bolt coupling consi of ight 10-mm-imersebts on abe ‘oo mm inion, ad sa Ismedtter set ols ga comune 5300 mm fn mee, as shown in Fig 27, What ore ean be applied wits ‘rvaling searing rec oF 6 MPa the Bl? Ans, T= 107 29. trou of 70th te tobe cai by 2 ange bot cup ht consi of {ight Lin-dnmeter sal boos acc of diameter 12 nando -Siamese ‘tke on cle of ameter 9a. Deermin he beating rea th Bol 4330. Bec he acter m-th mut be sed on he 40 thm bol cl othe coupling deserted ie Prob 328 ince the ora capaci wiseNem. an 12 2391. A ange coupling cons of si}. stl bls ey sae around a al ‘inte Tin ia ameter, and for {patina toison a concen ot ivi nein Gamer Wht torque cas be applied without eeding 000 ps i {he gel oe SOD0 pal fn te alumna? Ase Gy = 12 XW pal and y= 4 Rid dn. T= T788prin 382. fn a stet poup sce to a twstag couple T, show ht te oson form fay Sa be ution he soaring sess ratte en of ony cv L 5 Fie tre the aca of vet the dal saace 9 fon the contol ‘Stik set prow {a3 A pine is fntened oa ed amber by for 2-2 diner vets ranged ‘nnn Fig. 7333 Comput ie nso ond ino hearing ns eh nent tinea Lien the eames of Peal, 382). * pes [tinonen sand 20,8 fanart ate the lata Fp P94 ‘era a2 Seine Be nen ar oe a aa by the 4 fp lads. What aon! lade P can be ep be he srs ‘eating 0 nyt nee 800 pat “ns Maa. = 10k P~ 36.7 Faure P33 {oe 2%, The show Fe DSi eed the fed met ye 0 ce ret Ci he icine Poa et in es ves at ed 1 Ma Uses ah Figure P36

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