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AFRIN SATANI (20191004)
AKSHAT SHARMA (20191006)
MAYANK SAGAR (20191057)
SONAM KANOI (20194454)
ANKITA JAIN (20191015)




There is increased sophistication in the shopping pattern of customers. Customer
taste and preferences are changing, leading to radical transformation in life style
and spending patterns. The generic growth is likely to be driven by changing life
styles and by strong surge in income, which in turn is supported by favourable
demographic patterns. The increase in demand for consumer goods and
expendables have boosted the sale of branded men’s wear.
Now- a- days the branded shirts are increasingly used by students. They select
their branded shirt through online or offline channels whatever suits their
convenience. The buying decisions of the respondents are influenced by different
factors. Customers’ preferred branded shirts to unbranded ones. We inferred that
friends, ongoing trends, convenience of shopping, durability, ease of care are
influencing factors for purchasing the branded shirts by the respondents. The
study also revealed that the students prefer to buy back the same brand if above
mentioned factors gives them a positive experience.


The objectives of this study are:

 To study the buying behaviour of students for shirts
 To study the influence of various factors affecting student’s buying
decision for shirts
 To study the factors responsible for student’s satisfaction/dissatisfaction
and re purchase intent for shirts

Parameters of the Study

1. Why you bought that product over another and who initiated the

2. Purchasing process i.e. Need arousal, information search and evaluation

of alternatives

3. What advantages or disadvantages resulted from purchasing that

product over others

4. Where consumers prefer to buy and why

5. Motivation level of consumers

6. Consumers consumption or usage experience

7. Consumers satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the purchase

8. Consumers intent to continue that purchase

Why you bought that product over another and who

initiated the purchase?

Consumer buying behaviour is the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions,
and decisions regarding the consumer's behaviour in the marketplace when purchasing a
product or service.

Students generally preferred branded shirts. Out of 25 respondents, 24 preferred branded over
non-branded. Out of these 24 respondents, 9 believed that brands contribute to greater social
acceptance. Rest 6 believed in affordable price, 2 in comfort and 2 in quality. Also, 5 believed
that branded shirts are trendy and fashionable.

Respondents also preferred casual shirt over formal as casual shirts can be worn at multiple

Preference Type No of Respondents

Branded 24
Non Branded 1

Preference of Branded Vs Non Branded

1; 4% Branded
Non Branded

Reason For Purchase of Branded Shirts 24; 96%

No of Respondents
Social Acceptance 9
Comfort 2
Quality 2
Price 6
Trendy 5
Reason of Purchase of Branded Shirts

No of Respondents


2 2

Price Social Acceptance Comfort Quality Trendy

Reasons to buy Branded Shirts

No of Respondents

Students got influenced by their friends, peers, influencers, celebrities, etc. Out of 25
respondents, 20 believed that their friend’s opinion made them initiate the purchase whereas
rest 5 of them were influenced by celebrities and therefore initiated the purchase.

Purchase Initiation (by) No of Respondents

Friends 20
Celebrities 5

Mode of Purchase Initiation

They believed that

5; 20%
branded shirts gives
Celebrities them social
recognition and
20; 80% adds to their status.
They usually
purchase shirts
online from sites
such as Myntra, Bewakoof, Koovs, etc as they provide heavy discounts and have latest designs.
Also these are good in quality and provide value for money. Moreover, they believe that brands
create a difference and adds to their personality.  The brands they use make a statement about
who they are and what they want to be. They become emotionally attached to the brands they
use and view them as part of their self-image.  Students often buy clothing brands that are either
perceived as fashionable, trendy or high class, or that fit into a particular subculture or peer
Purchasing process i.e. Need arousal, information search and evaluation
of alternatives

The consumer decision making behavior is a complex procedure and involves

everything starting from problem recognition to post-purchase activities. The
buying behavior model is one method used by marketers for identifying and
tracing the decision making process of a customer from the start to the end. The
process is categorized into 5 different stages which are explained as follows:

Need Recognition

Need recognition occurs when a consumer exactly determines their needs.

Consumers may feel like they are missing out something and needs to address this
issue so as to fill in the gap.

Information Search

The information search stage in the buyer decision process tends to change
continually as consumers require obtaining more and more information about
products which can satisfy their needs. Information can also be obtained through
recommendations from people having previous experiences with products.

Evaluation of Alternatives

This step involves evaluating different alternatives that are available in the
market. Once it has been determined by the customer what can satisfy their need,
they will start seeking out the best option available. This evaluation can be based
upon different factors like quality, price or any other factor which are important
for customers.

Purchase Decision

When all the above stages have been passed, the customer has now finally
decided to make a purchasing decision. At this stage, the consumer has evaluated
all facts and has arrived at a logical conclusion which is either based upon the
influence from marketing campaigns or upon emotional connections or personal
experiences or a combination of both.

Post Purchase Behavior

The purchase of the product is followed by post-purchase evaluation which refers

to analyzing as to whether the product was useful for the consumer or not.

In our study, we found that

 Students require shirts for various occasions such as for wearing in college,
parties, formal occasions, etc. this is how needs get aroused.
 The next step is to search for information regarding designs, price, material,
current trends, quality, brands, etc. They get this information through
advertisements, various sites, social media, and friends.
 After this they evaluate alternatives based on price, comfort, quality, brand
image, and also by consulting their friends and then make a decision. They
also evaluate prices on various sites before making a purchase. They also
look for customer reviews before making an online purchase. In the end,
they rank various brands according to their choices and pick the product
that best matches their needs and wants based upon the budget they set for
their purchase.
 At the end after going through all the steps they make the purchase as per
their needs and wants and after evaluating all the criteria’s they think is
important for making the purchase decision.
 After this they evaluate their decision based on wear and tear or snug fit
after repeated use and then decide whether they want to continue with the
brand or switch it.
Students decision of purchasing the shirts were therefore majorly based on style,
promotional discounts and reviews of their friends and peers. Out of 25
respondents, 7 respondents preferred to buy on the basis of reviews of their
friends and peers, 6 preferred to buy due to promotional discounts and offers, 5
preferred to buy because of style. The other reasons for buying were price, quality
and advertisements. 3 preferred to buy due to price, 3 preferred to buy because of
quality and only 1 felt to buy based on advertisements.

Purchase Decision Reason No of Respondents

Style 5
Price 3
Quality 3
Reviews 7
Promotional Discounts & Offers 6
Advertisements 1

Purchase Decison of Respondents

8 7
6 5
4 3 3
No of Respondents

2 1
yle ice ity ts
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Off ev Qu em
s& R s
nt rti
ou dve
sc A
l Di

Purchase Decision Reason

No of Respondents

What advantages or disadvantages resulted from purchasing that product

over others
As per our survey we have noticed that students that student prefer wearing shirts
because branded shirts are durable. Since branded clothes are made up of high
quality material, they are very durable. They are expensive indeed as compared to
ordinary brands of clothes but at the same time, they allow you to use them for a
longer period of time. Once you have bought clothing brands, you can wear them
for years to come because of their durability, Apart from providing you with
durability, branded clothes are also very comfortable. They are designed using
high quality material which makes you feel very relaxed and comfortable when
wearing them. You can buy branded clothes for different purposes.

For instance, you can buy them for attending formal social gatherings; you can
buy casual ones as well if you want to be casual during certain social events.
Branded clothes are designed in way that they allow you to have an elegant and
stylish appearance. You can wear them with different clothing and fashion
accessories, adding vibrant colours to your overall appearance. There is no doubt
that some branded clothes are way too expensive, but they are durable and you
can wear them for a long time to come. They do not get faded easily after being
worn for a few months. They give you a lot of space when it comes to buying
high quality clothes.
People prefer branded shirts not only because of their quality and comfort but
because it is also available in all sizes for all age groups. People have always been
attracted by the quality and brand. These shirts make you different apart from the
society or the crowd.
Where consumers prefer to buy and why

Students have various options when it comes to buying these shirts. But according
to our survey we have noticed that they prefer buying more via online sites rather
than going to a particular store because by using online shopping you can get the
latest brand clothes in less prices and some also at discounted rates. Convenience
is the biggest perk. There are no lines to wait in or cashiers to track down to help
you with your purchases, and you can do your shopping in minutes. Online shops
give us the opportunity to shop 24/7, and also reward us with a ‘no pollution’
shopping experience. There is no better place to buy informational products like
e-books, which are available to you instantly, as soon as the payment goes
through. Downloadable items purchased online eliminate the need for any kind of
physical material at all, as well, which helps the environment!

Cheap deals and better prices are available online, because products come to you
direct from the manufacturer or seller without involving middlemen. Plus, it's
easier to compare prices and find a better deal. Many online sites offer discount
coupons and rebates, as well. Not only are prices better, but you can save on tax
as well, since online shops are only required to collect a sales tax if they have a
physical location in your state. Factor in the saved expense of gas and parking and
you have saved yourself a lot of money!
Motivation level of consumers

The theory states that human beings actively seek to satisfy physical needs first, followed by
safety, social, esteem and self-actualization needs, in that order. Businesses that successfully
speak to these needs, and fill them, will motivate consumers to buy their products. A
consumer's motivation is the basic degree of the psychological drive behind a specific
purchase. If the consumer's motivation is high, that basically means that the level of need, or
the consumer's perception of that need, is fairly strong.
The purpose of this study was to examine consumers’ motives for buying branded shirts. The
different factors that can influence the consumers’ behavior, such as their explicit and
implicit self-esteem, as well as the relationship between themselves and the brands.

We have done a qualitative study, by conducting a survey to reveal the associations, attitudes,
and relationships that the consumers have with branded well as the respondents’
level of self-esteem. The survey was conducted among students.
The results reveal that consumers have stronger − and a larger number of − associations with
branded shirts, than with non-branded. Their attitudes towards the branded shirts are
furthermore more positive than towards non-branded.
Moreover, the results indicate that men and women possess some different types and
amounts of associations with branded shirts. The respondents also show little discrepancies
between their level of implicit and explicit self-esteem specially for our target segment i.e. -
One essential characteristic of branded shirt, is a high standard of quality, so severe quality
control is essential in the production of products Consumers expect that when they buy
expensive products made from excellent materials, these products should be useable for long
periods. Ought the superior quality and longevity, branded product to can also provide older
generation the pleasure to pass it to their descendants.
An essential notion is that there is a multitude of reasons that can explain why consumers buy
branded shirts. By creating customer value through a closer relationship, the brands can
perceive a higher level of trust, satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty. Customer value is
defined by “what customer get (benefits, quality, worth, utility) from the purchase and use of
a product versus what they pay (price, costs, sacrifices), resulting in attitude toward, or an
emotional bond with the product.
Consumers nowadays have more capital, a greater desire to examine their emotional side, a
broader variety of choices in goods and services, and less guilt about spending money.
The consumers seek goods that make positive statements about who they are and what they
would like to be, and this helps them manage the stresses of everyday life. By buying branded
shirts, the consumers obtain an added emotional benefit of esteem, prestige, and even a sense
of higher status.

The consumers of these fancy goods get the feeling of belonging to an exclusive group of
people. This is in correspondence namely that through conspicuous logos, the consumers’
hope the aura of the creator of the luxury brand also extends to themselves, and by this,
makes them stand above others. The heart of luxury is to give consumers of power the
privileges to
accompany it, and providing the consumers with luxury possessions can make the consumers feel
different from others. Compared to more everyday brands, branded products have the feature of
evoking a strong and lasting image in the consumer’s heart and mind. Students buy branded
products (shirts), they do it with the intentions to make the brand a part of themselves and their
own personal identities.
Some consumers feel that they virtually belong to a brand, and are eager to make the world know
about it, by exposing their luxury brands while branded shirts enable consumers to satisfy both
their psychological and functional needs, there are certain psychological benefits which
distinguish these products from non-branded products.
Consumers’ consumption or usage experience

Branded product play a vital role in the global market especially in Indian markets,
the country economic growth is rapidly changing and moreover people life style,
purchase behavior and purchase power is consistently increasing since
Apparel is especially a way of communicating one’s self-image to the
surroundings. The apparel industry is one business where branding is a common
way for companies to differentiate from competition and gain competitive
From the survey we came to know that students purchases a branded product
(shirt), the purchase is carried out with the intention that the product and the brand
shall reflect the buyer’s image and lifestyle. This becomes a way to communicate
ones personality. It reflects their image.
Men’s Apparel Segment is classifies as below: Men’s wear Formal wear Casual
wear shirts. The following brands are taken into consideration for the study. Local
brand are not considered. The brands are Van heusen, Louis Philippe, Allen solly,
Peter England, San Frisco, Park Avenue, Color Plus, Weekender, Arizona, Zodiac
and Arrow
The study reflects that income factor and purchase pattern of branded apparel
product. According to the ranking by customers, the quality factor prevails in the
first position, color and design, comfort and style and price are securing successive
ranks respectively. The expectation level and satisfaction level towards the types
branded apparel were having positive relationship.
Finally, it is important to know the customers buying behavior process and
customers’ requirements properly.
Consumers satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the purchase

Consumer satisfaction is a function of specific product characteristics (attributes)

such as styling, durability, and ease of care and so on. However, some general
principles have been observed which suggested that for clothing to be satisfactory it
must rate high on the product characteristic (s) most important to the consumer, and it
also must meet certain "minimum" expectations on other characteristics. In other
words, the consumer must in most cases be relatively satisfied across a number of
product characteristics in order to receive overall satisfaction.
They focused on the contrasting roles of instrumental and expressive product
characteristics in influencing buying behavior. Instrumental characteristics are
defined as those involving physical performance of the product (i.e. durability, ease
of care), while expressive characteristics are related to "psychological" levels of
performance (i.e. styling, fashionability). It is found that dissatisfaction with clothing
is likely to occur when instrumental characteristics does not meet the consumer's
expectations, while satisfaction is most associated with fulfilled expressive
expectations. The findings also suggest that the consumer's instrumental requirements
must be satisfied before expressive requirements if overall satisfaction is to occur.
The major implication of these findings is that:
In judging the performance of a product, the consumer compares a set of performance
outcomes to the outcomes that were expected for the item. If the performance of the
physical product is below expectations, then the product is likely to be categorized as
dissatisfactory. If both instrumental and expressive outcomes are equal to or exceeds
expectations, then the consumer will tend to judge the product as satisfactory.
Consumer satisfaction to a certain extent implies that a consumer is performing
efficiently in choosing products available in the market.
Students were satisfied with brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Pepe Jeans, Mufti etc
because they provided snug fit. Students felt their purchase was worth the money
which they spend on buying. Also, the shirts bought were tough and strong enough.
Students didn’t complain about wear and tear issues or color fade issues after several
So, therefore they were satisfied because of style, durability, ease of care. Out of 25
respondents, 12 were satisfied because of durability factor, 9 felt satisfied due to ease
of care factor and 4 felt satisfied because of style factor.
Satisfaction Criteria No of Respondents
Style 4
Durability 12
Ease of Care 9

Satisfaction for Purchase of Branded Shirts

4; 16%
Ease of Care
12; 48% Style

9; 36%
Consumers intent to continue that purchase

Re Purchase Intent
In simplest of terms, purchase intention is the likelihood of a customer buying the
same product again based on their purchase history. Or it can also be the need of a
product which is driving the customer towards a purchase again and again.
Obviously, the customer will have their own ideas or their own previous experience
on what they want to purchase.
The purchase intent depends upon stimulus/trigger, aspirational values,
outcome/expectations, recommendations and emotional association.
For students, the stimulus or trigger for a particular brand is hard to fixate as they
switch to other brands when offered with much discounts, or better designs or style
options. The brand aspirational values and appeals are not that strong enough for
students to stick with a particular brand. Although after use and experience of shirts
and t shirts that provide them with snug fit even after repeated wash and do not wear
– tear easily , they prefer and go for that particular brand. Emotional associations like
the shirt being gifted to them by their friends or family and on special occasions like
birthdays and festivals work very well and perfectly resonates with enabling students
to buy that brand again as they have feelings associated with it.
So, in our study we found that majority i.e. 56% or 14 respondents re purchased the
same brand because of their prior experience. Rest 6 bought the same brand again
because of emotional association. The no of respondents who re purchased the same
brand because of style and brand appeal & value were 3 and 2 respectively.

Re Purchase Decision Criteria No of Respondents

Style 3
Brand Value and Appeal 2
Previous Experience 14
Emotional Association 6
Re Purchase Decision Criteria

3; 13%
Previous Experience
Emotional Association
Brand Value & Appeal
6; 26%
14; 61%


Respected madam/sir,

As a part of our project we would like to gather some information from you
which will help me in an in-depth study of project. The information provided by you will be
kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. I would be obliged if you co-
operate with me in filling the questionnaire.

Name: __________________________ Contact no. _______________

Age: ______ Gender: ________

1. When do you usually buy shirts?

a) Regular b) occasional c) Offer d) Others (Please Specify) ___________

2. How often do you go for shopping?

a) Once a week b) Once in 15 days c) Once a month

d) Once every in 3 months e) Once a year

3. Where do you like to go for shopping?

a) Super market b) Mall c) Traditional shop d) Online shopping

4. Why do you purchase from here?

a) Convenient place b) Dealer acquaintance c) More discounts

d) Good environment e) Other_________

5. Need of branded shirts for

a) Recognition b) Satisfaction c) Value of money d) Praise from friends

e) Social capability f) Others ________

6. Rank the brands according to your preferences

Brands Ranks (1 to 7)
Peter England
John Player
Park Avenue

Brands Rank (1 to 10)
Tommy Hilfiger
Numero Uno
Pepe Jeans

7. What is your expected price range of the brand of shirt you use_______________

8. How many shirts do you buy while shopping at one time?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 and more e) none

9. Factors affecting your purchase decision:


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree


a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

Brand name of the company

a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

Sales promotional activities

a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

10. What are the types of fabric do you prefer most?

a) Cotton b) Polly cotton c) denim d) silk e) other_____

11. Who accompanied you while shopping?

a) Family b) Friends c) colleagues d) Others (Please Specify) _________

12. From where do you aware about clothing brands?

a) T.V. b) Shopping mall c) Posters d) Newspaper or Magazines

e) Others ______

13. Do you think the advertisement of branded shirts has a major influence in your buying decision?

a) Strongly disagree b) Disagree c) Neither disagree nor agree

d) Agree e) Strongly agree

14. Some advertisements featured the celebrities, would it has an impact on you?

a) Yes b) No

15. Would presentation & packaging of the shirt help pressurized you in your purchase decision?

a) Yes b) No c) May be

16. Will you intend to purchase the same brand that you have previously purchased?

A) Yes b) No c) May be

17. Do you recommend brands that you have purchased?

a) Yes b) No

Thanking you for spending your valuable time

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