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Topic: “A study on Effect of Advertisement on Consumer Brand Preference for

Cosmetic Products”

We PGDM students of ISB&M Pune, have pleasure in presenting this questionnaire to you
as part of a study to understand the effect of Advertisement on Consumer Brand
Preference for Cosmetic Products. I request you to spare few minutes of your valuable
time to offer your views by filling the details in this questionnaire & facilitate successful
completion of this study. Please note that all information provided by you will be treated
as ‘strictly confidential’.

Thanking you!

NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________

NAME OF THE COLLEGE: _____________________________________________________________

CITY / TOWN / VILLAGE: _____________________________________________________________

MOBILE No.: ____________________ Email: _____________________________________

1. Age:
<20 years 20 to 22 years 23 to 25 years >25 years

2. Highest Qualification:
Graduate Post-Graduate

3. Annual Family Income

< Rs. 5, 00,000 Rs. 5, 00,000 – Rs. 10, 00,000 >Rs. 10, 00,000

4. Please tick the usefulness of sources of information about the

cosmetic products:

Sr. No Source of information Most Useful Less Least

Useful Useful Useful
1 Television Ads
2 Newspaper
3 Magazines
4 Radio
5 Friends and Relatives
6 Beauticians
7 Shopkeepers
8 Any Other

Sr. No Source of Daily Frequently Once in Never

information Week
1 Television Ads
2 Newspaper
3 Magazines
4 Radio
5 Friends and Relatives
6 Beauticians
7 Shopkeepers
8 Any other
5. Please tick the frequency of exposure to these sources of information
about cosmetic products:

6. What factors do you consider while buying the cosmetic product, please
assign score to them (1 to 4) by assigning 4 as most important and 1 as least

Sr. No. Factors Score

1 Advertisements
2. Cost
3 Overall effect on skin
4 Overall effect on complexion
5 Availability of the product
6 Usage of the product
7. What features of the advertisements in different media appeal to you?
Please go through the features and indicate the response against each

A. Audio Visual Ads (Radio/T.V/Internet)

Sr. No Features Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 The Music
2 The Song
3 The Composition
4 The Colour and
Focus of the
The Attributes of
the Product
5 highlighted
The Free/Special
6 offers
The Theme and
7 Story of the Ad
The Celebrity
Endorsing the
8 Product

8. These are number of statements given to know your opinion

towards the advertisements of cosmetic products. Read them
carefully and reply in terms of your agreement or disagreement
by ticking the appropriate response.
A – Always O – Often S – Sometimes R – Rarely N – Never

Sr. Statements Responses

1. Ads correctly represent the performance of the products
2. Ads represent benefits of the product
3. Ads inform consumers about the price of the product
4. Ads make shopping easier by providing comparative
5. Ads inform the consumers about the quality of the product
6. Ads inform the consumers about the usage of the product
7. Ads encourages consumers to spend beyond their income
8. Ads tries to make people want everything they do not need
9. Ads creates confidence in the consumers for the product
10. Advertisements is the motivating force behind my choice
Perceived Negative Effects
11. Ads make exaggerated claims
12. Ads makes false claims
13. Consumers make unwise choice due to the advertisement
14. Through advertisement inferior goods get selected
15. Advertisement add to the cost consumer pays for the product
16. Ads persuade consumers to pay higher prices for one brand over
another even though products are identical
Positive Vibes
17. The ad is of mesmerizing presentation
18. I tempted to buy any brand under the influence of ad
19. I remember and retain the information contained in ads for a
long time
20. I talk to other people in detail of the ad on cosmetic products
21. I feel the information in the ad of cosmetic products as
22. I eagerly await new ads for cosmetic products
23. I am into a fairyland when I think of the ad on a product I use
24. I get carried away by the ad on cosmetic products


I profusely thank you for the support extended. The

information provided by you will be used only for this study. Your
personal contact details will be kept confidential and will not be
disseminated to third parties.

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