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Name: Jucelea Spitza - S00613122 Class: Psychology 1100

Topic: Reflection Paper / Signature Assignment

Date: August 7, 2020

Psychology 1100 – Lifespan Human Growth and Development called my

attention as soon as I read on its description it was an interesting class for future parents. I’ve

always being curious about people interactions, the connections of socioemotional, physical and

cognitive development at different stages in life. For me, as a fairly new mom of a 2-year-old,

the first few weeks of this course really drew me into it. I’ve even tried to lecture my husband

about Piaget preoperational stages of development, influence of the environment and biological

vulnerability. The importance of scaffolding impacted us very much, my husband is managing to

shrink his work schedule so he can have more disposition when he gets home to spend quality

time with our daughter.

We are bilingual parents, even before she was born we were very skeptical about

communicating with our baby. What was it going to be right or wrong for her language

development? We didn’t want to let her fall behind other kids. But this class made me look more

deeply into studying the structure of the brain and its functions. So that is where my motivation

came from to write my first question paper. Young children have plenty cognitive capability to

absorb bilingualism. And it’s amazing to see her showing pragmatics in such early age.

I’ll definitely refer back to the Essentials of life-span development book and keep

it as a bedtime reading.

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