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MODUL • Biologi Tingkatan 5

Koordinasi dan Gerak Balas

3 Coordination and Response

Esei / Essay

Jawab semua soalan / Answer all questions.

1 Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan keratan rentas otak manusia. / Diagram 1.1 shows a cross section of a human brain.

Kelenjar pituitari
Pituitary gland

Rajah 1.1
Diagram 1.1

(a) (i) Kelenjar pituitari ialah kelenjar tanpa duktus. Ia juga dikenali sebagai kelenjar utama.
The pituitary gland is a ductless gland. It is also known as the master gland.

Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, terangkan tentang kelenjar pituitari.

Based on the statement above, give explanation about the pituitary gland.
[8 markah / marks]
(ii) Terangkan bagaimana kelenjar pituitari mengekalkan tekanan osmosis darah apabila seseorang mengalami
Explain how does the pituitary gland maintain the blood osmotic pressure when a person is dehydrated.
[8 markah / marks]
(b) Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan penghantaran impuls melalui sinaps dari P ke R.
Diagram 1.2 shows the transmission of an impulse across the synapse from P to R.

Impuls saraf
Nerve impulses

Akson neuron P
Axon of neurone P

Bonggol sinaps
Synaptic knob

Dendrit neuron R
Dendrite of neurone R

Rajah 1.2
Diagram 1.2

Terangkan penghantaran impuls saraf melalui Q. / Explain the transmission of nerve impulses across Q.
[8 markah / marks]

1  Nilam Publication Sdn. Bhd.

MODUL • Biologi Tingkatan 5

2 Encik Lee terselamat dari kapal karam dan ditemui hanyut di lautan. Dia telah terminum air laut dalam jumlah yang
banyak dan kelihatan mengalami pendehidratan.
Mr. Lee survived from a shipwreck and was found drifting in the sea. He consumed a large amount of seawater and seemed
(a) Encik Lee terselamat dari pendehidratan kerana badannya bergerak balas untuk mengekalkan homeostasis
dengan pengosmokawalaturan. Jelaskan mekanisme homeostasis termasuk kesannya ke atas fungsi nefron.
Mr. Lee survived dehydration because his body responded to maintain homeostasis by osmoregulation. Describe the
homeostasis mechanism including its effects on the functions of the nephron.
[10 markah / marks]
(b) Terendam dalam air laut yang sejuk juga menyebabkan suhu badan Encik Lee menurun. Terangkan bagaimana
badan Encik Lee mengekalkan suhu badannya dalam homeostasis.
Soaking in the cold seawater also caused Mr. Lee’s body temperature to fall. Explain how does Mr. Lee’s body maintain
his body temperature in homeostasis.
[10 markah / marks]

Kertas 3
Paper 3

Jawab semua soalan / Answer all questions.

1 Apabila seorang budak lelaki minum terlalu banyak air, tekanan osmosis darah akan jatuh di bawah aras normal. Di
bawah keadaan itu, hipotalamus tidak akan dirangsang dan kurang hormon antidiuresis (ADH) akan dihasilkan.
Kurang air diserap semula dan kebanyakan air dikeluarkan melalui urin.
When a boy drinks too much water, the osmotic pressure of blood will fall below normal level. Under such condition, the
hypothalamus will not be stimulated and less antidiuretic hormone (ADH) will be produced. Less water will be reabsorbed and
most of the water is allowed to pass out through urine.

Reka bentuk satu eksperimen makmal untuk menentukan isi padu air kencing yang dibebaskan oleh seorang pelajar
yang minum air mineral dengan isi padu yang berbeza.
Design a laboratory experiment to determine the urine volume released by a student who drinks different volume of mineral

Perancangan eksperimen anda mestilah termasuk perkara yang berikut:

The planning of your experiment must include the following aspects:
• Pernyataan masalah / Problem statement
• Tujuan / Aim of investigation
• Hipotesis / Hypothesis
• Pemboleh ubah / Variables
• Senarai radas dan bahan / List of apparatus and materials
• Teknik yang digunakan / Technique used
• Prosedur atau kaedah eksperimen / Experimental procedures or methods
• Persembahan data / Presentation of data
• Kesimpulan / Conclusion
[17 markah / marks]

 Nilam Publication Sdn. Bhd. 2

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