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Sketch- 18

Name: Samir Bin Nayem

ID: 1431182030 Course Code: English 115 Section: 04.

Instructor: Dr. James Bryan Hileman.

Title: stories 4-5

This story is a letter of a dying man to the love of his life named Zole. The man of this story
holds dignity and honour, although he was sentenced to death; as he, along with his two other
friends, was convicted of bank robbery and murder. They knew what they have done; and they
did not want any mercy, because the burden of what they had done was heavier to them than the
sentence of death. So they demanded to the court for death in gunfire. This letter conveys all that
feelings and thought of a man who has just few more hours left, who had hold great value and
honour, and couldn’t get along with the so called corrupted system made by men which only can
make us hypocrites. But the man of this story was not of that kind. He was not a hypocrite. He
once served his country, but the corrupted system of Africa came into his way and he was
dismissed. So he chose to be a bandit in order to survive. And he took no shame in it, because he
could realize that people were looting in the name of service anyway. So, in the last few hours
before his death he decided to write a letter to his long lost girlfriend Zole, and ask her to build a
stone sculpture of his after his death. Because he wants to show the people what death is, and
how it came to him. He also requests her to build an Epitaph on his grave, where he wishes her to
write a sentence very meaningful to him – “Africa Kills Her Sun”. This sentence in inexplicable
way expresses all that he ever wanted to tell. This letter where he talked only about his thoughts
and philosophy of his is what makes us rethink about what we think of life.

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