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A semantic framework to support resource

discovery in future cloud markets


DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2015.067054


5 7


Giuseppe Di Modica Orazio Tomarchio

University of Catania University of Catania


Available from: Orazio Tomarchio

Retrieved on: 01 July 2015
Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, 2015 1

A semantic framework to support resource

discovery in future cloud markets

Giuseppe Di Modica* and Orazio Tomarchio

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,
University of Catania,
V.le Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
*Corresponding author

Abstract: The market of cloud resources is currently dominated by proprietary solutions

for what concerns resource delivering, pricing models and service level agreements. In the future
cloud markets, when cloud standards will get mature and full interoperability among cloud
systems will be a reality, the competition challenge among providers will be played on the
capability of supplying high and differentiated QoS levels. In this new scenario advanced and
flexible mechanisms to support the matchmaking between what providers offer and what
customers demand must be devised. Along with an analysis of the current cloud offering in
terms of pricing model, SLA negotiation capabilities, service performance levels and cloud
application requirements, this work proposes the definition of a semantic model to support the
supply-demand matchmaking process in future cloud markets. Leveraging on a semantic
description of the cloud resources’ features, customers will be able to discover cloud offers that
best suit their own business needs. Tests conducted on an implementation prototype proved the
viability of the approach.

Keywords: cloud market; cloud ontology; cloud price model; semantic discovery.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Di Modica, G. and Tomarchio, O. (2015)
‘A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets’, Int. J.
Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, pp.1–14.

Biographical notes: Giuseppe Di Modica received his degree in Computer Engineering in 2000
from the University of Catania (Italy). In 2005, he received his PhD in Computer Science and
Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Catania. The PhD thesis discussed was
entitled ‘A user-centric analysis of the interworking between heterogeneous wireless systems’.
His research interests include mobile agents, ad-hoc networks and wireless networking, mobile
P2P computing, Grid, Cloud and service oriented architectures, and semantic technologies. He is
currently a Research Assistant at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Catania (Italy).

Orazio Tomarchio received his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Catania
(Italy) in 1995. In 1999, he received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of
Palermo. His scientific activity has focused on studying distributed systems, particularly with
regard to programming and management techniques. His main research interests include
mobile agents, network and QoS management techniques, mobile P2P computing, middleware
for MANETs, Grid and service oriented architectures, cloud computing, security, semantic
technologies. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Engineering Faculty of the University
of Catania (Italy).

1 Introduction ‘pay-per-use’ business model allows consumers to pay only

for what they actually use, without any initial investment.
Cloud computing has emerged as a popular computing
Despite the cloud technology has been widely adopted in
paradigm that aims at providing remote access to
commercial contexts, time is not mature for open and
on-demand computing capabilities, based on an easy
competitive cloud markets.
pay-per-use business model (Buyya et al., 2008). The real
The main technological reason behind this fact is the
success of the cloud is mostly due to the considerable
lack of interoperability among existing cloud systems
business opportunities that it produces for both consumers
(Parameswaran and Chaddha, 2009). In a desirable
and providers. On the one hand, providers see in the cloud
scenario, the user would like be able to build up its own
model a way to maximise the use of their computing assets
application independently of the specific cloud system that
and minimise the maintenance cost; on the other hand, the
the application will run onto, define the application

Copyright © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

2 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

requirements (both functional and non-functional) in a cloud offers that best meet the request’s requirements. A
standardised way, search for the cloud provider that best first prototype of the semantic discovery framework has
meets the requirements, negotiate for the service provision, been implemented. Experimental results show that the usage
deploy the application, monitor the application performance, of semantic technologies for the characterisation or
moving the application to another cloud in the case that the resources’ business feature enhance the performance of
service provision did not meet the expected performance. supply-demand matchmaking in open cloud markets.
Several issues need to be addressed in order realise such The remainder of the paper is organised as
scenario. The research community is focused on several follows. Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3
cloud managements aspects: provisioning, metering provides an analysis of the current pricing models and
and billing, privacy, security, identity management, quality negotiation schemes adopted by main business players.
of service (QoS), service level agreements (SLA). Some Section 4 discusses business requirements of some classes
works propose real specifications and promote their of ‘cloudifiable’ applications. In Section 5 the semantic
adoption as standards by the cloud community. It is discovery framework is presented. Section 6 shows the
the case of the open virtualisation format (OVF) results obtained from experimental tests. We conclude the
by DMTF (, the open work in Section 7.
cloud computing interface (OCCI) specifications (The Open
Grid Forum,, cloud data management
interface (CDMI) (The Storage Networking Industry 2 Related work
Several standard organisations are working hard to
currstandards/cdmi/) by Storage Networking Industry
propose specifications that will enable future
Association. Others advice best practices that should be
scenarios of interoperable cloud services (DMTF,
adopted when dealing with specific cloud management; The Open Grid Forum,
issues, such as the use cases identified by National Institute; The Storage Networking Industry
of Standards and Technology (NIST,
groups/SNS/cloud-computing/) and by the Cloud
currstandards/cdmi/; NIST,
Computing Use Cases Group (,
cloud-computing/; The Open Cloud Consortium, http://
and the work made by the Open Cloud Consortium (OCC) An exhaustive review of the
( to support interoperability
research efforts dealing with interoperability issues in cloud
of clouds.
computing systems was produced in the context of
Even though big cloud players do not really care about
Cloud4SOA project. In the same context, interoperability
interoperability (they just impose proprietary interfaces to
among cloud systems is analysed at different semantic
lock-in customers), we are confident that in a near future
levels (Loutas et al., 2010), with the purpose of identifying
most of the above listed initiatives will accomplish their
the minimum set of requirements to cater for in the
task. Interoperable scenarios will be a reality, and the
definition of a cloud semantic interoperability framework.
providers’ competition for acquiring new customers will be
Many from the scientific community are proposing to
played on the ground of the overall QoS that they are able to
support the process that will lead to interoperability with
offer. This will yield a diversification of the service
tools borrowed from the semantics. There are several
offerings in terms of (to cite a few) adopted security models,
attempts to design ontologies for the definition of
performance monitoring tools, SLA templates, resource
cloud-related concepts and relationships. Still, there is no
negotiation protocols and pricing models.
proposal that has reached a broad acceptance from the
In this paper we focus on the last two of the just cited
community, nor all features of the cloud domain have been
aspects. Specifically, we address the need to support
fully covered so far.
customers in the choice of the price models and negotiation
Some works (Rimal et al., 2009; Youseff et al., 2008)
protocols that best suite their applications need. We
have tried to define taxonomies for cloud-based systems.
advocate that an offering diversification will yield benefits
They mostly identify and classify cloud delivery models,
to cloud providers too, who will be able to define new
services and resources; some also deals with requirements
strategies to reach customers according to specific business
like fault tolerance and security. One of the most complete
targets. In order to build an effective matchmaking process
cloud taxonomy in maintained and continuously updated by
between supply and demand, a structured model to describe
OpenCrowd (2010): in this project, existing cloud providers
resources’ business features and applications’ requirements
and cloud-related software are classified according to a
is needed. To this purpose, we propose two ontologies to
specific scheme.
describe the resources offered by cloud providers on the one
Speaking of initiatives working on the definition of
hand, and the application requirements expressed by
specification for the cloud computing, both standardisation
customers on the other one. Final aim is to devise a new
bodies and commercial players have been proposing their
resource publish/discovery mechanism including pricing
own taxonomies. The NIST (
models, negotiation capabilities and service performance
groups/SNS/cloud-computing/) has proposed a cloud
levels as filter options. A semantic matchmaking algorithm
taxonomy standard. Its definition of cloud computing
will also support the discovery process to search for those
architecture includes basically concepts such as essential
A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 3

characteristics, roles, service models and deployment The framework we propose does not provide a real
models. IBM (Kopp et al., 2011) has provided a draft brokering/negotiation service. Brokering services gather
document describing a reference architecture for cloud specific customers constraints and objectives, and are in
systems. It recalls the NIST and open cloud computing charge of seeking the specific services (sometimes by
interface (OCCI) standards, integrating some new elements. negotiating with the customer as well) which are able to
IBM architecture inherits mainly NIST actors taxonomy, accomplish them. Our service gathers the customers
and also addresses the problem of defining quality of business requirements/needs (not just the functional) and
services and SLA. In the aim of defining an open and suggests them the kind of service offers that mostly
standardised cloud interface for the unification of cloud fit their business objective. To the best of our knowledge
APIs, the unified cloud interface (UCI) project (Cloud none of the works analysed so far covers all the numerous
Computing Interoperability Forum, 2010) has proposed and aspects characterising the cloud business in the same way
released an RDF-OWL cloud data model, mostly covering our work does. We opted for using semantic techniques
the characterisation of resources in the cloud domain. because of the clear and acknowledged benefits they bring
To the best of our knowledge, the mOSAIC ontology when facing discovery issues: semantics overperforms
(Moscato et al., 2011) is the one that covers the highest keyword-based techniques for what concerns the customer’s
number of aspects of the cloud context. It inherits most of expectation. On the other end semantic approaches
the elements defined in other proposals (OCCI, NIST, introduce a computational load that may sometimes impair
IBM), and deals with aspects such as deployment models, performance. Tests we conducted on our prototype, though,
service models, resources, services, actors, consumers, produced encouraging results in terms of overall system
functional and non-functional properties, languages, APIs. responsiveness.
The ontology was developed in OWL and is used for
semantic retrieval and composition of cloud services in the
mOSAIC project. 3 Analysis of current cloud offerings
The model we propose in this paper addresses aspects of
In this section some of the commercial offerings advertised
cloud interoperability not covered by any of the works cited
by three of the main cloud service providers will be
above. The proposed perspective is that of a global market
analysed under the perspective of the adopted price models,
of cloud resources, where there is the need of characterising
the SLA negotiation support and the offered service
what is offered and demanded by actors in terms of business
performance level. There are many other business-related
profit and utility respectively (Di Modica and Tomarchio,
aspects that deserve attention in the characterisation of a
2012). The proposed ontology, therefore, covers a new
business-oriented perspective of the cloud. Among others
portion of the cloud’s domain of knowledge; still, it can be
we can cite security, monitoring tools, technical support
integrated to existing ontologies/taxonomies to also cover
service. Such aspects will be furtherer investigated and
functional aspects of the cloud.
taken into account in our future work.
In addition to the ontology model, this work contributes
to define a semantic discovery framework for cloud service
offers. The framework’s aim is to favour a process of 3.1 Price models
matchmaking between customers’ business requirements The main cloud paradigm’s claimed strength is that
and providers’ business objectives. Other works in the resources (computing, storage, and network) can be
literature address this issue adopting approaches that are accessed on an on-demand basis, and customers can be
slightly different than ours. In Amato et al. (2012), authors charged according to the actual usage time. In particular, the
investigate on the lack of negotiation interfaces and CPU is usually charged by the hour, the data storage service
mechanisms by current cloud providers for dynamic is charged per GB/month, the data transfer service over the
provisioning. They propose a tool for SLA-based dynamic network is charged per GB. Providers also propose their
provisioning of cloud resources, that offers the customer customers an alternative pricing model based on resource
negotiation and brokering facilities. reservation, which on the cloud provider’s end provides an
In the context of environmental management, instant economic benefit (they receive an immediate
Badica et al. (2012) proposes an agent-based system payment for the reservation), and on the customer’s end
exploiting negotiation to dynamically select service allows to save on the resource price provided that the
providers and compose processing services. Oldham et al. resource itself is intensively used. Despite the name, this
(2006) propose a framework to match SLAs described in particular pricing model does not assume that resources are
OWL. Dobson and Sànchez-Maciàn (2006) and Ardagna et dedicated to the customer making the reservation. The
al. (2006) use semantics as well to implement a framework customer, within a fixed frame time, only reserves the right
for QoS/SLA-based web service selection. In Maurer et al. to pay resources less than the standard on-demand price.
(2012), authors present an approach that tries to fill the gap Other cloud providers, instead of selling raw resources,
between offer and demand by guiding the customers in offers cloud-based services in the form of developing and
adapting their requirements to service features advertised in execution platforms (PaaS) and applications (SaaS). Some
public SLA templates. decide to charge the customer according to the usage that
4 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

the provided service makes of the underlying raw resources. they are charged) or not (they are not charged). The
Others (mostly providing business oriented services) reservation time goes from one to three years. Same
adopt a model that is more suited to those business proposal comes from Microsoft’s Windows Azure under the
applications that, once deployed, involve the interaction of name of subscription offer, with the difference that the
many end users. The customer is then charged by month and minimum subscription (read it reservation) time is six
by the number of end users that the application will months. Rackspace does not offer reserved resources, but
have to serve (we refer to this model as end-user-based). rather proposes a Managed Service Level offering, that
Finally, almost all commercial providers propose a provides (at the price of an extra monthly fee and an higher
free-of-charge model. The model is mainly adopted to let cost per instance/hour) an additional level of support on
the customers try the proposed service for a medium-long instances, which includes monitoring, operating system
period (from 30 days to a year); at the end of the trial period and application infrastructure layer support, and technical
the customer will eventually decide to continue using the guidance.
service for charge (some refers to this model as the
‘freemium’ model). The model is currently offered by the 3.1.3 End-user-based
big commercial players to gain new customers on the
market, but maybe, in the future, the managers of open For its platform and application services
cloud infrastructure (such as those based on volunteered ( adopts the end-user-based
resources) might want to adopt the model too. model. The customer deploying their application on the
In the forthcoming cloud economy generation other Salesforce’s cloud is charged by month and by the number
pricing models might result more attractive for both of end users that will have to use the application.
providers and customers. In the process of optimising the Google charges the customers of its app engine platform
usage of internal resources, providers might want to ( according to the amount
encourage customers to access their resources during of resources that their applications make use of (mostly an
specific periods of underutilisation (at night, or during the on-demand model). An interesting offered feature is that
weekends), and thus would be willing to charge customers customers can control their billing by setting for each
according to ad-hoc, time-oriented models. Again, in the application the maximum daily resource budget that the
same way like mobile phone operators do, providers might application itself is allowed to use. Also, Google has
even offer their customers pre-paid packages of resources to recently launched a new, enhanced, business-oriented
be consumed as they like. platform (app engine for business) for which it has been
In the following, the price models currently offered by announced that the end-user-based model will apply.
main commercial providers are discussed.
3.1.4 Free-of-charge
3.1.1 On-demand To attract new customers, Amazon has introduced a free
All main commercial providers of cloud infrastructures usage model called free tier, providing a limited access to
and services ‘comply’ with the on-demand approach, and low-capacity resources for a one year time. The Azure’s
offer to charge customers for the actual period of free-of-charge proposal is known as free trial introductory
time that the resource has been utilised. Amazon special; it delivers almost as the same service level as
( proposes the so called Amazon’s. It seems that Rackspace does not adopt any
on-demand instances, that let users pay for compute try-before-buy strategy. Finally, the very basic service
capacity by the hour, with no long-term commitments. offered by Google’s App Engine is free of charge:
Instances are differently priced according to the customers will have to pay only if their applications overuse
capacity of the requested resource, from less powerful a fixed amount of resources (overcome the so called
(micro instance) to more powerful (cluster GPU instance). ‘freethreshold’).
Microsoft Azure’s resources (
windowsazure) are charged according to the pay-as-you-go 3.2 SLA negotiation
model, which is the commercial name for the on-demand
pricing model. Rackspace ( as Research in cloud computing is pushing toward scenarios
well lets user pay for what they use. Both Microsoft and where providers will be able to set-up and offer virtualised
Rackspace also differentiate (and accordingly charge) on the resources, customers will be able to search for, select,
capacity of instances that can be requested. configure and run virtualised resources, and eventually
brokers will have to mediate between the providers’ and
the customers’ business requirements in order to fill the
3.1.2 Resource reservation supply-demand gap. Such a dynamic environment calls for
Amazon gives the customer the option to make a low, advanced mechanisms to support the negotiation and the
one-time payment for each instance they want to reserve, management of SLAs.
and in turn they receive a significant discount on the hourly In the literature several proposals for the negotiation and
usage charge for that instance. The instance is reserved for management of SLA have appeared in the context of GRID
the customer, whether they decide to use it (in which case and SOA, but many also address the same issues in the
A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 5

cloud computing context too. Actually most of them give them to better bidders. This very primitive form of
provides limited or no support for dynamic SLAs negotiation gives the providers the chance to adopt
negotiation, which we believe to be a strict requirement for more flexible (and economically advantageous) resource
the future cloud markets. As for the negotiation protocol, scheduling’s schemes. From the customer’s perspective,
the OGF’s WS-agreement negotiation (The Open Grid money can be saved at the risk of an increased probability
Forum, 2011) is the most notable standardisation effort. The of resource unavailability. We argue that, similarly to what
proposal is an extension of the former (yet recommendation) happens in some market of goods, the providers should be
WS-agreement, and is still in progress. It just supports the given the possibility to tune their selling strategies
one-to-one negotiation scheme and the very simple according to the resources’ demand and supply levels. This
offer/counter-offer dynamics. Although some extensions would bring benefits to providers and to customers as well.
have been provided (Di Modica et al., 2009), the basic The latter will have the chance to search for resources
approach is not efficient and flexible enough for complex according to the associated negotiation scheme that best suit
application areas. Auction-based alternatives (Fujiwara their own business strategies and needs. Resource price is
et al., 2010; Zaman and Grosu, 2010; Lin et al., 2010) were just one of the possible term on which negotiations might
also suggested as more appropriate for highly dynamic take place. There may be several quality parameters that the
contexts. One of the objectives of the SLA@SOI customers may want (and the providers may be willing) to
European FP7 project (The SLA@SOI Consortium, negotiate on. Resource availability, resource reliability, was to provide negotiation data security might be terms of negotiations between the
mechanisms for exchanging offers and counter offers providers and the requestors of the resources. This work
between customers and providers in a SOA context. The though puts forward the idea that the resource price will
implemented framework (SLAM) gives support for both play a crucial role, with respect to that of other parameters,
one-to-one and one-to-many negotiations, allows for in the future cloud economy.
multiple rounds of negotiation, and can be adopted in agent
marketplace as well as broker-based architectures. The 3.3 Service performance levels
Vienna service level agreement framework (VieSLAF)
architecture for cloud service management (Brandic et al., The performance features that cloud providers advertise are
2009) introduces the concept of meta-negotiations to allow usually vague, sometimes focused on virtual machines
two parties to reach an SLA on what specific negotiation computation speed, ignoring other aspects such as the
protocols, security standards, and documents to use before storage and network services performance. The only
starting the actual negotiation. In Sim (2010), the author parameter which is quantitatively expressed and granted by
presents the design of a complex cloud negotiation all the commercial providers is the availability of resources,
mechanism to support negotiation activities in cloud measured as the percentage of time in a one year period that
markets. The work discusses about negotiation models, a resource is up and reachable. All providers guarantee a
protocols and strategies in a market of cloud resources very high level of resource availability (from 99%
where broker agents tries to maximise the utilities of upwards), prevent any user data loss by allocating extra
providers and customers. back-up storage, support customers to face any technical
The market of cloud resources is today dominated by issue, provide them with feedbacks on the performance of
very big commercial providers that impose their charging the delivered services.
models, price quotes and resource availability level, without The competition among the providers is played on both
any chance of negotiation. As for the resource cost aspect, on the price at which the resources are sold and the
for instance, customers can acquire a resource just at the capability of sustaining the promised, guaranteed service
price that it is advertised at, with no chance for them to levels. Some providers further differentiate their service
negotiate on the price. Neither providers propose auction- offer. Besides provisioning what we call a standard basic
based sales that let customers compete with each others for service level, which is the core activity of their business,
acquiring the resources. Only recently some providers have some of them also offer a premium service level, which
introduced some limited negotiation capabilities, as the provides more guarantees than the basic and adds extra
Amazon’s spot instances model. This model enables the services. Amazon’s dedicated instance service offers EC2
customer to bid for unused Amazon capacity. Instances are instances launched within virtual private cloud that run
charged the Spot Price, which is set by Amazon and hardware dedicated to a single customer. Customers have
fluctuates periodically depending on the supply of and the same guarantees as those provided with the basic level
demand for Spot Instance capacity. We can say this is the instances, with the advantage of having them running on
first attempt to import a very basic form of negotiation dedicated hardware. Note that on this service level, both the
(whose object is just the resource price) into the market of on-demand and the resource reservation pricing models can
the virtualised resources. According to this model, on the be applied. Google’s app engine for business provides the
one hand the provider gives the user the possibility to same ease of use and flexibility of basic App Engine, but
acquire resources at a lower price than the standard; on the with more power and guarantees to support business-critical
other one, whenever the resources’ demand increases, the applications. SalesForce’s platform is proposed
provider reserves the right to pre-empt those resources and in two different flavours (the enterprise edition and the
unlimited edition) to accommodate at best the needs of their
6 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

customers. Basically, the unlimited edition provides, in Finally, the budget availability is the most compelling
addition to what the enterprise offers, customisation and full among the requirements. All the choices must be made
support service. checking that the budget they require is compatible with the
Those discussed here are the service level models that company’s investment capability. For example, a service
are currently being offered in today’s cloud infrastructures. level might fit a given application’s profile, but might not be
In the future, in order to satisfy the customers’ affordable for the company; on the contrary, a more
heterogeneous and dynamic business requirements, the affordable service level would make the company
cloud providers might be encouraged to propose new save money, but might not fit the strict application’s
models. To cater for more fine-grained customer requirements. In most cases a compromise has to be
requirements, providers might want to propose customisable searched for.
plans of service levels, that will enable customers to build There follows a list of some of the categories of
their own desired service level provisioning. The guaranteed applications that are currently being deployed on the cloud.
category could encompass more than just the basic and For each category, considerations are expressed regarding
premium models. Besides the guarantee-based, new models the service level plans and the pricing models that may
providing no guarantees on the provided service may appear apply.
as well (best effort service level). In a not so far future,
non-profit communities (universities, public administration 4.1 Web applications
offices) might also be tempted to share their unused
resources in a cloud fashion (Aversa et al., 2011), and most Cloud-hosted web infrastructure and software offer cost
likely would decide to opt for a best effort service level. In savings in terms of maintenance costs and rapid
such scenarios, users will be able to access each other’s deployment. Depending on how critical the being deployed
computing resources and open communities’ resources, service is, further considerations must be made to choose
possibly at no charge, being conscious that they are going to the service level and the pricing model that best fits. Web
receive a service providing low or no assurance on the applications have a very intensive usage pattern. The
resource availability, and a very low support for the application should serve users’ requests anytime from
operational management. anywhere in the world (24/7). Depending on the level of
criticality exposed by the application, its provider may opt
for a premium service level (highly critical) or for a basic
4 Application requirements service level (low critical). To make an example, it would
be the case to opt for a premium service level for a web
Every application needing some computing power could appliance advertising discounts on commercial products
technically run on a cloud. Still security is a big concern that (temporary degradation of the service might turn into
prevents service providers from unconditionally deploying heavy losses), while for a weather forecast website a basic
their applications on the cloud. The Cloud Computing Use service level would be enough (no relevant consequences
Cases Group ( has recently in case of service failing). The best effort level should
published a work where the key factors affecting the instead be discarded, as service discontinuity might very
decision of moving an application to the cloud are analysed. negatively affect the usage pattern. As for the pricing,
Several considerations need to be made before making that the reservation-based model is to be preferred to the
important decision. Generally speaking, before making the on-demand. If we make a break-even analysis, we would in
move a cost/benefit analysis must be carefully done. The fact discover that for continuous usage patterns and
decision concerns both whether to move onto the cloud or long-lived appliances (like the web applications’) the
not, and to select the cloud offer that fits. In the following, reservation-based is more profitable.
we tries to make such analysis from the point of view of the
application that has to be deployed.
4.2 Business applications
One should verify, according to the company’s
business objectives to be accomplished and to how much Moving applications like CRM, ERP, human resources and
mission-critical the application is, whether the application to financial solutions onto the cloud have demonstrated to limit
be deployed requires a guaranteed service level or a best up-front investment and costly integration required for
effort is enough. If the former is to be chosen, again, in-house deployments. However, data security has limited a
depending on the business requirements of the application, a wider deployment of business applications on public clouds.
choice has to be made between a basic or a premium service The criticality of service and the need for high data
level. Further on, the choice of the pricing model that best availability in this specific context is such that premium
fits must be made according to the application’s profile, solutions should be preferred. The business applications
i.e., the application’s specific usage pattern: if such pattern have a discontinuous usage pattern (mostly accessed
is ‘dense’ (resources are continuously used within a during the business hours), but nonetheless the application
timeframe), reserved-based solutions are to be preferred; should be always up and running (24/7 pattern). Again,
otherwise, the on-demand pricing model will result more reservation-based is an advantageous option from the cost
convenient. point of view, but the end-users-based option has to be
evaluated as well. Depending on the number of users that
A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 7

are going to make use of the application, the latter of the ontology contains semantic concepts belonging to two
two options might result more profitable. different domains, we have devised a mapping process, that
makes use of a rule system based on SWRL, able to
4.3 High performance computing applications transform application requirements into ‘semantically’
equivalent resource features, i.e., features that best represent
Several high-performance-computing-based applications the application requirements in the domain of resources.
can benefit from the cloud paradigm. In most cases, those The mapping’s purpose is to put application requirements
applications occasionally require a huge amount of and resource features on a common semantic ground (that of
computational resources to complete in a very short period cloud resource s) on which a semantic procedure will try to
of time. It is the case of rendering processes (e.g., to create make the match.
film special effects), drug development in a pharmaceutical Figure 1 depicts the two semantic domains, along
company, financial modelling at a bank, testing a new with the mapping and matchmaking processes. In the figure,
feature of an on-line game at a software house. The the filled circles represent, respectively, real requests
application pattern is such that very powerful resources are issued by customers (within the application requirements’
accessed in a limited period of time, so the on-demand domain) and real offers advertised by service providers
approach seems to be a cost-effective solution. Once again, (resource features’ domain). Through the mapping process
one has to evaluate the application requirement AR4 is transformed into its
a how often the cloud resources have to be accessed ‘equivalent’ resource feature offer RF6 (empty circle) in the
in a given time frame, just to check whether a offers domain. Such resource feature does not necessarily
reservation-based option would be better coincide with a real offer, rather, it represents the ideal offer
that would perfectly match the considered application
b how mission critical is the application to run, requirement. In the next step, the matchmaking procedure
in order to choose the appropriate service level: highly explores the resource features’ domain in order to search
mission-critical applications would surely require a for concrete offers that show a semantic affinity to RF6
premium service level, for other applications even (those covered by the grey area in the figure). The final
the best effort could be enough (think about a outcome of the entire process will be a list of concrete
university sharing its data centre’s resources for testing offers, sorted by the semantic affinity degree, that may
scientific-purpose applications). satisfy the business needs represented by AR4.
In the following subsections we provide an overview of
the two ontologies, respectively describing the application
5 Supply-demand matchmaking requirements and the resource features domains, and give
The previous analysis of current cloud offering has shown some details on how the mapping and the matchmaking
that the provider and the customer perspectives are quite processes work.
different. The former seeks to maximise the profit and the
utilisation level of their IT asset. The latter needs to make 5.1 Ontology design
fine-tuned searches on the market in order to discover the
We have designed two simple and extensible OWL-based
service fitting their specific business needs. We have then
(W3C, 2012) ontologies that may be of help to semantically
designed a service discovery framework that exploits
characterise the resources offered by cloud providers and
semantic mechanisms to favour the matchmaking of the
the requirements expressed by customers. This is a very first
providers’ offer and the customers’ demand. Two ontologies
attempt to define the base for a more comprehensive and
have been developed. The first ontology semantically
complete ontology framework, but we believe it is sufficient
describes the features of the resources being offered by
to give the reader a rough picture of the idea being proposed
cloud providers, the second describes the application’s
in this work.
business requirements expressed by customers. As each

Figure 1 Mapping and matching

8 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

5.1.1 Resource features’ ontology cloud providers, as earlier discussed at the beginning of the
section. As depicted in the figure, the charged class is
In its current state the resource features’ ontology focuses
linked to the NegotiationModel class by means of the
on the concepts that, according to us, best represent the
hasNegotiationModel property. This link models the
cloud resources from the providers’ business perspective
negotiability of the price of any non-free offer. The service
and that have been analysed in Section 3: the pricing model,
provider is allowed to select the negotiation model that
the service performance level and the negotiation model.
accommodate at best its vending strategy’s objective. In
Figure 2 depicts a comprehensive view of the developed
particular, as explained in Section 3.2, there are two big
ontology. Ellipses represent ontology classes. A solid arrow
categories of negotiation models: the OneToOne, which
models an is-a relationship between two classes, while
models private negotiation models between a customer and
arrows with dashed lines are object properties defined
a provider, and the OneToMany, representing all the public
among classes. Basically, a cloud offer is the main concept
negotiation schemes in which many customers compete to
of the ontology. An offer regards the provisioning of a cloud
acquire the resource offered by one provider.
service, that can be in the form of IaaS, PaaS of SaaS.
As regards the service performance level class, it is
Among the features that an offer can exhibit, we have
subclassed by the best effort and guaranteed classes as it
depicted the pricing model that will be used to charge the
results from the analysis shown in Section 3.3. The former
customer, and the service performance level associated to
represents the category of services for whose performance
the provisioning of the service that the offer refers to.
no guarantee is provided; the latter represents the services
The pricing model is partitioned into two disjoint
for which a basic guarantee is offered, those for which a
concepts (classes): free of charge and charged. Free of
premium level guarantee is provided, and those allowing for
charge represents the category of services offered for free
a customisation of the performance level to be delivered.
(see ‘try-before-buy’ strategies). Charged embraces all
The object property, linking the customised class to the
pricing models that charge the customer for the
OneToOne class, models the possibility for the provider to
service usage. In this tentative ontology, charged is
select the preferred negotiation scheme to be used when
further subclassed by the on-demand, reservation and
contracting with the customer for the QoS to be delivered.
end-user-based concepts. The three sub-concepts represents
the pricing categories currently adopted by commercial

Figure 2 Resource features ontology

A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 9

5.1.2 Application requirements’ ontology be deployed in the cloud. These parameters aim to model
what in Section 4 we earlier referred to as application
From the analysis carried out in Section 4, an ontology
defining the application requirements has been developed
(depicted in Figure 3). A dashed arrow originating from a
concept and pointing to a box represents a concept’s data 5.2 Mapping
property, whose range of values is indicated within the box The mapping process is a simple procedure that applies a
itself. Basically, a customer can request computing list of mapping rules. Rules have been defined using the
resources, a platform or a software application. The Price Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) (Horrocks et al.,
branch models the fact that, for a request, the customer can 2004). SWRL was chosen since it is a W3C specification
specify if he is willing to pay or he is just looking for a free- and it copes well with OWL-based ontologies. The
of-charge service (charged and free concepts). In the first objective of each rule is to transform a specific application
case, the customer may want to also specify the amount of requirement into the ideal, best matching resource feature.
the budget at his disposal. At this stage, two qualitative As mentioned before, the mapped feature does not have to
values are allowed (‘high’ and ‘low’) but a more detailed necessarily correspond to a real feature of a concrete offer.
specification for the budget requirement will be introduced The task of searching for the real feature that best matches
in the future. Also, the customer may specify if he is is committed to the matchmaking process, of which details
looking for services that are either privately or publicly are provided in the next section.
negotiable (canNegotiate property). The definition of the rules follows a heuristic approach.
In the case of computing resources, the customer is Considerations stemming from the analysis conducted in
given the possibility to specify whether he has a plan for Sections 3 and 4 drove the design of the rules. So, for
utilising the resource (UtilisationPlan concept), and a instance, an application requiring to run in the long term and
timeline for that plan (hasDuration data property). A consuming loads of computation resources, is best served by
resource ConsumptionPlan, indicating how ‘dense’ will be offers advertising reservation-based price models in the case
the consumption of the resource for the duration of the plan, that budget is a constraint. Or again, highly performing
may also be specified (by means of the hasDensity resources must be suggested to applications with real-time
property). Finally, customer may want to specify the constraints in the case that budget is not a problem.
MissionCriticality of the application/service that is going to

Figure 3 Application requirements ontology

10 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

From the technological point of view, a group of chained 5.3 Matchmaking

semantic rules drive the mapping from individuals of the
After the mapping process has elaborated the ideal offer, the
Application requirements’ ontology to individuals of the
matchmaking process will start exploring the domain of the
Resource features’ ontology. A rule engine takes a request
real offers in order to find those ones whose features best
in input, applies the sequence of rules and, according on the
meet the initial application requirements. In particular, for
rules that match, incrementally builds up the ideal offer. For
each offer advertised in the market, the matchmaking
the sake of brevity, we report only a significant subset of
process will evaluate the semantic affinity between that
offer and the ideal one. The semantic affinity will reveal
1 request : Request(?request) ∧ offer : Offer(?offer) how close a real offer is to the customer expectations.
→ hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) Ontologies have been designed in such a way to let
customers and providers specify requests and offers at
2 hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧
shallower or deeper level of details. If a customer request is
request : Computing(?request) ∧
made up of individuals created from concepts whose depth
offer : provides(?offer, ?service)
in the ontology trees is low (i.e., closer to root concepts),
→ offer : IaaS(?service)
then it expresses very general requirements that will likely
3 hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧ match a large number of offers. Instead, in the case of a very
request : Platform(?request) ∧ detailed request (represented, e.g., by leave concepts in the
offer : provides(?offer, ?service) ontology trees) a reduced set of offers will match.
→ offer : PaaS(?service) The semantic affinity will be a value in the range [0, 1],
1 being the highest achievable affinity. This will allow us to
4 hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧
present the customer with a list of concrete offers (sorted by
request : Software(?request) ∧ the affinity criteria) that will ease the task of selecting the
offer : provides(?offer, ?service) best offer. The function that calculates the semantic affinity
→ offer : SaaS(?service) is the following:
5 hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧ A = Serva ∗ Wserv + Pricea ∗ W price + Perf a ∗ W perf
request : hasPrice(?request, ?price) ∧
request : Free(?price) ∧ + Neg a ∗ Wneg
offer : hasPriceModel(?offer, ?priceModel) ∧
The overall affinity between the ideal offer and a real offer
offer : hasPerformanceLevel(?offer, ?performance)
is obtained by summing up four components which,
→ offer : FreeOfCharge(?priceModel) ∧
respectively, represent the sub-affinities evaluated on
offer : BestEffort(?performance)
each offer’s feature: service, price model, performance level
6 hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧ and negotiation model. So, for instance, the addendum
request : hasPrice(?request, ?price) ∧ Pricea ∗ Wprice represents the sub-affinity evaluated on the
request : canNegotiate(?price, ?negotiation) ∧ price feature. In particular, Pricea is the outcome of the
request : Public(?negotiation) ∧ semantic comparison between the price concepts exposed
offer : hasPriceModel(?offer, ?priceMod) ∧ by the two individuals (the offers), while Wprice is a weight
offer : NegotiationModel(?negModel) factor that can be employed to privilege the price criteria in
→ offer : hasNegotiationModel(?priceMod, the evaluation of the overall affinity. Each parameter has an
?negModel) ∧ associated weight factor. We plan to use this factor to give
offer : OneToMany(?negModel). the customer the power to tune the affinity algorithm
according to customisable priority criteria. For the tests
Rule 1 just states that, given a generic request in the
discussed in the next Section, all weights are equally
application requirements’ domain, a corresponding ideal
assigned 0.25.
offer exists in the resource features’ domain. Rules 2
We now provide some details on the semantic
through 4 handle the different type of cloud services that
comparison of concepts. Let Oj(Servo−j, Priceo−j, Perfo−j,
can be requested. The rules are very intuitive, and states that
Nego−j) be a generic offer, where Servo−j, Priceo−j, Perfo−j,
a request for computing resource is mapped onto an offer of
Nego−j represent the semantic concepts characterising the
the type IaaS, a request for a Platform resource is mapped
offer. In order to evaluate the overall semantic affinity of
onto a PaaS offer, and a request for a Software resource
two offers Oideal (the ideal offer that is the outcome of the
maps to an offer of the type SaaS. Rule 5 states that a
mapping process) and Oreal (a real offer in the market place),
request asking resources for free will be mapped onto offers
couples of homologous concepts (i.e., referring to the same
advertised as free of charge for which the guaranteed level
feature) must be compared. So, Servo−ideal will be compared
of performance is best effort. Rule 6 maps a request for a
to Servo−real, Priceo−ideal will be compared to Priceo−real, and
generic cloud service, for whose price the customer is
so on. In general, the concept Co−ideal must be compared to
willing to negotiate in a public auction. This request is
its homologous Co−real. Let us now focus on that branch of
mapped onto offers advertising negotiation of the
the ontology tree to which the generic concept/feature C
OneToMany type.
A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 11

refers to. Four different cases are relevant to our evaluation. concepts (e.g., Charged vs FreeOfCharge, Guaranteed vs
Let us analyse all the possible cases: BestEffort). Conversely, siblings whose father is a non-root
concept are considered different but someway ‘close’
• the two concepts are semantically equivalent [Figure
concepts (e.g., OnDemand vs Reservation, EnglishAuction
4(a)]: they are assigned 1
vs DutchAuction), therefore they are given a higher grade of
• Co−ideal is the father of Co−real [Figure 4(b)]: their affinity affinity.
will be 1 as well
• the two concepts are siblings and the father is the root
6 Implementation and test
concept in the considered branch [Figure 4(c)]: their
affinity will be 0.5 A prototype of the framework was implemented and tested.
For the design of the ontologies and of the semantic rules
• the two concepts are siblings and the father is a non-
the Protégé editor tool was used. The core of the framework
root concept in the considered branch [Figure 4(d)]:
consists of an ontology mapper, a matchmaker supported
their affinity will be 0.75
by a semantic reasoner powered with the Pellet library
• Co−ideal is not expressed: the affinity will be 0 (Sirin et al., 2007), and a repository of advertised cloud
offers. The overall framework was implemented as a web
• in any other case, the concepts’ affinity will be 0.5.
application. Customers are then provided with a front-end
The algorithm assigns the highest value to equivalent tool to build and submit cloud requests, while at this stage
concepts, or to concepts that are in a father-son the repository of cloud offers was populated by hand. In the
relationship. Instead, it penalises two concepts that are future we plan to implement a tool that will help providers
direct descendants of a root concept, as in our ontology to build their offers and upload them to the repository.
siblings concepts whose father is root represent opposite

Figure 4 Concepts comparison

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
12 G. Di Modica and O. Tomarchio

For the test purpose, we generated a complete set of offers • hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧
spanning the whole semantic domain of resources’ features: request : hasPrice(?request, ?price) ∧
it resulted in a repository containing around 30,000 offers. request : canNegotiate(?price, ?negotiation) ∧
Afterwards, several different requests were generated, each request : Public(?negotiation) ∧
of them asking for a specific cloud service. For each offer : hasPriceModel(?offer, ?priceMod) ∧
submitted request, the framework replied with a list of offer : NegotiationModel(?negModel)
fitting offers. All tests were conducted on off-the-shelf → offer : hasNegotiationModel(?priceMod,
desktop PC equipped with an Intel Core i5 processor and ?negModel) ∧
4GB of RAM: despite the computing capacity demanded by offer : OneToMany(?negModel)
the semantic reasoning procedures and the large number of
offers populating the repository, the average response time First rule does nothing but create the ideal individual offer
for a query was observed to be less than one minute. in the resource feature domain. Second rule maps the
In the following we describe two sample requests and ‘Platform requirement into the ‘PaaS’ feature, Third rule
analyse the corresponding results provided by the discovery transforms the ‘Charged’ requirement into the
procedure. In the first request the customer asks for a ‘EndUserBased’ feature for what concern the price model,
service of type Platform, for whose price he is willing to and the ‘Guaranteed’ feature for what concerns the support
negotiate in the context of a public auction: level. The last rule maps the customer’s willingness to
negotiate for the price (‘canNegotiate’) to the ‘OneToMany’
R1(Type : Platform, PriceModel : Charged, negotiation feature.
NegotiationModel : Public) The mapping process, then, transformed R1 into the
following ideal offer:
After submission, the mapping process was run. From the
overall list of available SWRL rules, the following applied O1ideal ( Service : PaaS , PriceModel : EndUserBased ,
to R1: ServicePerf ormanceLevel : Guaranteed ,
• request : Request(?request) ∧ offer : Offer(?offer) NegotiationModel : OneToMany )
→ hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer)
For that offer, the matchmaking process produced the
• hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧ results depicted in Table 1. As the list is very long many
request : Platform(?request) ∧ results have been omitted. On top of the list the perfectly
offer : provides(?offer, ?service) matching concrete offers appear. Offers with an affinity
→ offer : PaaS(?service) value of 0.875 have a partial matching, as those offers do
not provide any kind of negotiation. Offers at the bottom
• hasMatchedOffer(?request, ?offer) ∧ have a very poor match because of differences in both the
request : Platform(?request) ∧ request : service type and the service performance level.
hasPrice(?request, ?price) ∧ request : Charged(?price)
∧ offer : hasPriceModel(?offer, ?priceModel) ∧ offer : Here is the second request that we tested:
hasP erformanceLevel(?offer, ?performance) → R 2(Type : Computing ,
offer : EndUserBased(?priceModel) ∧ offer :
UtilisationPlan − > hasDuration : long ,
ConsumptionPlan − > hasDensity : high)

Table 1 List of matching offers for request R1

Offer # Service PriceModel SPL NegModel Affinity

39 PaaS EndUserBased Basic ContractNet 1.0
49 PaaS EndUserBased Premium EnglishAuction 1.0
48 PaaS EndUserBased Premium DutchAuction 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
36 PaaS EndUserBased Customised n.a. 0.875
35 PaaS EndUserBased Basic n.a. 0.875
... ... ... ... ... ...
3 SaaS FreeOfCharge BestE_ort n.a. 0.5
1 IaaS FreeOfCharge BestE_ort n.a. 0.5
A semantic framework to support resource discovery in future cloud markets 13

Table 2 List of matching offers for request R2

Offer # Service PriceModel SPL NegModel Affinity

10 IaaS Reservation Premium n.a. 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ...
33 IaaS Reservation Premium DutchAuction 0.9375
32 IaaS Reservation Premium ContractNet 0.9375
... ... ... ... ... ...
12 IaaS OnDemand Basic ContractNet 0.8125
... ... ... ... ... ...

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