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The Realms of Rokugan






 There is a conditional connection between these Realms in the direction of the arrow(s).
 There is a gateway connection between these Realms in the direction of the arrow(s).
 There is a death connection between these Realms in the direction of the arrow(s).
 This location is considered part of the Shadowlands Labyrinth.
 This location is considered part of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
The Greater Realms
JIGOKU (The Realm of Evil)
This realm is home to the Oni and the place where the One-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,
Fu-Leng, has fallen to. This realm is a perversion of everything natural, an Oblivion,
corrupting everything it touches and slowly turning it into a shadow of its former self as it
devours its name.

NIGEN-DO (The Realm of Mortals)

This is the realm perceived by all living beings. From the anthropocentric philosophy,
followed by its denizens, this is the centre of the Multi-verse, the Nexus where all other
realms link to.

SAKKAKU (The Realm of Mischief)

This is the realm of Mujina, the 5 Elemental Dragons, Orochi, Nezumi and Kappa
originated. Although you would find a far greater variety of creatures within this realm as
it is a nexus formed between Jigoku, Nigen-Do and Toshigoku. So frequently Bakemono,
Trolls and even Ogres and Oni may be found within this realm.

TENGOKU (The Realm of Good)

This is the realm where Amaterasu, Onotangu and the Fortunes live. Tengoku is a realm
of exquisite majesty. Mortals rarely perceive this realm, but for the most virtuous, of
whom it is rumored they end as Fortunes in Tengoku. From here they overview creation
and the celestial bureaucracy…

YUME-DO (The Realm of Dreams)

This realm is home to the Naga, and the realm most perceived by Mortals as they may
enter simply by sleeping. Yume-Do also forms a nexus between Nigen-Do, Tengoku and
The Lesser Realms (Death Realms)
GAKI-DO (The Realm of The Hungry Dead)
Souls of mortals clinging to life, may avoid Meido and reincarnation. Instead stalking the
shadowlands in search of energy to steal from other souls; to fail feeding results in being
drawn to Meido where judgement awaits them. Gaki come in Ghoul, Zombie, Vampire
and Spectre varieties. The only natural inhabitants of Gaki-Do are Ogres.

MEIDO (The Realm of The Transgressing Dead)

Meido is an empty wasteland, where souls are judged for their actions in life. Sometimes
they are given a test to determine where they are to go. Most souls simply reincarnate, but
sometimes souls are sent to other realms as well. Heroes are allowed to enter Yomi, while
those who die in ultimate dishonor are sent of to Toshigoku. In extremely rare cases it
may happen that a soul is deemed worthy to join the Fortunes in Tengoku.

TOSHIGOKU (The Realm of The Dishonored Dead)

The dishonored beyond redemption end up here, where they are hunted down by the
realm’s denizens: Bakemono and Trolls. The realm is a grotesque maze with only two
possible exit ways. Somewhere in the maze lays a gateway to Sakkaku, however only one
soul can exit through the gate before it moves to an other location within the maze, thus
the inhabitants of Jigoku are also hunted down by each other, as one quickly learns that
relying on others ends up with betrayal at the gate. The worst news is that it doesn’t end
with being slain… That only results in being sent to the beginning of the labyrinth. The
last option to escape is selling one’s name to the Unnamable Master of Jigoku, a choice
that dooms the spirit to become a Lost. Legend has it that if one sells his soul to Fu Leng
at the same time that he walks through the Gate; he will be welcomed by Jigoku as a new

YOMI (The Realm of The Blessed Dead)

This is the realm of eternal peace, from where the ancestors watch over their progeny.
They also keep close contact with the Kami and the Fortunes, trying to ensure their
Clan’s prosperity and luck.
Traveling between the Realms




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