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07/05/20 22.


Updated: Jun 04, 2018
Author: Joseph C Pierson, MD; Chief Editor: Dirk M Elston, MD


Dermatofibroma (superficial benign fibrous histiocytoma) is a common cutaneous nodule of unknown etiology that
occurs more often in women. Dermatofibroma frequently develops on the extremities (mostly the lower legs) and is
usually asymptomatic, although pruritus and tenderness can be present. It is actually the most common painful skin
tumor.[1] A number of well-described, histologic subtypes of dermatofibroma have been reported. Removal of the
tumor is usually not typically required unless diagnostic uncertainty exists or particularly troubling symptoms are

This article discusses primarily cutaneous (superficial) dermatofibroma. Subcutaneous (deep) benign fibrous
histiocytomas are also well documented and may have a more aggressive clinical course, as can tumors displaying
cellular, aneurysmal (hemosiderotic), and atypical histologic variants of dermatofibroma.

In addition, benign fibrous histiocytomas are reported in bone, orbital, airway, gastrointestinal, splenic, genitourinary,
and intracranial locations.

The precise mechanism for the development of dermatofibroma is unknown. Rather than a reactive tissue change,
evidence that dermatofibroma may be a neoplastic process is demonstrated by its clonal proliferative growth.[2]
Clonality, by itself, is not necessarily synonymous with a neoplastic process; it has been demonstrated in inflammatory
conditions, including atopic dermatitis, lichen sclerosis, and psoriasis. Dermatofibroma tumorigenesis may be due to
distorted protein kinase C activity.[3]

Results from immunohistochemical testing with antibodies to factor XIIIa, which label dermal dendritic cells, are
frequently positive in dermatofibroma, while antibodies to MAC 387, which label monocyte-derived macrophages
(histiocytes), show less consistent results. One study evaluated the expression in dermatofibroma of HSP47, a
recently used marker for skin fibroblasts; CD68, a marker for histiocytes; and factor XIIIa. Most of the spindle-shaped
cells in all 28 cases of dermatofibroma, irrespective of histologic variant, stained positively with HSP47, indicating that
skin fibroblasts are a major constituent of dermatofibroma. Factor XIIIa–positive dendritic cells also are present, but the
presence of CD68-positive histiocytes was inconsistent, especially between histologic variants.[4] CD14+ monocytes
have been proposed as the cell of origin of dermatofibromas.[5]

The cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan-1,[6] and fibroblast growth factor receptor 2, involved in epithelial-
mesenchymal cross-talk,[7] may play a role in the growth of dermatofibromas. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-
beta) signaling might be a trigger of the fibrosis seen in dermatofibromas.[8] TGF-beta, along with other fibrinogenic
factors, may be produced by mast cells, which have been reported to occur in abnormally high numbers in
dermatofibromas.[9] Page 1 of 17
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Gene fusions have been described in dermatofibroma tumorigenesis.[10, 11] ALK gene rearrangement and
overexpression has been demonstrated in the epithelioid and atypical dermatofibroma variants.[12, 13]

Historically attributed to be a reactive process to some traumatic insult to the skin (eg, arthropod bite, skin tattooing,
tuberculin skin testing, prior folliculitis),[14, 15, 16, 17] the cause of dermatofibroma is unknown. Clonal analysis
suggest it may represent a true neoplasm.[2]

Altered immunity likely plays a role in many cases of multiple eruptive dermatofibromas associated with various
underlying conditions and medications (see History).

A study of eruptive dermatofibromas in a kindred suggests that a genetic component may exist.[18]

Dermatofibromas are relatively common.

Frequency of dermatofibroma appears to be similar in all races.


Females are affected by dermatofibroma more commonly than males, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:2, or higher.[19,


Dermatofibroma can occur in patients of any age. In one series, 80% of biopsy specimens were from patients aged 20-
49 years,[19] and in another the mean age of the patients was 42.18±13.72 years.[20]

Typical superficial dermatofibromas are considered benign lesions, and the prognosis for patients with this condition is
excellent. However, discomfort from pain or itching may be significant.

Deep, cellular, aneurysmal (hemosiderotic), and atypical variants, which are notoriously more locally recurrent (≤20%
of cases), can rarely metastasize.[21, 22, 23] (The deep subset of dermatofibroma that arises in the subcutaneous or
deep soft tissue may undergo further classification.[22] ) Such variants, or any indeterminant dermatofibroma, might be
regarded as potentially malignant lesions.[24] In these exceptional cases, pulmonary and nodal metastases were most
commonly seen, some patients developed multiple satellite nodules, and deaths have occurred.[25] The primary
tumors tended to be large and cellular, but aggressive behavior is not entirely predictable, although early or frequent
recurrences of the tumor should raise concern.[25] Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) may prove
useful in identifying these higher-risk variants.[26, 27, 22] Page 2 of 17
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The epithelioid variant has also been reported to metastasize, although demonstration of ALK gene rearrangement
may indicate it is a biologically distinct tumor.[12]

In a study of common dermatofibromas with an increased mitotic rate but no other worrisome features, none recurred
or metastasized.[28]

Spontaneous regression has been reported,[29] and this may yield postinflammatory hypopigmentation, although this
appears to be quite rare.

Patient Education
For patient education resources, see the Procedures Center, as well as Mole Removal.


Dermatofibromas typically arise slowly and most often occur as a solitary nodule on an extremity, particularly the lower
leg, but any cutaneous site is possible. Dermatofibromas are usually asymptomatic, but itching and pain often are
noted. They are the most common of all painful skin tumors.[1] Women who shave their legs may be bothered by the
razor traumatizing the lesion in that region, causing pain, bleeding, erosive changes, and ulceration. Although cases of
unusually rapid growth exist, most dermatofibromas remain static for decades or persist indefinitely. Patients may
describe a hard mole or unusual scar and are often concerned about the possibility of skin cancer.

Several lesions may be present, but rarely are numerous (ie, ≥15) tumors found. This multiple eruptive variant occurs
in less than 1% of patients, approximately 60% of whom have an underlying systemic condition, such as HIV infection
or systemic lupus erythematosus.[30, 31, 32] However, dermatomyositis,[33] Graves disease,[34] Hashimoto
thyroiditis,[35] myasthenia gravis,[35] Down syndrome,[36] leukemia,[37] myelodysplastic syndrome,[38] cutaneous T-
cell lymphoma,[39] multiple myeloma,[39] atopic dermatitis,[40] Crohn disease,[41] and ulcerative colitis[42] have all
been reported in association with the phenomenon. In addition, antiretroviral agents,[43] the biologic agent efalizumab,
[44] antitumor necrosis factor-alpha agents,[45] and the tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib[46] have been linked to their

Both congenital[47] and acquired[48] cases of multiple clustered dermatofibromas have been reported.

Physical Examination
Typically, the clinical appearance of dermatofibroma is a solitary, 0.5- to 1-cm nodule. A sizable minority of patients
may have several lesions, but rarely (< 1% of cases) are more than 15 lesions present. (See History) The overlying
skin can range from flesh to gray, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, blue, brown, or black, or a combination of hues
(see the image below). On palpation, the hard nodule may feel like a small pebble fixed to the skin surface and is
freely movable over the subcutis. Tenderness may be elicited with manipulation of the lesion. Page 3 of 17
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Erythematous, slightly hyperpigmented nodule on the leg. Courtesy of David Barnette, MD.

The characteristic tethering of the overlying epidermis to the underlying lesion with lateral compression (pinching),
called the dimple sign, may be a useful clinical sign for diagnosis.[49] However, presence of the dimple sign does not
always assure the lesion is dermatofibroma,[50] and dermatoscopy may be useful in supporting the clinical impression.

The extremities are the most common sites of involvement, particularly the legs.[19, 20] Although any cutaneous site
can be seen, palm, sole, digital, oral, and genital involvement is relatively rare. Giant (>5 cm in diameter),[52] atrophic,
[53] polypoid,[54] and dermatofibroma with spreading satellitosis[55] variants have been reported. The largest reported
tumor was 17 x 9 x 4 cm.[56]

Multiple clustered dermatofibromas[48] are rare and can mimic dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. This phenomenon
has been reported in a segmental distribution.[57]

A halo of dermatitis (Meyerson phenomenon) surrounding a dermatofibroma occurred in one patient.[58]


Diagnostic Considerations
Also consider the following:

Cutaneous chondroma
Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma
Foreign body granuloma
Granular cell tumor
Nodular fasciitis
Nodular scabies
Sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma
Omphalomesenteric duct cyst
Epithelioid sarcoma Page 4 of 17
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Differential Diagnoses

Anal polyp

Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma

Atypical Fibroxanthoma

Atypical Mole (Clark Nevus or Dysplastic Nevus)

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Blue Nevi

Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV

Cutaneous Melanoma

Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma


Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans

Dermatologic Manifestations of Juvenile Xanthogranuloma

Cutaneous Lipomas

Dermatologic Manifestations of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Dermatologic Manifestations of Metastatic Carcinomas

Dermatologic Manifestations of Neurilemmoma (Schwannoma)

Epithelioid sarcoma

Erythema Elevatum Diutinum

Infantile Digital Fibromatosis

Keloid and Hypertrophic Scar




Melanocytic Nevi

Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis

Multinucleate Cell Angiohistiocytoma


Plaquelike myofibroblastic tumor

Prurigo Nodularis

Spiradenoma Page 5 of 17
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Spitz Nevus

Supernumerary Nipple

Targetoid Hemosiderotic Hemangioma



Imaging Studies
A study of localized lesions of the skin imaged via variable-frequency ultrasound included the image of a hypoechoic
solid nodule created by a dermatofibroma.[59] Dermatofibromas have been analyzed by high-definition optical
coherent tomography.[60]

Dermatofibroma can mimic a malignant lesion on fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography (FDG-PET)


For those trained in dermoscopy, this may be a useful adjunctive diagnostic technique for dermatofibromas. The most
common pattern seen is a peripheral pigment network with a central white area.[62] Dermoscopy of a xanthomatous
dermatofibroma shows a homogeneous pattern with shades of yellow and a peripheral pigment network.[63] A green
color may indicate the hemosiderotic variant.[64] If a suggestive melanocytic or atypical pattern is noted with
dermoscopy, a diagnostic biopsy is warranted.[65]

Confocal laser scanning microscopy findings have been described.[66]

If any diagnostic uncertainty exists, excisional biopsy into the subcutaneous fat is advised.

Histologic Findings
The overlying epidermis is usually acanthotic. Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and a basaloid proliferation may be
noted. The hyperplasia may be caused by the action of fibroblasts on epidermal keratinocytes.[67] Increased pigment
may be seen, which may be iron or melanin. Most lesions display a grenz zone of normal papillary dermis overlying the

The bulk of the tumor is within the mid dermis where no capsule is present and the periphery of the lesion blends with
the surrounding tissue. Whorling fascicles of a spindle cell proliferation with excessive collagen deposition are
characteristic. At the periphery, the spindle cells characteristically wrap around normal collagen bundles (see the
images below). Occasionally, melanocytes have been reported to be interspersed amongst the spindle cells.[68] Page 6 of 17
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Acanthotic epithelium with basilar hyperpigmentation (dirty feet) over a dermal spindle cell proliferation (X10). Courtesy
of David Barnette, MD.

Collagen trapping by the dermal fibrohistiocytic infiltrate (X40). Courtesy of David Barnette, MD.

The subcutis typically is preserved, but if involved (especially when a storiform [cartwheel] pattern is observed), be
alert to the possibility of the lesion being a dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP).[69]

Antibodies toward factor XIIIa and CD34 are useful in distinguishing the two tumors, with the former suggesting
dermatofibroma and the latter suggesting DFSP.[70] However, occasional CD34 positivity occurs in the cellular variant
of dermatofibroma.[71, 72] Dermatofibromas retain elastic fibers, while these are fragmented or displaced in DFSP.
This can be assessed with fluorescence microscopy of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) sections or with an elastic stain.

Stromelysin-3 (ST-3) expression of dermatofibroma by immunohistochemical staining may also be useful in

differentiation from DFSP.[74]

Transforming growth factor-beta type I and type II receptor expression patterns may also help distinguish between
dermatofibroma and DFSP.[8] Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) mediates TGF-beta I activation, and its elevated expression
in DFSP may aid in the differential diagnosis.[75] Page 7 of 17
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Immunostaining with insulinlike growth factor–binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) is positive more frequently in dermatofibroma
and aids in the differentiation from DFSP.[76]

Nestin, expressed in only 13% of dermatofibroma, but 94% of DFSP, could be a useful marker to distinguish between
these two tumors.[77]

Collagen triple helix repeat containing-1 (Cthrc1) staining is positive much more frequently in DFSP and is another
potential discriminating test.[78]

D2-40 immunostain appears to be a sensitive marker for dermatofibromas, including the cellular variant, can aid in
differentiation from DFSP.[79]

Cathepsin K expression[80] and immunohistochemical analysis of chemokine receptor CXCR4[81] are other possible
tools in delineating the two tumors.

Indeterminate tumors that share histologic and immunohistochemical features of dermatofibroma and DFSP have
been described[82] ; however, those studied do not harbor the COL1A1-PDGFB chimeric transcripts of DFSP.[83]

Expression of FGFR3/FOXN1 and FGF2/FGFR4 in dermatofibroma pathogenesis may also help differentiate from

CD99 has been used alone or in combination with factor XIIIa and CD34 to differentiate dermatofibroma from DFSP.
[85, 86, 87]

Leukocyte-specific protein 1 (LSP1) may aid in differentiation of dermatofibroma from DFSP.[5]

5-Hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) may be a useful marker to distinguish dermatofibroma from DFSP.[88]

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis may be helpful in differentiating dermatofibroma from DFSP.[89]

B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) expression may help distinguish subcutaneous dermatofibroma from DFSP.[90]

One clinicopathologic classification scheme[91] describes the following four categories of dermatofibroma:

Those with architectural peculiarities, such as deep penetrating, atrophic, giant, aneurysmal (angiomatoid),
hemangiopericytomalike, palisading, or ossifying variants

Cellular/stromal dermatofibromas, such as clear cell, granular cell, myofibroblastic, sclerotic, monster cell,
atypical (pseudosarcomatous), hemosiderotic, cholesterotic (lipidized), and myxoid variants: While the
cholesterotic variant has been described in association with metabolic syndrome,[92] it is more likely that
cholesterol results from breakdown of cell membranes within the lesion rather than as a result of circulating

Dermatofibromas with architectural and cellular/stromal changes in homogeneous arrangement, including

epithelioid cell, cellular benign, smooth muscle proliferative, basal cell carcinoma–like, pseudolymphomatous,
Multinucleate Cell Angiohistiocytoma (perhaps not a subtype of dermatofibroma), cellular neurothekeoma,
plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor, plexiform xanthoma, and plexiform xanthomatous tumor subtypes

A complex, composite, or combined dermatofibroma[93] category with 2 or more architectural and

cellular/stromal patterns in a single lesion

Of the variants listed above, keep in mind that the uncommon sclerotic fibromalike dermatofibroma should be
differentiated from sclerotic fibroma. One study[94] showed 7 of 7 of the former lesions to be negative for CD34 and
CD99, while 3 of 3 solitary fibromas were positive for CD34 and CD99. For comparison, 14 of 14 "common-type"
dermatofibromas in this study were negative for CD34, while 4 demonstrated positivity with CD99.

A histologic review of 192 dermatofibromas found 80% common type, 5.7% aneurysmal, 5.7% hemosiderotic, 2.6%
epithelioid, 2.1% cellular, 2.1% lipidized, 1% atrophic, and 0.5% clear cell.[95]

Immunoperoxidase staining is consistently positive for both CD10 and actin in dermatofibromas.[96] CD10 was
positive in 11 of 11 dermatofibromas and only positive in 1 of 7 epithelioid dermatofibromas, so it was postulated that
epithelioid dermatofibroma may be a distinct entity.[97]

Lichenoid dermatofibroma,[98] ulcerated dermatofibroma,[98] erosive dermatofibroma,[98] dermatofibroma with diffuse Page 8 of 17
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eosinophilic infiltrate,[99] dermatofibroma accompanied by perforating dermatosis,[100] and one showing perforating
dermatosis with floret-type multinucleated giant cells have been described.[101] Dermatofibromas with overlying
sebaceous hyperplasia,[102] with intracytoplasmic eosinophilic globules,[103] signet-ring cells,[104] amyloid light chain
deposition,[105] and incidental acantholysis[106] have also been reported. A case of an apocrine gland cyst with a
hemosiderotic dermatofibroma was termed an apocrine hemosiderotic dermatofibroma.[107] Cutaneous
adenodermatofibroma (entrapped apocrine structures without hemosiderotic changes), keloidal, collapsing
angiokeloidal, and dermatofibromas with dystrophic calcification variants have been reported.[108, 109, 110, 111] Blue
nevus associated with dermatofibroma has been reported, as has coexisting leukemia cutis.[112, 113]

One case of mycosis fungoides showed histologic features of dermatofibroma.[114]

Induction of hyperplasia in nearby structures by dermatofibroma is frequently described. In a study of over 10,000
dermatofibromas, associated induction (where follicular germinative and sebaceous glandular induction were seen in
6% of cases), cellular alterations, and stromal alterations are outlined with their attributes.[96] Dermatofibromas of the
shoulder have a high incidence of sebaceous induction with seborrheic keratosis‒like hyperplasia.[115]

A case series[116] reported the uncommon occurrence of dermatofibroma and melanocytic lesions in the same biopsy
specimen. Four of 14 specimens showed the 2 processes to seemingly merge imperceptibly. The lesions included
junctional, dermal, and compound nevi, as well as a single case of melanoma in situ. Knowledge of this relationship
can help prevent rendering the wrong diagnosis and is facilitated by the use of immunohistochemistry, with the
melanocytic lesions showing S-100 and Mart-1 positivity with FXIIIa negativity and the dermatofibroma showing S-100
and Mart-1 negativity and FXIIIa positivity. Another tool is Sox10 immunoreactivity, which is positive in melanocytic
lesions, but not fibrohistiocytic proliferations.[117] A case report[118] documenting an invasive melanoma occurring in
association with a dermatofibroma underscores the role of these immunohistochemical stains.

INI-1, present in 100% of dermatofibromas, but decreased or absent in the vast majority of epithelioid sarcomas in one
study, can help distinguish between the 2 lesions.[119]


Approach Considerations
No treatment is usually necessary for dermatofibromas. Simple reassurance that the lesion is benign may be indicated,
unless one of the aggressive subtypes is suspected or diagnosed.

Intralesional steroid injections have been attempted with variable results.

Surgical Care
For cosmetically unacceptable lesions, those that are particularly symptomatic, if there is any diagnostic uncertainty, or
when one of the aggressive subtypes is suspected, complete excision, including the subcutaneous fat, is the ideal
procedure. Obtaining a 3-mm margin has been shown to completely remove typical dermatofibromas.[120] One of the
aggressive histologic subtypes, aneurysmal dermatofibroma, has been successfully treated via Mohs micrographic

An inverted pyramidal biopsy technique may allow for an aesthetically pleasing result, while still providing adequate
tissue for histologic findings.[122]

Superficially shaving the lesion or cryosurgery can be attempted for cosmesis or to decrease the symptoms; however,
recurrences are more likely.

Carbon dioxide and pulsed-dye laser treatments have been used in the treatment of dermatofibromas.[123, 124] Page 9 of 17
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Long-Term Monitoring
If the dermatofibroma is not removed and significant change occurs in the color, size, border, or symptoms, the patient
should seek follow-up evaluation.

If complete removal has been previously attempted, patients with lesions that recur should seek follow-up evaluation.
An aggressive subtype or another diagnosis should be ruled out.

If multiple eruptive lesions develop, screening for a family history of such and for underlying associated diseases and
medications is warranted (See History).

Questions & Answers


What is a dermatofibroma?

What is the pathophysiology of dermatofibroma?

What causes dermatofibroma?

How common are dermatofibromas?

What is the racial distribution of dermatofibroma?

Are dermatofibromas more common in males or females?

What are the age-related demographics of dermatofibroma?

What is the prognosis of dermatofibroma?

What patient education resources are available on dermatofibroma?


What is the clinical history of dermatofibroma?

What are the physical exam findings in dermatofibroma?


Which conditions should be considered in the diagnosis of dermatofibroma?

What are the differential diagnoses for Dermatofibroma?


Which imaging studies are indicated in the workup of dermatofibroma?

Which clinical procedures are indicated in the workup of dermatofibroma?

What are the histologic characteristics of a dermatofibroma?

What are the histologic findings in dermatofibroma?

How are dermatofibromas classified? Page 10 of 17
07/05/20 22.02

What are the histologic characteristics of dermatofibromas?


How are dermatofibromas treated?

When is surgical care indicated in the treatment of a dermatofibroma?

When is follow-up evaluation indicated in dermatofibroma?

Contributor Information and Disclosures


Joseph C Pierson, MD Dermatology Residency Program Director, University of Vermont College of Medicine

Joseph C Pierson, MD is a member of the following medical societies: Association of Professors of Dermatology, New
England Dermatological Society, American Academy of Dermatology

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


Christine C Tam, MD Managing Member, Certified Dermatologists

Christine C Tam, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Specialty Editor Board

David F Butler, MD Former Section Chief of Dermatology, Central Texas Veterans Healthcare System; Professor of
Dermatology, Texas A&M University College of Medicine; Founding Chair, Department of Dermatology, Scott and
White Clinic

David F Butler, MD is a member of the following medical societies: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of
Dermatology, American Society for MOHS Surgery, Association of Military Dermatologists, Phi Beta Kappa

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Edward F Chan, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania School of

Edward F Chan, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology, American
Society of Dermatopathology, Society for Investigative Dermatology

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.

Chief Editor

Dirk M Elston, MD Professor and Chairman, Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Medical
University of South Carolina College of Medicine

Dirk M Elston, MD is a member of the following medical societies: American Academy of Dermatology

Disclosure: Nothing to disclose.


The authors and editors of Medscape Reference gratefully acknowledge the contributions of previous author, Diane Page 11 of 17
07/05/20 22.02

Pierson, DO, to the development and writing of this article.


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