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Exercise: Answer all question : -

1. CuCO3  CuO + CO2

In this reaction, 3.1 g of copper(II) carbonate are heated in a laboratory. Find :

(a) the mass of copper (II) oxide that being produced.
(b) the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced at s.t.p
[Relative atomic mass: Cu, 64; O, 16; C, 12; Molar Volume is 22.4 dm3 at s.t.p]

2. CaCO3  CaO + CO2

In this reaction balas, 300 cm3 gas carbon dioxide are produced when calcium
carbonate are heated. Find:
(a) the mass of calcium carbonate used.
(b) mass of calcium oxide produced.
[Relative atomic mass: Ca, 40; O, 16; C, 12;]

3. 2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2

When 0.23 g of sodium is added to water, the metal will react vigorously at the
surface of the water, find
(a) the mass sodium hydroxide produced.
(b) volume of hydrogen gasses yang being produced at temperature room.
[Relative atomic mass: Na, 23; O, 16; H, 1; Molar Volume is 24 dm3 at room


4. 2Mg + O2  2MgO
A strip of magnesium has a weight of 1.2 g are being burn with surplus oxygen to
produced magnesium oxide. Find:
(a) the mass magnesium oxide being produced.
(b) the mass of oxygen that needed for this reaction.
[Relative atomic mass: Mg, 24; O, 16]

5. C3H8 + 5O2  3CO2 + 4H2O

Propane gas was burned in oxygen follow as equation above. If 3.36 dm 3 of
carbon dioxide gas are produced in this reaction at s.t.p, find
(a) the mass of propane burned
(b) volume of oxygen gas that reacted
[Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; Molar Volume is 22.4 dm3 at s.t.p]

6. 2Al + 3CuO  Al2O3 + 3Cu

1.35g of aluminium powder and copper (II) oxide was heated strongly in laboratory
to produced aluminium oxide and copper. Find
(a) the mass of copper (II) oxide reacted
(b) the mass of aluminium oxide produced.
(c) the mass of copper produced.
[Relative atomic mass: Cu, 64; Al, 27; O, 16]

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