Quiz Answers

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Quiz for Day 1

All five questions are asked from what we learnt in Day 1 of STTP

In keynote speech, what was the name of ANN model proposed to tackle the problem of low data. *

• Multi-class learning
• Multi-layer Perceptron learning
• Simultaneous two class learning
• Simultaneous two sample learning

As per the keynote speech, which of the emotion labels cause challenge in automatic emotion recognition

• Encoded emotion
• Intended emotion
• Perceived emotion
• Decoded emotion

AR-PSD is estimated as ratio of PSD of white noise and PSD of *

• Pole-zero filter
• All pole filter
• All zero filter

In spectral estimation, convolution of window w(t) and time-domain signal g(t) will generate in frequency

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

In complex AM modelling of voiced phoneme, how many parameters are extracted per tone *

• 3
• 5
• 2
• Can not model

Quiz for Day 2

All five questions are asked from what we learnt in Day 2 of STTP

In Introduction to python session, which datatypes of python were introduced?(*Select all applicable opti

• Tuple
• Double
• List
• Array
• Integer
• String
• Dictionary

Which core library was used to load media contents? *

• IPython
• Scipy
• Matplotlib
• Numpy

For NMF factorization of input spectrogram of dim: 100-by-150, what will be dimensions of basis matrix an

• 100-by-k and k-by-150

• k-by-100 and k-by-150
• 150-by-k and k-by-100
• 150-by-K and k-by-150

What is the triplet mentioned in probability basics? *

• Event, Outcome, Probability

• Sample space, Outcome, Probability
• Sample space, Event, Probability
• Sample space, Event, Outcome

What measures of variability and asymmetry were mentioned in statistics basics? *

• Dispersion, Skewness
• Covariance, Skewness
• Skewness, Dispersion
• Dispersion, Covariance

Quiz for Day 3

All five questions are asked from what we learnt in Day 3 of STTP

What are the steps for using a gradient descent algorithm? 1. Calculate error between the actual value an
network and get values from output layer 4. Initialize random weight and bias 5. Go to each neurons whic

• 3, 2, 1, 5, 4
• 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
• 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The difference between deep learning and machine learning algorithms is that there is no need of feature
learning. *

• True
• False
What is the value of this Python expression: (2**2) == 4? *

• 4
• 2**2
• False
• True

What is the value of this Python expression? ((25 >= 5**2) and (25 <= 5**2)) *

• True
• False
• 10
• 5*2

As per Hands on Machine Learning lecture, which function used to convert categorical to Numerical data

• train_test_split
• MinMax Scaler
• Label encoder
• sns.heatmap

Quiz for Day 4

All five questions are asked from what we learnt in Day 4 of STTP

Suppose Pearson correlation between V1 and V2 is zero. In such case, is it right to conclude that V1 and


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