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Gabuyo Jasper Blk 7 Lt 10 / warehouse FSTN 8 - blk 7 Lt 10 retouching of wall, warehouse inven
Estardo Larry warehouse FSTN 8 - invetory of materials

Gabuyo Jasper Warehouse FSTN 8 - water reading, inventory of materials
Casio Angelica Warehouse FSTN 8 - invetory of materials
Estardo Larry Warehouse FSTN 8 - invetory of materials
Pulido Crispin Blk 2 Lt 4 STD 8 - Water Closet re-installation, and checking of ot

Gabuyo Jasper Blk 2 Lt 4 / Warehouse STD / FSTN 8 - Blk 2 Lt 4 Rechecking of work, inventory of mat
Casio Angelica Warehouse FSTN 8 - invetory of materials
Estardo Larry Warehouse FSTN 8 - invetory of materials
Gregorio Jerico Blk 9A Lt 3 FSTN 8 - checking and attending of complain of Mr. Cho
Bodo Alberto Blk 9A Lt 3 FSTN 4 - helping Jerico for the complain of Mr. Cho
Hiquana Francis Blk 10 FSTN 4 - Checking of the possible water losses in Blk 10

Gabuyo Jasper Warehouse FSTN 8 - Rechecking of Warehouse and Requisition Slip,
Pulido Crispin Blk 11 Lt 14 FSTN 8 - Installation of Plumbing Fixtures, Blk 9A Lt 13 re

Gabuyo Jasper Warehouse FSTN - Reading of Water, Monitoring of Works
Peralta Joel Blk 9a Lt 13 FSTN - installation of roofing materials
Merculio Jaymar Blk 9a Lt 13 FSTN - helping Joel for installation
Pulido Crispin Blk 11 Lt 14 FSTN - Installation of Plumbing Fixtures and checking f
ng of wall, warehouse inventory of materials, water reading

ntory of materials 2 overtime water-reading coloong

tallation, and checking of other possible problem

ng of work, inventory of materials

ding of complain of Mr. Cho Blk 9a Lt 3,

he complain of Mr. Cho
ssible water losses in Blk 10

ehouse and Requisition Slip, Electric Reading, Material Warehousing

bing Fixtures, Blk 9A Lt 13 re-checking of complains

Monitoring of Works
ng materials

bing Fixtures and checking for possible leaks


Cas Alberto Warehouse BANGA 8
Quias Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8
Belza Jaime Lot 9 BANGA 8
Vasquez Arnold Lot 9 BANGA 8

Cas Alberto Warehouse BANGA 8
Quias Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8
Belza Jaime Lot 9 BANGA 8
Vasquez Arnold Lot 9 BANGA 8
Detondoy Jayson Lot 9 BANGA 8
Sales Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8

Cas Alberto Warehouse BANGA 8
Quias Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8
Belza Jaime Lot 9 BANGA 8
Vasquez Arnold Lot 9 BANGA 8
Detondoy Jayson Lot 9 BANGA 8
Sales Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8

Cas Alberto Warehouse BANGA 8
Quias Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8
Belza Jaime Lot 9 BANGA 8
Vasquez Arnold Lot 9 BANGA 8
Detondoy Jayson Lot 9 BANGA 8
Sales Romel Lot 9 BANGA 8
Cabuyao Renan Lot 9 BANGA 8

Cas Alberto Warehouse BANGA
Quias Romel Lot 9 BANGA
Belza Jaime Lot 9 BANGA
Vasquez Arnold Lot 9 BANGA
Detondoy Jayson Lot 9 BANGA
Sales Romel Lot 9 BANGA
Cabuyao Renan Lot 9 BANGA

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