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A. How society is organized 4. Non-state institutions

a. Banks and corporations
1. Groups within society: Primary and Secondary
b. Cooperatives and trade unions
2. In-groups and out-groups c. Transnational advocacy groups
d. Development agencies
3. Reference groups e. International organizations
4. Networks 5. Education
B. Cultural, social and political institutions a. Functions of education in society (formal
and non-formal)
1. Kinship, marriage, and the household i. Productive citizenry
ii. Self-actualization
a. Kinship by blood iii. Primary education as a human right
a.1 Descent and marriage (unilineal,
6. Religion and belief systems
matrilineal, patrilineal, bilateral)
a. Animism
b. Kinship by marriage b. Polytheism
c. Monotheism
b.1 Marriage rules cross-culturally d. Institutionalized religions
e. Separation of church and state
b.2 (monogamy vs. polygamy, post-marital,
residency rules, referred marriage 7. Health
a. Culture-specific syndromes and
c. Kinship by ritual (Compadrazgo) illnesses (e.g., “bughat”, ”usog”/”buyag”)
b. Systems of diagnosis, prevention and
d. Family and the household healing (e.g., traditional, western,
alternative healing systems)
d.1 Nuclear, extended, and reconstituted
c. Health as a human right
d.2 families (separated, transnational)
C. Social and political stratification
e. Politics of kinship (political dynasty, a. Social desirables (wealth, power, prestige)
alliances) b. Social mobility system
i. Open (Class)
2. Political and leadership structures ii. Closed (Caste)
c. Social inequality
a. Political organization i. Access to social, political, and symbolic
i. Bands
ii. Gender inequality
ii. Tribes iii. Ethnic minorities
iii. Chiefdoms iv. Other minorities (e.g., persons with
iv. States and nations disabilities)
b. Authority and legitimacy v. Global Inequality (relationships between
states and non-state actors in the global
i. Traditional
ii. Charismatic
iii. Rational

3. Economic Institutions
a. Reciprocity
b. Transfers
c. Redistribution
d. Market transactions
e. Markets and state

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