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Doc Ref: MS-LFT/ ACCKH-01/20

Date of issue: 30 July -2020

Contractor Method Statement

Project : Installation of LCO2 Storage Tank with Vaporizer


Location : KHOBAR

Contractor : Abdullah Hashim industrial Gases & Equipment Co LTD (AHG).

Mr. Shis Ahmad (AHG: Project Manager)

Address : Post Box No. 595 Jeddah 21421,

Contact No : 02 – 6621500

Type of Work: Installation & commissioning of LCO2 Storage Tank & Vaporizer including:

• Vertical LCO2 Storage Tank (height 11 Mtr; Wt 11.8T)

• Ambient Vaporizer (height 4.8 Mtr; Wt < 1.0T)

Applicable : Only for lifting and erection of LCO2 Tank and Vaporizer as this is only
one heavy lift in AHG Project execution.

Lifting of LCO2 Tank and erection on foundation using Two Crane

Lifting Crane (By ACCIONA)
Tailing Crane (By ACCIONA)

Note : This method statement shall be read and executed in conjunction with
the following documentation:

1. Tank Rigging figure

2. Risk Assessment Doc : RA-LFT/ ACCKH-01/20

Main Lift Crane : Capacity: 50 Ton Or More

Tailing crane/ Forklift: Crane ( 25 Ton) or More
Scope of work

1. Installation of Two 20kl LCO2 Tank and Vaporizer.

2. Installation of Two Trim Heaters.
3. Installation of Interconnection Piping.
4. Commissioning of LCO2 Tanks for Service

Method Statement for Tank Erection

1. New personnel arriving at the site will be given a safety induction briefing to establish a
safe system of work which will be in force for the duration of all activities at the site .
Person will be briefed on the correct use of personal Protective Equipment ( PPE)

2. The exact set up location for the cranes will be surveyed by representative of the lifting
contractor for available space; sufficient ground bearing capabilities; underground
services and obstruction. Any underground services or obstruction in the set up location
will be noted and discussed with the client with a view to temporary protection or
temporary removal/ reinstatement as appropriate

3. Survey for clear access and the Trailer movement will be carried out by AHG
Construction Engineer
4. The risk assessment will form basis of the pre-task talk involving all personnel
concerned with mobilization and setting up the cranes. Each person will be briefed on his
specific task during mobilization and crane set up

5. A safety exclusion zone will be established and non essential plant/ equipment and
Personnel will be removed from lifting area.

6. Crane will be mobilized to the site ; set-up and rigged in correct position

7. The risk assessment will form the basis of the pre task talk involving all personnel with
lift Operation. Each person will be briefed on his specific task

8. The Tank will be transported to the site and positioned beneath the crane hook as per
the rigging figure

9. The lifting tackle will be inspected for condition ensuring its safe usage

10. Weather condition will be closely monitored prior to and during all lifting operation
11. The lifting tackle will be attached to crane hook

12. The boom tip will be positioned centrally above the item lift point

13. The lifting tackle will be attached to the lifting point at the head and the base of the
item as per the tank rigging figure.

14. Crane will lift simultaneously until all the sling are tight. The load will be monitored

15. The Tank securing will be loosened; the tank progressively raised checking the gap
until it is slightly clear of trailer/ support. The load will be monitored and the operating
Executed under supervision of designated representative
16. A safety check will be carried out to ensure all lifting shackles is secured

17. Confirmation to proceed with the operation will be approved by designated


18. The lifting crane will commence hoisting until the item is fully cleared of the trailer

19. The crane will then lower simultaneously until the Tank is firmly on the ground sitting

20. A final check will be carried out on the cranes and lifting tackles to ensure that no
loose object is resting on the item. If satisfactory the item securing will be completely

21. The lifting crane will be repositioned and the crane hook attached to the Tank head

22. The Tailing crane hook attached to the Tank base on the other side

23. The tailing crane will then lower the base of the Tank to the height above the ground
24. The main lift crane will then commence hoisting with the tailing crane tracking toward
the main crane ensuring all the times the hoist ropes of the crane remain vertical
throughout the operation

25. When the item has been lifted through 88 degree the tailing crane will lower off to
bring the item to vertical position.
26. The tail rigging will then be removed and the tailing crane moved into the safe parking

27. The main crane will be slewed or raised until the item is vertical over the foundation

28. The Tank will be checked for orientation and lowered to its final position on the
foundation and secured to the foundation bolt by properly tightening with the manual
29. Once the item is secured; the lifting tackle will be released from the top lifting point
Removal of the rigging to be carried out from the man basket attached to crane hook

Emergency Response : First Aid Facility will be made available on site to take care
of unexpected first aid case. In case of major incident/
accident; arrangement will be available at the site to carry
person to the nearest Hospital

Risk Assessment : Risk assessment see document (RA-LFT/ ACCKH-01/20)

Chemical Implication : NONE

Note : This job can also be safely accomplished employing one

bigger Crane (capacity 50 Ton or More) and one tailing crane
(capacity 25 Ton or more)
Refer to Tank rigging figure:

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