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Task 1 – BSBPM522

1. Project initiation and scope document

Project brief:
Max Lionel Realty (MLR), in order to build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations,
has decided to implement a program to:
 inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti- discrimination
legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organization
 promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of
Conduct and relevant legislation)
 inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
 achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Project scope:
 Six to eight team members (two to four students plus four virtual team members) who must be utilised
and budgeted for. Operations General Manager (the assessor) will determine composition of project
 The structure of the work should include roles for project sponsor, technical experts, quality assurance
of deliverables, project manager (yourself initially and, after provisional approval, as negotiated with
your team), and roles and responsibilities for each team member to achieve the deliverables according
to standards, etc.
 All reasonable resources (e.g. access to a room, computers, software and templates) will be provided.
Paper and telecommunications costs, for example, to be covered by students. All resources must be
costed and included in your budget.
 Budget: $15,000.
 Project should include design, development, implementation and evaluation stages (with periodic
quality review).
 Project must be coordinated with other organisational projects, operations, etc.
Stakeholder and responsibility:
Max Lionel, CEO
Max is responsible for working with the Board of Directors to oversee the business, set overall strategic
directions, manage risk, and authorise large financial transactions.
Riz Mehra, Chief Financial Officer
Riz is responsible for preparing quarterly financial statements and overall budgeting. Riz Is also
responsible for overseeing budgets for cost centres and individual projects. At the completion of financial
quarters and at the end of projects, Riz is responsible for viewing budget variation reports and incorporating
information into financial statements and financial projections.
Kim Sweeney, Operations General Manager
Kim is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. Kim oversees the coordination, as well as
the structural separation, of the Residential, Commercial, and Investments centres. Kim is responsible for
sponsoring projects which affect operations of the organisation as a whole. Kim works with the Human
Resources Manager to coordinate systems and projects in order to achieve company-wide synergy.
Les Goodale, Human Resources Manager
Les is responsible for the productive capacity and welfare of people at MLR. With the Operations General
Manager, Kim works to coordinate projects and management systems
such as performance management, recruitment, and induction. Kim will need to ensure aspects
of the recently launched WHS management system, such as risk assessment, management,
consulting, reporting and continuous improvement, are coordinated with all subsequent activities.
Sam Lee, Manager Residential Realty
Sam is responsible for the management of all aspects of residential realty. Sam manages the activities of
residential agents.
Pat Misfud, Manager Commercial Realty
Pat is responsible for the management of all aspects commercial realty. Pat manages the activities of
commercial agents.
Peter Mitchell, Manager Investments
Peter is responsible for the management of all aspects investment realty. Peter manages the activities of
investment agents. Peter works with the Operations General Manager to ensure separation of investment
from obligations to residential and commercial clients.

2. Project Plan
1 Engage with customers/build ● Percentage of brand ● Project to raise awareness of
ethical profile: recognition in sought-after anti discrimination, WHS and
● Raise organizational profile categories in periodic customer other legislation/codes of
by 20% surveys. conduct among agents, clients,
● Conduct of quarterly surveys:
clients and tenants.
● Percentage of customers ● Training needs analysis and
with positive view of training of agents.
● Improve client satisfaction organizational responsiveness, ● Ensure agents disclose
performance by 25%. innovation, quality. potential conflict of
● Number of client/tenant interest to clients, tenants.
complaints. ● Development of ethical
charter, including
principles all agents must
● Investigate resourcing needs:
number of
Increase revenues by ● Total income. agents; personnel; office
2 20% within the third ● Agent income. equipment, cars, etc.
quarter. ● Investment income. ● Fulfil resourcing needs in
accordance with policies and
● Renegotiate with suppliers.
● Research potential new
● General ledger accounts; ● Management engagement
financial statements: with employees
Reduce direct and ● wages to achieve greater employee
3 indirect costs of ● cost of agent services support of
operations by 10%. ● consultancy fees organisational goals.
● wastage and associated ● Include explanation of how
expenses. activities work
with organisational strategic
goals in all
communications to internal
● Greater use by managers of
budgets to
encourage restraint.
● Greater focus on budget
restraint in
management of projects.
● Management engagement
with employees
to achieve greater buy in of
organizational goals.
● Include explanation of how
● Percentage completion of activities work with
performance plans and organisational strategic goals in
Engage workers with
performance management all communications to internal
strategic goals of business and
process. personnel.
support professional
4 ● Numbers of coaching ● Regular coaching.
development in line with
sessions completed. ● Training needs analysis and
strategic goals. (Targets to be
Numbers of operational – training.
set by individual managers.)
related training programs ● Strategic goals included in
completed. induction
program for estate agents.
● Employee incentives for
performance in all areas
relevant to operational and
strategic goals.
5 ● Numbers of injuries ● Training need analysis and
Improve health of (Target = 0). training on WHS
employees (range of specific ● Numbers of absentees and implementation of recently
areas). (Target = <3% of total launched MLR WHS
hours). management system.
● Research incentives for: safe
achievement and healthy

3. Risk Management Plan

Identified risk Probability Impact Current controls Future actions
Failure to recruit Medium High ● All office equipment ● Industry benchmarking
qualified real estate regularly reviewed and in all areas of
agents due to increased updated as required; IT organisational
competition. security monitored and performance
maintained. ● Conduct periodic
● Appropriate reviews of agent
insurances held and performance to ensure
coverage reviewed professional conduct
annually. ● Staff trained in use
● Managers ncouraged of technology as
and incentivised to follow needed.
performance ● Keep abreast of
management policy. changes in potential
● Employee liabilities.
performance plans align ● Review and develop
with business plan and HR related policies
six monthly review where required.
process in place. ● Development of
● Project to raise ethical charter,
awareness of anti including principles
discrimination, WHS all agents must follow
and other
legislation/codes of
conduct among agents,
clients, tenants
● Appropriate HR
policies and procedures
in place.
● WHS management
system in place.

4. Budget
Commissions and agents’ fees for
Commissions, fees from clients $2,566,000
the period.
Investment income $1,567,000 Real estate investment income.
COGS $150,413 Cost of provision of services.
Total Income $3,982,587 Gross profit.
Wages, salaries, superannuation,
Wages, salaries and on costs $1,567,890 work cover insurance,
payroll tax.
Project management: WHS
Consultancy fees $50,000 management system; AD
awareness program.
Communication expenses $42,000 Telephone, ISP costs, IT support.
Staff travel, transport and Cost of staff travel and associated
accommodation. costs for sales, etc.
` $250,000 Rent, electricity, maintenance,
Purchase of new office equipment
Capital expenditure $120,000 (90%), vehicles; purchase of
properties, land.
Computers and capital equipment
Depreciation and amortisation $177,569
that is depreciated.
Printing and stationery, postage,
Office supplies $65,068
Professional fees (consultants, $62,187 Audit fees, external accounting costs,
legal and audit), insurances, bank charges,
taxes and charges, insurance except workers
subscriptions and
Total Expenses $2,390,214
Surplus $1,592,373 Net income before tax.

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