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Feasibility Study FormatThe feasibility study format consists of fourteen sections.

Detailed information
required in thevarious sections should be attached to the feasibility study as appendices. Information
notavailable or not included should be explained in the body of the feasibility study.
I. Full Program Title - including degree to be offered and description of program.
A. Explanation or definition
B. General program goals (limit to maximum of 3-5 major goals).
C. Specific objectives or student outcomes (limit to maximum of 8 -10 items).

II. Program Rationale

1.Documentation of educational, economic and social needs. Include citation ofspecific studies or authorities
consulted. Key sources (studies or documents)should be included in the appendix.
B. Conceptual fit with University Mission, Philosophy, and Goals, and the LongRange Plan.
C.Place of the program in the University structure. Indicated appropriate college,school, or department.
4. Career Opportunities and Employment Outlook for Graduates. Include data fromOccupational Outlook (U.S.
Department of Labor), professional groups ororganizations, potential employers (as a result of a needs assessment)
andpublished studies. Cite appropriate studies and include key sources in anappendix.

III. Student Availability

A. List of competitive programs in the State and the Northeast Region. Includeinstitutions to which our students
typically cross apply.
B. Application experience of other programs for the past three years.
3. Include number of applicants, number accepted, and number enrolled. Includedata from the College Board on
number of students in the region indicating apreference for the program of study for the past three years. (For

IV. Enrollment Projections

A. Project FTE enrollment for years 1 to 5.
B. Calculate 18% attrition rate per year for the first three years of each class.
C. Indicate, if appropriate, the addition of transfer students to each class.

Model Curriculum
A. Outline of required and elective courses indicating total credits required fordegree. (Program of study.)
2. Pro forma curriculum outline indicating possible course schedule for each year ofthe program.
C. Nature of field experience, independent study or clinical practicums employed incurriculum design.D. Cite
specific way curriculum may be integrated into existing course offerings (SeeSection VII, A.)

VI. Accreditation Requirements

1. If program requires specialized or can achieve specialized accreditation, describespecific requirements and their
effect on the institution, i.e., faculty requirements,space requirements, curriculum requirements.
B. Describe any programmatic plans that have potential effect on institutionalaccreditation.

VII. Educational Requirements and Capacity

1. Impact of program on existing programs. Include impact of increasing the numberof students in service/support
courses. Included undergraduate core curriculumfor all four-year undergraduate degree programs. Obtain data from
departmentheads including increase in sections of courses, development of new courses, andpersonnel required to
meet increased demand.
B. Impact on academic support area, i.e., learning assistance center, library, mediacenter, bookstore, registrar's
3. For those programs requiring field-based experiences, include data on availabilityof field or clinical sites for
student placement, as well as mechanism for studentsupervision, i.e., program faculty or placement faculty

VIII. Facility Requirements and Capacity.

A.Renovation of current classroom or laboratory space required.
B. Additional space requirements including faculty offices, staff offices, newclassroom or laboratory space. Project
for five years.
3. Additional academic support area space requirements, i.e., Learning AssistanceCenter, library, media center,
bookstore, Registrar's office.
D. Residential life capacity.

IX. Student Life Considerations.

A. Impact of additional students on student support services, i.e., health center,student activities, counseling
center, financial aid, meal plan and cafeteria, andbookstore especially as they relate to adult/non-traditionally
oriented programs.
2. Impact of new student demographics (age, commuter vs. resident, gender) onareas listed in A. above as well as
minority population, parking, athleticprograms. Consider special needs of non-traditional students.

X. Program Resources
A. Personnel
1. Vita or position requirements of faculty who will assume majorresponsibility for the program to be included in an
appendix.Describe specialty roles needed and include and explanation/justificationfor all positions.
2. Specific effect on existing programs if current faculty members arereassigned to new program.
3. Secretarial staffing needs.

2. Equipment
1. New equipment required for program and a plan for its acquisition, i.e.,year by year plan and potential grants or

XI. Financial Projections

A. Five-year financial projection.
2. Project costs to other academic areas to provide support courses for the program.Project for five years.
C. Include in narrative an estimate of start-up commitment prior to initiation of five-year plan.
D. Include program cost computation for new program and for existing programs.
5. What additional funding is required beyond projected income to support theprogram during any given year and
identify the source of that funding.
F. Identify potential outside or independent sources of funding that may be availableto the program.

XII. Time Line for Implementation

1. Provide an overall time line indicating the major events/activities from initiationthrough admission and
enrollment of the first class.
B. Attach the time line to the study as an appendix.

XIII. Program Evaluation

A. All new programs should undergo a program evaluation three years afterimplementation. The program
evaluation should follow the format of the feasibility study
2. The evaluation should focus on the comparison between original study and actualresults. Revised projections,
particularly enrollment and financial should be
completed during the evaluation as a reference point for the next three years. Inthe event revisions do not forecast
positive results, follow C.
C. Identify a general process with anticipated difficulties for discontinuing theprogram should the three year
evaluation indicated non-viability of the program.Include plans for placing students in other institutions or other
program,reassigning or terminating faculty members, and a time line for phasingout the program.

XIV. Executive Summary

The Executive Summary should be one to two pages in length and briefly summarize thecontent of
the feasibility study. It should include, but is not limited to, the followingelements:
A. Title of the program and the degree to be offered.
B. Description of the program goals curriculum (course content, sequencing, andcredits) methods of instruction
accreditation requirements time line forimplementation.
3. Rationale for the program educational and/or social need conceptual fit withUniversity mission placement of
program in University structure (college, school,department) enrollment projections.
4. Impact on University resources income and expense projections faculty, staff,equipment, and space
requirements. Academic support services.

If you are planning to open a coffee shop, the very first thing you need to do is write a business plan. This is useful
in many ways: it will allow you time to consider all your options before committing as well as put down on paper
your goals and ideas. But, most importantly it will provide an analysis of your idea and give you a clue as to
whether it will be a viable business venture.

Below is a sample business plan for a fictional coffee shop. You may use this plan to formulate your own. Use your
own objectives and revenue figures to work out your business plan.

The Perfect Cup

Business Plan for the Period

Starting January 2005

Business Overview

Business History

The Perfect Cup is a new restaurant venture with an expected opening date in March of 2005 in Somewhereville,
Texas. The business is a coffee shop located in Old Town, a newly renovated section of town, with antique shops
and galleries along the main street. We will specialize in coffee, tea, cappuccino, frozen cappuccino, and
homemade cookies and brownies. There are no other shops that only serve coffee in Old Town, the nearest being
over five miles away. Our target audience is intellectuals/artists/writers. Currently, there are no places in the
surrounding area that cater to artists and writers. The Perfect Cup will serve this area well.

Vision and Mission Statement

The Perfect Cup will become the foremost coffee shop in the area. We will serve a perfect product at a very
reasonable price. We will also be a meeting place for artists and writers and a place for them to show off their work.
We will create an atmosphere conducive to creative expression and promote the creative process.


Our primary goals over the next year are:

1. Secure financing for start-up of at least $30,000 for space and equipment.

2. Renovate our space in Old Town.

3. Acquire equipment necessary for business, i.e. coffee pots, cappuccino machines, blenders, etc.

4. Make agreement with coffee distributors, and bakery vendors.

5. Create a cozy, artist friendly environment (i.e. choice of colors, choice of music, decor)

6. Open for business and become the foremost coffeehouse in the area.


The Perfect Cup is a general partnership between Arlene and April Mason. Each partner is equally involved in
operation and management of the shop, each to her own abilities.

Location and Facilities

The Perfect Cup is located in the Old Town section of Somewhereville, Texas. We currently own the building we will
occupy, though painting and renovation are sorely needed.

Products and Services

Description of Products and Services

The Perfect Cup will offer high quality coffee, tea, hot coca, and cappuccino, at a very reasonable price.

We will also sell homemade cookies, brownies, and doughnuts, also reasonably priced.

Key Features of the Products and Services

All drinks will be made with filtered water and the highest quality ingredients we can get.

Frozen drinks will have caramel or chocolate syrup drizzled in the glass and over the drink. Cappuccino and hot
coca will have whipped cream toppings as well as the option for candy sprinkles. Cookies will have the option of a
chocolate or caramel dip and sprinkles.

We will offer designer flavored cream and five kinds of sweetener, i.e. sugar, honey, Equal, Splenda, and Sweet-n-
Low. Cream and sweetener is at no extra charge.

Production of Products and Services

We will use only filtered water and will brew our coffee in commercial coffeepots that will be thoroughly cleaned
between uses.

We will bake cookies and brownies in our own on-site oven from proven recipes, daily.

Future Products and Services

Within the next three to five years we expect to branch out into catering and offer homemade pies, whole or by the

Comparative Advantages in Production

Our low overhead and cheaper pricing will be the key to our success.

Industry Overview

Market Research

There are no other businesses that serve only coffee in Old Town.

Size of the Industry

Nationally, the coffee shop industry is quite large, but in Somewhereville, there are only three. The nearest one to
Old Town is more than 5 miles away.

Key Industry Trends

This industry is booming at the present time, there is a trend toward small cozy places and away from the large
generic chain.

Industry Outlook

The coffee business does not show signs of slowing down. With new innovations such as flavorings and additives, it
should continue for some time.

Marketing Strategy

Target Markets

Our target market is artists and writers who need a nice quite cozy place to think and do their work.

Description of Key Competitors

Of the three coffee shops in the area, one is a large chain with a very expensive product, one is really a homestyle
restaurant, the last one, and our biggest competitor is an antique store with a "tea room".

Analysis of Competitive Position

Our pricing strategy and comfortable atmosphere will be the key to our success. None of the other shops in the
area can offer this.

Pricing Strategy

We will offer three sizes of drinks, small $1.00, medium $1.50 and large $2.00.

Our cookies and brownies will sell for $1.00 each.

Promotion Strategy

We intend to advertise in the local newspapers and offer a "frequent drinkers club" discount to our best customers.
We will also send out ads via direct mail, which will include cents off coupons.

Management and Staffing

Organizational Structure

Our organizational structure will be a simple pyramid style with the owners putting in as much work as the

Management Team

April and Arlene will share management and supervisory responsibilities equally. Arlene for the morning shift. April
for the afternoon shift.


We will hire two busboys and two waitresses, these will be recruited from the local high school.

Labor Market Issues

In this area there are many high school students looking for work, part time or full time, we want to fill that need.

Regulatory Issues

Somewhereville and the state of Texas both have regulations regarding food service establishments. We have
already obtained the appropriate business permits.


Market Risks

The main risk is monetary. The area may not be ready for a place like ours and we may not do a great business.

Implementation Plan

Implementation Activities and Dates

1. Begin building renovation 12/05

2. Complete renovation 2/15/05

3. Begin preliminary advertising 2/15/05

4. Purchase and setup equipment 2/15/05

5. Open for business 3/1/05

Financial Plan

Beginning Balance Sheet

This will be a listing of all of your assets and liabilities, before you open for business. You may want to use a
spreadsheet program to make this go easier.
Balance Sheet

Current Assets:

Building $150,000

Computer $1,500

Sound System $2,000

Furnishings $5,000

Equipment $3,000


Arlene $5,000

April $4,500

Accounts Receivable



Coffee $1,000

Tea $500

Other Assets

Cups $3,000

Total Current Assets



Accounts Payable (monthly)

Water $200

Phone $150

Electric $500

Donut Vendor $1,000

Warehouse Club $1,000

Coffee Distributor $1,000

Wages $5,000
Advertising $1,000

Taxes Payable

Property Taxes $500

Employee Taxes $2,000

Operating Loans Payable

Startup Loan $500

Total Liabilities

$12,850 on going per month

Projected Income

This will be a listing by month of your projected income. List the projected income each month for each product,
this way you can compare actual sales to projected sales at the end of the year to determine what products to
concentrate on. (below is a sample month)

March 05

Coffee $6,000

Tea $2,000

Cookies $1,500

Donuts $2,500

Misc. $4,000

Total Income for March


Total Projected Net Profit (Cost/Benefit)

$3,150 for March

This would assume 20 pots of coffee sold a day, plus an assortment of other items. This also assumes the market
will not increase or decrease due to weather or economics. This would be an average month.

This of course would be adjusted monthly once you start business. Then based on the adjustments and actual sales,
you can build a new balance sheet at the beginning of next year.


After you have created the business plan and examined the cash flow estimation you may find that your net profits
are not what you would like them to be. In this case you may have to revise your pricing strategy to fit with your
expectations or change your expectations. A coffee shop is not a get rich quick idea, it takes lots of hard work and
long hours to realize your dream. But, in the long run, careful planning will make it all worth it.
Summary of Conclusion for Feasibility Study of Snack
July 15, 2010, 1:11 am

Marketing Aspects

1. The Snack stand will be very much positive in offering a lot of services to satisfy customers needs,

accept suggestion and criticisms to improve our business

2. Snack stand will utilize with honesty and credibility thru our products and services.

3. Snack stand will be always “open-minded” to those other competitors and will seek only the best.

Technical Aspect

1. The final location of the business will be at the Common Terminal, Balanga City, Bataan.

2. Raw materials will be obtained during its freshness and nearness to the source which is Elizabeth

Supermarket in Balanga City itself.

3. The management will provide cleanliness of the stall, especially the food for satisfaction of customers.

Management Aspect

1. The best organizational structure to adopt in the same manner communication will be facilitated from

the top to bottom and from the bottom to the top.

2. The democratic atmosphere will always prevail in the business to ensure hormones interpersonal

relationship between management and personnel.

3. The Snack stand will develop the service activity to satisfy the need of the customer.

Socio-Economic Aspect

1. The Snack stand will be very much responsible in promoting environmental, clean air act and proper

waste disposal.

2. Taxes assured for the city government.

3. The partner’s will make sure of the observance and God-fearing to all of them.

Financial Aspect

1. The amount of fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00) is substantially enough to put up the proposed

project Snack stand.

2. Based on the projections as depicted by the financial statements, the proposed project is a kind of
lucrative undertaking.

3. The proponent of the project will be responsible in producing the capital requirement.

Management Aspect Feasibility Study for Snack Stand

June 15, 2010, 8:32 am

The central idea of management is to make every action or decision help achieve a careful chosen goal.

The word management is also used to mean the group of persons called executives who perform

management activities.


1. To keep the subordinates be alert to what is expected to them.

2. To know the duties and responsibilities of each member and personnel.

3. To know different strategies to be able to achieve the company’s goal.

Description of Activities

1. DTI Permit Application

The business name of GF Snack Stand should be register with the Department of Trade and Industry. It

would take only four days to five days before the permit is receive. If there as no other name of its type.

Three (3) different name should be apply so when one is approved, so they can use other applied business

name (see appendix)

2. Rental Space

The project business will be located at Bataan terminal at 2nd floor Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan. The

application will only about three to four weeks before it is approved.

3. Mayor’s Permit

The Mayor’s Permit application will acquire the submission of the following:

a. SSS Clearance Permit

b. Sanitary Permit
c. DTI

4. TAN (Tax Account Number)

The project business will be registered at the Bureau of Internal Revenue District Office No. (1020) located

at Capitol drive, San Jose, Balanga City. The following forms should be accomplished with necessary


BIR FORM No. Attachment Required, Mayor’s Permit and DTI Permit

5. Buying of machineries and equipment

Involves the acquisition of the necessary machinery and equipment in the food snack as mentioned in

technical aspect.

6. Promotion

Includes advertising and personal selling partnership in a variety of promotional activities to inform

customer about products and service and to encourage them to buy.

7. Start of Operation

After securing all the necessary permits and other needed materials. The said will be now ready to operate.

C. Organizational Structure

Through GF Snack Stand is just a simple business, the organization structure will have a simple flow. It is

not as complicated as big ventures.



Utility Man 1, Utility Man 2

D. Personnel Structure

The GF Snack Stand is required to have the members of personnel and service crew.

Staff – Over all Manager – 1

Cashier – 1
Cook – 2

Utility Man – 2

E. Duties and Responsibities

1. Over-all Manager / Cashier

- Supervise the overall operation of the business

- Computer the total amount of the purchased item

- Assist the customers

2. Cook 1

- Prepares the necessary ingredients

- Cooks the items/products

3. Cook 2

- Prepares the necessary ingredients

- Cooks the item/products

4. Utility Man 1

- In charge of cleaning the workplace

- Delivers items within the vicinity

- In charge of buying raw materials from suppliers

- In charge of the inventory

5. Utility Man 2

- In charge of cleaning the workplace

- Delivers items within the vicinity

- In charge of buying raw materials from the suppliers

- In charge of the inventory

Business Feasibility Study – Snack Stand

June 7, 2010, 2:08 am

A. Name and Address of the Business

The GF Snack Stand (Good Food Snack Stand) is proposed to be located at the 2nd floor of the Bataan

Common Terminal, Ibayo, Balanga City, Bataan.

B. Nature Business

The GF Snack Stand offers a wide variety of snacks and beverages. It caters the need of the persons in

transit and others who are waiting for their ride home in the said common terminal. It also provide hip and

soothing music to those who are weary from work and school.

The menu mainly consists of chicken, ham, ham and egg and hotdog sandwiches, fishballs, kikiam,

squidballs, french fries and juices such as gulaman and pineapple juice.

The said snack stand is open Mondays through Sundays from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Management Aspect

1. What are the roles and responsibilities of each personnel?

2. What are the different strategies were going to use in order to cope up with the competition?

3. How can we cope up with the competition?

Financial Aspect

1. How much will be the total cost of the project?

2. How much is the contribution of each member?

3. How much profit were going to earn this kind of project?

Socio-Economic Aspect

1. How can the business contribute to the reduction of unemployment?

2. How can the business contribute to the community?

3. How can the business contribute to the economy?

Name of the Enterprise

This proposed sugar mill shall be called as Sweet Sugar Incorporated, obviously sugar is sweet and sweet is

sugar. That’s why it shall be called as Sweet Sugar Incorporated.

Sweet Sugar Incorporated shall have its own plant located in Sitio Maguindong, Luakan, Dinalupihan,

The site was chosen because its strategic location, where the supplies of public and private services are

adequate and labor supply and raw materials are readily available.

Sources of Raw Materials

The plant shall have its own sugarcane plantation near the mill and the plantation shall be adequate in land

area that will produce the needed raw material for sugar.

Availability of Transportation

The plant site is strategically located in Sitio Maguindong, Luakan, Dinalupihan, Bataan where transportation

is not a problem. The plant is readily accessible to the workers. The finished sugar can be readily delivered

to the market.

Project Long Range Objective

The Sweet Sugar Incorporated shall stick to its obligation and responsibility to its consumers of providing

and producing the highest quality of sugar. No toxic materials shall be used or if there is, it should be

properly disposed. It also respond to the needs of the barangay where it is located in order to help its


The Sweet Sugar Incorporated shall be the number one product and supplier of high-grade sugar throughout

Luzon and its neighboring provinces, and if expansion is needed, it shall be done without overlooking its

primary objectives.

Mode of Financing

Financing shall come from the shares of the stockholders/owners of the Sweet Sugar Incorporated. If ever

the shares can’t cover up the expenses of constructing the plant before its operation, the Sweet Sugar

Incorporated shall apply for loans which will give the maximum output for the plant.

When business is already in operation, its liabilities and loans shall be paid from the sugar revenue

Market Study

As Bataan is situated geographically near the center of the Philippines, the finished product can be easily

transported to the neighboring provinces in the country. Manila, the leading distribution center in the

Philippines will be recipient of greater bulk of the product.

Analysis of Market Demand and Supply

Sugar is one of the primary commodities of the people, thus it is very important to have big supply that will

cover up the big demand for sugar. The establishment of this sugar mill will greatly help our fellow Filipinos

and most of all, our economy. This sugar mill will increase the sugar supply in the market, thus lessening

our importation of sugar which is more expensive in cost.

Market and Marketing Strategy

Vigorous effort should be expanded to secure a market before a commitment is made to build a sugar mill if

it would be most desirable to have the financial participation of one or more major users who can guarantee

the purchase of substantial portion for the procedure production. During the past years, several overtures

were made in this direction which revealed the opportunities existing.

Scale and Volume

The receiving of raw materials supply condition market potential and engineering should be considered. It

would have production line which represent 769,434 tons per unit day. The output of the plant will depend

on the production conditions.

Sugar Marketing Operation

The structure of general framework of market situation is already been said of the manner in which selling,

shipping, financing and all other commercial aspect of marketing are out inside the general framework.

These function rarely been described except by and for the specialist concerned with them. They are the

essential link, however, providing the customers with that they want and the sugar industry with their


The successful selling of the product ultimately determine the prosperity of every one in industry if it is not

sold successfully all the efforts of the farmers, millers and readiness with their employees and the most of

business which supply and service them will suffer. The final customers are their most important millions of

housewives buying sweets or soft drinks not only 4 lbs. of sugar and tin of golden syrup but also the tin of


Market Distribution

Pricing should follow the established market prices and practices which in turn are determined by the forces

of demand and supply, however because of uncertainty of sugar during the start up period, some prices

concessions should be made in order to break into market. A suggestion that is to 20% reduction from

established market prices be affected on the first year output.

Consumer Surveys

Everyone is using sugar everyday, but assumed of sugar feeds are centrally as possible within the area of

cane fields, as this will facilitate the transportation of cane with less rolling stock and other fixed charges for

their department. Moreover, easy cane supply, so necessary for a economical grinding, will secure to the


The direction of the prevailing wind and its accessibility to the factory and dwelling should be ascertained to

avoid dust, ashes, smoke and odor of refuse going in wrong direction.

Healthy surroundings are paramount importance to the employees. Standing and deterioration water must

not be allowed near the factory.

Technical Study

Services Offered:

The proposed plant site at Sitio Maguindong, Luakan, Dinalupihan, Bataan offers a plentiful supplies of water

and power. The site offers adequate supply of water for growing sugarcane, and power for the production of

sugar. It also offers adequate supply of laborers, which is considered more important than all the other

factors, especially when skilled and unskilled laborers are required.


Skills required

The company will hire Filipino larorers in sugar cane manufacturing. Laborers near the company site and

more preferable to the employees to insure promptness and can do overtime work when needed Another

important reason is that people from nearest place can easily transport with their convenience since the

company is small, the working force will be required from town itself or its vicinity. The company on the

other hand will give assurance to the workers like a good working condition, facilities for a conductive

maintenance of their health incentives and many other benefits required by the labor code, plus benefits

given by the company itself.

The Project Site

Sitio Maguindong, Luakan, Dinalupihan, Bataan was chosen the best region of all sugar plantation in the

Philippines due to its abundant supply of labor will not be difficult to achieve as most barrio folk are quite

hardworking and industrious. Another reason is because of availability of raw materials and have favorable

conditions. The plant would be erected near the national highway which will enable the transportation of

finished product to the opposite provinces of course, sugar central will increase their yearly supply of sugar

production thus helping the sugar industry.

The determination where sugar cane factory is to be located is purely an agricultural one. So far, it is

referred t the tract of land which has to be adequate for growing sugar cane fr a period of years and the

location where climate condition and rainfall are much that successful crops to be expected.

As Bataan is situated geographically near the center of the Philippines, the finished product can be easily

transported to the neighboring provinces.

Waste Disposal

The various waste materials produced by industries maybe classified generally as solids, gaseous or liquid.

Solid waste are directly related to a loud pollution gas liquid to air and water pollution, although all of them

have combined and interrelated effects on pollution.

Methods of Waste Disposal

1. Eliminate of source. The first approach to a waste disposal problem requires a careful attention of the

source of pollutants.

2. Recovery of waste products. Before deciding how to discard waste materials, the engineer should always

think for recycle, reuse or for sale.

3. Regulate how to fit dilution

4. Divert waste to other points

5. Waste treatment. – A very expensive process the recent encountered by the major cities of the world due

to smog problem and the question as due to how to dispose gaseous waste, electrostatic precipitators,

aggrometrators, washers and many other kind of equipment have been used to remove atmospheric


Disposal of solid waste materials on land is always a complicated problem, incineration and burying are

possible solution and the best is by recycling.

A judicious plant design eliminates a potential hazardous operations should be separated from various plant

facilities and sufficient protection is made, possible sources of fire by eliminating all the unnecessary ignition

sources such as flame, spark or heated material, welding, smoking, static electricity and the spontaneous

combustion of waste materials.

Chemicals can cause dangerous burns and accidents are bound to occur rotating sections of equipments

should be amply protected to prevent accidents.

Management Study

For Pre-operating Period:

During the pre-operating period, the stockholders are responsible to deal with some government and private

agencies to secure the necessary document and deal in financing institution for financial needs of the

project. These persons are the one to negotiate for the constructor. The supplier of the materials and by the

hired construction firm and the supervision will be integrated with the said contract. Consultant shall be

hired also to ensure the safety of the plant and to supervise the installation of the equipment.

For Operating Period:

During the operating period, the stockholders handled the key position in the company. The business is

organized and incorporate with their respective holdings:

Board of Directors

- Chairman of the Board

- Member

- Member

- Member

- Maintenance and Material Director

- Company Accountant

- Sales Director

- Production Director

The company sees to it that hired accountant and supervision directors are all licensed by the professional

Regulation Commission (PRC) in their respective professions. All these persons should have at least an

experience in their respective jobs.

The company accountant is responsible for the books and the preparation of the company book of accounts.

He also prepares the payroll and he examines the financial status of the company.

The sales director will assists the selling and finding markets for the products.

The production director is responsible for the production in order to insure for good productivity and

minimize production or manufacturing costs.

The maintenance and materials director is responsible for the safety programs and maintenance of the

plant. He should set the guidelines and train workers about safety and accidents and be able to continue the

flow of the product even machine breakdown occurs, which are hindrance to the company’s re-productivity


Financial Study

Major Assumption

An industry like sugar mill requires a big capital. The stockholders shall provide the needed capital for the

establishment of the whole business. Funds shall be given for the purchases of the necessary equipments

and necessary materials for the construction of the building and for the purchase of land.

In case that there is no sufficient fund, the company shall apply for loan in the bank which gives the lowest

interest. During operation, the company shall pay its obligation out its revenues.

Equipment cost less than P40,000,000.00. Building construction (payment for the labors included) costs

more than P20,000,000.00. Land (for the plant site and sugar cane plantation costs P20,000,000.00. The

stockholders shall produce a budget of not less than P80,000,000.00.

Socio-economic Study

Taxes and Restricting Law

Bataan offers the lowest tax rate for industries like sugar production, and the best of Bataan is, they offer,

provide government subsidy and help to the industries located in its territory.

Provincial and town legislation are also important. The sweet sugar laws are more stringent in Bataan.
Sweet Sugar Incorporated will help boost the economic status of Dinalupihan, Bataan because it will provide

a great number of jobs for the unemployed folks in the area, thus, giving them more opportunities in life.

Sweet Sugar Incorporated shall pay all its tax obligations on time.

This is a partial study of Engr. Eric Lanosa.

Some Things to Consider in Establishing a Food Business

February 20, 2009, 5:28 am

Due to economic crisis, it is hard to decide which business should be started. In order to minimize the risk,

a thorough study must be undertaken.

Food business is very rewarding since man can give up almost everything except food. Men have to eat in

order to live. But of course, you will also to be considered the location, security, market, management,

facility, and financial to certain that the business could be carried out profitably. Examples of food business

are restaurant, canteen, fast food, bars, coffee shop and many more.


Location is one of the important things to consider when planning any business. Choose the best place to

establish a food business. The location should be accessible to your prospective customer. As much as

possible, it should be located near colleges, municipal, church, hospital, public and private offices and



Safeness of your business should also be considered. The business is secure if it is located around several



Know the population of your place in order to know if there are enough people who will patronize your food

business. Also, observe your competitors to be able to assume the demands. Food offers must be affordable

to the people who live on your community.


Find out the facilities to be used in your business such as the tables, chairs, cooking utensils, etc.

Identify the personnel to be hired.


Estimate the total capital requirements. Forecast the monthly income and expenses of your food business in

order to know the potential profits. Consider also the sources of financing.

Waste Management

Proper disposal of waste should be implemented. What will be the waste disposal method to be adopted.

Example / Sample of a Feasibility Study

September 9, 2008, 12:21 am

Feasibility Study of Establishing Cindy’s Fast Food Branch Along Plaza of Balanga, Bataan

1. General Objectives

1.1. Description of the Business Project

The proposed business will need a two-storey building in a 2,000 square-meter lot with a parking space at

the rear. The customer will drive in the left entrance greeted by the water-sprinkled Indian trees partly

shielding the establishment from the fumes coming from the busy street. Embraced by the multi-colored

lights, the trees will set the cosmopolitan setting to a rustic atmosphere. The building will be constructed to

hide the stockroom complementing the architectural masterpiece. The smoothly cemented exit passing

through the well-manicured lawn will draw sights of satisfaction from the customers.

The state-of-the-art tables, chairs and utensils will enhance the customers feeling that they are in a five-star

hotel. Very affordable, the food will enthrall every customer to come and savor the food over the widely

spaced tables on the immaculately marbled floor. The electronically flushing system of the restrooms will

motivate the customers to force their friends and relatives to frequent this new Cindy’s Branch at the heart

of the Balanga.

1.2. Project Time Table

All minor details considered, the project will start serving the five thousand targeted daily customers within

five months. The contractors will complete the fence and the framework of the building in the first month.
They will finish the walls and the floors in the second month. They will install the electrical and the air

conditioning units in the third month. After the first and second layer coating, they will complete the final

painting in the fourth month and finally they will landscape and plant balled-trees in the fifth month. As the

project will be in progress, the company will busy the facilities to be used.

1.3. Management of the Business

With three managers alternately scheduled on the eight hour duty to man the 95crew in the 24 hour service,

the business will surely satisfy the customers, propelling profit to soar.

The personnel will make a customer feel that he is the only one served amidst the queuing multitude. The

high wage given by the company and, likewise, the humane treatment of the superiors will inspire the crew

to render machine-precise service.

2. Product and Market Aspects

2.1 Market Outcome

A variety of expensive fireworks commence the business to attract the children, students, parents, and

professionals. This opening blast will have been advertised a month before. The initial big crowd from the

different districts of the province will keep growing to actualize the management’s vision that this Cindy

Branch will be the most profitable among the food chains in the City.

2.2 Market and Selling Price

The customers can order from a variety of choices in the counter staffed with beautiful and handsome ever-

smiling crew. The waiters will serve the orders in the well-crafted, smoke free dining areas with both oriental

and western motifs to fit their number and their tastes. These areas will enhance customer privacy as the

customers enjoy eating while talking about the gossips of the town, or as they engage in a highly intellectual

calisthenics about a hot political issue. The area will also conduce lovers to cement their relationship with

their soul-penetrating interlocked gazes that only lovers could fathom, as they savor their food.

3. Technical Aspect

3.1 Location Factor

At the center of Balanga Plaza, this food center will surely draw customers from the cross-section of society.

The following factors will back-up the company’s foresight:

3.1.1 Topography

The 2,000 square-meter lot does not need labeling because the area is already flat and it is located in high

location. No matter how strong the typhoon will be, the rains will not flood the area. The customers will not

be drawn away from enjoying the services of Cindys.

3.1.2 Cost of Land

The fertile business venture will cheapen the current P20,000 per square meter piece of land. The forty five

million peso worth of property will double after only three years of operation.

3.1.3 Security

The place will be safe. Secretly installed cameras will monitor every move to ensure the security of the

customers. Four security guards simultaneously assigned to the area will guarantee the safety of the clients.

This will be backed up by policemen assigned at the outpost nearby.

3.2 Size and Layout of the Building

To maximize the 40 x 50 meter land area, the engineers will erect the 20 x 30 meter proposed two storey

building, leaving five meters at both sides and 18 meters fronting the street. Only two meters will be left at

the back of the building. This will ventilate the establishment.

3.3 Equipment

The Bataan Builders will construct the building. This construction company will use modern building

equipment like a cement mixer, caterpillar, automatic digging drill, and other state of the art construction


4. Project Cost

4.1 The Land and the Building

This project will cost about P 45,000,000.00 which is roughly broken into the following:

Cost of 2,000 meter lot – P 40,000,000.00

Cost of 2 storey building – P 4,000,000.00

Accessories and Equipments – P 1,000,000.00

Total Cost – P 45,000,000.00

The 45 million pesos worth of land is the biggest of the capital investment but it is worth it because unlike

the other expenses, the land value will appreciate through the years. The contract with the Bataan Builders

for the proposed two-storey building is P 4,000,000. This includes materials and labor. With the five-month

paying scheme, Cindy will pay P 800,000 every month until the last month. The food center will need P

1,000,000 for the imported accessories like tables, chairs and other needs.

4.2 Franchise

The food center will pay the current P 1,000,000 Cindy franchise.

4.3 Sources of Financing

The proprietor will put in P 5,000,000. The remaining P 40,000,000 will be borrowed from the bank.

5. Business Operation

5.1 Revenues

With 50 thousand monthly net income target from about five thousand daily customers, the proposed

branch projects the following net income by month and years:

First month – P 1,500,000.00

First year – P 18,000,000.00

Second year – P 36,000,000.00

Third year – P 54,000,000.00

Fourth year – P 72,000,000.00

After four years of operation, this venture will have gained P 11,000,000 as shown in the following


Net income in four years – P 72,000,000.00

Minus the sum of investments – P 61,000,000.00

Difference – P 11,000,000.00

Loaned money from the bank – P 42,500,000.00

Interest of loaned money – P 17,000,000.00

Franchise – P 1,000,000.00

Maintenance – P 500,000.00

Total – P 61,000,000.00

5.2 Accessories and Equipments

Being of high quality, the accessories will still be usable after four years. However, P 500,000 pesos is

allotted for maintenance and replacements of damaged property.


The figures above prove how financially rewarding this business venture. Because food is a necessity, a

venture like this guarantees 99% success. This is especially so if the location is the Plaza like Cindys Plaza.

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