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Najat Abdulkariem


Teaching Philosophy
Practicum 4b
EPC 4909
Course teacher: Dr. Pauline Keith
Najat Abdulkariem

Through my teaching practice in various schools, and with the constructive criticism that

develops my experience. I have created a personal teaching philosophy that will guide my

teaching career. Furthermore, it will provide continuity and great guidance. I have aimed my

aspirations towards achieving my belief. It is based on creating a positive learning environment.

From my observing, I noticed that the teacher has more than one role. For instance: teach

the students, support and scaffold the children, facilitate the information and to build the

positive behavior of the students. On the other hand, as the teacher has a role in the classroom,

the students also have a big part of the class. For example, the students should listen to the

teacher, ask when they need to, understand the lesson, construct their knowledge, and express

their previous knowledge.

One of my beliefs is inspiring students. Students need to be proud, praised, and feel

valued in the classroom. And the teacher is the most appropriate person for this. The teacher is

the one who guide, assess and construct the students’ self-esteem through his/her teaching

journey. Students’ works mean everything to them, and the teacher in her role will show the

importance of the efforts they give, and appreciate their potential. From what I noticed during

my teaching practice, the teacher was always giving an ongoing feedback for each student.

Furthermore, students were praised by the teacher after a good action. As a result, the students

will be encouraged to do their best. And beside praising students, I will illustrate students’ work

on the board and show it for the rest of the teachers . This will get the students proud, be

enthused to participate and learn new knowledge.

Najat Abdulkariem

Another belief is to help students stay true to their values. It's essential for the teacher to

explain to the students that learning process is not limited to lectures or problem sets. Learning is

also affected by building a positive relationship with others and accept other’s opinions. Through

collaborative learning environment, students will get the opportunity to learn from each other.

For instance, experiments, discussion activities and project works. While they are working

together, they will learn to respect and share others. Also, students will be grateful for what they

have. For example, some students are studying by free, while other students should buy for their

education. Adding to that, students will share ideas and opinions to produce their work.

According to Vygotsky, children learn from each other when they are interacting. Interaction is

a possible way to be applied to teach students values. An example from my teaching practice,

during the collaborative activities, students were enthused, well behaved and motivated to work

with each other. And my monitor school teacher’s feedback was, students, learn differently

when they are together.

I believe including child-centered activities in the schools. The teacher may plan to have

differentiation activities for each lesson. The students then get the chance to choose the activity

that fits with their learning ability. It's highly significant to give children ownership over their

own learning. In consequences, it builds the sense of responsibility for meeting needs and

achievements of students. Moreover, it will allow the students to take an active role in their

education. Also, it activates the sense of control and self-reflection of their own work. After

discussion with my monitor school teacher through my teaching practice in private school, I

summarized that children are more motivated when they are able to choose the activities by

themselves. They will achieve more and learn better.

Najat Abdulkariem

I would like also, to apply independent activities in the classroom. Through independent

activities, the teacher is more accurate in providing the suitable strategies for each student.

Adding to that, the teacher facilitates the students to learn how to learn. Students are in charge

and responsible for their achievements. It allowed the students to imagine, find out information

in different ways and extend their knowledge. According to Piaget, students will understand

better if they work by themselves instead of giving them instructions by a teacher or adult. It’s

useful to give the students the object and get them to learn independently because this way gets

the students able to achieve more.

I believe my teaching philosophy and teaching strategies may change during my teaching

practice. Furthermore, a clear vision of teaching philosophy illustrates what goals should the

teacher focus on, and to appreciate the professional achievement.

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