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Describing jobs and routines

Tabla de contenido

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1

Concept map.......................................................................................................... 1

1. What is human resources management? ....................................................... 2

2. Occupations verbs and daily routines ............................................................ 5

References ........................................................................................................... 11

Fuente: Pixabay (2016)

English plays an important role in the human resources field, due to the fact that
the policies of this department have to be shared in this language to potential
English clients and employees. Moreover, the vocabulary related to this topic
allows a better communication in the inherent processes, in order to improve
national and international employees' quality of life. Based on that, processes are
worked on referring to generalities about human resources management and
English vocabulary related to verbs about the employees' routines and the different
occupations that a company has.

Concept map

In the conceptual map that is shared below, you can see the thematic content
interrelationship that arises in this learning material:

1. What is human resources management?

When the words „Human Resources‟ are mentioned, some concepts are related to

 Communication management.

 Performance areas.

 Organizational climate.

 Teamwork.

 Management indicators.

 Diagnostics-improvements plans.

 Assessment of traits and behaviors.

 Monitoring and following the activities.

Human Resources Management has different objectives, according to every

company‟s features:

 To perform and keep quality of life at work.

 To supply the company with skilled, well-trained and motivated workers.

 To handle changes in the company.

 To promote employee satisfaction.

 To work for gaining excellent results by fulfilling the company‟s goals and

 To provide organizational competitiveness.

 To promote foster socially responsibility and ethical policies.

Many managers have to deal with many problems related to his/her workers,
especially to get a better labor environment. For this reason, there are some
aspects about it, to do a better job in Human Resources Management.

The skills required to get a better staff

Some good features to be taken into account are confidence, independence, and
creativity, among others. The eligible person can solve any situation in the best
way and it‟s committed to the company.

The most important characteristics are:

 Professional awareness.

 Digital literacy.

 Influence.

 Initiative.

 Leadership.

 Teamwork.

 Tenacity.

 Oral communication.

 Presentation.

 Willingness to learn.

 Written communication.

Ways to work

Through the time, many companies have discovered that improving worker
conditions in many areas help to get more achievement for them. According to
every worker needs and abilities there are new structures:

 Co-working: It‟s conformed by professionals from different areas who are
working in the same project. Also, they work in a common place and they are in
a permanent collaboration to get their goals.

 Free-worker: This concept is related to individual work which is connected to

networks connected to the same project.

The next is an example of Human Resources management process:

• Recruitment.
Admission • Selection.
• Induction.

• Job analysis.
HR Planning • Job description.
• Performance reviews.

• Remuneration.
Compensation • Benefits.

• Skills training.
Training and • Promoting diversity.
Development • Communication.

• Conducting health and wellness.

Maintaining Personnel • Physical environment.

• Evaluate training.
Monitoring performance • Skills achieved.

2. Occupations verbs and daily routines

Here, there is a list of verbs, from the University of Washington, describing what a
person does at work:

Management Communication Creative Clerical/Detail Helping

Achieved Addressed Acted Activated Ised
Administered Arbitrated Applied Altered Aided
Analyzed Arranged Composed Assembled Assessed
Assigned Authored Conceived Approved Assisted
Attained Communicated Conceptualized Arranged Brought
Chaired Corresponded Created Catalogued Clarified
Conceived Counseled Designed Classified Coached
Contracted Developed Developed Collected Coordinated
Consolidated Defined Directed Compiled Counseled
Coordinated Directed Established Described Dealt
Decided Drafted Evaluated Dispatched Demonstrated
Delegated Edited Fashioned Edited Diagnosed
Developed Enlisted Formed Estimated Educated
Directed Formulated Formulated Executed Encouraged
Encouraged Influenced Founded Gathered Enlisted
Evaluated Interpreted Illustrated Generated Expedited
Executed Lectured Instituted Implemented Facilitated
Handled Mediated Integrated Inspected Familiarized
Implemented Moderated Introduced Listed Guided
Improved Motivated Invented Maintained Helped
Incorporated Negotiated Loaded Monitored Inspired
Increased Persuaded Molded Observed Maintained
Inspired Promoted Originated Operated Modified
Launched Publicized Perceived Organized Performed
Led Reconciled Performed Overhauled Referred
Managed Reunited Planned Prepared Rehabilitated
Motivated Renegotiated Presented Processed Represented
Organized Reported Produced Proofread Supported
Outlined Researched Refined Published Upheld
Oversaw Summarized Rewrote Purchased
Planned Spoke Updated Recorded
Prioritized Translated Reduced

Produced Wrote Retrieved
Recommended Screened
Reevaluated Specified
Rejected Streamlined
Reported Systematized

Financial Research Technical Teaching

Adjusted Clarified Analyzed Adapted
Administered Collected Assembled Advised
Allocated Conceived Built Clarified
Analyzed Critiqued Calculated Coached
Appraised Detected Computed Communicated
Audited Diagnosed Designed Coordinated
Balanced Disproved Devised Defined
Budgeted Evaluated Engineered Developed
Calculated Examined Fabricated Enabled
Compared Extracted Inspected Encouraged
Computed Identified Maintained Evaluated
Developed Inspected Operated Explained
Estimated Interpreted Overhauled Facilitated
Forecast Interviewed Programmed Guided
Forecasted Investigated Remodeled Informed
Managed Organized Repaired Initiated
Marketed Researched Solved Instructed
Planned Reported Trained Lectured
Projected Reviewed Upgraded Persuaded
Reevaluated Searched Presented
Reconciled Studied Set goals
Researched Summarized Stimulated
Sold Surveyed Taught
Systematized Trained
Wrote Updated

Additional action verbs
Anticipated Dramatized Implemented Modeled Reasoned Sorted
Arbitrated Drew Improved Monitored Received Summarized
Ascertained Drove Improvised Motivated Recommended Supervised
Charted Eliminated Increased Navigated Reconciled Supplied
Checked Empathized Influenced Negotiated Recorded Symbolized
Classified Enforced Informed Observed Recruited Synergized
Collected Established Initiated Obtained Reduced Synthesized
Completed Estimated Innovated Offered Referred Systematized
Conducted Evaluated Inspected Operated Rehabilitated Talked
Conserved Examined Installed Ordered Related Taught
Consolidated Expanded Instituted Organized Rendered Tended
Constructed Experimented Instructed Originated Repaired Tested
Controlled Explained Integrated Painted Reported Trained
Coordinated Expressed Interpreted Perceived Represented Transcribed
Counseled Extracted Interviewed Performed Researched Translated
Created Filed Invented Persuaded Resolved Traveled
Decided Financed Inventoried Photographed Responded Treated
Defined Fixed Investigated Piloted Restored Troubleshot
Delivered Followed Judged Planned Retrieved Tutored
Detailed Formulated Kept Played Reviewed Typed
Detected Founded Led Predicted Risked Unified
Determined Gathered Learned Prepared Scheduled United
Devised Gave Lectured Prescribed Selected Upgraded
Diagnosed Generated Lifted Presented Sensed Used
Directed Guided Listened Printed Separated Utilized
Discovered Handled Logged Processed Served Verbalized
Dispensed Headed Maintained Produced Sewed Warned
Displayed Helped Made Programmed Shaped Washed
Disproved Hypothesized Managed Questioned Shared Weighed
Dissected Identified Manipulated Raised Showed Wired
Distributed Illustrated Mediated Read Sketched Worked
Diverted Imagined Memorized Realized Solved

For example:

 A secretary writes letters, makes phone calls and organize meetings.

 A company driver drives the trucks, transports the products and delivers them to

The verb “do” can be used to describe a job:

I do the housework – I do the gardening – I do the admin – I do the paperwork

The verb “make” can also be used to describe a job:

I make appointments – I make phone calls – I make coffee – I make decisions

Work routines

In every company there are good and bad employees. Each one of them has
habits and routines that make them be the good and the bad in the enterprise.

Bad routines:

 Gossiping: chismosear.

 Baggage: cargas como la familia, deudas, otros problemas.

 Playing hooky: excusarse del trabajo sin justificación.

 Kissing up: adular, excederse en halagos para ganar favores del jefe o

 Wake up late: despertarse tarde.

 Have no breakfast: no desayunar.

 Arrive late to work: llegar tarde al trabajo.

 Get dressed badly: vestir mal.

 To be unrespectful: ser irrespetuoso.

 To be sedentary: ser sedentario, que no hace ejercicio físico.

 Go to bed late: acostarse tarde.

Good routines:

 Wake up early: despertarse temprano.

 Have breakfast: desayunar.

 Arrive to work on time: llegar a tiempo al trabajo.

 To be consistent: consistencia en el trabajo.

 To have self-management: atogestión. No esperar que le den instrucciones

para realizar su trabajo.

 To be positive: ser positivo.

 Get dressed professionally: vestir profesionalmente, de manera adecuada al

ambiente de trabajo.

 To be respectful: ser respetuoso.

 Do exercise: hacer ejercicio.

 Go to bed early: acostarse temprano.

Occupations in a company:

There are some occupations that conforms the working structure in a company:

 Statistician: estadista.

 Operations research analyst: analista de investigación de operaciones.

 Accounttant: contador.

 Financial advisor: asesor financiero.

 Management analyst: analista de gestión.

 Business operations manager: Gerente de operaciones comerciales.

 Financial manager: Gerente financiero.

 CFO (Chief financial officer): Jefe de finanzas.

 Purchasing manager: Gerente de compras.

 CEO (Chief executive officer): Director Ejecutivo.

 Director General: Director General.

 Assistant: asistente.

 Wharehouse manager: Gerente de bodega.

 Sales manager: Gerente de ventas.

 Secretary: secretary.

 Economist: economista.

 Service engineer: Ingeniero de servicio.

 Purchasing assistant: asistente de compras.

 Sales representative: representante de ventas.


 Andreu, A. (2011). People or projects? People always first. Consultado el 10 de

octubre de 2016, en

 Condrey, S. (2005). Handbook of Human Resource Management in

Government. Part one. (2a ed.). San Fráncico, Estados Unidos: Jossey- Basss a
Wiley Imprnt.

 Cooper Bell Beth. (2013). The daily routines of 7 famous entrepeneurs and how
to design your own master routine. Consultado el 10 de octubre de 2016, en

 Pixabay. (2016). Multitarea. Consultado el 09 de octubre de 2016, en

 University of Alabama. (s.f.). Action verbs used to describe job duties.

Consultado el 10 de octubre de 2016, en

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Centro de Servicios
Autor Ismari Herrera Experta Empresariales y Julio de
Jerez técnica Turísticos. 2016
Regional Santander.
Guionista -
Luz Clarena Centro Agroindustrial. Octubre
Adaptación línea de
Arias González Regional Quindío de 2016


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