ME 010 703 - Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion - Page 1

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F 4095 (Pages : 3) ‘Time ane oe 10. B.TECH. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2016 Seventh Semester Branch : Mechanical Engineering ME 10 703—GAS DYNAMICS AND JET PROPULSION (ME) (New Scheme—2010 Admission onwards) (Regular/Supplementary} : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Part A Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Briefly explain continuum concept. What you understand by stagnation properties and its importance ? What is meant by chocking ? Define “shock”. List components of a gas turbine engine. (x 3 = 15 marks) Part B Answer all questions. Each question carries § marks. Derive an equation for velocity of sound. Show that : a aaa A® M[r+ Define Fanno curves or Fano lines. Briefly explain normal shock on Fanno and Rayleigh curve. Explain the working of a Ramjet engine. a é (6 x 5 = 25 marks) ‘Turn over

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